Scar's Beginning

Just As Friends

The night we almost died...

I still remember it as if it just happened yesterday. Even thinking about it makes me flinch, but for you to fully understand the whole story we would have to start in the beginning.

And it all happened when I was only 16 years old and fresh into highschool.

Flashback: The Beginning

I look up at the most prestigious high school for the rich. Big Bang High.

I can't believe I'm actually going to a highschool for snobby rich kids.

Oh well as long as I can see Youngbae then I'll deal with these rich kids. 

As I roamed the campus I couldn't believe that a highschool could be so big. It took me two hours to finally explore the whole campus and get familiar with it. The place had three main buildings.

Building 1 was stricly for arts so of course it was called the Arts Building. When I walked in it was so colorful with beauiftul abstract drawings on the wall. While I walked down the hallways I would be hearing music from all directions. I'd peak into the rooms here and there and saw so many different people. Some people were dancing hip hop while others would be doing ball room. In another room a group would be doing classical music while a different group would be doing rock music. I fell in love with the Arts Building the moment I stepped in. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to find Youngbae.

Next I went to the building all the way to the other side. It was a little big bigger than all the other buildings, but I kind of guessed that since the building has swimming pools on all three floors plus a swimming pool outside. I looked at all the rooms and saw everyone doing all kinds of sports. This building had it's own built in stadium for goodness sakes. And then it hit me. Of course this is the Atheletics Building. I could smell sweat and determination as I passed by the rooms. It was a nice place to be at if you wanted to let off some steam and workout, but not if you just want to hang out. 

Finally the building in the middle was the Academic Building. Their library was three story high and took a third of the building. There was a fancy cafeteria that served the most elegant expensive food there was and had top notch chefs cooking the food. Ohp guess I'll just bring my own food. I went to the classrooms and was astonished. There was a flat screen tv in each class and instead of a whiteboard there was this kind of high tech projecter thing. Everything in this building screams expensive and hightech. I feel so cold here.

After going through all those buildings I felt so weird. I felt like I stepped into a whole new dimension. 

Dara get ahold of yourself you have to find Youngbae. After roaming around I still haven't found Youngbae. I started to get worried that I might have gone to the wrong school. Pabo Dara. If Youngbae oppa isn't in this school then your SCREWED!

I finally gave up looking for Youngbae and sat down in the shade under the tree. I looked around my surroundings and couldn't believe my eyes. I was in the school's garden and saw many different colors of roses. There was red, white, yellow, purple, orange, and even blue. I never knew roses could have so many different colors. Duh Dara obviously it's fake.

I sighed and walked up to the roses only to realise it was real. Omo how are these real? I went to pick up a rose when I noticed someone sleeping in them. I was so surprised that I fell back on my . Luckily whoever the person that was sleeping didn't wake up. 

Wouldn't it hurt to sleep in a bed of roses? There should be thorns right? 

I checked the rose I plucked and noticed that there were no thorns at all. I examined the rose bushes and saw that it was the same for all of them. 

Ah so that's how that person can sleep in such a beautiful bush. 

I wanted to see who can sleep in such a place. As I peaked inside the bush I saw the most beautiful thing in the world.

The man I love.

I never would pick him out as a person that would sleep in such a place, but who was I to complain. Looking down at him he looked so perfect. The once scrawny nerdy looking boy has now muscles and a well toned body. The pimples are all gone replaced by soft and smooth skin. He seriously looked to be good to true. I sighed as I missed how he looked before. 

Don't get me wrong I don't hate how he looks now. I mean he's hot! But that just means that more girls will try to get at him...maybe that's why he had to resort to hiding in rose bushes. I wish I could stare at him like this forever. Then it hit me.

Kekeke I'm so smart. I pulled out my phone and secretly took a picture of him. I looked at the picture and smiled. He may look different on the outside, but hopefully he's still the same in the inside.

I was about to brush off a petal that landed on his face when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"I don't know who you are, but you better back off and leave me alone."

I noticed that his eyes were still close, but his eyebrows were furrowed as if he was annoyed. I can feel the knives in his words attacking me with such force making me scared. It also didn't help that he held my wrist with a tight grip. 

I finally pried my wrist away from his hand and noticed that he gave me a bruise. My wrist hurt so much that tears started to form. I couldn't believe what just happened. I looked at Youngbae frightened at his sudden words and actions.

Who is this? Youngbae would never talk to anyone like that. Or even hurt anyone.

He must have felt that I didn't leave when he got up and faced me. 

He was slowly opening his eyes when he said. "Seriously still here. I don't care if your a girl or not, but I'm not afraid to hurt.."

Before he could finish he opened his eyes and saw me standing in front of him holding my limp bruised wrist with tears in my eyes. He looked at me and saw the fear that was visible from one look at my shaking figure. 

"...Dara..I'm sorry I didn't know it was you.." He tried to come clost to me, but I flinched. 

I didn't know why I flinched. Maybe because I was scared. Maybe it had to do with the fact that my wrist is in agonizing pain. I felt bad when I saw that he was hurt by my actions. Crap...

Great I finally see him and this happens. I should make this better...

"'s okay.." I held his face with my hands showing him that I'm perfectly fine and that I'm not a bit hurt.

He takes a quick glance at my left hand and winces as he saw the bruise that he gave. Without a second thought he takes my hand and kisses it.! >___<

My whole body felt like it was burning from such embaressement. I know it was only my wrist, but hot DAMN! When I felt his lips on my skin it sent electricity throughtout my whole body. His lips were so soft and gentle that all the pain had gone away.

After he kissed my hand he looked up at me and gave me an apologetic smile. "I really am sorry Dara...."

"Aish. It's fine!" I playfully hit his arm and gave him the biggest hug I ever gave him.

"Bae I miss you." I whispered to him during our really long hug.

"I've missed you too Dara." He tightens the hug and my heart beats faster. I blush hoping he doesn't feel my heart beating faster because of him.

He finally lets go and looks at me more clearly. "So why are you here?"

"I'm going to this school and wanted to explore. Plus I wanted to find and see you again."

"Aigoo. I should have known you would follow me to Big Bang High." He laughs at me while he pinched my nose. "But wait how did you get in here? Your family can't.." He stopped realising what he was about to say.

I just shyly smiled at him. "I got a full scholorship to go here. You know since I'm just THAT awesome and smart."

"Wow Dara that's great!" His face lightened up forgetting the awkward moment a while ago.

As we were catching up and laughing with one another a really tall boy came up to him. He was gigantic. I suddenly felt so small standing right next to him.

"Hey Taeyang some crazy third years wants to challenge you to a fight."

Who's Taeyang? Why is he looking at Bae? What does he mean by fight?

I looked at Bae confused wanting to get answers. He looks back at me and then back at the boy.

"Top tell them I'll be there shortly and to meet at the usual place."

"Okay. I'll meet you there. I'll fight with you."

"I don't mind you there, but I can fight my own battles. Got that."

"Yeah. See you later."

After their conversation I couldn't believe my ears. 

Taeyang is Bae? Why does he have to fight? NO! I will not let him fight!

After the guy named Top left I look at Bae hoping to get answers.

"Dara..I'm sorry, but I have to go." What the hell?!

Hell ing no he's not! 

I grabbed his arm trying to keep him from leaving. "Bae.."

He brushes my arm away and walks away from me. Before he left he turned his head around and gave me a weak smile. "I'll see you later..." When he turned around he disappeared.

I didn't know what gave me the courage, but I ran after him. I looked everywhere for him. Then I finally found him. I saw him fighting five guys all by himself. There was the guy named Top who just stood there without helping him and another guy who looks scary. 

The other guy gave off a murderous aura. If it came down to it I'm pretty sure he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. It sent shivers down my spine when we suddenly made eye contact. He gave me the scariest smirk ever and started walking towards me. I couldn't move it's as if someone was holding me down by my ankles. 

I stared at him coming closer and closer. I wanted to scream out for Bae, but he already had his hand filled with the other guys and the dude Top only paid attention to Bae. I was by myself frozen at my spot. I can tell he loved my reaction because he smiled wider.

he must sense the fear in me. 

When he finally reached me he bent down closer to my face. I turned away as if he had some disease, but only made him more happy. He laughed and roughly pulled my head to face him.

"Little girl are you lost? Why are you here?" His voice was so deep and hoarse. I tried pulling my face out of his hands, but failed and only guy hurt in the process.

"Yah! Let me go!" I finally said as I spat on his face. He wipes his face with his free hand and then hits me as hard as he could.

My head was spinning after he hit me. It happened so fast. This guy is really bad I can't let him go near Bae. I got back to my senses only to be kicked in my stomach.

"You ! WHO THE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SPIT IN MY FACE!" I lost my breath as I hear him yelling at me. I looked past him only to notice that Bae had finished fighting with the other guys and looked our way. I saw his eyes widen as he saw me getting another hit from the guy.

"DARA!!!" I heard him yell my name and ran towards us. "YOU ER GET AWAY FROM HER!"

"Ah so your name is Dara. Watch as I beat your friend into the ground." I flinched hearing the guy laugh as he ran towards Bae.

No. He can't fight Bae. Bae will get badly hurt.

Before I could run after him the guy Top held me back.

"You shouldn't. You are badly beaten up right now." He takes out a napkin as he started to wipe to blood off that was dripping from my head.

I watched in horror as I saw Bae and the other guy going at it. My head and whole body was hurting, but it didn't hurt as much as watching Bae getting hit. I started to cry when I saw that it finally ended with Bae as the victor. I freed myself from Top and ran towards Bae.

"Bae.." I looked at him and started to wipe his blood off and even ripped up my jacket and started tying it around some of his wounds. He stops me from ripping my jacket more and looks at me.

I can tell he was pissed and was about to blow up, but held it in as he held me into a tight hug. "What the hell Dara. Why did you follow me?"

He looks at me filled with regret and hurt as he saw the bruises I got from being beaten up. I brushed myself off and just smiled at him. "I followed you because I wanted to. I'm all fine."

"Let's just hope this will be the last time this ever happens. Ok?"

"Arasso. Come on let's clean you up." I pulled him away and started to treat his wounds when he suddenly fell asleep.

I looked at his sleeping figure and smiled. I asked Top if he can help me carry Bae or Taeyang to my apartment so I can treat his wounds better. Luckily Top is actually nice and helped me out. After reaching my apartment Top leaves and gave me his phone number if anything ever comes up. 

I layed him down on my bed and took off his shirt. I gasped as I saw the wounds he had. I knew from all those wounds it had to be from various fights. I sobbed a little as I bandaged him up. I left him in my room to sleep.

I sat on my couch thinking that this will be the last time I see him get hurt because of me. The last time I'll see those wounds.

But what I didn't know was that it was just the beginning to the many hardships we'll be going through with each other.






Ahhh Sorry I took so long with this chapter. For the next chapters it'll talk about their past and the many horrible things that happens to them. I won't say anymore, but you will probably hate me for what I'm going to do to them. Please don't hate me and keep reading. Hope you like it so far though. 

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz