The Flight

Just As Friends

After a few days with Jiyoung and Teddy I finally packed up my things. I know I promised I would tell them beforehand when I leave, but I knew they would try to stop me. 

I take out a piece of paper and start writing a letter to Teddy and Jiyoung.

Dear Teddy and Jiyoung, 

Thank you for everything you guys have done. You guys saved me from dying. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be here anymore. Even though I did say I wouldn't mind dying I'd admit that I'd miss you guys. Don't ever change who you are because that's what makes you who. I know I promised that I wouldn't do this, but I wouldn't be able to handle saying goodbye to you guys in person. Don't worry I won't try to kill myself. I will keep that promise. I will try to visit you guys from time to time. And I'm not going to the countryside like I said I would. I'm...leaving for the states.

Farewell for now,



I placed the letter on their kitchen table and took the cab all the way to the airport. After I got my ticket I saw that it was still a little early. So I walked around the airport looking for some food.

I finally stopped and ate at a little ramen shop in the airport. 

This would be the last time I'll be able to eat ramen like this.

I got up from my seat and saw that I still had a lot of time. I sat down taking a breather.

I looked at my arm and saw the ugly scars that I made myself. I covered it back up with my sleeve and laughed at my sad self.

Being in the airport felt really lonely. I never really liked flying to begin with, but I always had someone there to comfort me. Now I'm all alone by myself. But this was for the best. I got up to get a little snack when I saw a group of people I didn't want to see.


There in front of me was all the girls and guys except Youngbae.

"What are you all doing here?"

Jiyoung looks at me sad and hurt that I broke the promise I made to him and Teddy.

"Well I had a bad feeling so I went home early and saw the letter."

"Dara you promised me and Jiyoung you would tell us. If it wasn't for Jiyoung's instincts we would have never been able to say goodbye to you in person."

"I'm sorry Teddy. And I'm sorry Jiyoung. I just couldn't handle saying goodbye to you guys. I was afraid that you would try to stop me."

"We promised you that we wouldn't stop you. And we will keep that promise."

Jiyoung holds my hand as he said that. It made me feel more at ease, but then I remembered everyone else.

"But why are they also here?"

"Dara we're here because Jiyoung told us about you leaving."


"Don't say anymore. We won't stop you from leaving also, but.."

"We're coming with you unnie!"

Minzy cuts her off which offends Bom. And thus hitting Minzy.

"Bwoh? No you guys can't come with me."

"Yes we can and we are. We already bought our tickets."

"But you don't even know where I'm going to."

"You are leaving for San Francisco."

"How did you know?"

I was surprised that Bom actually knew where I was going.

"I asked a friend who works in the airport to check the destination a certain person was going to."

"Is that legal?"

"Pretty sure it isn't, but that person owed me. So now me, Minzy, and Chaerin are going with you."

I shook my head at what she just told me. I couldn't let this happen. I can't let them throw away their life like that just for me. I had to stop them. 

"Unnie don't try to stop us. We are going with you no matter what you say or do."

I look at Chaerin amazed. Can she read me mind?

"Noona we are also coming too!"

I turn my gaze to Seungri and put my hand up.

"I understand why my cousins would want to come with me, but hell to the no are you coming."

"I'm also coming too...."

"Well I have a job at SF so I have a legit reason for going."

I couldn't believe it. Seungri, Daesung, and Top all were going to SF too.

"But what about Youngbae's wedding?"

"We can always fly back for his wedding."

I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't say anything for them to stop this crazy stupid idea. I sighed and looked at Jiyoung.

"If you are wondering. Teddy and I aren't going with you. We still have to keep our promise and watch over Youngbae for you."

"Thank you." I gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Unnie I think we have to go now. The flight will leave in ten minutes."

I look at Minzy who looked worried that we might not catch the flight. Before we all left we took a picture and said goodbyes to Teddy and Jiyoung.

"Farewell Jiyoung. Thank you for everything."

"Farewell Dara."

I let go of Jiyoung and walk towards the gate. As I walked to the gate from the corner of my eyes I felt someone's presence. It felt familier and soft. 

What is this feeling?

I turn to my side and couldn't believe my eyes. I never stopped walking, but I kept my eyes fixed on the person. I looked away for one second to give my ticket, but when I looked back the person already disappeared.

"Unnie are you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm okay. My bad Minzy."

I felt weird walking away. So for one last time I looked back, but still saw nothing. Maybe it was just my imagination.

He couldn't have been there. He doesn't even know anything that is going on. 

I shrug the thought away and sat down on my seat. Since I got my ticket seperated from the girls and guys I sat next to someone I didn't know.

I checked on the girls and noticed that they were coupled up. 

Top and Bom cuddled up together as soon as they sat down. Chaerin and Seungri was arguing about who could sit next to the window, but in the end Chaerin wins by giving Seungri a surprise kiss attack. Minzy and Daesung sat next to each other quietly and watched a movie together.

They are all so cute....

I went back to my seat and sighed.

They shouldn't be coming with me. I'm ruining their lives. I'm just butting into their lives. Once we land in SF I'll go my own different way. 

I take out my headphones and start listening to music when suddenly someone pokes me.

"Excuse me..."

I look up and couldn't believe my eyes. 

What is he doing here?


"Oh..Dara sshi."

"Why are you here?"

"Well I'm leaving for SF because my cousin is getting married. That's why I've been working overtime."

"Ohhh...I see..."

I turn away trying to think of things to say.

"Say Dara...why did you quit?"

I didn't know what to tell him.

I quit because I couldn't stand living anymore? I'm leaving to SF to start a new life? I almost killed myself because my life is so ty?

Of course I wouldn't tell him that.

"I had to quit because I'm moving to SF."


I stayed silent and turned my head away. I didn't want to answer, but I had to say something.

"To start anew."

After I said that I looked out the window and stopped talking to Minho. I felt bad for making the situation awkward, but then again I didn't really care anymore. 

With the silence filling the air between us I suddenly remember the person I saw before going to the plane.

Goodbye Youngbae.

I let out a small tear and wiped it off before Minho could see it.

"Dara is everything okay?"

Minho finally talks to me again after an hour passed without talking.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

He seems to hesitate and finally speaks out.

"Well....your arm..."

I look down and saw that my sleeve was showing the cuts on my left arm. 

I turn red and put my sleeve down as fast as I could.

"It's nothing."

"Dara that didn't look like it was nothing.."


I look at him pleading to change the subject. 


Then suddenly the seat belt light . I felt the plane shake and got scared. 

What is happening?

"Everyone please remain calm. We are facing some difficulties. Please put your seat belts back on."

The fly attendent announced to the whole plane. It got harder and harder for me to breathe as my anxiety kicked in. Without a second thought I held onto Minho's hand.

"Dara what's wrong?"


He stares at me as I slowly hyperventilate. He takes out the paper bag that is used for throw up and gave it to me.

"Breathe in and out. Calm down Dara. Everything will be fine."

After a few seconds my breathing went back to normal. I thanked him and asked what else the fly attendent said.

"She just said that we will have to stop by London to get the airplane checked. It will probably take at least a whole day for the plane to get checked and fixed."

I nod my head as the information processed through my brain. 

Haven't been to London before. I wonder how it'll go.

"Well what are you going to do Minho?"

"Once we get to the airport I'm going to transfer to another flight."

"You can do that?"

"I guess so. They said it's fine since it's their fault. So if anyone wants to transfer flights they'll have first priority."

"I see."

That suddenly gave me an idea. As soon as we landed I said goodbye to Minho and met up with the rest of the girls and guys.

"Dara what are we going to do now?"

Bom looks at me irritated that she might have to stay a whole day in London.

"Well I heard from Minho that we can just transfer to another flight going to SF."

"Really? Then let's do that. I don't want to stay here. And Top has to be in SF tonight because he was a shoot tomorrow."

"Alright come on guys we'll change the tickets while the girls get something to eat."

Top left with the boys towards the ticket center. I stayed behind knowing that they wouldn't be able to change my ticket with them. Since I bought my tickets seperate I had to go there myself. 

After the boys came back we ate some snacks. Top and Bom just ate bananas. Chaerin, Minzy, Seungri, and Daesung shared pizza. I just watched the happy couples by myself and felt lonely once more.

"Unnie you sure you don't want any pizza?"

I shook my head no at Minzy and told her that I'm not hungry at all. And then it was finally time for them to go to their flight. I pretended like I was going with them but when they finally boarded the plane I gave them an excuse.

"Ahh I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. You guys go ahead and I'll be there shortly."

They all looked at me worried, but just said ok. I walked away towards the bathroom, but then just took a turn and watched from afar. I saw them going in the plane and sighed. 

I stayed watching them making sure that they didn't come out. Finally I saw the person that worked the flight close the doors. 

"Mianhae everyone."

I said my goodbyes to them and walked away. I had a whole day until I had to come back for my flight.

I wasn't about to just waste my ticket like that. I'll still head to SF, but will go on a different path then them.

I knew that they must be pissed at me right now. I walked out of the airport to suddenly hear my phone ring.

I looked at it and saw a message from Bom.

YAH! I can't believe you tricked us. Dara why! We did this for you, but why do you keep pushing us away. Why...

I replied to her hoping that she will see the message before she had to turn off her phone.

Unnie...mianhae...I felt so lonely...I don't want to be a burden. I'm grateful for everything..but I can't...I have to do this. I need this. I can't always rely on you girls anymore....sooner or later I will...disappear.

I stared at my phone hoping she saw it. And then I heard another beep. She replied back.

Don't disappear. Please. Sorry for making you feel lonely. Sorry for not understanding what you are going through. But please don't disappear. are my human vitamin...please..

I felt my chest tighten as I read her message. But I knew. I knew what I had to do.

Mianhae Bom. Tell Minzy and Chaerin that I'm sorry for everything also. I love you girls. I will always love you girls. One day I'll come day..

I shut my phone and walked onwards. 

I went around London looking for a place to stay for one night. I finally found a small little bed and breakfast.

"Hello I would like one room for one night."

"Welcome to our inn! This way."

I looked around and thought it was very cute. The place wasn't big, but had it's appeal to it.

"Are you Korean?"

The shop owner looks at me. 

"Hahaha I'm Korean too!"

I stare at him as he starts speaking to me in Korean.


I bow to give him my respects.

"Koreans get a discount here. I have family that live in Korea too."

I nod my head and put my bags down.

He looks at me and just smiles.

"After you get settled down come down and have dinner."

I nodded my head again. I didn't bother taking out my clothes since I was only going to be here for one night. I went down to the dinning table and saw four other people. 

There was an odd couple that looked like they might be Filipino. I saw the owner next to a beautiful woman who just might be his wife.

"Ohh welcome fellow Korean!"

I smiled at everyone and took a seat. The korean lady got up and brought all the food. 

"So where does you family reside at in Korea?"

I asked the inn owner.

"He lives in Seoul. He is actually pretty popluar."

"Oh really who are they?"

"I don't know if you know him. He sings in the boy group 2pm."

I stare at him in shock as I continued to listen on.

"His name is Wooyoung. He is actually visiting us. He said he'd be here tonight."

And if on cue the doorbell rings.

"Oh that must be him."

I fidget in my chair as I realised that I will be meeting an idol.

The inn owner finally comes back and introduces him.

"Dara sshi this is my nephew. Wooyoung."

"Annyeong Wooyoung. Nice to meet you."

I held my hand out and he takes it. He looks at me and smiles while he shakes my hand. I blush as I thought that I'm touching a real live idol. And to make it better it's WOOYOUNG from 2pm!

"Hello Dara sshi." 

Please vote so I will know what to do for the next chapter.


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz