The Apartment

Just As Friends

Okay so it's back to Dara's POV. This picks up back where she was with Wooyoung about to run off to Youngbae. 



After feeling like I had control over my feelings I finally let go of Wooyoung. I look up at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks Woo."

It was a mistake on my part when I suddenly realised that we were being watched and people were taking pictures/videos of us. I hit myself at how reckless I acted.

"I'm sorry Woo. I didn't realise that.."

"Haha it's fine Dara. People can think whatever they want to think. I'm fine with it. Now can you come with me so I can show you your new apartment?"

I nodded my head and followed him to his car. I didn't know how far my apartment was from the airport because I fell asleep.

We finally got to my new apartment and it seemed very familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I just let it go. 

"Here we are. My apartment isn't that far from here. So if you need anything just call me."

"Why did you pick this apartment?"

"Because it's near where I live and it's very good."

I didn't know why I had a bad feeling. It seemed like this place was very familiar to me. I tried to think, but Wooyoung grabbed my hand and carried my bags all the way up to the fifth floor. He opened the door and before I could get in he stopped me.


He took my bags and put them inside the apartment. I waited outside and after a few minutes he comes out again. I waited for him to tell me that I can go, but instead he picked me up.

"Omo what are you doing?"

He lifted me up bridal style and carried me inside my apartment. I couldn't help, but blush at his sudden actions.

"Are you falling for me Dara?"

I slapped his shoulder and got down. I straightened myself up and just smiled at him.

"Oh Woo if I knew you were going to do that then I would have never came here."

We both laughed and looked around the apartment. I couldn't believe that it was so big. It was so spacious and was already furnished. I went inside the bedroom and teared up. It was beautiful. I saw pictures of me and my family. Pictures of me and the gang. Even pictures of me and Wooyoung. I looked at him as I saw the picture and laughed with him.

Then I saw the most beautiful thing ever. Right above my bed was pictures of me smiling put together to form a sun. I cried as it reminded me of Youngbae. I didn't tell Wooyoung that and just kept it to myself. That will be the only thing close to Youngbae I ever will get. I touched the photo collage and felt my heart beating crazily. 

I thought that it was because it reminded me of Youngbae, but it wasn't it. When I saw the pictures of me smiling that's when my heart suddenly started to beat excitedly. I shook the feeling off and arranged all of my other things.

I had help from Wooyoung with the heavy stuff after getting situated I made the two of us some tea.

"Hey Dara want to come with me and meet the rest of my band members?"

"What?!? Why? I'm not worthy enough."

He laughs at me and just gives me his really cute smile. Aigoo why does he have to smile at me like that >.<

"Awe come on. My members are dying to meet you. But you have to promise me that you won't fall in love with Nichkhun."

"Sheesh of course I won't. Anyways I'm a Khuntoria shipper."

I smile at him and he looks at me surprised.

"You are for Nichkhun and Victoria?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well want to know a secret?"

I got curious and leaned in closer to him.

"They have been secretly going out after WGM."

I pull back and looked at him in pure shock.

"Are you serious?"

"Yupp, but you can't say anything. They haven't gone public with it yet."

"Then is it also true about Taecyeon and Yoona?"

"Haha yupp. That's also true. But you have to keep all of it a secret."

"Of course. I'm great at keeping secrets."

I wink at him and took the cups into the kitchen. After I washed the dishes I went back inside my room to pick out something to wear. I looked at all the things and couldn't pick anything out.

Then out of nowhere I hear a knock on my door.

"Dara is it okay if I come in."

I open my door to see Wooyoung  carrying a box with him.

"What is this Woo?"

"I thought you might had a hard time choosing so I got this for you."

He gave me the box and inside it was a beautiful white sleeveless dress. I looked at it and gave it back to Wooyoung. 

"I'm sorry Woo I can't wear this dress."

"Why not?"

"It'll show my scar..."

"Which one?"

"Both of them. The scar I got from open heart surgery and the bullet wound. They are both pretty much healed, but you can still slightly see it. I don't want to scare off your members the first time I meet them."

"Dara it's okay. Please just try it on at least."

I nodded my head and told him to get out. I took out the dress and leaned it against my body. I sighed and took off the clothes I was wearing. I slowly put it on and checked myself in the mirror. 

I was right. My scars are very visible.

I shook my head as I touched my chest. The line going down between my s and the bullet wound right above my left . As I looked closer at the bullet wound I saw that it was shaped like a bursting sun. I shook my head violently to shake the thought away, but it just came back.

Why am I noticing so much sun around me? Is it impossible for me to forget Youngbae? I touched the bullet wound one more time and smiled. My heart started to beat faster again as soon as I touched the wound. 

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Wooyoung knock on my door again.

"Are you done changing? I want to see you in the dress."

I hesitated on opening the door, but I knew he had to at least see me in the dress he bought me. Once I opened the door showing him how he looked Wooyoung just stood at the door speechless.

" do I look?"

He didn't say anything which made me more nervous. 

"Woo... Aish I knew I looked bad."

I was about to slam the door shut when he stopped me.

"Dara you are so....beautiful...a true goddess."

I blushed at what he said. Then I realised that he was staring at my chest.

"These are the scars you are talking about right?"

I felt insecure as he looked at my scars. I wanted to cover them, but he took my hands off that were blocking my chest.

"Dara you don't have to hide these scars. They are beautiful. They are a part of you. It what makes you more beautiful. Trust me on this."

I let go of my breath and smiled at Woo. He is right. I shouldn't be insecure about something that is a part of me. I touched my scars one more time and just smiled at Wooyoung.

"Yeah you are right."

"So you'll wear the dress right?"

"Yupp. Just to make you happy."

"Good! The boys will also think you are beautiful."

"Haha okay. Get out I need to put on some makeup."

He shakes his head no and just grabs my hands.

"Ani you don't need any makeup. You look more beautiful the way you look right now. Natural."

He smiled at me and I just smiled back at him.

Wooyoung really knows how to make me feel good. I finally could trust someone again. I finally felt warmth one more time. But something is off.

It seems like my heart is fighting off Wooyoung. It seems like it doesn't like him. It makes me wonder who my heart donor was. I quickly let go of the thought when I got dragged out to the living room.

"Well since we still have a lot of time until we have to meet up with the rest of the guys why don't we just watch some dramas right now."

"Ohh wait I want to watch the Invisible Youth episode where you were in it."

"Ahh no we wont."

"Awe come on Woo. Please~?" 

I used aegyo on him hoping it would work. 

"Aish arasso. We'll watch it."

I sat next to him as we watched the episode. I kept laughing at everything especially when Wooyoung came on.

"Hahaha I can't believe you actually picked her up."

"I know. She was really heavy. I thought my back was going to break."

I laughed more after hearing what he said. After the episode we just watched other shows. I kept telling him what shows I wanted to see and most of them had him in it. Finally he got tired of watching himself.

We to the news and saw something very interesting.

"The search for the hidden princess of Japan in Korea."

That was the headline for the news. I looked at Wooyoung and saw that he was also looking at me.

"Whoa princess of Japan. That's crazy."

We clicked through the other news channels and saw that they were all talking about the hidden princess. 

It got me thinking on who the princess could be. Whoever the girl was must be lucky. She is actually royalty.

"Hey Dara wouldn't it be funny if you were the hidden princess of Japan?"

I hit Wooyoung on the shoulder and just laughed at his remark.

"Haha me the hidden princess? If only that was true."

"Hey you might never know."

"I do know. Since they said that the hidden princess has no mom. And from what I remember I still have my mom."

"Ahh yeah that is true."

We kept on listening to the news and saw all of the people who claimed that they were the princess. There was so many people who wanted to be the hidden princess. I laughed at all of the people. They looked so stupid.

"Man all those girls really want to be princess so much that they even lied about having no mom."

"I would never lie about that. I love my mom so much. I would never say she is dead."

After a few more minutes of watching the news Wooyoung looks at his phone and tells me that it's time to go meet up with s.

I gathered all my stuff and headed out the door.

As soon as we got outside I suddenly remembered why the apartment felt so familiar.

Right next door to me was the last person I wanted to see. My new next door neighbor was none other than...



This was the place he lived. And now I'm neighbors to him. How did this happen?

It happened all so fast. The only thing I remembered was Wooyoung pulling me away from Youngbae. He grabbed me and ran towards his car. As soon as we got into his car he drove off.

I looked at Wooyoung still in shock. He slammed his fist to the steering wheel.

"Crap. Don't worry Dara we'll get you a new apartment."

"Ani. I like that apartment."

I didn't want to move. It wasn't because of Youngbae, but because of all the warmth I already felt from that apartment.

"Dara are you crazy? Youngbae is your neighbor."

"It doesn't matter. I won't talk to him. That was the apartment you chose for me so I want to stay there. That was the apartment you carried me into. I finally felt warmth again. So I don't want to move. Woo please. I can handle this. I'm strong enough."

He shook his head. But finally looks at me.

"Fine you can still live there, but I'm going to live with you also."

I knew I couldn't argue with him. At least he will let me stay in that apartment.

"Alright, but will JYP be okay with this?"

". I forgot about that. Ughh fine I can't live with you also, but if anything happens I will come right away."

I gave out a small smile as I got the apartment all to myself again. 

I kissed Wooyoung on the cheek. "Gomawo Wooyoung."

I saw him turn all red after I kissed him.

Even though I acted like this with Wooyoung I felt bad. I still didn't feel anything for him. My heart would never beat faster for him. Everytime I looked at him I would feel warm, but it wasn't the same as I looked at Youngbae.

When I thought about Youngbae I suddenly remember that he was my neighbor.

What am I going to do about that?

Am I strong enough?


As much as I loved writing in Youngbae's POV it feels good to talk about in Dara's POV again.

Hoped you liked this update. Wooyoung and Dara are getting more skinship kekeke. But don't worry Darayang hearts they will never really end up together.

And Dara and Youngbae are neighbors now. Dundundun. Hehehe

Please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet. And comment please on what you think or what I should improve on. Don't be afraid to say what you want to see in my story. 

Love you guys <333


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz