Youngbae's Final Special Chapter

Just As Friends

After seeing Dara like that I felt my life falling apart. I went over to Jieun's place to get some comfort. I really needed someone. Once I got there I saw something that made my blood boil.


She turns around and looks at me. She got startled. "Bae! What are you doing here?"

"Obviously I'm not wanted here. Guess the engagement is over..."

"Wait no Bae. Please don't leave me. Please. I'm sorry."

"Jieun how can I look pass this. YOU ARE WITH ANOTHER MAN IN YOUR BED!"

I stomped out of her apartment and could feel my heart bursting out of my body. It hurt so much. So many things have happened. First Dara and now Jieun. 

I realised my true feelings for Dara and saw the truth about Jieun. Everything is happening to fast. 

I kept walking forward not seeing where I was going. I then felt my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Jiyoung.

"Ji? How is she?"

"Bae..she lost so much blood. They need blood transfusion, but she has a rare blood type. Do you know anyone that has the same blood type as her?"

I held my breath as I knew what I had to do.

"Yes. I'll be right there."

I remembered finding out that we had the same rare blood type when we were only ten years old. I accidently fell off a tree and lost a lot of blood. Luckily Dara was there to give me her blood. Even though we aren't related we were connected through the same blood type. 

I rushed towards the hospital and saw Jiyoung outside with Teddy.

"Where is the doctor? I have the same blood type."

"That isn't all Bae..."

"Ji what is it? Tell me. I'll do anything."

"Due to the shock to her body her heart is very weak."

"How weak?"

"Even if you give her your blood she'll only have a few weeks to live. 3 months at the most."

I couldn't believe my ears. She needed a new heart. I pushed Jiyoung out of the way and went up to the doctor.

"Give me her heart. She'll have mines."

"Sir you do know that if you take her heart as your own you'll shorten your life span."

"Yes, but it's better than her dying."

After talking it out with the doctor he finally agrees with me. He told me that I should just wait for a heart donor. But I couldn't wait. It takes months to find a donor and why should she wait if I'm already here.

This is what I have to do. I owe her so much. She has saved my life so many times. This is my turn to save her.

I walked back to Jiyoung and just smiled at him. I didn't know if I should tell him or not. 

"Don't worry Ji. Dara will be fine. They already found a heart donor."

His face lightens up and I see him smile again.

"Thank goodness. But why did Dara do this.."

"It was my fault. I betrayed her. I don't want to talk about it. Maybe she'll tell you when she gets better."

"Bae. You should know something about Dara."

"No. I don't want to hear it. Ji I'll be fine."

"Yeah I guess. Since you have Jieun to worry about. About your wedding and all."

I sat down and sighed when he said Jieun's name. It made me remember what I saw. Her with another guy in her bed. I covered my face as I started to heat up. I couldn't believe I was so stupid and blind.

"Bae what's wrong?"

I looked up at Ji and just smiled. "The wedding is off."

I probably looked very pitful in his eyes right now.

"What happened?"

"She was cheating on me. I caught her. I..I..I was so blind to everything."

"That !"

I couldn't help, but laugh when I heard him say that. I mean it is the truth. 

"Haha yeah...the sad part is I realised too late.."

"Realised what?" 

I stopped myself before I could keep talking. Is it really right to tell Ji. I know I can trust him. 

"That she wasn't the one I loved."

I can hear him gasp and grab me by the shoulders.

"Then who do you love? Who?!"


I looked down at my feet as Ji staggers back.

" have to tell her."

"Ani. I have no right to tell her. I have hurt her so much. She probably doesn't see me that way anyways."

"You don't know anything do you. Are you that dense!"

I couldn't stop my tears.

"YES I DO KNOW! She loves me too. But I was so afraid. Afraid that if we do end up together it'll ruin our friendship. I wanted to keep us the way we were. I didn't want to take any chances!"

I screamed at Ji. I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I knew how she felt about me. All these years. I've put her in so much pain because of my own fears. Because I was to scared to do anything.

"Ji..please don't tell her. I want her to live a new life. A life without me. She'll be better off without me."

"Fine....but I have one last thing to say."


"After giving your heart you're just going to disappear from her life. Doesn't she have the right to know who her donor is? That isn't fair to you either."

"How did you know I was giving my heart to her?"

"I overheard you and the doctor speaking. Don't do this Bae. They'll find someone else."

"Are you sure about that? What if they don't? This is the best choice. And you can't stop me. I've already signed everything. And paid for the surgery."

Ji shakes his head and hugs me.

"Ji no matter what you feel you have to keep this as a secret. No one can know about this. Not even Teddy. I want everyone to see me as the bad guy. And you have to act like I'm the bad guy also."

He lets go of me and stared into my eyes.

"Bae why? Why make yourself as the bad guy?"

"Because I am the bad guy. When the time comes then that's when I'll tell everyone."

"When will that be? On your deathbed?!?"

I got up as I saw the doctor waving to me. It was finally time for the surgery. I looked down at Ji and patted his head.

"See you later Ji. Take care of Dara for me okay."

And that was the last time I saw Ji ever again. As I laid down on the stretcher I felt a tear escape my eye. I was nervous, but I felt happy inside. 

All I kept thinking about through the surgery and blood transfusion was Dara's smiling face. In my right arm I held the picture of her and me when we were ten. The same picture I threw on the floor. It gave me strength and before I passed out I looked next to me and saw Dara.

"Goodbye Dara...I love you."

After however long I was gone I finally woke up and felt pain in my chest. I looked down and saw the scar where they opened me up. I told them that I didn't care about having a scar or not. I also paid them extra to keep this as a secret from Dara. She can never find out that I was her donor. 

When I got up the doctor came inside the room.

"Ah that's good. You are finally awake. I'll tell you now. The surgery was a success."

"That's great to hear."


I held my breath as I waited for him to continue on.

"You don't have to be worried."

I let my breath go. He must have notice that I got tense.

"I'm not worried. Sorry. Please go one."

"Ok..well Dara will recover fine. It's rare to see how well your heart works with her body. It seems like it was meant to be with her."

I couldn't help, but laugh at the irony. At least I'll be with her in some other form.

"The bad news is that her heart also adapted well to your body. Even though you have a tough healthy body her heart is still really weak. There is no recovering from it."

"I already know this. I have at most 3 months to live."

"That isn't what I was going to say."

I raised my eyebrow confused as what else could be wrong.

"Originally Dara had a few months to live. And since now you have her heart it should be the same for you, but it isn't. I'm sad to say this to you, but you have at most a month and a half to live."

"How did that happen?"

"We tried to figure it out, but we found no real answer to why it happend."

I touched my chest and felt it beating. It felt so strong, but was actually really weak. I teared up thinking that the heart reminded me so much of myself. I smiled. I don't care if I only have that much time to live. As long as Dara is alive I'll be fine.

"Uhm sir?"

"I'll be fine. Thank you. How long have I been in the hospital?"

"You've been here for a few days."

"What about Dara?"

"She checked out as soon as she woke up a few days ago."

I nodded my head and told them that I'll be checking out also. I paid everything and looked at my phone. I saw that there was countless messages.

There was a lot from Bom and the girls cussing me out. Some from Top asking me to explain my actions. A lot from Jieun to talk to her and come back to her. I deleted message after message until I reached to Jiyoung's message

Bae I hope you get this on time. I know you want to be the bad guy, but you should at least see Dara one last time. She is flying to the states right now. I hope you can make it in time to see her off. You don't even have to talk to her. I just want you to at least see her face one last time. You deserve this. 

I shut my phone off and took the taxi all the way to the airport. I ran out and looked everywhere for her until I finally saw her. Across the airport she was boarding the plane. I walked closer and closer. But I kept a good distance. I watched her walk and for a short moment she looked my way. We made eye contact and I felt her heart beating faster. 

It felt like it was about to come out of my chest and go back to Dara, but it held it in. She looked away for a split second and that's when I made my exit. I saw her for the last time. This was going to be the last time I'll ever see her again. 

I went back to my apartment and I saw Jieun in front of it. I brushed past her and went inside. I didn't want to deal with her. I didn't really want to see her at all, but I knew I couldn't let her just wait out there.

I opened up the door again and looked at her.

"No matter what you say I will not come back to you. You cheated on me. I can never forgive you for that."

"But Bae..."

"Don't call me Bae. You have no right to call me that. Anyways...I don't love you anymore. Goodbye Jieun. Hope you have a great life with that other guy."

I slammed the door in her face and went to get a glass of water. I looked back at what has happened and cried. I fell asleep on my couch.

When I finally woke up I didn't know how many days has passed. I checked the computer and saw that four days have passed. The first thing I noticed was an article about some idol. I clicked on it and saw a man kissing Dara's forhead.

Who the hell is this guy?

I read the caption and it said it was some idol named Wooyoung from some boy group called 2pm.

I felt myself burn, but I knew I couldn't do anything. If she found someone else then that's good. She should forget about me, but why do I feel so hurt by this article. It might not even be true. I looked at it one more time and slammed my computer shut. 

I got up to get a glass of water when suddenly my whole body collapsed. It suddenly got hard to breath. I heard my phone ringing, but I didn't know who it was. All I knew was that I needed help and fast. I picked it up and barely got to say help.

"Hhheeellppp mmeee...."

After that I out. I finally woke up in my living room surrounded by all the guys and girls. I got startled and sat straight up.

"Good your finally awake."

I stared up at Top and wanted to say something, but got cut off by him.

"I called you because I wanted to say that we landed, but then I heard you saying 'Help me'. When we all got here we saw you on the floor passed out."


"Bae will you tell us what happened?"

"Even though I blame you for what happened to Dara I am still concerned for you."

I turned my gaze to Bom and saw that she really meant what she said. 

I couldn't tell them. I mean how could I. How could I tell them that I'm dying? It's better if they don't know.

"I must have passed out because I stayed up to late last night. Sorry for making you guys worried."

I heard them all sigh. They didn't believe me, but they weren't also going to keep asking.

"If that's what you say so."

I heard Bom say in a sarcastic tone. And then that's when it hit me. If they are back then does that mean that Dara is back? 

"Does Dara.."

"Dara knows that something happened to you, but we told her not to come."

"Ah yeah that's good."

I saw them glare at me.

Bom grabbed me by my collar. "What do you mean by that's good?"

"I'm saying it's good because she shouldn't worry about me. She should just forget about me."

I tried to hide the pain in my voice, but failed. It hurts a lot to say it out of my own mouth. They must have noticed it when they came closer to me again.

"Can you guys please give me some room? It's getting hard to breath."

They backed off. I needed them to get out. The more time they stay the more time I feel like I will spill everything. I was about to tell them to leave when suddenly Seungri speaks to me.

"Hyung I have a question. Why did I hear from my mom that your engagement is off?"

...I didn't want to talk about it still. But at least it wasn't anything about Dara. 

"I caught her cheating on me. So I called it off."

"BWOH?!?" Was all I heard from everyone. I finally caught this chance to get up.

"I don't mean to be rude, but can you guys please leave. I need some time to myself right now. If I ever need help again I won't hesitate to call you guys. Thanks again for coming to my rescue, but I really need you guys to go."

And with that I pushed them out the door. I gave out a huge sigh and just fell to the floor. 

Mianhae everyone. This isn't the right time to tell you yet. I'll tell you guys everything I promise. Just give me some time. Mianhae...



And this ends Youngbae's special chapter. Hope you guys liked it. I tried my best to put in as much feelings as I can. I worked really hard on his chapters. It was really fun writing it and I am happy to have written it.

Next chapter will go back to Dara's POV and will pick up from where she was with Wooyoung. 

Please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet. Don't forget to comment on what you think and what I should improve on. 

Thank you for reading. I love you guys <333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz