
Once Upon A Memory


Kwangmin's POV:
Words cannot express how happy I was when I spent the day with ~~~. I know it's not the first time we went out with just the two of us but I longed for this day, where we could be like we what we were before. I didn't mind these kind of going-outs with her before. I was too busy with my job that I saw these going-outs like something so little. But now, I've changed. I'll never forget how special it is to go out with the most special girl to me in the whole world. Sometimes something so simple can mean a lot a person.
I was happy I got to hold her hand when I pulled her across the street. I didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to have fun with her. It was just running across the road and the stoplight was on red, so no cars were running around. Her safety was my concern too, of course. Even though I pulled her across I made sure I got her back. Her expression was so priceless that I laughed my heart out. I totally forgot that I was holding her hand until she held it up. We both pulled away and I rushed to the door, so she won't see me blushing. I opened the door for her. I should, right? I'm a guy and it's my duty to open doors for ladies, but I only open the door for my girl and no one else.
And when we had our ice cream date? Maybe not a date but I want to look at it that way. I rushed to the counter and ordered two cookies and cream immediately. How could she be looking around the flavors when in the end she'd still pick her favorite cookies and cream? She didn't really change! She was also like this before. I wanted to pay for her but I know she wouldn't let me. It was one thing she really loved about me when we were dating. I was actually surprised that she remembered a part of her memory, about how I liked cookies and cream because of her. Yes, she did shove it into my mouth. I accidentally it and then I knew why she loved this flavor so much. It was really tasty. 
Our walk around the streets were very memorable too. Instead of just riding my motor, we parked it and just strolled around. Today was really special. No Youngmin or any other guys. Just me and her, together.
Your POV:
"This is not the first time you said that, you crazy girl."
"Does everyone have to remind me that this stuff and that stuff isn't the first time I did it?"
"It's not like that. It's just like everything is happening all over again. It just seems… you know… magical, for me."
"You always say the gayest words, Youngmin." I laughed at him.
What did I tell him to make him say that it was not the first time I said it?
"Youngmin… I think I'm starting to like Kwangmin."
Shh! Keep it a secret, okay? I AM starting to fall in love with Kwangmin. 
It was just another day at school. Our exams were coming up so we already had review classes for each of our subjects today. Days went by so fast and it's our exams already. I hope they wouldn't be so hard.
"~~~ -ah, can I eat with you today?"
I heard someone say as I was arranging my things.
"Oh… Kwangmin…" he smiled.
I earned a smirk and a wink from Youngmin as he mouthed, "Go go go."
"Sure!" I cheerfully smiled at him.
Youngmin went ahead, leaving us behind. It seems that he has an important thingy to do. "Let's go?" Kwangmin smiled. Oh my gosh, that smile again. I can't even… I stood up, fixed my bag, then walked to the cafeteria with Kwangmin. I was so happy. We walked to the cafeteria as if it was a normal thing but to me it wasn't. It was heaven. Hahaha! Just kidding. I have to act as normal as I can or else Kwangmin might know that I… you know. We waited in line for our food. Somehow this reminded me of that time when I crashed onto Kwangmin by accident. He was so dead mad that time and I was so dead meat.
"I remember when you spilled your food all over my uniform here."
Whaaaat? Did he just… read my mind?
"You were thinking the same too?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I… I was thinking about that too."
"When you crashed me?"
"Hey, it was an accident!" He laughed.
"About that time… I didn't really shout at you. Those words were for Youngmin but you were too beautiful so I kept my eyes on you. Hahaha!" He poked me.
What on earth is this guy saying? Are you trying to make faint, Jo Kwangmin?
So what now? Are we in the thinking-alike-or-having-the-same-thing-in-mind stage now? That was so unexpected. We were thinking about the same happenings. Is this a sign? A sign that we're… meant to be? Omo, what am I thinking?! I must be so out of my mind right now. Ugh, like what the others said. I AM crazy over Kwangmin. Kwangmin-shi, how could you do this to me? ;~;
I slipped out of my thoughts then. We ordered our food afterwards and looked for a place to sit. We talked about stuffs that were so random. Anything that comes up in our minds, we talk about it. Even our memories before too. How unexpected. This annoying cold guy who doesn't even care if I was talking to him before, was here, having lunch with me and I never knew he was so talkative.
"Exams are coming up. Are you reviewing already?" He asked me.
"Not yet, I'm too lazy. I'd review before the day of the test. And the lessons might blow my mind up before having exams!" I exclaimed. I'm not that smart though. On the contrary, I think I'm somewhere in average mind or maybe above that. I am smart but not that smart-smart, like geniuses.
"Want me to teach you?"
"Wh-what?" I stuttered.
"I said do you want me to teach you?"
"W-why? What for? Ah… I can do it by my–"
"Really? Before, you always forced me to teach you."
I laughed. His face was too cute! "Really? I did?"
"Yup! There was one time I taught you everything you needed to know in Math and you even ranked higher than me! Thanks to my teaching~" He poked my cheeks.
"Why you? Are you smart?" I raised my eyebrow on him.
"I have the highest rank in our class. I am number one, Ms. ~~~." He sticked his tongue out.
"So smart but always late~" I made a face.
"But still smart!" He said. "And good looking!" He winked. So cute.
"Well… there are some lessons I find difficult."
"So… I'll teach you?!" His face brightened up.
"Is it okay?"
"Of course, it's okay!"
"When will you teach me then?"
"Up to you~" he sang.
"Hmm… later?"
"Wahh! That excited already?" He laughed.
"It's not that! Of course exams are just this week so I need early help now. Is later not a good time?"
"No, it's okay! Later then."
"Yeah, your house okay?"
"Okay." He smiled.
We continued eating until our trays were empty. No words can express how happy I am because… I'm finally going to understand some of the lessons I'm not familiar with. And yes, of course, because I'm going to study with Teacher Kwangmin~ yayy! We both headed to our classroom afterwards.
"Youngmin-ah, Kwangmin's going to teach me later!" I whispered to him while jumping and clapping my hands silently. I sort of fangirled over it.
"Ayieee!~ Kwangminnn~" he teased.
"Ehhh, stop ittt."
"The last time I teased you about Kwangmin you were denying it and now you're the one taking the initiative." He poked me.
"I don't know… it just happened…" I blushed.
"How about you? Don't you like anyone?"
"No… I'm gay right?" He said seriously.
"What? For real?!" I asked, shocked.
"No, you pabo. Of course I'm not. I'm too pretty to be gay." He bashed his eyelashes.
"Oh my…" I covered my mouth.
"I'm just joking!" He laughed so hard. Could it be?
"Well, it's possible…" I .
Our next periods had such difficult lessons. It was too much to take in. You know the feeling when you really don't get the lesson and your head just aches so suddenly? My brain might be numb by now. I sighed.
"~~~ -ah."
I scratched my eyes, seeing no one in class anymore except this guy standing in front of me.
"Oh, Kwangmin." I yawned.
"Tired?" He asked me. Aww, he's concerned about me. *blushes*
"We could do the teaching some other time if you want." He said while fixing my stuff.
"It's okay I could do that. No, it's alright, let's do the teaching today." I said.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I think I had an headache." I held my head.
"Come on, let's get you ice cream!" He held up his hand, helping me stand up.
I smiled. I held his hand and he pulled me gently as we walked.
Finally, classes are over. How could Youngmin be so mean? Leaving me behind. Good thing Kwangmin was here beside me. We walked out of school together and surprisingly, still holding hands. 
I felt like I didn't need to let go so I didn't. Everything was so quiet around me. All I could hear were our footsteps and my heart beating loudly.
We found an ice cream stand on the way and we bought our ice creams. How sweet of Kwangmin to think about getting ice cream when I felt so tired. It made my day. We ate our ice creams along the way. We had to cross the road on the way ahead. He took my hand again and we both went across. Hmm~ this guy is finding ways. I smiled. We were holding hands again. Not to be assuming but I felt like my hand felt safe in his hands. Like my hands fit in his so… perfectly (?). I felt the comfort and all. So this is love? Crazy little thing called love.
We reached their house then. Auntie greeted me with a hug. Although I didn't see Youngmin anywhere. Maybe he went somewhere else when he left me.
"What brings you here?" Auntie asked.
"She'll study… with me!" 
He cheered so loudly that made me and Auntie laugh so hard. He went up to his room saying he'd be changing to comfy clothes first. I stayed downstairs, talking to Auntie. 
"What's up with you two? Any progress?" She said suddenly which made me blush for no particular reason.
"It's not like that Auntie." I lowered my head.
"Aishh! You're so cute! You're still denying it! Tell me the truth! ~~~ -ah! Please?"
"Well… we're friends. For now, I guess." She smirked immediately.
"FOR NOW." She emphasized those two words. "What about LATER?"
"Auntieeee!~" I swear, she's like my family. Teasing me to death.
"Come on ~~~ -ah! You can tell me the truth! It'll be our secret!"
"There's nothing… Auntie." I grinned at her.
"Pretty pretty pleaaaase? With a cherry on top?" She put her hands together.
"Okay…" I inhaled and exhaled before talking.
"I'm starting to like Kwangmin…" I looked down, feeling shy.
"AIGOOOO!~" she exclaimed so loud. 
"I don't know what happened. One day, he just looked so handsome and attractive and everything he did took my breath away or made me melt inside and then his smile his precious smile I couldn't take it anymore he just became so kind to me and he's such a gentleman and everything a girl could hope for I never knew he'd be that appealing to me he was just so cold to me before and then BAM it all went away and—!"
"~~~ -ah! Relax!" She laughed. Did I just say those words continuously? For a moment there, I didn't even breathe anymore and just said it all straight.
"Kwangmin likes you too. You know that, right?" She said.
"Mommmm." We heard Kwangmin behind. "Is there food?"
Was he standing there too long? Did he hear everything?! Me and Auntie looked at each other, shocked.
"Aha… were you there for too long?" Auntie asked as normal as she can.
"Nope, I just went down." He smiled.
Me and Auntie sighed in unison. I hope Kwangmin didn't hear anything.
We ordered delivery when Kwangmin was hungry and me and Auntie ate as well. I couldn't help but feel nervous. What if Kwangmin did hear it? I don't know what I'd do!
"~~~ if you want anything just tell Kwangmin. If you need me I'll just be in my room okay?" Auntie said and left us. I was in Kwangmin's room now. I placed the books which contained the lessons I needed to understand on his study table. We went by each subject one by one. I was amazed by Kwangmin's skills. He is super unbelievable. He was like some sort of genius or something. He taught me everything I needed to know and even gave me examples or problems or questions to solve or answer on my own. Due to his teaching, of course I answered right! Well… some.
"High five! You're such a fast learner!" He said. We high fived.
"I bet my scores will be higher than yours! Again! Mwahaha!" I punched my fist in the air.
"Oh really?" He smirked. "Let's make a deal then!"
"Hmm? What deal?"
"If my scores are higher, you'd follow what I say!"
"What would you say?" I asked.
"That would wait until the end of our exams!~" He sang.
"How about yours? What's your deal?" He asked me.
I thought hard of something I could challenge him with.
"If my scores are higher then you'd give me ice cream!" I said.
"That's simple. Try a harder one."
"Hmm… give me any food I want?"
"Still food?" He laughed. "Yah ~~~ -ah, you should be careful on what you eat. What if your tummy feels bad?" He poked my stomach.
"Okay okay." I smiled.
*Ring~ Ring~* I heard something crinkle on Kwangmin's table.
Kwangmin turned it off and I saw what rang. It was his precious Pikachu clock!
"So cute!" I said as I touched it gently.
"You gave that to me." Kwangmin smiled.
"Really?" I was shocked. I remember him saying that his girlfriend gave that.
"Was that me? That girlfriend who gave you that clock that you were talking about?"
"I had no other girlfriend. Of course, it's only you." He stared at his pikachu clock.
I was his only girlfriend? Omo. I never knew.
"It was too late when I got this pikachu clock." He said as he took it.
"What do you mean 'too late'?"
"This was your gift for me on our second year." He said.
Then it came to me. I thought of what I could let him do for me for our deal.
"I know now!" I exclaimed. "If I win, you'll make me remember!"
"Remember?" He asked with a look.
"Make me remember what I forgot. Like you know, take me where we used to go before, or let's do something we already did before." I explained.
"Okay, sure. Although we're already doing that right now."
"Even though. Help me okay?" I smiled at him and he nodded.
My phone rang in an instant, signaling that I received a text message.
~~~ -ah, where are you? Are you with Youngmin? It was from my parents.
I'm here at their house, studying with Kwangmin. I texted back.
Oh I see~ sorry for disturbing you guys! Enjoy then~ Love you!
So mean, teasing me again. :( love you more! I'll be home soon!
So dead with the teasings again. My parents and Auntie really think the same. If they had a chance to tease us all day, I'm sure they wouldn't stop. Although it feels great that they support me and my relationship with Kwangmin. Well… not that 'relationship' because you know… ehehe… we're not a couple… yet. (Hahaha!) What I'm saying is like, even before… I'm happy that they supported me and Kwangmin and that they were not against it. 
I continued studying with Kwangmin afterwards and little by little, I can feel smartness running through my veins~ I should study hard as well! We made a deal, so yeah. May the one with the highest score win! Fighting!
● Sorry for updating late! Mianhaeee! :( My school's starting tomorrow and there's a possibility that I may not update daily anymore. But if I can, I'd try to update on weekends so please wait for it patiently~ thank you so much for the comments, for subscribing, for voting up, for reading, and for loving this story! Take care always~ ♥
"~~~ -ah, don't you remember me?"
"~~~ -ah, bogoshipda."
So there, I found a gif that looks like Kwangmin is saying 'bogoshipda' to you~ Kekeke~
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D