
Once Upon A Memory

After going to this and that shop, finally, Youngmin was done picking his birthday present for you; the dress and the shoes.


This is the dress and shoes he bought for you.


"Youngmin, I wanna go home," you whined. "Can we stop by the salon first? I have to talk to someone there." He saidYou really wanted to go home. It was a weekend and you're out shopping with Youngmin while normally, you'd just stay at home. "Aish, why are you such a busy person?" "This is the last, I promise. Then we'll go home." HOME, your favorite place. You agreed. You guys went out of the mall and then headed to the salon. 

He talked to the manager of the salon, which seems to be his friend. "~~~ -ah, this is Mrs. Jang. Jang-noona, this is ~~~, my friend. It's her birthday today!" He introduced you to his friend.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

He whispered something to her. She then turned her head to face you, head to toe. "I see," she said. "Come here, ~~~ -shi," she told you to sit down on the salon seat. Huh? You were confused. Youngmin said he would only talk here. But why? "Come on, I'll make you look pretty," said Mrs. Jang. You were frozen. Salons were not your type. So is, make up and other cosmetics. "I don't know about this," you turned your head to Youngmin and gave him a what-is-happening-here glare. "It's your birthday today! You have to look pretty!" he said cheerfully. You wanted to go home but it's a shame if you won't take the offer given by Mrs. Jang.  So you forcefully agreed. The salon workers worked on your face first. They started putting foundation, eye shadow, lipstick and all. You didn't want your face to be a coloring book so you told them to put light amounts only. "That's only light but you already look so pretty," said the lady worker. You smiled. After your face, they moved on to your hair. They just curled the bottom parts. While curling your hair, a lady talked to you. "Were you the girl I always use to fix?" What? You didn't understand what the lady said. "No, unnie. It's my first time going here."

"But you look exactly like her."

"I-I don't know."


That's how your hair turned out. (But you're not blonde okay?)


"You look so beautiful." said Mrs. Jang and the workers. They were amazed. They didn't even put that much effort but you look so gorgeous already. Mrs. Jang went to Youngmin, who was talking to someone on the phone. "She's done." Youngmin turned around and his jaw dropped again. He stared at you for 30 seconds before returning to his self.

"WAHHHH! You are so pretty!" He jumped for joy, again. "Seriously, Youngmin. Stop doing that, you look gay." You laughed. "It will even look better  if you wear this!" He handed you a bag with the dress and shoes in it. "WHAT?" "We have a room here for you to change," said the workers. You don't get what's happening. Youngmin pushed you to the room and said, "Dress up, hurry!" "I hate you." you glared at him. You didn't want to change clothes. The dress and shoes were not your type. Although, they look really pretty on you. 'Why do I have to do this stuff?', you thought to yourself. You really just wanted to stay home and watch tv and eat. You thought about what you and Youngmin did today. You considered shopping with him, a little fun. Rather than be annoyed you should be thankful to Youngmin. He bought you clothes and shoes. Well, since you were in the room, you had no choice but to wear it.

You faced the mirror that was in the room. "I have to admit this looks pretty nice. Youngmin is such a fashion magazine.", you smiled at the thought.

After that, you headed outside. All workers were amazed by your beauty. Even customers looked at you. "Is she a korean star?" You heard a customer ask. You giggled. "You are really, as in really. Pretty.", Youngmin walked towards you and offered his hand. "Good thing you're calm now." you took his hand. "We'll be going now, Mrs. Jang!" "Thank you so much," you waved goodbye to Mrs. Jang and the workers.

'At last!' you raised your hands in the air as soon as you got out of the salon. "We're going hooome!" You ran around the streets. "Yah, stop that. You're wearing formal clothes and then you act like that." Youngmin said. "You're such a killjoy! Hahaha! You owe me ice cream!" you shouted because you were a bit far away from him thanks to your running. You were really relieved. Shopping was done. You were already heading home with Youngmin. But for some reason, you didn't understand why Youngmin wants you to be dressed and make-up'ed. You guys stopped at an ice cream shop nearby and finally, you got Youngmin's promised ice cream for you. You guys took the bus on the way home.

It was nearly dark when you came home. Before entering the house, you asked Youngmin. "Yah, I'm really really curious. Why do I have to be like this today?" you were referring to your appearance.

"Because it's your birthday today. I want my bestfriend to be pretty on her birthday, of course.

Youngmin simply answered.



● Readers! Haaaai! Long time no see. :( author-nim is really sorry for not updating for so so so sooo long! :( December is such a busy month for meee. I'm really sorrry. T~T did you all forget about me and my story? Jeongmal mianhaeyo. ///3 I missed you guys. Like, so much. ♥ Belated merry christmas to y'all! Advance happy new year too! Forgive me!! Jebaaal. T~T keep supporting this story! Read, comment, subscribe. ♥ Love you guys.




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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D