Birth of Taeyang

Just As Friends

@wjmjoson: Their meeting is actually based off on my frist meeting with one of my chilhoodfriends so I'm glad you like it. =D. I've having such a hard time writing their past because I'm so sad about it. And you'lll soon find out who that girl is ;D teehee

@Jenny_Lie: I ship DaraYang too! <33

@B-Bang: Thank you for loving it! =D

@darayang4ever: I will try to keep on updating as much as possible. Glad you are liking it. Teehee ^_^



I didn't realise that I was asleep on my couch when I suddenly smelled something good. I got up from the couch walking towards the smell when I saw Bae cooking ramen in my pink apron. 

I laughed at how he looking in the pink apron. But at the same time I blushed as I saw his bare arms showing his muscles.

He turns around to look at me kind of embaressed.

"Oh..uhm..." He quickly takes of the apron and tosses it back in the closet.

I whined and laughed at his flustered face. 

"Awe Bae you didn't have to take off the apron. It was so cute on you!"

"Ugh." I heard him mumble.

He turns around and pushes me away as he made his way to the table. He was preparing the table with two big bowls and even wiped the table.

Seeing that he had everything under control I sat down at the table waiting for him to finish. I couldn't believe that Youngbae was in my apartment cooking food for me. I chuckled to myself and had to calm myself down when I saw Youngbae coming towards the table.

"Hey Pabo Dara stop laughing to yourself. Was it that funny to see me in a pink apron." He says while smaking the back of my head.

"Yah! You didn't have to hit me. My head still hurts from..." I caught myself before I said anymore. Luckily he didn't hear me.

"Huh? You say something?"

I didn't want to remember what had just happened so I told him something else.

"Yeah I was saying how I wished I could have taken a picture of you in the apron before you took it off."

He laughs and looks at me. "If that happened then I would show everyone your drooling sleeping face."

I got shocked and scared. I looked to see if he was serious and then said.

"You don't have a picture..."

But before I could finish he takes out his phone and shows my drooling face! >__< I tried snatching his phone, but Youngbae was quicker. 

"Haha nope! I'm going to have this as my wall paper so anyone who looks at my phone will see your drooling picture."

"Aigoo~ BAE! Why did you take such an ugly picture!" I whined and then remembered that I had a picture of him sleeping too. I was about to tell him, but thought to myself that I shouldn't.

I laughed to myself again as I took my phone out secretly to look at his picture. I quickly closed my phone when I heard him coming to the table.

He poured the ramen into even servings in both the bowls. Before he sat down he went back to the kitchen and filled up two cups with water. 

"How did you know where everything was in my kitchen?" I asked him before taking a mouthfull of ramen.

"It only took me an hour to get familiar with your kitchen. It was easy since it was that big and there wasn't..." He stopped and caught what he was saying. 

I didn't really mind. I mean he came from a really rich family while I came from a broken family. Sigh. I smile at him and told him that it was alright.

"So anyways Bae didn't really think you were a cook."

"I'm not. But it doesn't take exceptional cooking skills to cook ramen."

"Yeah you're right." I couldn't help, but laugh at how serious he was being. 

After awhile we stopped talking and focused on eating until he suddenly asked me.

"Does it still hurt?"

I stopped slurping the soup and looked at him confused.

Hurt? Does what hurt?


"Your stomach does it still hurt?"

"Oh.." I didn't know what to say. I wanted to forget that it ever happened, but here he is bringing it up again. "Uhm just a little.."

I heard him sigh and can tell he was really mad. "Bae it isn't your fault you know.."

I looked at him and suddenly made eye contact. He stared at me as if I was dying. I could really tell he was hurt that I got beat up and wasn't able to stop it. It wasn't his fault. Seriously he had to fight five other guys. I understood yet why can't he accept it. 

He looks down thinking of the right thing to say, but only said "Ok.."

Now there is just silence between us. I hated the silence right now because it made me remember what we just went through. Then it hit me. His wounds. I wanted to shake the image out of my head, but it stayed there like glue. 

I wanted to ask, but was afraid to know. My head said not to ask, but it seemed like my lips had a mind of its own. Then I heard my voice. Oh no. I don't want to...

"Bae what are those wounds on your body?" ...know. It just came out before I could stop myself.

He shakes his head disapointed that I saw his bruises. "Dara it's a long story..."

Okay maybe I should just stop..."I have time." What the hell Dara?!? >.< 

"Do you really want to know?" 

HECK NO! "Yes."

"Well where do I start...mhmm.."

He paused trying to figure out where it all began. Finally he puts his hands down and looks at me.

"I guess my reason for turning out like this was...well because I was tired of getting picked on because I was weak. I hated that you had to protect me when you were only a girl. I didn't feel like a man at all. So when my family wanted to move to Seoul four years ago I took the opportunity."

Before he could finish I asked him to wait as I took a big sip from my water. 

I WAS THE REASON WHY?!? I could feel myself sinking into my chair and told Bae to keep going on with his story.

"Ok...anyways. To get stronger I took boxing, karate, mixed martial arts, and even self defense. I got a whole new look and body. I'll always be a nerd, but a strong hot nerd. Heheh." He looked so proud of himself.

"That doesn't explain the fighting, Bae.." He doesn't need to fight to have the life he wants. So why is he fighting? UGH!

"Dara...I fight because it makes people respect me."

That hit a nerve. Respect? Psh. "How can people respect you if the only thing your doing is fighting. That isn't the way to earn respect Bae!"

I covered my mouth as soon as I said it. I have never shouted at him like that before. We both sighed and looked at each other.

"Dara. Here to earn respect you have to fight. You may not accept it, but that's just how I am now."

"Bae I don't like seeing you get hurt..."

"And I don't like seeing you hurt. Just stay out of it."

My eyes started to tear up as I heard what he said. He was my bestfriend and I didn't want to let him go because of this. I love him way to much to stop talking to him. Even if he only thinks of me as a childhood friend...

"Bae I enrolled to Big Bang High to be with my..childhood..friend again. I miss you so I'm not going to leave you." I choked on my words when I said childhood friend. I can't say I love him because once I do he'll start acting different with me.

"Thanks Dara. I knew I can always rely on you. You surely are my bestfriend." He smiles while cleaning up the table. I was going to wash the dishes when he told me to just sit on the couch and be comfortable.

I sat down thinking to myself as Youngbae did the dishes. I blushed thinking that it seemed like we were a married couple. I smiled so wide that I didn't even notice that Youngbae sat next to me. He had his arm over my shoulder as he reached down for the remote.

Omo he's wrapping his arm around my shoulder. ^.^

My mood lightened up and I forgot about what we just talked about. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I expected him to move away but he just looked down at me and smiled. 

Ahhhh I'm acting like a couple with Bae!! Kekeke.

"Dara do you still want to hear more?"

When he said that my mood dropped and I took my head off his shoulder to look at him more. So much for a moment.

"Well yeah I do, but only if you want to keep on telling me."

"What else do you want to know?"

What else? I have so many damn questions!  Like why can't you notice my feelings? Why don't you feel the same way?

I sighed knowing that those weren't the questions he was going to expect.

"Why are you called Taeyang? Why did you start fighting? Are you in a gang?"

"I'll start with the first one. I'm called Taeyang because I'm as hot as the sun. Hahaha." I look at him like he was crazy. I scoffed and that made him get offended.

"Hey why are you laughing! I am hot. Sheesh. But honestly they call me Taeyang because when someone is in need and feel like they are in the dark I come and lighten up their world saving them in the process." He felt embaressed finally saying it.

"I started fighting because in junior high I saw a group of people beating up one guy. Following your example I felt the need to protect the weak. So I started fighting the group of people. I think I had beaten up 5 to 8 guys until finally no one was left to beat up." 

I stared at him in amazment. He fought that many guys and came out victorious. 

"The guy I saved was actually the guy you met today. His real name is Seunghyun, but later on got called Top. He wanted to be on top, but got satisfied with being second to me. Funny isn't it. Well after that incident me and Top went around beating up gangs that would prey on the weak. Before me and Top knew it we already had followers."

He looked so proud telling me his story. Like he accomplished something big. I didn't want to say anything wrong so I held it in.

"Then when I got into highschool People labled me as the first year jjang. I had control over all the first years and would get challenges from the second and third years. I was respected by the first years and feared by the upper classmen. It felt great to have so much power, but got annoying. So I stayed in the back and would let my trusted friends to deal with the fights. I only really fought when Top or my other top subordinates couldn't handle the people. It also didn't help that I was being asked out by every girl every single minute. I loved the attention at first, but got sick of it. So.. uhm.. that's all of it I think."

I stared at him waiting for all of the information to process. The only thing that just kept bugging me was the girls part. I didn't want it to bother me, but it got me thinking. Did he fool around with other girls? Does he already have a girlfriend?

"Girls..." I mumbled to myself, trying not for him to hear, but failed since he heard me.

"Hahaha are you jealous?" I turned red and walked away from the couch to go to the kitchen to get another glass of water. 

I was finally able to say something. "YAH! I'm not jealous. How could I? I don't even like you!" 

Lies after lies after lies. Yes I'm jealous. How couldn't I. I LOVE YOU! YOU PABO!

"Ok ok. Sheesh you didn't have to yell at me. But you know I never had a girlfriend yet."

"BWOH!" I was shocked. He had so many girls after him, but not ONE girl became his girlfriend.

"I'm just waiting for the right one." He looked at me while he said that and smiled.

Omo does he mean me? Omo omo omo.

"Sadly I still haven't found her. But at least I got my best friend with me to keep me company." 

He looks at me again and gives me his eye smile. Ouch...friend...guess that's all I'm to him.

I cried out for him in my mind. But I held it in. If I can only be close to him through friendship then I don't mind getting hurt in the process. As long as I'm by his side I'll be happy.

He turns off the t.v and walks toward me. "Alright Dara I'm gonna head home now and get some sleep. Thanks for taking care of me and nursing me back to health." He grabbed his stuff and headed for the door.

"Annyeong Dara sshi!" He waves me goodbye.

"Annyeong Bae oppa!" I wave back. I hated seeing him walk out that door. I fell down on my knees when I saw the door close. 

"Oppa I love you. I love you so much."

I couldn't hold it in anymore. All the tears that I wanted to let out finally came out. It was hard to breathe as I cried harder and harder. I finally made my way to my bed and collapsed on it. Hearing and witnessing everything today was to much to handle.

Seeing Bae in a fight and getting hurt then seeing all the bruises on his body. Him talking about his new life and the girls chasing him. And more painfully how he is waiting for the right girl to love and seeing me as a friend. 

How long will I have to wait for him to come to me. Oppa can't you see that I'm right in front of you. 









I love you..



AHHH okay I'm so sorry for not updating faster! I just have so much to do now. With college and my other short story that I'm writing. Don't forget to check that out and subscribe to it too. ----> Goodbye 

Thank you to the new subscribers and hope you enjoy reading this story. The next chapter will be the last one that explains their "dark" past. It will finally reveal how Dara get's the scar. 

Also if your wondering who the mystery girl at the cafe was don't worry she'll be coming up soon. But no she isn't in their past just in their present life. Teehee.

Well keep on reading, subscribe, and don't forget to comment to give me some suggestions. Love you! <333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz