The Truth About Youngbae

Just As Friends

When I screamed out Bae's name Wooyoung came out of the apartment. He saw me crouching down his body and tried to take me off.

"Don't touch me!"

I glared at him as he kept trying to get me off of Bae's body. So much things were going in my head. I didn't want to leave Bae's side at all. I pushed Wooyoung off of me as I went back to Bae's body. 

I held him close trying to get a response from him. I hear his light breathing and felt a pulse. I looked at Rui and told him as fast as I could to go inside the apartment and get my keys for my car. When he got back I ordered him to carry Bae into my car.


I was going crazy and I felt myself breaking. I have never seen Youngbae like this. I don't know what to do. The only other time was when he fell off the tree. I tried calming myself down as I went behind the wheel, but only broke down more. I had to be dragged to the back seat by Rui. I didn't even notice that Wooyoung had taken over the wheel and sped down the road.

All I kept thinking of was Youngbae in my arms passed out. I just his face hoping that he will wake up. 

"Bae...wake up..please..."

I put his hand on my face as I looked at him. Then out of nowhere I hear him say something. It was faint, but I hear him a name.


I cupped my mouth fighting the tears back as I heard my name come out from his mouth. I held him closer hoping that the warmth from my body would be transfered to him. I wanted him so bad to just wake up. 

I was pulled off by Wooyoung once more as Rui takes Youngbae inside the hospital. I screamed after him as I saw him being put onto a stretcher carried away with doctors surrounding him.


I broke down holding onto Wooyoung. I finally cried after for so long. I couldn't hold it in. I was scared and nervous. I didn't know what to do. My mind went blank as I tried to process what could have happened to Youngbae.

Was it because of the attack? Or falling on him

I hit myself countless times as I blamed myself. I cried into Wooyoung's arms as I waited for what the doctor said. Wooyoung pulls me off and just stares at me. 

"Dara we should go."

I looked at him in disbelief. Why is he saying this now? 

"Woo what are you talking about? BAE IS IN THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!"

"Dara calm down. He is no longer your problem. Remember he just left you out to die. He wasn't there when you were dying."

"Neither were you."

I stopped as I regretted what I said. I knew Woo had no way of being there for me. I grabbed his hand and apologised for what I said.

"Woo I'm sorry..I didn't mean it..I'm just so scared right now. I have never seen Bae like this and and..."


I got startled as I heard Wooyoung scream at me. I saw the hurt in his eyes pleading for me to leave with him. But I couldn't...I just couldn't leave knowing that Bae is in the hospital possible because of me. I held Wooyoung's hand tighter hoping I can get to him.

"Woo please....can't we just wait until we know he is better...I want to know why he passed out...I NEED to know Woo."

I held Woo not breaking my eye contact. He looks away and sees Jiyoung walking towards us. He sighs and starts to cry.

"Dara...mianhae...I can't keep quiet...I have to go."

I grab him before he leaves me. I don't want him to walk away. I needed him. I couldn't face this alone. Even though there is Jiyoung I still need Wooyoung. He has been my backbone. I know he must be hurting, but I can't seem to let go.



And just like that he leaves me. He walks over to Jiyoung whispering something. Before he fully left my sight he looked back at me and smiled. Tears flowing down his cheeks. All I see is him mouthing 'Saranghae...'

I told him I loved him back as I saw him turn away. I never felt so horrible. At that moment I wanted to really love him. I wanted to leave everything and run after Wooyoung. But I couldn't because I knew my heart and was soul was here. I knew I had to be here to know what is wrong with Youngbae. I watched Wooyoung disappear from my view and most likely from my life. 

I stared at the floor until Jiyoung came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Dara everything will be fine."

"Ji..everything is not fine. Bae passed out. I don't know why...but I feel like it's my fault."

"It is not your fault. Don't say that. Once Bae wakes up he'll tell you exactly that."

I covered my face into Jiyoung's chest as I cried. I hated not knowing what was wrong with Bae. I just cried into Ji's chest waiting to hear the news.

I finally look up to see Rui coming back with the doctor. I ran towards the doctor almost knocking him over.

"Doctor what is wrong with him?!"

"Dara you should calm down and sit."

I looked at Rui as he spoke. He grabbed me to sit down on the chair. I resisted, but was no use. I gave up and sat down looking at the doctor waiting for him to tell me something. But instead he turns to Ji and whispers things to him. Ji calmly talked to the doctor and only nodded to a few things.

