Special Chapter Pt. 2

Just As Friends

I woke up pretty early and slowly got out of my bed. I looked around and saw that my whole apartment was a mess.

What the hell did I do last night?

Oh yeah I remember. I blew up. Last night was a disaster. Everyone left me. Ugh and the look in Dara's eyes. I can't get it out of my head. Her tears rolling down her face. 

I punch my counter as I try to figure out what went wrong last night. As clear my head I clean up my apartment. 

Man I really did a number on my room last night. I saw shattered glass from broken pictures. I looked at it and all the pictures that I threw were pictures of me and Dara. I picked them up carefully so I don't mess them up more. 

I can't believe I did these to Dara's pictures. What was I thinking?

I looked at one picture of us when were ten and teared up. We were both smiling so wide. Why can't we go back to that time? Everything was so innocent and happy. But I knew I couldn't go back. All I can do was look forward.

After cleaning up I made myself some breakfast. I was about to finish when I suddenly get a call from my phone.

Ugh who is calling me this early? What do they want?

I checked my phone and saw that it was Mr. Park.

Crap..what does he want..


"Bae I'm in front of Dara's apartment waiting for her. You should come here also. I can't do this by myself."

"Mr. Park I think you should give Dara a few moments to sink in what has happened."

"But I can't wait. I have to talk to her now. I have to have her accept me."

"WHY?" I screamed through the phone. Irritated and annoyed by him.

"Because I know a secret."

"Tell me the secret."

"It's a secret about Dara."

"What is the secret? I won't help you unless you tell me."

"I won't tell you until you help me."

This isn't going anywhere. I don't know what to do. Should I help him out. If I want answers I guess I'll have to meet with him and help him.

"Fine I'll be there in a few minutes."

It only took me five minutes to get to Dara's apartment and saw Mr. Park outside her door. I walked up to him and asked all my questions.

"Now tell me. What is her secret?"

"You will know later. But first I have to talk to Dara."

I shook my head about to say something else when I heard him wlaking to someone.

"Dara we've been..."

I looked up and saw Dara walking past Mr. Park as if he wasn't there in the first place. This was it. I had to make a choice now. Either help Mr. Park or give Dara space. I knew my choice. I already knew before I even saw her.

"Dara stop being stubborn and talk to your dad." But I hear her scoff at me and brush me off just like her dad. I see her go to the door to turn it, but I grabbed it. "Can you just stop. Why are you acting like this towards your dad and me?"

I was getting irritated at her, Mr. Park, and most of all me. I want to get answers, but at the same time I don't want to do this to her. I know how much pain she is feeling right now.

Then out of nowhere I hear her laugh. But it was laughter filled with pain. I got taken aback that I let go of the door. She opens it, but looks at us. I didn't know what to say or do. I just looked at her lost. Until I saw something. I didn't know what she said, but I knew I had to take this chance to get inside. At the same time Mr. Park also did the same thing.

When we finally got in the apartment Mr. Park and I took a seat at the table waiting for her to get the tea. It was only silence. I felt akward and I felt like someone could cut the air with a knife. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"Dara don't you have anything to say to your dad? You finally see him again."

And once again she laughs. I saw the hurt in her eyes as she looks at her dad.

"What dad?" It was so dead and cold. I felt Mr. Park flinch and squirm in his seat. 

I couldn't say anything. All I hear is Mr. Park saying something, but I couldn't really listen that well. Then I hear Dara speaking. I see moving, but I can't hear any words.

What the hell? Why can't I hear anything?

I finally heard something, but I didn't like what I hear.

"...is dead." The was the only thing I heard, but I knew she was talking about her dad. That really irks me. I hate that word. No one should ever say that to someone else.

I just blew up. I stood up and banged my hand on the table. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Dara that is NO way to talk about your dad like that!"

"You would have NO IDEA what I went through."

"What do you mean I have no idea? Try me."

"From what I know you still have both of your loving parents. A happy rich loving family. So you still think you get where I'm coming from?"

I couldn't even sit back down because I was so mad. She doesn't even know. She has gotten it all wrong. I don't even have a family. It's all a lie. A facade. I'm not even their real son... 

Dara...didn't you see all the bruises I had...they weren't from fights it was all from my 'dad'...the pain in my eyes..you said you knew me the best, but you couldn't even see what was really happening. I tried telling you, but things just kept happening. You saw the outside and thought everything was well, but behind closed doors everything was so different...Dara...

I don't know what happened while I was immersed in my thoughts, but all I see is Dara right in front of her dad's face screaming at him.

"Look at this face clearly. This is the face of a girl who has no dad. The face of a girl whose dad abandoned her and her family. The face of a girl that had to take care of her family at just the age of eleven. The face of a girl who is dead inside. THIS IS MY FACE APPA!"

I saw the tears flow down her face once more. They are both crying now. Mr. Park covers his face with his hands and Dara leaves for the kitchen. I followed her to the kitchen and gave her a hug. But she just turns around and pushes me away.

"How could you? You should have known better." 

I should have known better...Dara I know..but I also know how much you have wanted to see your dad. I know. Because I know that feeling. I still have those feelings.

"Dara you told me how much you wanted to see your dad again. And now you finally got your chance."

"I also told you how much I hated my dad and wanted him dead. Will I get that chance also?"

I couldn't help, but flinch. She is being so stubborn. Of course anyone would feel like that if someone left them. But at least she had a father figure to look up to. Even if it was only for a little bit. At least she had someone.

Once again she speaks, but not to me. She looks past me looking at her dad.

"I can never forgive him."

"Yes you can. You are stronger than that."

"Why are you taking his side? WHAT IS HE TO YOU!?!"

I can't tell her. I don't know what to say. She'll just be hurt more if she knows the truth.

"You don't need to know."

"I don't need to know? Really? YOU ARE MY BESTFRIEND!"

"You really want to know. Fine I'll tell you. HE'S JIEUN'S DAD!" I couldn't stop myself. I told her. She wanted to know so I told her. But why do I feel so empty inside. I know why. It's because I just betrayed her. "There now you know. Why I'm helping and why I'm taking his side."

That's when Mr. Park went beside me. He looked down at Dara sad that she had to know this way.

"How? Don't you mean stepdad..."

"No baby girl. I'm sorry. I'm her real dad."

"But that means..."

"Yes...I didn't mean to, but I got drunk at a company party and before I knew it she told me that she was pregnant the same time your mom was pregnant with Sanghyun."

I saw her face getting dark. She was going to explode any soon. I stayed silent as I let them talk it out. They needed to have this conversation.

"... and your bastard child."

"Dara don't say that!" I wasn't really listening, but when I heard her say that I couldn't stay silent. I don't care what she says about her dad, but not Jieun.

"What it's true. She was born while her parents weren't married."

"Baby girl...she isn't a bastard....anymore."

"Of course..you would marry that . Chose them over us."

"I didn't choose anyone!"

"Yes you did. You chose the moment you walked out that door and never came back."

I don't know what came over me, but I slapped her. I regretted it the moment I did it.

What have I done...

"Dara stop it. You have no right to say that about Jieun's family or your dad. You don't know what they went through."

What am I saying..this isn't what I really want to say..I..I

"I give up."

I look up when I heard Dara. She was smiling at us, but had tears rolling down her face. I felt like crying, but it wasn't my place to cry.

"You guys win."


I looked at her worried. I felt horrible. My heart was breaking. It was telling me to stop, but what has been done has already happened. I had no way of taking it back.

"Dara what do you mean by give up?"

"You heard right Youngbae. I give up. You won. I'll take back my dad. That's what you guys wanted right. To forgive and forget."

No that isn't what I wanted. I wanted her to forgive him honestly. Not because we told her to. I didn't want this. I only wanted her to be happy again. This was NOT suppose to happen.

"Baby girl thank..you."

I see that Mr. Park doesn't care at all. As long as she forgives him he doesn't care that it isn't from her heart. 

What a bastard...

"Thanks for understanding Dara."

I went up to her to give her a hug. I have to keep going on with this act if I want to know what Mr. Park is hiding. I hugged her, but it was so different. I no longer felt the warmth I would feel from her. Instead I felt cold. If only she could feel the warmth I'm trying to give her. But I know it's not possible she probably feels betrayed by me.

"I think you guys should go now I have to get ready for school."

That's a lie. I know she doesn't have class today. I'll let her have her alone time, but once I get my answers I will come back for her.

"Ahh yeah me too. I forgot that we are still both in college."

I didn't really care what Mr. Park was saying right now. I saw them saying something, but it isn't my problem. When I saw that they finished talking I said farewell to Dara.

"Annyeong Dara."


As soon as we stepped out I grabbed Mr. Park and demanded him to tell me.

"You got what you wanted so tell me. What is her secret?"

"Dara isn't really my daughter. She is actually my late sister's. My sister died after a few months Dara was born. We didn't know who the dad was so I took her in. My ex-wife agreed to it. And Byul was to young so she thinks Dara is her real sister. We tried to keep her existence away from her real dad, but somehow he found out. Now he wants Dara."

"Who is the dad? Why did you want to keep her existence a secret? Why haven't you told her?"

"The reason my sister died was because she wasn't accepted in Dara's real dad's family. They tried to cover up the whole thing, but luckily she escaped and found me in time. I hated that family ever since."


"No one knows this, but Dara is actually half Japanese."


I didn't care that she was half Japanese. He is beating around the bush. I want to know already.

"Dara is the grand-daughter of Emperor Akihito the daughter of Prince Naruhito."

Dara...is royalty?

"Are you serious? But..."

"Even though there was an they still loved each other. But the emperor didn't want it. He forbade it. He forced Naruhito to marry someone else. But it never went through. Because he had a secret marriage with my sister. It created such an uproar, but the emperor still crowned him next in line. Naruhito didn't know about Dara until now. Once he had found out about Dara he contacted me. That is why I needed Dara to talk to me. I will soon have to tell her the truth."

"How are you for sure? Why are you so sure that Dara is his daughter?"

"Because I sent a picture of Dara to Naruhito, but it never went to him because the emperor found it. He came personally and got everything tested. He said that when the time comes they will come back for Dara. The emperor gave a mark of royalty for Dara. If you look under her right ear you'll see a mark shaped as a crown with cherry blossoms. This is all I what I know. Goodbye Bae."

And just like that he left me. I couldn't believe it. Dara is from royal birth. I knew she was different, but...she has to know. I ran back to her apartment and saw that the door was open. I got scared. I felt something dark. I ran inside and dropped. I couldn't believe it. I saw Dara's arm bleeding. I saw the fresh cut she just had made. The knife in her hand. 

I immediately called Jiyoung. I didn't know why I didn't call the medics, but instead I called Ji. He would come here faster than any medics. 

But before I called him I checked to see if Dara was still alive. It was faint, but I felt a pulse. I ripped up some clean cloth and covered her wrists. I held her in my arms as I called Ji.


"What is it Bae?"

"Can you do me a big favor please?"

"Mhmm sure. Of course."

"Go to Dara's apartment. I left something very important and broken there. I need it to be fixed. Can you please fix it for me. It's something I hold very dear to me."

"Sure? What is it?"

"You will see it. It's not hard to miss. Please don't ask anymore questions. Just come over here. And bring Teddy. You'll need all the help you can get. And don't tell Dara you came because of me. Bye Ji."

I hung up the phone and cried. I kept Dara in my arms as long as I could until I had to leave. I couldn't be here when Ji comes. If Dara knows that I saw her like this she'll just be in more pain.

"Mianhae Dara..."

I gently put her back to how she was. As I got up I kissed her on her lips and felt myself crying more.


I knew this was all my fault. If only I realised sooner. That my heart only belonged to one person. That my heart was already with someone else. If only...

If only I wasn't so blind to my feelings for the one who was always there for me. 

The one I really love....






Okay so the next chapter will be the last special chapter. Do you guys like that Dara is actually royalty? Hahaha well I know that it's all made up. So please don't get mad and tell me that I'm wrong. I made that all up because I really want Dara to be royalty. 

So now you guys know what Youngbae really feels. Hoped you guys liked this update.

Don't forget to subscribe and comment on what you think. Love you guys <3333

Thanks for all the support so far! ^_^


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz