Mystery Girl

Just As Friends

When I finally woke up I was in the hosiptal room. My arm was bandaged up and it hurt a lot. Everytime I took a breath it would hurt and then I remembered about being shot in the chest.

I'm still alive... 

I looked around and saw Youngbae sleeping right next to me. I smiled at him and slid my fingers through his hair. He stirred in his seat and looked up at me.

"Dara your awake.." His voice sounded hoarse. He didn't look good at all. He was very pale, had really bad bags under his eyes, and when I looked his eyes were red as if he was crying for a long period of time.

"Bae..." I tried talking, but my voice was weak. 

"No you don't have to say anything. I'm...I'm so sorry Dara..."

I tried to tell him that he was wrong, but he left. He got up and went towards the door. He looked back at me and smiled one last time. 

When he left Top came in the room and told me everything that happened after I passed out.

It seems that after I passed out Youngbae went crazy. He layed me down and attacked Jin even though Jin was already passed out. He forced Jin to wake back up and beated the crap out of him. Top called the police and had to physically stop Youngbae from killing Jin. 

Once the police came they arrested Jin and even found that there was a camera hidden in the closet. The looked over the tape and saw everything.

When Top told me that Youngbae saw also saw the video with the officers my heart dropped. I never wanted him to see that. I teared up and Top held my hand. 

"Dara...Tae I mean Youngbae wanted me to tell you that he's very sorry and that you'll always be his bestfriend."

"No..." I was able to let it out loud enough for Top to hear. Tears have escaped my eyes as I got what he was going to say. I didn't need him to tell me. 

Youngbae has left me. 

I covered my face and Top just held me into a hug. I knew it. I knew that he would leave me. I knew he wouldn't look at me the same, but it still being right. I thought we would overcome anything. I thought our friendship was more than this. It wasn't his fault...but why can't he believe that. I just lost my bestfriend. Not just my bestfriend, but my only love. 

"I never even got to say how I felt about him." I cried in Top's arms as my whole body ached. I was thankful for Top being there, but I wanted Youngbae to be the one holding me.

I wanted him to be the one telling me that everything will be okay. We will get through this, but that's not the truth. The truth is he left because he can't bear to look at me.

Just like that he was gone from my life.

Present Time:

As I remembered the past. I shivered. 

The time I didn't see Youngbae was the hardest. I had a lot of people look out for me and support me, but the one I needed the most ran away from me. I stared across the table at him happy that he was back in my life again. 

Happy that he finally started talking to me again a few months ago. But I had to thank Top for that. It was Top who kept trying to convince Youngbae and succeeded. I'm grateful to Top for bringing back my bestfriend in my life.

I smiled at him. "The past is gone. We just have to look towards the future and live for the present. We shouldn't dwell on the past."

I grab his hand and put it on my face telling him that I'm sincere.

"Dara.." He looked hesitant. Still not sure if he can really put the past behind. I took the courage and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bae you saved me. Your my bestfriend right?" I say trying to lighten up the mood. Even though I know I want to be more than friends. 

"Haha yeah your right. Bestfriends." His face finally has life again and I saw the eye smile once more. 

I was happy to see him smile again. It's been so long that I teared up.

"Dara what's wrong?" He asks me worried.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have you back in my life."

He smiles more and gets up from his chair to give me a hug. He held me close and kissed my forehead.

"I'll never leave you again." 

The place he kissed me still felt hot and I didn't know if I was dead or alive. 

Is this reality? He just kissed me on my head....

If I could stop time I would have frozen that moment forever. I would remember this forever.

He looks at his watch and looks back at me.

"Hey Dara when does your lunch break end?"

"At 1."

"Uhmmm Dara."

"Yeah?" He starts to laugh at me and points to the clock.

I looked up and read it.

OMO! It's already 1:20!

I cursed myself under the breath and got up from my seat. I apologised to Youngbae for suddenly leaving.

"Sorry about this. We didn't really talk that much..."

"It's fine. What time do you get out of work?"

"At four."

"Then let's have dinner."

I was ecstatic to hear him say that. I was about to say yes when he continued with his sentence.

"I'll invite the guys and you'll invite your cousins. It'll be fun." 

I slowly took my smile back and nodded my head. "Uhm yeah. I'll talk to them about it."

"Haha great. I'll see you and your cousins for dinner then. I think the guys would be happy with that too." 

He laughed and gave me a hug goodbye. I walked towards the cashier, but turned around to see him as he walked towards the door. 

I saw him leave through the door. But I also saw him leave with the beautiful girl that he couldn't stop staring at. My mind hurt from what I just saw. 

My heart let it go thinking maybe they just left at the same time, but my mind knew. It knew that they are more than strangers. 

I then had a bad feeling about dinner.

Dara nothing will happen. It's just dinner. Everyone will be there.

I walked up to YG and apologized for not getting back to work on time. Even though I was in the cafe the whole time.

"Dara it's fine. Minho had everything covered anyways." YG said before he left. 

I went next to Minho and thanked him for covering my mistake. 

"Haha don't worry about it. Anyways how did the date go?"

I sighed and just looked down. I held my head low as I remembered the date. "Not as I wanted it to be."

"Oh I'm sorry Dara."

"Don't be it's not your fault." I pat him on the shoulder and continued working.

It was a very slow day. And finally my shift ended. I got out of my work clothes and went out. I looked at Minho and he was still in the uniform.

"You are still working?"

"Yeah I need the money so I'm working overtime."

I nodded my head as I knew what he's going through. I would work overtime also, but I already made plans.

"Okay then. Goodluck. Don't tire yourself out too much. Arasso?"

"Arasso Omma."

I waved goodbye as I laughed at Minho's sillyness. 

Before I started my car I checked my phone to see if anyone messaged me.

"Dara!" I heard someone scream my name and I looked around. I didn't see anyone so I just went back to my phone. 

"DARA!" I heard someone again. I got scared and locked my doors and reached inside my glove compartment.

I took out a small pocket knife ready to attack whoever was calling my name. 

When I turned back to face the window I screamed.


Seungri came out of nowhere and laughed at my face. 

"Hahaha noona that was so funny! You should have seen your face."

"YAH! Why did you scare me? What are you doing here anyways?" I glared at him for giving me a mini heart attack.

Ever since that accident I've always been on my toes.

"Haha my bad noona. Youngbae hyung told me that you get out of work around four."

I looked at him as if he was on crack.

"Why would Youngbae tell you that?" I rolled my eyes still a bit annoyed by him.

"Awe come on noona stop being mad at me already. Please~~" I stared at him giving me the puppy dog look and even using aegyo. 

"Omo. Look at you. Stop doing that. It's weird."

I pushed his face away from me. I can hear him laugh which made me laugh.

"Hahaha. Well Hyung just told me to meet up with you and ride with you to the dinner."

I didn't know what to think about it so I just went along with it. After texting all the girls I went back to my apartment. 

"Seungri just wait here I'm going to freshen up and change my clothes."

"Okay I'll just watch some t.v"

"Also can you let my cousins in when they get here."

"Arasso. Just go get ready already."

I hit him at the back of the head for talking to me like that. I went to my room and put my stuff away. I grabbed a new set of clothes and looked at all of them. I didn't know what to choose, but decided on a simple look.

It's just with friends anyways.

I sighed as I wore a red beanie, white shirt, denim jeans, and my red chucks. I washed my face and was about to put makeup on when I heard a crash outside.

I rushed out fearing for the worst, but only to see Chaerin and Seungri picking up broken glass and screaming at each other.

I quietly listen in on their conversation.

"Look what you did!" Chaerin yells at Seungri which makes me laugh.

Seungri looks at her in disbelief. "What I did? You mean what YOU did!"

"I didn't drop the mug. You did!"

"I only dropped it because you were trying to snatch it away from me."

"I snatched it away because it's the mug that Dara unnie personally designed for me. So it's MY MUG!"

"You could have just said that instead of forcing it out of my hands!"

Then I noticed that Chaerin had started to get tears in her eyes. "Aigoo Dara made this and now it's broken. It's my favorite mug. So much memories we've had invested into this mug."

Seungri looks at her regreting that he ever yelled at her. I saw him put his hand on her shoulder and just stayed quiet. With his free hand he gathered up all the other pieces into a plastic bag.

"Mianhae Chaerin. It's my fault. I'll tell Noona." He gets up and puts the plastic bag on the counter. "I'll tell her that I'll fix it. You'll get your mug back. I promise Chaerin-ah."

I smiled at Seungri's heartfelt apology. Chaerin gets up and gave him a back hug.

O.O they are soooo cuteeee~

"Seungri thank you."

I look at Seungri and noticed his face turning red. And it was better when I also saw Chaerin's face turning red. 

Aigooo~~ I see looovvee.

I went back to my room all giddy inside. I just saw my cousin and a guy being all cutesy together. I wonder if they will get together. 

Do they like each other?

I thought to myself as I went back to my makeup. Well actually no make up. I decided on a natural look since everyone has seen it already. I took my bag and stuffed it with my ipod, headphones, house keys, car keys, and a light jacket just in case I get cold.

I didn't want to go out because I wanted to give Seungri and Chaerin more time to themselves, but I noticed that the time was getting late. 

When I finally got came out I notice that Bom and Minzy also showed up. I looked at everyone and felt under-dressed.

Bom had a long sleeved laced short black dress that showed off her smooth milky legs with black stilettos. While Minzy wore a black leather jacket over a colored ruffle dress with leggings and black high heel ankle boots. And then there was Chaerin who was always fashionable. She was wearing a black long sleeve with leather leggings, black high heel ankle stiletto boots, and to top it all off gold braclets and golden belt. They were all wearing make up at the same time too.

"Oh unnie. I forgot to tell you that we wanted to match so you should wear black also." Chaerin says to me as she notices what I was wearing.

"It's okay I can just change into.."

"Ani Noona we got to go now. We are already late. Everyone else is waiting at the restaurant already." Seungri interrupts me.

"Ahh oh..then I guess I'll just go like this. We should get going now."

I slowly walked towards the door not wanting to leave with what I'm wearing now. 

Minzy grabs ahold of my arm and said "Don't worry unnie you still look beauitful as always."

I smiled towards Minzy and walked arm in arm with her towards my car. We all got inside my car and once again I speeded down the street. I found a really good parking spot and cheered for such good luck.

Bom stares me down and started yelling at me inside my own car. 

"YAH! You should have driven more carefully. I saw my life flash before my eyes countless times. I think ten years was added to my life from just that trip."

We all laughed as Bom kept on going with her nagging. We finally reached the restaurant and sat down with the other guys. I felt embaressed as I saw that even the guys were dressed up.

Why didn't I notice that Seungri was dressed in a suit? I should have not gone all natural. -____-

I stared at the other boys and was taken aback they were all really dressed nicely and looked very sharp. But I didn't notice Jiyoung or Teddy there.

"Mhmm where's Jiyoung and Teddy?"

"Oh they didn't want to come because they finally have time to themselves so they are going on their own date." Youngbae answered me. 

He looked so handsome. I've seen him dressed up before, but not like this. He had on a black vest, white longsleeve undershirt, black slacks, dress shoes, and a long black skinny tie. It was so simple yet fancy. I was cut off by my thoughts when I heard Top saying.

"Hey you took the last bread roll." He told Bom who had her fourth bread roll.

"So what. It wasn't as if you were going to it." She said while scoffing at him.

I laughed at the two who were sitting kind of close to each other.

"Hehe you two are cute." I accidently blurted out.

"BWOH?!?" They both said at the same time which made everyone laugh.

"Cute? With this alien?" Top said as he pointed towards Bom who just took a spoonful of corn.

"HA! You are more of an alien than me!" She yelled back at him. 

Everyone just kept laughing at them as they bickered on with each other. I looked around and saw that the place was kind of paired up. 

I saw Chaerin and Seungri now also getting into an argument. Daesung and Minzy are just sitting quietly next to each other as they see everyone around them arguing with each other. 

Then that left me with Youngbae. I turned my face to face him and I saw him look at me. When our eyes met he just smiled at me and checked his phone. After he checked his phone his face brightened up. He looked up and asked for everyone's attention.

"Alright so I'll tell you guys the real reason why I wanted to have this dinner."

Everyone quieted down and got suddenly curious to what he was going to say next. I could feel that the girls were looking at me so I looked back at them. They were looking at with curious looks and I could only look at them back confused.

"Well...before I tell you guys let me do something real quick."

And just like that Youngbae left the room. 

"Wonder what could it be..." Daesung asks out loud to no one, but more to himself.

"Well what ever it is it must be good if he made such a big deal out of it." Top said while looking at me. 

While everyone said ideas of what it could be that Youngbae wanted to say I kept to myself. Somewhere in me told me to get ready for the worst. It's like if it was mentally and emotionally getting prepared to be hurt.

Then suddenly Youngbae comes in with a girl. To my breaking heart it was the same beautiful girl from the cafe. But this time she looked more stunning with a short white dress that hugged her body perfectly. Her hair was worn down showing beautiful waves. I held my breath as I heard the next few words Youngbae had to say.

"Everyone this is my fiance Lee Jieun."


After hearing that my mind shut down. I stared and saw that Youngbae started to get worried when he didn't hear anyone saying anything.

"Congratulations Bae." I said barely over a whisper, yet everyone heard it because the room was to quiet.

Youngbae beamed at me and gave me a hug. "I knew my bestfriend would be the first one to congratulate us."

"Haha of course.."

I had to act like everything was fine. He gave us great news. This was the time to be joyus.

This is not the time to be crying. Not the time to be wishing that it was you instead of her. Not the time to just run away and cry your eyes out. 

Of course not because right now you have to be here for your bestfriend. Right?

"I should introduce you two. Jieun this is my bestfriend Dara."

I saw the girl walk up to me after Youngbae introduced me and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Dara sshi."

I could feel everyone staring at me. I know they were all looking at me with sadness. Staring at me waiting for me to walk away from this, but no I'll be stronger than that.

I grabbed her hand back and gave her a polite smile.

"Nice you....too."


@darayang4ever : No she didn't die. And I'm sorry to inform you, but this won't be the last time you'll see Jin. I know I want to kill him also, but he plays a big role in Dara and Youngbae's relationship.

@wgmjoson : You finally found out who the girl at the cafe is now. Haha. And you were on point with him not being close to Dara anymore because of that. I hated writing it, but it had to be done. D'x...We'll just have to see if Youngbae really does love Dara or not..


So please bear with me for my slow updates. I had to straighten some stuff out with college. But it's all good now. Anyways please enjoy reading this update. Also don't forget to comment again and subscribe. You are all lovely people. 


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz