
Once Upon A Memory


Time flies when you're busy doing something as they say. After weeks passed.. it's marked on the calendar. December 1, it was already your birthday. Luckily, today is a weekend and you won't have anything to do other than relax at home. You rised up from your bed then went down to eat. Your family greeted you first thing in the morning.
"Happy birthday, ~~~ -ah!"
"Wah, thank you guys!"
Your mom cooked spaghetti for your morning breakfast celebration. 
"Aigoo, my daughter is getting old already." your father said.
"Yes, dad. ~~~ will be matured now, right?" Minwoo continued, teasing you. 
"Yah, I'm not that old yet!" you said and then everyone laughed. Your family was complete this day and it made you really happy.
"How would you want to celebrate your birthday?" your mom asked.
"I just want food and cake. Then let's go out." 
"That's all?"
"Yup, anywhere with you guys, I'm fine with it. And Youngmin!"
"I see."
"And ~~~ -ah, we'll be going out." said your father. 
"Okay, I'll take a bath after I eat."
"No, us only."
You were confused, "What? Why?"
"Your dad has appointment in the office and I'm coming with him. Your oppa will go to a meeting in his work." your mom.
"Oh.. I thought we'll be complete today on my birthday. Can't I just come? I don't want to be alone!" you whined. 
"Don't worry, we'll be back. And I told Youngmin to come here. Alright?"
You thought of accepting your parents' offer. "Alright then. But, wait for Youngmin to come here first before you leave."
"Okay, sure."
Your parents and brother got ready while waiting for Youngmin. You were a bit sad because they had meetings and appointments on your special day. "I thought I would spend the whole day with them." you said to yourself.
You sat on the couch in the living room and watched TV. Just then...
"~~~ -ahhhhhhhh!"
Someone was screaming outside of your house and you definitely knew who it was. You looked through the window and you saw Youngmin running so fast to your doorstep. He was like racing in the Idol Sports Championship.
You laughed at him and opened the door.
"What are you doing? Hahaha!" you kept on laughing.
"Ha... ppy.. bir.. th.. Day..." he said in between his panting. 
"Thank you, rest a bit will you!" he went and sat on the couch, still panting, "Mom, Dad! Youngmin's here!"
Your parents and Minwoo went down, ready for their necessary things to do.
"We'll be leaving now! Bye ~~~ -ah! We'll be back soon. Happy birthday, sweetie! Youngmin, take care of her!" they headed to the door.
"Yes, auntie!"
They left and you and Youngmin were left in the house.
"AHH! It's your birthday already! I'm so happy for my bestfriend!" Youngmin was jumping with joy.
"Yah! Stop it, you look gay. You're so funny." you .
You and Youngmin kept talking and talking about lots of topics. Just like typical "best friends forever" conversations.
"Youngmin-ah, how does Kwangmin's girlfriend look like?" you suddenly asked. 
"What's this? Such a strange question."
"Just answer it."
"Well..." he was thinking.
"She's cute, pretty. Innocent looking. She's nice too, but sometimes naughty." He said. 
"Oh, I see. Maybe she has something in her that caught Kwangmin's heart. Kekeke~"
Youngmin giggled softly and kept quiet.
"What? Who's pabo?!"
"No one." he pinched your nose. 
You guys watched TV, still talking to each other. Until he got bored.
"~~~ -ah! Let's go out! Let's go shopping! It's your birthday today." he said out of the blue. 
"Ehhh? I'm too lazy."
"C'mon, let's go!"
"I'm tired~ Let's just stay here Youngminnie."
"Please? For me? I'll buy you food!"
"What food?"
"Anything. You. Want."
You didn't hesitate anymore since "food" was involved. "Okay, I'll change."
You went to your room and got ready and just put on casual clothes. Meanwhile..
Youngmin's POV:
"Ne, it's going already on plan. We'll be ready. Just take care of things there."
I hang up the phone. "*sigh* My bestfriend grows so fast." I thought and smiled to myself.
• SERIOUSLYYY! I love you so much readers! ♥ Update~ did you watch the MAMA Awards? Did your favorite idols win? I'm kinda sad because my other favorite group, B.A.P, won PD's choice award and not Rookie. But therefore, I'm still happy for them. ♥ I remember BOYFRIEND being Rookie of the Year. ♥ kkk~ enjoy the chappie! ^^
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D