Heart Donor

Just As Friends

When Jiyoung told me that Bae was my heart donor my knees gave out. I fell to the floor replaying the words over and over againg.

Bae is your heart donor....

I was lost in my thoughts. All this time I thought he was the bad guy for leaving me out to die, but he was actually the one to save me. I felt my chest as tears started to fall from my eyes. 

Jiyoung tries to pull me up, but I just push him away.


I started to punch the floor and walls around me. I wanted to let everything out. I kept on hitting everything until my fists started to bleed. But it still didn't stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs.

I was being restrained by the gang, but I just kept pushing them off of me. When I finally got all of them off me I stared at the floor not wanting to look up.

"Did you guys know?" I asked to no one in particular. 

"I've known from the beginning...."

I felt Jiyoung's hand on my shoulder as he makes me face him. I slapped him on the face. I didn't know why I did it, but I just did.

"Why Ji? Why did you let him go through with it? You knew the consequences..SO WHY?!?"

Tears started to flow down from his face as he tried to think of an answer. All he kept saying was sorry, but I became deaf to such words.

"Hyung...what are you guys talking about?"

I faced Seungri who was confused. It wasn't only him, but the others had a lost look. I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell him that his hyung was going to die because of me. I couldn't I held my chest tighter as I felt it so strong and healthy. I hated myself..this is Bae's heart...

"Noona what is it? Why are you going crazy and why is Jiyoung hyung crying?"

I pushed Seungri away as I didn't want to answer him.

"Why don't you ask Ji yourself?"

I said through broken sobs.

"Hyung...what happened?"

"Jiyoung oppa..."


I waited for Jiyoung to tell them, but he also stayed quiet. The more they questioned him the more I was at my breaking point. I finally couldn't take it anymore and ran inside Bae's room.

Everyone followed me in and saw his condition with their own eyes. They all gasped at his weak fragile body. He opened his eyes to be surprised by the sudden barge in.

"Wha..what are you guys doing here?" He said in between breaths. Even talking was hard to him now. 

I clenched my fists and bit down on my lips when I heard him talk. This was all because of me.

"Bae why are you like this? I thought the doctor said you were fine..."

Top said as he went closer to his long time friend. The usual stoic expressionless face of Seunghyun was torn down as he looked at his bestfriend in pain and worry. The guys went over to Bae while the girls were with me. They held me in their arms as my knees started to give out again.

"Hyung what is wrong..." Seungri said barely over a whisper. 

"Nothing is wrong Seungri. I'm totally fine. I'm just tired that is all." Bae said as he smiles at the guys. He looks over to me and gives me the eye smile I fell in love with.

My breath hitched and my heart constricted. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't deserve that look. 

I went over to Bae and hugged his chest.

"I'm so sorry Bae."

"There is nothing to be sorry about Dara. I'm the one who should be saying sorry. Sorry that I wasn't there for you. Sorry that I hurt you. Sorry for pushing you to talk to that bastard who left your family..."

I get off of him and look at him in disbelief. Why is he saying these things? He has nothing to be sorry about. He gave me life while I gave him death.  


But he just kept going.

"Sorry for not realizing that you were always there by my side. Sorry that I was such a bad friend. But most of all sorry that I left you five years ago after you risked your life for me. I was such a coward..."

I saw tears starting to flow down to my hand. I went to wipe it away, but only felt the cold touch of his hands moving my hands away from his face.

"You did nothing wrong. Bae...tell them.."

I hung my head low as I waited for Bae to tell the rest of the gang what he really has done.

"I broke Dara's heart. That's what I did."

I looked up at him as he stared at the others. They all didn't believe him. I was about to tell him the real truth until he continued on.

"I broke her heart so I gave her mines."

I heard the gasps from everyone in the room. I just stared at him as he looks at me with loving eyes. His eyes telling me that he doesn't blame me one bit for what he is going through right now. 

He asks the rest of the gang if they could leave the room for a bit.

"Guys can you leave me alone for a bit. I feel really tired."

I shook my head at him afraid that if I left he would no longer be there when I came back. He caresses my cheek and promised that he would still be here.

"I won't leave you again Dara."

I slowly got out of the room with the help of Bom and Chaerin. As soon as we got out of his room we all sat down on the chairs.

I knew they were all looking at me with sadness. They all finally put the pieces together. The reason why he had passed out that one day. Or the reason why he had disappeared from my life way to easily. And the main reason why he distanced himself to everyone.

Bom sits next to me and pulls me into a warm embrace. I cried into her chest thinking that this was all my fault.

"Dara just let it out." She says to me in her soothing voice. I did exactly what she told me. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. 

Why does it everytime something seems to be going good a get hit with a curveball. After I finally calmed down I saw the tear stained faces of everyone.

"Soo...hyung is going to..."

"Seungri don't say that!" Chaerin yells at Seungri as he was about to say what everyone was fearing. I flinched and covered my face again as I just listened to everyone talking.

"We thought he was the bad guy, but we were wrong. We did him so wrong." I hear Bom whimper next to me. 

I peer over to see her being held by Seunghyun.

"Bommie it's okay. He'll be fine. He is a strong guy." But even as much as Seunghyun said that I still heard the fear and uncertantity in his voice. 

"What will happen now.." Daesung whispers to himself trying to figure out how he can save his beloved hyung from his doom.

I couldn't handle it so I walked away from everyone. They didn't dare to chase me because they all knew I had to be alone.

Before I could be completely alone Rui comes up to me and gives me tea.

"I think this will help you to digest everything that has happened."

I gave a weak smile towards him and accepted the tea.

"Thank you Rui. And sorry for pulling you in all of this."

"Do not worry at all. It is my..du...no...I am here for you not as a bodygaurd, but as someone who you can rely on to tell you problems too."

"That means a lot Rui." I gave him a hug as I felt his arms around me. 

"Also I've told your dad that you might not be able to come home tonight and to not worry because I'll be here."

I nodded my head as I felt his arms around me. I felt bad for Rui since during our hug I didn't picture him, but I pictured that I was hugging Bae. I went back in time when we were still innocent and pure. The warm and loving hug I got from Bae. 

"I love you Bae." I said into Rui's chest. Even though I know that he wasn't Bae I pretended that he was. But that only made me tear up again. Since I knew that I would have to go back to the harsh reality.

I wipe my tears off as I apologised to Rui.

"Sorry about that Rui."

"No need to apologise." 

He smiles at me as he walks away to talk to the others. I gave out a sigh as I drank the tea he gave me. I had a lot of things to think about. So much things has happened and it was too much for my body and mind to handle. First I found out that my parents/family weren't really mines, but my cousins/aunt. Second I found out that I am actually royalty. And then finally I find out that Bae is dying because he has my heart.

I felt a little stab as I said the last one. I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw the rest of the gang in front of me.

"Dara we're going to go now. The doctors said that only one person can stay with him in his room tonight and we all agreed that you should be the one to spend the night with him. If you want." Bom said to me and I could tell she was scared and nervous when she talked.

I smiled at them and just nodded my head. I gave them all a hug and waved goodbye. As they left me I walked over to Bae's room. Before I could open it I felt someone's hands. I got startled as I saw Rui behind me.

"Oh I'm sorry if I scared you. I just wanted to tell you that I'd be in the car if you need anything."

Again I just nodded my head. I didn't want to speak since my voice was pretty hoarse from the screaming and crying I had done.

I slowly made my way into the room trying not to wake him up. I successfully came inside without awakening him and sat right next to him.

I touched his face and only felt coldness. I leaned over and kissed his cheeks hoping the warmth can be passed over. I knew that I had no place in doing that. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my cheeks.

"Bae I love you so much. Please don't leave me. I need you." 

Tears started to roll down my face onto his hands. I wiped my face off and quietly watched Bae sleeping. I traced his whole face remembering every single detail. I closed my eyes and did the same thing. I pictured his face looking at me smiling. Filled with life and warmth. I kept my eyes closed until I dozed into slumber.

The next thing I knew I was being awaken by someone's touch. I opened my eyes only to see Bae smiling down at me. I smiled back at him and straightened up. I checked the time and only saw that it was five in the morning.

"Bae go back to sleep. It's still really early."

He shakes his head and just plays with my hair again.

"I don't want to waste a single second. The more time I spend looking at you the more happier I get."

I blushed at what he said and looked away.

What is he saying? Does that mean he likes me?

"Dara look at me."

I felt his hand under my chin and I gaze over to him.


My mind went blank as I heard what he said. Before I could respond back he pulled me in closer and kissed me. I was so happy that I cried. But I wasn't the only one who was crying. I also felt Bae's tears on my cheeks. We both look at each other and held onto one another. Afraid that once we break apart will be the end.

I held onto his hands as I kissed him one more time before looking deeply into his eyes.

"I love you too."

I said it. My feelings got to him. He loves me too. 

"I've always loved you Dara. I was just so afraid."

He whispers to me. I just nodded my head. Our foreheads were touching one another. We confessed everything to each other from the very beginning. One by one our feelings and secret love for each other were revealed.

As I held his hand I felt him trying to hold my hand back. I just squeezed his hand tighter as I looked at his face. I was crying harder as I realised that his hands became colder than before. I saw his eyes slowly going to a far away place. I put his hand on my chest and with my free hand I grabbed his face.

"Bae look at me. Bae. Please open your eyes."

I felt him getting weaker and weaker. His smile slowly disappearing until it finally vanished. I screamed out for a nurse and doctors. They rushed inside the room as fast as they could. I held Bae's hand at the very last moment hoping that even an ounce of my warmth and love had been given to him.

I was pushed out of the room by a nurse. They closed the door to his room and I broke down right in front of it.

"Please...I love you...don't leave me...this isn't right...please..."

I whispered to myself as I clutched the one thing Bae gave me before I was pushed out of the room. In my hands I heald tightly a chrome heart cross necklace.


I called out knowing that there was no one to hear my cries of help. Crying silently as the one I love is on the other side of the door slowly dying...


Yeah I didn't keep my promise for always updating. I'm always late and I'm so sorry. But I just have so many ideas for this story and my other story that sometimes it overlaps >~< 

I really apologise to my readers that always have to wait forever for my updates. I will try to be better, but I can't promise. Please don't be mad at me Dx

I do hope that you like this update though. I had this scene since the last time I updated. Aigoo~

Please subscribe if you haven't yet ^_^ 

Leave a comment on what you think or I should approve on.

Thank you my lovely readers you guys/girls are the best! Love you readers <3333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz