Back to Seoul

Just As Friends

I stayed in London with Wooyoung for three more days. He wanted to stay for a whole month, but the pictures of us on the bridge and him kissing my forehead circulated.

"Oh my gosh! I told you this would happen Woo!"

"Is that bad to have a scandal with me?"

We both laugh at each other.

"Yeah it's horrible!"

"Bwoh. Ohh I'm so sad..I want to go cry in a corner now."

I kept on laughing as he pretends to cry in the corner of my room.

"YAH! Stop it. We have to go back to Seoul since JYP called you."

"Well...if you really want to stay in London with me I can always tell JYP.."

He gets on the bed and starts to cuddle with me.

"Psh no. It's fine we can go back to Seoul. Since you stopped me from going to SF."

I push him out of the bed and stuck my tongue at him.

He falls off and made a loud thud. When he didn't get back up I got worried and looked over the bed.

As I looked over he gets up and attacks me.

"Hahaha okay okay. I'm sorry for pushing you off. Stop tickling me. Hahaha."

"Nope I'm not going to stop. Are you ticklish here?"

He starts tickling my stomach and I start rolling around the bed trying to get away from him. So then I started tickling him back.

But all he did was just stare at me.

"Aren't you ticklish?"


"Ohhh so your holding it in?"

I gave him an evil smirk and kept tickling him until he cracked and started to burst out laughing.

"Oh so you want to have a tickling fight?"

He looks at me and starts to come closer and closer.

" I don't want"

"Sorry can't hear you what did you say?"

He keeps on laughing at me as he tickles all my tickle spots.

I run around my room as he chases me. 

"You can't run forever. We still have to catch the flight. And..I have a surprise for you."

I stop running.

"What surprise?"


He smiles wide and wrestles me to the ground. We rolled around the floor laughing as we both tickled each other until.


I look up and see Bom, Minzy, Chaerin, Top, Seungri, and Daesung all looking at me and Wooyoung on the floor.

"This isn't what you guys think."

I get up from the floor and straightened myself up while Wooyoung did the same. He looks down on the floor embaressed and bows to them.

"Annyeonghaseyo Wooyoung imnida."

They all look at the idol and bow.


I see him scratch his head.

Psh he always scratches his head whenever something awkward happens or he's embaressed.

"Sorry if we were interupting something."

"It's okay because you guys didn't interupt anything."

I politely tell Bom who kept on smiling at me and Wooyoung.

"Sorry that you guys had to see that."

I slap Wooyoung's arm and looks at him like he is crazy.

I mouthed to him.

"What are you saying? There was nothing to see."

I glare at him and he just laughs.

I pout and cross my arms.

"Oy stop being like that. This was my real surprise. Come on lets have one day with all of your friends and family. Mhmm."

He nudges me and just smiles his annoyingly cute smile.

Psh you think that will always work on me. Mhmp.

He bends down to face me and kept on smiling.

"Hey stop flirting in front of us!"

"Awe babe if your jealous we can kiss."

"Aish Seungri I don't like PDA."

"Haha so you guys are going out now?"

I look at Chaerin and Seungri and they both started to blush.

They are cute. That means I must be the only one still single. Since I'm pretty sure that Minzy and Daesung are getting together.

"What about you Minzy. Are you and Daesung finally official?"

"Noona...sorry for not telling you."

"Ani it's fine. Since I have Wooyoung now."

I grab Wooyoung's arm and wink at him.

"Haha nice joke Dara."

He lets go of me and takes my hand.

"So before our flight why don't we have a nice lunch and go to the aquarium?"

"Oh I always wanted to go to an aquarium. We finally get to go Woo?"

"Mhm. And with everyone you love is here."

I turn around to face the gang and smile.

I really have missed them.

I go up to them and gave them all a hug.

It really has been awhile since I've hugged them like this. 

"Aigoo~ Dara we have missed you so much. Even though it was only for a few days it without you around."

"Yeah noona. Chaerin kept pestering me about seeing you."

"Unnie it's true. I was so sad without you around."

"I'm sorry. I'll never leave you guys again. I promise."

"And even if she does want to. Don't worry I'll be there to stop her."

"Thank you Wooyoung."

Bom starts to cry and I just held her close. Not only her but all the girls started to cry except for me.

"Neh neh. Stop crying. You look ugly when you cry."

She slaps me on the arm and just laughs.

"Alright let's go get lunch."

We all headed out, but I could feel the stares from people.

And everyone else must have felt it too.

"Is it me or is everyone staring at us?"

I asked out loud.

"It's just you." Wooyoung said and grabbed my hand.

Then in the corner of my eyes I see cameras.

"Oh my gosh Woo they are taking pictures of us."

"Huh? Where?"

I let go of his hand and went closer to Bom, but it didn't really help that her and Top were sticking to each other.

"Dara you don't have to be scared. There are already pictures of us. So what's the deal if there are more."

He whispers to my ear and grabs my hand once more.

After we ate the lunch more and more people were following us.

It really didn't help that Wooyoung from 2pm was with us and the famous model Top.

Aish why do they have to be so goodlooking. Catching everyone's attention.

I sighed and waited with the girls for the guys to come back with the tickets. 

"So unnie is there really nothing going on between you and Wooyoung oppa?"

"Minzy why do you say that? There isn't anything."

"But unnie you guys were holding hands and are very close. And the thing at your room. Plus how he looks at you."

"Aish Minzy stop asking Dara that. Obviously she wants to keep it a secret."

"Yah! Bom that is making it worst. Honestly there is nothing between me and Wooyoung. He's just helping have a new life."

"Does he know?"

"Mhmm. He knows everything."

We all talked and caught each other up in what has happened in the few days we didn't see each other. I'm surprised that everyone got paired up. Guess I'm the only one left. But it's okay I have Wooyoung still. Even though I don't see him that way I'm glad that he is staying by my side.

"But Unnie."

"Mhmm what is it Chaerin?"

"Youngbae asked where you were."

My heart skipped a beat as I heard his name again. I thought I would have forgotten about him, but my heart will never forget him.

"Oh..what did he say?"

"He said he.."

"Hey girls come on lets go. We got the tickets."

I jumped as I heard Daesung's voice behind us telling us to hurry up.

The aquarium was beautiful, but I couldn't focus. 

What was Chaerin going to say? What did Youngbae tell her? Did he miss me? Does he want me to come back? Does...Ani. Dara get ahold of yourself. Youngbae has other things to worry about. Sigh~~

"Dara are you alright? We are almost done going around the aquarium. After this we'll have to go take the flight."

"Mmhmm okay."


"Huh oh. I'm fine. Are we going now?"

"Yeah I guess. We'll go to the airport now."

I couldn't think. I couldn't really talk to anyone. I kept thinking about Youngbae. I didn't even notice when we boarded the plane. 

I didn't want to talk to anyone so I just went to sleep. I finally woke up when Wooyoung told me that we landed already.

As soon as we stepped out there were fans trying to get to talk to Wooyoung.

"Wah Woo I knew you had a lot of fans, but I never knew it was this much."

"Well come on I want to show you your new apartment."

Once again he grabbed my hand in front of so many people.

Sheesh it seems like he WANTS his fans to misunderstand.

I looked around to see where everyone else went, but I just got a message from Top. 

Dara..sorry, but something came up...Just go with Wooyoung. This isn't something that should matter to you anymore. You shouldn't worry about it.

Top what happened? Is everything fine? I know you said I shouldn't worry, but I'm worrying now. Tell me.

Youngbae told us that he needs to talk to us. We didn't want to tell you because we all know how hard you are working to let go. So please. Stay strong. 

I couldn't believe what I'm reading. There's something wrong with Youngbae. I...I...I have to go to him. I have to see what's wrong.

I let go of Wooyoung and ran the other way.


"Dara no!"

I felt Woo's arms around me. 

"Don't go to him. Top texted me. He said this might happen so I had to be prepared. But Dara don't. You have to stay strong."

"Youngbae...he's in trouble. Woo..mianhae."

"No I'm not going to let you. I promised you."

He turns me around and holds me tighter.

"Dara I will hold you as long as it takes. Everytime you feel like going to Youngbae I'll be there to hold you like this."

I tried to pull away, but he just held me closer. I finally came back to my senses.

I can't believe I almost went to Youngbae. I really should get stronger.

I really have to thank Wooyoung.

I want to start a new life. I have to get stronger. 

"Thanks Woo."

I held him closer afraid that once I let him go I'll go running to Youngbae.

I don't know what happened to Youngbae, but it is no longer my problem.


Next chapters will be YOUNGBAE' SPECIAL CHAPTERS. 

I'm actually really excited to write it.

Hope you guys liked the update! I kind of rushed this story so sorry if it wasn't that great.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet. And don't forget to comment on what you think. <33

Love you guys~! <3333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz