Girlfriend Boyfriend

Just As Friends

I had waited for an hour until I finally saw the doctor come out of Bae's room. I stood up and ran over to him.

"Doctor how is he?"

He looks down and gives out a long sigh.

"He's okay for now. Luckily you called us at the right time. We barely saved him."

My breath hitched and my body got weaker.

"There is also something else....his heart has gotten dramatically weaker..I'm sorry, but Youngbae has only two weeks to live. We had put him on top priority, but it's still hard to find another heart donor that can match him."

I fell to the ground as I kept my hold on the doctor's pant leg. I wanted to hear more. I wanted to hear him say that he was just kidding and that Bae is actually cured. I wanted to hear the words that I knew will never come. 

I finally let go of the doctor as he leaves me in front of the door of Bae's room. I stared at it afraid to go inside. 

It's my fault...he's going to die because of me...

I touched the door lightly as I cried outside. I wasn't going to show him my crying state. I have to be strong for the both of us. HE doesn't need to see my face like this. I have to keep on smiling for his sake no matter how hard it is. 

I took out the necklace and put it around my neck. I got up and straightened up myself. I wiped the remaining tears off my face and opened the door.

I walked in quietly afraid that he might have been asleep. But when I got in I saw him laying down with his head facing the window. His eyes were open, but I saw the hint of a tear rolling down on the side of his face. I stopped in my tracks and couldn't move as I saw him crying harder.

It was heartbreaking to him so weak and fragile. He cried and cried until he got up and looked at me. He just smiles at me while tears rolled down his face.

Did he knew I was here the whole time?

I walked over to him to wipe the tears away. I smiled at him as I looked at him in the eyes.

"I love it when you smile." He said to me. I smiled wider when I felt the warmth of his lips touching mines.

"I can say the same for you." I said to him as he pulls away from the kiss. 

We look at each other and smiled. He gave me the eye smile I fell in love with. I touched his eyes and kissed it.

"This was the reason why I fell in love with you. Your eye smile."

He laughs at me and just kisses my hands.

"And this was the reason why I fell in love with you. You pulled me out from all the darkness in my life. You were the reason why I never killed myself when I was younger. The light that shone at the end of the dark tunnel I was in. My own angel. My sun. And the love of my life."

I climbed onto his bed and hugged him while I layed down next to him. 

"You are also my angel."

I layed his head on my lap and played with his hair. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Dara how can someone be so beautiful inside and out."

"Well why don't you ask yourself that Mr. Perfect. You are smart, handsome, funny, caring, and have a family that loves you. " I laugh at him, but stopped when I saw his face turn serious. "What's wrong?"

I his face trying to read his facial expression. But all I saw was sadness. I didn't know why he suddenly got sad.

"What family..." It was all I heard from Bae. 

"What do you mean 'What family' I'm talking about the family that loves you and is filthy rich."

He averted his eyes away and said. "They don't love me....they wouldn't even care if I died."

"Don't say that!" I was shocked to what he was saying. I have known Bae my whole life and he never once told me anything about family problems.

"Dara I've kept a hug secret from everyone." I got scared and thought if I really want to know.

"You can tell me anything Bae." I softly said. Realising that I should listen to whatever he says and comfort him.

"The loving family you saw and heard about is fake. The only one who cared on ounce about me was my real mom. But I never met my real dad since my real dad died before I died. Since my mom thought I needed a father figure to look up to she got re-married. But then she died when I was three due to cancer. My wicked step dad was cheating on my mom the whole time they got married and when she died he married his mistress. He was stuck with me and I was stuck with him since I had no other relatives."

He stopped as tears started to roll down his face. His voice barely over a whisper. 

"Go on Bae. There isn't anything to be afraid of. I'm here for you." I encouraged him.

"For the rest of my life I was being beaten up by my step dad. He called me a piece of and hated that he had to spend money on me. He would beat me up in places where people wouldn't be able to see. And my step mom..gosh I hated that . Not only did she beat me, but....but.."

His voice started to crack and his body started to shake. I held him close as tears started to form in my eyes.

"That took advantage of me. She had me and molested me until I was in highschool. My step dad knew, but didn't even give a damn. Instead he would beat me up more for stealing his girl away from him. The main reason why we moved was because your mom started to get suspicious of what was really happening to me. I wanted so bad for your mom to save me, but we left before she could. I wanted to die so many times, but I always remembered your smiling face. I knew that if I died I wouldn't be able to see that anymore. I pulled through and left that wretched family. I was able to support myself because my step dad had hidden my share of the inheritance my mom left me. Once I got it I left that household. And the real reason why I learned how to fight was because I was always in constant fear that my step dad would come for me and kill me."

After he finished I couldn't help and let the tears roll down my face. Even though I told myself that I should always smile and not cry in front of him I couldn't hold back. I had been so blind. I never knew the truth and just believed what I saw. All those years I thought I had it worst, but Bae almost died countless times. 