Finally after ten minutes the doctor looks at me and smiles.

"Well Miss Dara I have some good news."

"What is it?"

"Youngbae is totally fine. He just needs to stay for a few more days."

I smiled as I heard that he was doing fine. I gave the doctor a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you doctor!"

I gave him another hug and jumped up and down. The guys looked at me worried and I took that as a sign to sit back down.

"Why are you guys so quiet?"

I waited again for an answer, but as soon as the doctor was about to say something I saw Bom, Minzy, Chaerin, Seungri, Daesung, and Seunghyun running into the hospital making their way towards us.

They all were saying things, but I didn't really pay attention. I kept thinking of what the doctor would have said. I was into my thoughts when I suddenly heard Seungri say something.


"Wait whose dying?"

I grabbed Seungri and could tell that the others wanted to rip his mouth for saying something.

"No one noona. I was saying that I ran so hard over here that I felt like dying."

I didn't believe him, but I knew that I wouldn't be getting answer if I kept pestering him about it. I diverted my attention back to the doctor.

"Okay doctor tell me what is wrong with Bae."

Before the doctor could answer me I saw Ji grab the sleeve of the doctor. I looked at the rest and saw that they all had their head low. The only person who was looking at me in the eye was Rui.


I shouted at everyone to make them look at me. I saw everyone flinch. Finally Ji whispers something to the doctor which made the doctor leave. I was going to run after the doctor, but Rui prevents me. I was frustrated and I glared at Rui.

"Let me go Rui."

"Dara I can't let you do that."

"Rui you don't really know me, but if I say something you better listen to it or else you will get severly hurt. So I'll tell you again. Let. Me. GO!"

"Rui. Let her go."

I stare at Jiyoung as I felt getting released. I couldn't believe that he listend to Ji, but not me. I was about to blow up on them, but Ji kept on talking.

"Dara you should go back to your apartment."

"Why? What are you guys hiding from me?"

"You don't need to know."

"Yes I do Ji. Why are you keeping this away from me?"

"It's not me who is keeping this away from you."

I looked at him confused. But everyone else looked as confused as I am too. Before he could say anything more Ji walks away towards the way the doctor left. 

His actions made me more worried. 

Why is he being so secretive? Is there really something wrong with Bae?

I got snapped out of my thoughts when Bom, Minzy, and Chaerin started to talk to me.

"Unnie you should listen to Ji."

"Yeah like what Minzy said you should listen to Ji and don't worry about Bae."

"Dara why don't you just come with Minzy, Chaerin, and I back to our apartment watch some movies while eating ice-cream."

I brushed them all off and shook my head. I couldn't believe they were saying this. 

Yes I wanted him out of my life, but that changed when I called him. It changed when I saw him passed out in the hallway. It freaking changed when I can see that everyone seems to know something, but me.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get answers."

"Ugh you know what fine!"

Bom waves her hands up to show that she gave up.

"Fine I'll tell you what I, the rest of the girls, and the boys know. And it isn't even that much might I add."

"Bom quit the crap and just tell me."

"Oookay then. Well remember the time Top texted you saying that Youngbae needed to talk to us?"

"Of course I do."

"Well he lied. Youngbae didn't need to talk to us. Once we landed Top called Youngbae to tell him that we came back, but as soon as Youngbae picked up all Top could hear was him calling for help."

I stared at Bom and then to Top to see his reaction. He was nodding his head at everything Bom was saying. I continued to listen to what she was saying.

"Everyone rushed towards Youngbae's apartment and saw him passed out inside. After he woke up we talked to him to see what was wrong. All he told us was some stupid excuse. But we do know that his marriage is off because Jieun cheated on him."

" on him.."

I sat down and put the pieces together. Youngbae must have been so broken hearted that he let himself go and passed out. This is all that es fault. I couldn't believe she would cheat on him. 

"That must be the reason why he passed out."

"I don't know Dara. It could be anything really. You shouldn't worry to much. Bae is a really strong person."

I looked up at Top who bent down to me and patted my head. I smiled at him and knew that I wasn't alone on all of this.

"You're right. I just want to know what Ji is keeping from me."

"Don't think to hard about it. Ji probably only knows the same amount as us."

I nodded my head as I turned my attention to Rui.

"Rui I know you are getting pressured by my new dad to bring me back home."

"I don't know what you are talking about Dara."

"It's fine. I have seen you look at your phone in a very worried matter. Please tell them that my friend is in the hospital and I will be back as soon as I can."

"Okay. If you may excuse me then."

I nodded my head and just looked back at the gang. They looked at me confused. I sighed knowing that I had to tell them sometime.

"I'm sorry, but I can tell you guys some other time."

"Tell us the most important parts."

"Do you really need to know now Bom?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Fine, but you can't say ANYTHING to anyone. Especially you Seungri."

"Noona I can keep a secret!"

"Yeah sureeee you can. Anyways to put it shortly I'm actually the hidden princess of Japan. My real dad is the crown prince Naruhito." 

They just stared at me. I didn't really care if they were quiet since it gave me time to think about everything. I looked past the gang and saw Ji come out of a room. I push my way towards him. He saw me walk to him and just stood infront of the door. I looked back and saw the gang talking to Rui. They must be getting their questions from him. I didn't really care and just went back to Ji.

"Ji is that Bae's room?"

"Dara this isn't the time to see him."

"What is really wrong with him? I know you know Ji. You can tell me."

"That is just the thing Dara. I can't tell you. I wish I could, but it is not my place."

"Did Bae tell you not to tell me? Then let me talk to him."

I push him away and went for the door. I walked inside and saw Bae on the hospital bed. He looked so weak and fragile. The doctor said he was fine, but why does he look like he is dying. I slowly made my way to him and just stared at him.

I was going to say something when suddenly Bae started talking.

"Ji is that you?"

I looked at Ji and told him to keep quiet. I don't want Bae to know I am here.

"Yeah I'm here. I came before to check on you, but you were still asleep."

"Oh..haha..yeah. Is anyone else here?"

I shook my head at Ji. 

"Nope. Just you and me. So how you feeling?"

"I feel great! Can't you see that?"

"Yeah you look hot. Hahaha. So if you feel so great why can't you open up your eyes?"

"Because it wouldn't even matter."

"What do you mean?"

"This was my second attack and it took a huge toll on me. I lost the vision in my eyes."

I covered my mouth and looked at Ji. I wanted to hear more, but I was afraid of what he will say next.

"Ji? Are you still there?"

"Yeah." I can hear Ji's voice crack as he keeps the tears in.

"Hey don't feel sorry for me alright. I don't mind if I'm blind. As long as Da.."

"Wait Bae!"

I stared at Ji mad that he stopped Bae from saying anything else.

"What's wrong Ji? Why did you suddenly tell me to stop?"

Ji looks at me and whispers something to my ear.

"Dara do you really want to know?"


"Fine, but I won't trick Bae into telling you. I'm going to tell him that you are here."

And after that he turned his focus back to Bae.

"Bae I'm sorry, but Dara is also in here."

"Ohh really...Hey Dara."

"Bae I'm sorry about your eyesight."

"Don't worry about it."

"Bae, Dara wants to know everything. And she has the right to know."

"I can't. I'm sorry Dara."

"But Bae why can't you tell me?"

"Because you should just live a life without me. I have hurt you so much."


"Yeah I know about how you feel about me."

I felt my heart skip a beat as I heard Bae tell me that. 

"And I'm so sorry Dara."

"I don't care about that right now. Right now I care about what is wrong with you. Is this all because of Jieun?"

"No of course not! This has nothing to do with Jieun. I don't give a rat's about her anymore. The one I really love is you Dara."

"Wait what?"

"I mean love you as a sister..."

"Ahh yeah I knew that...anyways this still doesn't answer any questions."

"Dara I really want to tell you, but I just can't."

"But Ba.."

"No. If you really want to know then you can ask Ji. I just have no will to tell you. But just don't talk about it in front of me. And after you find out you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"No matter what Ji tells you you have to keep going on with your life. You have a better life without me in it."

"I will promise to live on with my life, but I still want you in it."

"I guess that's fine."

"Bae I loved you back then and I still love you. No matter what you will always be my first love."

He just turns his head away and as I walked away I heard him whisper something.

"I love you too..."

I was going to run back to him, but Ji stops me. He grabs me and drags me out of the room.

"Ji did you hear that...he loves me too. I have to go back in there."

"Dara wait."

"Why?!? I have waited for this since I was a kid."

"Dara please listen to me first."


"Dara...Bae is your....



heart donor."


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the really really late update. I've just been busy with school and looking for work >.<

Anyways hope you like the update. Thank you for the support.

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and comment on what you think.

Thank you guys! I love you all <333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz