Alone with Him

Once Upon A Memory


Your POV: 
Why is he like that? Why is he always mad? Why is he so cold to me? I just want us to be friends. Why can't he be more like Youngmin? Aish, this . Why am I even thinking about him?
My parents and Minwoo-oppa headed off to bed after watching the tapes. Auntie headed home too. Meanwhile, Youngmin took me out to the mall. We went to the arcades and played. Kwangmin was there too. 'Man, I wish he wasn't that cold to me.' I thought to myself. We went here and there. We ate at McDonalds after playing then went back again. Just like a friend's day out. And then, Youngmin being Youngmin, went shopping again. While he was inside the store, me and Kwangmin just stayed outside, not interested.
"Hey, why are you so cold to me?" I asked Kwangmin.
"I'm not, babo." He sniffed.
"Pft, now I'm the babo."
"You always were." Kwangmin said with a blank face.
I looked at his face and he looked down. "Yah Mr. Grumpy! I was just joking." I pinched his nose which made it red and made his nose scrunch. 'Haha, cute!' I thought to myself. "Don't touch my nose!" he exclaimed. We laughed. After an estimate of 15 minutes of talking, Youngmin then came out of the store. Being shoppaholic, he was holding three bags when he went out. "What the? So many!" "This is for us!" He took out three caps and three shades. He gave me and Kwangmin one of each item. He also wore his cap and shades. He took out his phone and was about to snap a picture of us three. "Say happy birthday ~~~!" "Happy birthday, ~~~!" All said in chorus and then snap! I took a look at the shot he took and to be honest, we looked so cool. Youngmin took something out of another bag and I was surprised with what I saw. "Another happy birthday gift!" he smiled. "Aww, you didn't forget what you promised me." He gave me a pair of new Vans. A blue one, my favorite color. After those, we went to the nearest park. We hanged out there for a moment. Stargazing, staring at the sky, playing random games in each other's phones, truth or daring, and many more. 
"Hey guys, there's something I need to do for a while. I'll leave you for a moment." Youngmin left the two of us (again) and headed off to where he needed to go. I was alone with Kwangmin (again). Awkward silence was in between but we were looking up the sky and stargazing.
"Kwangmin look! There's a heart shaped pattern there!" I pointed to where the pattern was.
"You always loved it when you can see many stars in the sky." he said.
"How did you know?" I looked at him, confused.
"I just know," he smiled, still looking up.
"There, a diamond!" I pointed.
"Shine bright like a diamond~" he sang. Omg, I can't help but laugh. "HAHAHA!"
"Yah, why are you laughing?"
"Because you sung that song, hahaha."
"What's wrong with that song, huh?"
"Nothing!" I kept on giggling. "Yah, stop it!" He was trying to stop me from laughing but in the end, he laughed too. We laughed and laughed till our hearts content. After laughing, we looked up at the sky again.
"I wonder where Youngmin went."
"Hm, shopping maybe."
"How come you don't like shopping, Kwangmin?"
"That's a girl thing. Youngmin's gay, obviously."
"Just because he shops a lot doesn't mean he's gay already. Some guys just like fashion, I think?"
"I go shopping too, but I only go there when my girlfr..." He stopped his sentence.
"Omo, you go shopping with your girlfriend?! That's so cute!" Guys rarely accompany their girlfriends especially when it's about girl's thing. I guess Kwangmin is unique after all.
"No, it's not."
"Denial!" You sticked your tongue out to him.
"It's not like that!"
"What's her name, Kwangmin?"
"Awh, I won't tell anybody! Please?"
He kept silent and stared up. "~~~ -ah, what would you feel if you hurt somebody? Physically, mentally, and emotionally?" I was shocked by his sudden question. I suddenly thought of an answer. "Well, I'd be hurt and for sure I'll regret hurting him or her." I replied. I think I've never experienced that before so I wasn't sure if I answered him correctly. "Are you having problems with your girlfriend?" "Not really. I just felt like asking you that." "If ever you have problems with your girlfriend, solve it. Together. Don't let anyone interfere and don't let her go through it on her own." I assured him. "I'm sure if you try and make efforts, she'll stay." "What if she doesn't? What if she goes away?" His questions... He was getting teary eyed. I felt my heart breaking, literally and I don't know why.. I was panicking.
"Yah, don't cry." I didn't know what to do. "Tell her to stay. And show her what you can do to make her stay. Sometimes it's all about the effort, Kwangmin." His tears rolled down his face. "Hey, stop crying! Cheer up, Mr. Grumpy!" I gave him my handkerchief which was in my pocket. "What if someone forgets about you?" Here's another question. His questions are making me feel sad too.. "I-I'd be hurt, of course." I answered. "I hate being forgotten. You know those times when you feel like you don't even exist? When you feel like you're always left out? That hurts the most." I continued. I've never felt that before because my family and friends never left me alone. When my parents were not available, I have Minwoo-oppa. If my family is not around, Youngmin is there. But somehow, I got to manage to answer that 'with feelings' to Kwangmin. We were both sad now. I was feeling how Kwangmin was feeling now. So this is how Kwangmin feels? For a cold person, well to me, I didn't know he could show emotions too. "I felt alone since that day..." he said. "Since what day?" Before he could answer, I heard drips of water on the ground. I looked up and it was raining. "Yah! Let's go!" I was gonna run away but he stood up and held my hand. "Let's talk here first." What? Is he crazy? Ugh. But it's not bad to have a little fun in the rain, I guess.
"Look, the sky is feeling what you're feeling too." I told him. The sky which we were having fun with a while ago was now crying with Kwangmin. "It hurts..." he said. "What hurts? And since what day were you talking about?" He kept silent.
 "Since the day of the accident. That precious day. That heartbreaking day. The day which made me happy and sad at the same time." When was that? Kwangmin was really heartbroken. I really don't know how to comfort him. "What day?" I asked him.
"~~~ -ah, don't you remember me?"
That voice... those words... Don't tell me...
"~~~ -ah, bogoshipda..."
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D