"I'm so sorry Bae." I hold his head closer to my body as I hear his cries. 

"I hate them Dara. I hate them so ing much. I did nothing wrong to them, but..but they did all that. WHY?!?"

I held him tighter wanting to take all the pain he had went through. He has gone through so many things and now this. He had such a painful past and is now about to die. He didn't deserve any of this pain.

I caressed his back not saying anything as he cried into my body. I comforted him until he finally stopped crying.

"I'm sorry Bae. I never knew this and said all those horrible things to you."

"It's okay Dara. I didn't tell you. I was just so afraid that once I told would stop being my friend."

"I will never stop being your friend. You are my bestfriend and always will be."

"Don't forget lover also." He smiles at me while kissing me on the lips. We laugh at his craziness and forgot what we were talking about awhile ago.

"I'm really going to miss this." I heard the sadness in his voice. With one sentence I was reminded of why he was in this hospital. 

"Why will you miss it? You'll see this everyday. And we will find a heart donor for you in time." I told him trying to assure mostly myself.

"If I do die before you can find a heart donor can you promise me something?"

"No I'm not going to promise you anything. You aren't going to die."


"No Bae. I won't accept that you are going to die. You will live and I will make sure of it."

"Just listen to what I have to'll just be a 'what if' okay?"

I looked away. I didn't want to talk about this, but I knew this was inevitable.

"Fine." I said as I look back at him. He weakly smiles back and continued on.

"As I was saying. If I do die I want you to move on and find someone else to love."

I held my breath and looked at him to see if he was serious.

"Dara breathe. I'm serious." I let out my breath and stared at him wide eyes.

"How can I love someone else if you took my heart. Literally."

He laughs at what I said. I don't know why he is laughing when I'm serious.

"What is so funny?"

"I love you, but I wouldn't be able to rest in peace if I knew that you were alone because you couldn't let me go."

I looked away and gave him a pout. I know where he is coming from, but it is easier said than done. Especially if he isn't even dead. I'm never going to stop loving him.

"You don't have to stop loving me. Just find someone else you can also love. Alright?"

I gave out a big long sigh and nodded my head. 

"Good. Now let's get out of this dreaded hospital room and go out on a nice date."

"Bwoh? You can't go out. You have to stay in here!"

"No I don't. The doctor said I can leave. I just have to be careful."

I didn't get up and only stared at him as he gets his stuff.

He turns around and looks at me. "If you want you can stay here, but I'm hungry and I really can't stand hospital food."

I quickly got up and gathered my stuff and glared at him. 

"Awe you look so cute when you are irritated." He leans in and gives me a peck on the cheeks.

I blushed and slapped him on the arm. We got all our stuff and headed out the door. Since he didn't have his car we went over to mines, but stopped when we saw Rui sleeping peacefully. 

I quietly opened the door and put our stuff in the back. Luckily we didn't wake him up and didn't disturb his sleeping. We walked away and locked the car. 

As we were walking down the street he grabs my hands. I look down and smiled up at him. This was how it was suppose to be. Us together holding hands walking down the street.

We had talked about random stuff and even talked about the names of our future kids. We had decided on three kids. 2 boys and 1 girl. The first boy would be named Bae and the second would be Jihyun(A mix of Jiyoung and Seunghyun together). Our baby girl would be called Byul since she'll be out little star.

After walking ten minutes we finally found a place to eat. We ordered and ate our food quite fast since I got a message from Rui asking where I was. I texted him back telling him where we were. He texted me back and said that he will be picking me up after I ate.

"Rui seems to be in a rush."

"Of course he would be. The person he is suppose to be watching over is out of his reach right now. If something happened to you he'll be held responsible."

"But why? I can look after myself. I don't need a babysitter."

"That isn't the point Dara. You are a princess now."

I rolled my eyes and hated that word.

"Don't say that word around me."

"Oh..yeah sorry I forgot."

"It's okay."

It got awkward after I said that. I kind of cursed at myself for bringing the memories back up.

"Are you going to come with me back to the mansion?"

I said trying to change the subject. He laughs and looks at me.

"If you want sure."

"Good cause I can't handle them by myself."

"Well you also have Rui there."

"But it's better to have your boyfriend there."

"Hehe I like that word."

"What word?"

"Boyfriend." He smiles and I felt my face turn red. I didn't realise that I had said that word.

"Well you are my boyfriend right?"

"Technically I didn't ask you out yet." He gave me a smirk and I scoffed at his remark.

"Psh fine. I don't care." I turn away acting like I'm mad. He must have thought I was serious when he suddenly grabs my hands.

"Awe don't be like that Dara."

"Don't be like what?" I kept up with my act and pulled my hand away. I looked at him from the side of my eyes and saw that he was seriously believing me. I was laughing in my mind thinking that I'm a great actress.

"Guess I have no choice then." He gets up and leaves me.

I just stared in awe as I saw him leaving me alone.

Did I go too far with the joke?

I was going to call him saying I was just kidding, but I saw him come back with a stuffed bunny and a rose.

"Dara will you be my bestfriend, girlfriend, and future wife?" He kneels in front of me and took out couple rings.

I gave him a big smile and nodded my head.

"I would be stupid to say no." I took my ring and slid it onto my finger. It had fit perfectly.

"When did you get the time to get us couple rings?"

"I had it a long time ago. I was going to give it to you before I had moved away, but know."

"Wow all this time I thought it was one sided." 

"The only reason why I thought of marrying Jieun was because I was afraid to hurt you anymore. Especially after that incident."

"You had nothing to be afraid of. I've always wanted to be with you ever since we were kids."

"Haha same here."

"But where did you get the bunny and rose?"

"Oh I had asked Rui to get it for me before coming here."

"Wow you sly dog."

We laughed and he kisses me on the lips. I didn't want to leave, but since I knew that Rui was here already we had to go.

After Bae paid for the meal we walked over to see Rui being hit on by girls.

"Hey you are cute. What's your name?"

Rui just looks away not really minding the girls. They must have been offended since they left really annoyed. 

When we reached Rui, Bae and I made fun of him.

"Rui why were you so harsh? The girls only wanted to get to know you better."

"Yeah Rui. Those girls looked pretty too. Did you at least get their names?"

He looks uncomfortable and sighs. Then he looks at us and gave us both a smirk.

"The quiet girl was pretty cute huh?"

We all laughed and went inside the car. Rui kept on talking about how he actually wanted to talk to the quieter girl, but the other girl who was loud kept speaking.

"I didn't even get to know her name. I could tell she was embaressed by her louder friend. Man I lost the chance to get to know a really cute girl." 

He lets out a sigh which cause Bae and I to laugh more at his cuteness.

"Rui what are you talking about. Dara is cute and you know her."

"Ahh yes of course I know Dara is cute. When I said 'to know' I mean as in more than a friendship wise."

"Hahaha ahh I see okay then Rui. Maybe next time. You might never know."

"Yeah you are right Dara. I won't give up hope."

I smiled at Bae happy that I had someone who loves me right next to me. Rui finally reaches the mansion and we all walk inside.

I grabbed Bae's hand for support. He grabs it back and whispers to my ear.

"Don't worry. They can't do anything to hurt you. I'm here alright."

I nodded my head as we walked inside towards my room. We were about to reach my room when we all suddenly heard someone yelling.


I turned around to see the emperor fuming.

"Where have you been? I..your dad was worried sick about you!"

I got startled and thought that I might have heard him wrong.

Did he say he was worried about me? Maybe he isn't a bad guy afterall.

"Dad it's fine. Rui told me about the situation." My dad looks over at us and smiles.

"I'm glad that you came back safe. And I'm guessing this is your friend that you said about." He looks over at Youngbae and then looks down at our intertwind hands. "If my memory is right this was the same boy who was with you the other night?"

"Yes. His name is Youngbae and he is my boyfriend." I said proudly while looking at Bae.

"It's nice to meet you." Bae offers his hands to my dad. My dad smiles at him and shakes his hands. Bae extended his hands out to my grandfather also.

"You seem like a nice fellow." My grandfather said while shaking his hands.

I was happy to know that they weren't horrible people. I couldn't contain my happiness and hugged both my grandfather and dad. Forgetting that they are the emperor and crown prince of Japan. I quickly pull off and apologised.

"I'm so sorry." 

I put my head down in embaressment.

I can't believe I just did that.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard someone laugh. I looked around to see whose laugh it was and to my surprise it was the emperor.

"I was wrong about you. I think we will get along just fine."

We smiled at each other and I gave him another hug. I turn to my dad and also gave him a hug. This is how it is suppose to be. Even if we just reunited just recently he is still my dad.

"Well why don't you guys go change into new clothes. It is all prepared for you and Youngbae in your room Dara."

I nodded my head at my dad and said thanks.

"Thank you grandfather. Thank you dad." I said while smiling at them. They must have been really touched and surprised by what I said since I saw their faces turn red.

I grabbed Bae and went to my room. I looked at the clothes they got us and was surprised. It wasn't bad at all. It was clothes that Bae and I would wear on a day to day basis.

After changing into the clothes they got for us we went out to the garden to meet up with my grandfather and dad.

"Dara, Rui has told us about the problem Youngbae is facing." Was the first thing my dad said as soon as we sat down.

"I will try my best and ask all my connections to see if we can get him a donor." I was grateful to my grandfather for offering his help.

"We will save Youngbae."



Hey you guys! How did you like the update?

Please don't kill me for taking long again. Also if this was boring I truly apologise.

Thank you for reading all the time and have been keeping up with the story. 

Please comment and don't be a silent reader. I love reading people's comments because then it shows that you really did take time to read my stories.

Well I love you guys! <333 You guys are my driving force on making each chapter ^_^


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz