Emperor Akihito

Just As Friends

"Hello Sandara."

I realised he spoke to me in English. Well he can't speak to me in Japanese since I don't know any Japanese. I couldn't believe that the emperor of Japan was right in front of me and actually said my name.

Good thing I learned english when I was young. 

"I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person."

He looks at me and then looks at the gaurds. He started talking in Japanese and looked very angry. He shakes his head and looks back at me.

"Are you not Sandara Park?"

"Yes that is me."

He has a confused looked again.

"Then you are the right person."

"No. When I said that you had the wrong person I meant the whole princess thing."

"Ahh. No I am right. Sandara Park is the grand-daughter I have been looking for."

I didn't know what to say. He seemed so sure. Aisht I should keep trying. I don't want to be a fake and get in trouble.

"Uhmm I'm not your grand-daughter. I'm not royalty. You said that the hidden princess of Japan has no mom, but I do have a mom. She's still alive and healthy. So that's why you have the wrong person. Sorry to have wasted your time."

I was about to walk out, but the men in suits just blocked my way. I was getting frsutrated. 

Seriously I already told them I'm not the princess, but are they that mad that they got the wrong person. 

"Can I please go now. Obviously I'm not the one who you guys wanted and I know how much you really want to find her, but it does no one good for me to stay here."

I turn around to look at the emperor. Out of nowhere another guy comes in. If I remember correctly he is the crown prince for Japan. Great more people I have to convince that I'm not the girl they are looking for. 

The other guy I think his name was Naruhito? I saw it on the news. It's his daughter that they are looking for. I look at him and I see him coming closer to me. I start to fidget as he stands right in front of me.

I hear him saying something. Someone's name. But I don't know anyone by that name.

"Hye Sun.."

I step back away from the man. He looks as if he was going to cry. He looks at me and smiles as he touches my face.

"You look so much like her..."

I push his hands away and just stare at him. Who do I look like? What is he talking about? I can't take this anymore.

"I'm really sorry, but I don't know anyone named Hye Sun. My mom's name is Sandy."

The prince just keeps looking at me. Not taking anything I just said. I waved my hands in front of his face.

"Hello. Can I go now?"

I looked over at the emperor and saw him walk towards me. I got scared and backed up further. Then I suddenly remember I had my phone. I dialed 1 for speed dial. I don't remember who it was, but I needed help.

After it got connected I put the phone to my ear and started screaming.


Luckily I remember a few things from the ride here. Before I could talk more they took my phone and talked through it. I shuddered as it made me remember the past with Jin.

"Whoever you are please don't meddle into royal affairs. Or you will be taken care of."

I stared at them wide eye. What are they gonna do to me? Are they that mad that I'm not the person who they are looking for.

After a snap from the emperor I got dragged into a huge room. I looked around for anything I can use to escpae. I saw a window, but got discouraged when I saw that I was far from the ground and there were no trees around. I looked inside the closets and only saw dresses and dresses and more dresses.


And then it hit me. Maybe I can tie all these dresses together and climb down the window. It took me quiet awhile and I felt bad ruining such pretty dresses. I thought to myself that the girls would have loved to wear some of these dresses. So I saved some of the nicest dresses and used the sheets for the rest of the rope.

After I finished the 'rope' I tied it to the bed and let the rest down out of the window. I looked down and got scared, but I knew I had to get out of this place. I will not be held by these people just because they were mistaken.

I slowly climb down and kept telling myself that I'll be okay. It was going smoothly until I heard the worst sound I can hear in this kind of situation.

Rip rip rip

I look up and saw the dresses slowly ripping apart.

Crap... I thought I was light enough.

And then I saw it. I saw a girl ripping it on purpose. She must have seen me see her and excaped. Before I could call out to her the dress already ripped and I was free falling. I closed my eyes as I got prepared for the hurt that will be given to me.

I waited and when I finally fell I didn't hit the ground, but a body. I opened my eyes and looked under me. I rubbed my eyes thinking that this was just my imagination.

When I realised that this was reality I quickly got up and pushed myself off the person. 


He gets up and scratched his head. "Uhmm hey."

"What are you doing here?"

"You're the one who called me.."

He looks at me confused. And I looked at my phone. That's when I realised that I still had him as number 1 on my speed dial. I meant to change that, but good thing I didn't.

I didn't know what came over me, but I just pulled him into a hug. I have missed him so much. Even though I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know that I should just walk away from him right now, but I can't. My feelings for him are still strong. I just can't stay indifferent to him. Plus he did just save me right now. 

I looked at him and I saw tears in his eyes. I got worried.

"Bae why are you crying?"

"It's nothing I was just so worried. Good thing I came here on time. I saw you climbing down and when I saw you free falling my heart sank. I ran as fast as I could. I'm just so happy I caught you."

I saw the sweat from his forehead. He must have been really worried from my call. I'm just happy to know that he still cares enough to look for me even after hearing the threat. I got out of my thoughts when he grabs me.

"Come on we have to go back inside."

"Wait what? Why inside?!?"

He stops and looks at me. There is something in his eyes that show that he knows a secret. 

"Dara you have to know the truth. And the only way to find it is by facing it head on."

He grabs me again and we go back inside the mansion. I was too confused to really react in time. All my efforts to run away just disappeared. Once again I was in front of the emperor and crown prince. 

As soon as we walked in a group of guys attacked Youngbae. I got scared and tried pulling them off of him.

"Stop what are you doing?!?"

For some reason they listened to me and stopped attacking Bae. I kneeled down and asked if he was okay.

"Dara I'm fine."


"I've had worse."

I winced thinking of the past. He really did get into a lot of fights, but what does he mean he has had it worse. I looked away, but looked back when I saw a scar on his chest. It was the same as mines. He must have realised that I saw it and quickly covered it. 

Why does Bae have the same scar as me....

I was going to ask him more about it when he suddenly gets up and looks directly at the crown prince.

"You guys have found the hidden princess of Japan, but I will not let you take her if she doesn't want to leave."

"Bae...what are you talking about. I'm not the hidden princess."

He looks back at me and just smiles. Yet it looks so hurt. 

"Dara...you have the mark of the princess. Royal blood. The crown prince...the man over there is actually your real father."

I kept shaking my head thinking that this was all crazy. How can he be my father? My father is a bastard who left my mom and siblings behind...

"No you got it wrong. My real father is a low trash human being that couldn't be considered a man...and my mom.."

Youngbae cuts me off and holds my hands. He faces me and starts saying things that I don't quite understand.

"Dara your real mom is dead. The mom you have right now is actually your aunt. And the low trash you called your dad is actually your real mom's older brother. I heard it all from Mr. Park."

"No...no...YOU ARE LYING TO ME!"

I push Bae away and crouch down. Is this really true? Then that means I've been living a lie. Who am I really?

I kept my head down as I tried to comprehend everything that has happened. I felt Youngbae hold me up. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was equally afraid as I am. But why?

I turned my head and saw my mom. I ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"Omma tell them. Tell them I'm your daughter."

She only gave me a hug back and I heard the muffled cries. I just held her tighter as I realised what she was going to say next.

"Dara even though I'm not your real mom I think of you as one of my own. You have helped me so much. You were the backbone when our family was falling apart. You are my daughter no matter what."


I knew that this would be the last time I'll see her again. I know that these people will take us away from each other. They will force me to come to Japan with them. 

"How do you know for sure that it is me?"

I looked at the emperor with cold eyes.

"Behind your right ear is the mark of royalty I gave you."

"The cherry blossum crown..."


It all makes sense now. The mark I never knew how I got was actually given to me by the emperor himself. 

"But why now?"

"I had told your fake father that I would be coming to find you when you turned 21. That is the age where you truely become an adult."

"Have you known about me all these years?" I looked at my so called real father. 

"No. I haven't. I've only heard about you recently. If I knew I would have taken you long time ago."

I felt myself tearing up. This has been too much. I don't even know what is true or not anymore. I turn away from everyone and saw Youngbae at the back just looking at me. 

He just stared at me smiling. But why...why does he look so sad. He turns away and walks out the door. I wanted to run after him, but I was frozen to my spot. His retreating back felt so sad. 

When I finally got to my senses I felt my 'mom' grab me and said her goodbyes. And just like that I was left alone with my 'real' family. I gave up and sat down on the couch across from them. I felt so nervous. I didn't know how to act at all.

"Dara you don't have to be so nervous. We are family."

"She is only family by blood, but I don't accept her yet."

I twitched as I heard the emperor say it so frank. I bet he wishes I was never born.

"Dad you shouldn't talk like that to your grand-daughter. She is my one and only daughter."

"It would have been better if that woman gave birth to a son, but instead it's a daughter. Couldn't even be good at that."

And with that I couldn't take it anymore. Even though I haven't met my mom in real life he has no right to talk like that about her.

"You can not talk like that. You don't know anything about what she went through. And you don't have to worry I won't accept you as a grandfather either!"

I got up from my seat and went to the kitchen. Or well to where I thought was the kitchen. I roamed around looking for a place to go to. Finally I got lost in the freakishly huge mansion. I saw one of the gaurds and he came up to me. He looked young. He kind of looks like he is around my age. I was more surprise when I heard him speaking Korean to me.

"Hello princess Sandara. I am your personal body gaurd."

I looked at him and flinched when he said princess. Ever since the time with Jin I hated that word. I never liked people calling me that ever.

"Hi...uhmm can I ask for a favor."

"Yes what is it?"

"Can you please not call me princess. I perfer Dara. And what is your name?"

He looks at me and just laughs. He looked pretty good smiling. 

"Ah my apologies Dara. My name is Rui."

"Well Rui...I want to get some food I'm really hungry. Can you help me find some ramen."

I smile at him and he just nods his head. He escorts me to the kitchen and opened up a closet. I couldn't believe my eyes. There was so much different types of ramen I couldn't help, but drool.

"WAHHH so much RAMEN!"

I jumped up and down forgetting all of the things that has happened. And most importantly that rude emperor. I was about to just cook instant noodles when Rui closes the closet and gets things out.

"Dara in celebration for you being here I will cook ramen for you. What shall you want?"

"Mhmm well I want anything. Give me a surprise."

"As you wish."

As I waited for the ramen to cook I looked at my phone and dialed Jiyoung's number.

"Hello Ji.."


I took the phone off my ear as I heard Ji yell threw the phone. After he finally calmed down I talked to him again.

"Ji I'm fine. They were looking for me because I guess I'm the hidden princess of Japan. And don't tell anyone okay."

"Ok...but WOW! You are royalty. How does it feel?"

"Nothing special, but I have something else to ask."

"Mhmm what is it?"

I hesitated thinking if it was okay to ask him. I really wanted to know. Aisht I should just ask. I don't want to go to bed like this.

"Is Youngbae my heart donor?"

After I asked Ji I heard a long pause. I waited and waited until finally I heard him speak.

"Dara I don't know what you are talking about. Bae didn't even know you were in the hospital."

I gave out a sigh and told Ji that I'll text him later. I shut my phone and thought to myself.

Why did I think Bae was my heart donor? Ji is right he didn't even know I was in the hospital...I'm going crazy...and even if he did know he wouldn't give me his heart..that's just a death wish.

I snap out of my thoughts as I realised that I still had to call Wooyoung.


"Dara where are you? I'm at your apartment, but you're not even here."

"Ah I'm sorry Woo. I'm going to be coming home a little bit late. So you don't have to wait up for me."

"Ani it's fine I'll just be here waiting for you to come home."

"Okay then. I'll see you later Woo."

"See yeah Dara."

I rubbed my neck as it just got more complicated.

How will I get home? Will they even let me leave? Ugh let me just eat my food first and then start to worry.

I go back inside the kitchen and saw Rui adding the finishing touches.

"Ahh miss Dara your food is ready."

"Rui remember what I said. Just Dara. And why is there only one bowl? Aren't you going to eat with me also?"

"Oh uhm. I didn't really think of that."

I just waved my hand at him and said it was fine.

"This is a pretty big portion so we can share it."

I handed him chopsticks and started eating. I stopped eating when I saw him just stare at me.

"Rui please eat. I will feel weird with you just watching me eat this huge bowl of ramen. Mhmm come on."

I scoop up some noodles and offered it to him. When he was about to eat it I turned it around and ate it instead. I smiled at him and laughed.

"If you want a bite use your own chopsticks."

"Hahaha okay then Dara."

After the meal with Rui I looked at the time. It was really getting late. I shouldn't have Woo wait for me any longer. 

"Rui is it possible for me to go back to my own apartment tonight?"

"Of course. As long as you don't run away and hide from us. And I have to go with you."

I thought about it and said okay. I don't really care if Rui comes. He can just sleep on the couch for all I care. I just had to get home so Woo won't have to wait any longer.

Once Rui cleaned up the things he used we got into my own personal car and headed towards my apartment. During the car ride I thought about everything that has happened. 

Man I can't believe I'm the hidden princess. Such a crazy world. How am I suppose to act now? Ah w.e I don't care.

When we reached my apartment I got out of the car with Rui holding the bag of dresses I saved for the girls. 

Once we reached the floor we turned the corner to my door, but what I saw was someone passed out on the floor. I panicked and rushed over to the person. I was so scared that I started screaming as I ran over to him.




This took me awhile to write. I didn't really know what to write for this chapter, but finally got it. Hahaha do you like how I put Rui in there? Teehee. 

Anyways hoped you liked this update. If it is bad I'm sorry Dx

Please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet and comment on what you think about my writing or what I should improve on.

Love you guys <3333


P.S Check out my other story the sequel to Goodbye -->> Forever Hello



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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz