Matchmaker Dara

Just As Friends

I stared at Bae smiling like a fool. If you told me eleven years ago that I would end up with Bae I would hit and laugh at you for giving me false hope. It still comes to me as a blessing that this man is with me.

My hand gently caressed his face carefully trying not to disturb him. I must have failed since I see the sides of his mouth curling upwards. 

"If you keep staring at me like that then we might have to go on a second round."

I quickly turned away as I saw him smirking at me. My face turned red and I could feel the air around me thinning. I was back to my senses when I heard him chuckle.

"What's so funny huh!"

My sudden outburst only made him laugh more. I gave a pout not liking how he is just laughing at something I clearly don't know about.

"Hey come on let's put our clothes on since..." I didn't let him finish because I jumped out of my bed remembering that I had invited the girls and guys over.

"OMO I forgot about the gang."

I was running around my room throwing clothes at Bae and putting clothes on. I was in such a rush that I accidently put on Youngbae's clothes on instead. I stopped and looked over at Bae laughing once more while holding up my underware.

"This is some pretty y underware you have here babe." I quickly blushed and quickly took off his clothes while grabbing my underware and bra away from his grasp.

"Can you please get ready the gang must be almost here by now." 

"Well I would have been done by now, but someone wanted to wear my clothes."

I playfully hit his arm while looking through the closet to see which dress I should wear. As I was rummaging through the closet I finally found the perfect dress to wear. It was a beautiful simple white dress that gave me an innocent look(the dress she wore for the Elle photoshoot) while showing my curves and a little bit of skin. After putting it on I looked over at Youngbae only to feel hot again. He had on a suit on that clearly hugged his well toned muscles.  

"Bae how can you be so hot without even showing anything." He looks up at me and just smirks.

"Well at least I now know that I don't have to be to make you feel this hot about me." He walks over to me and just kisses me on the lips one last time before I had to push him off so I could do my hair and makeup.

"Why are you putting makeup on? You look better without it." 

I was just about to put on eye liner when I heard what he said. I turn around to see if he was serious, but his face was all so very serious. I gave out a sigh and turned around.

"Fine I won't put on any makeup since the only person I want to impress just said not to put any." I sarcastically said out loud.

I could hear him laugh at my reply, but I didn't really care since I still had to do my hair. Well actually before I could even really start doing my hair a person or shall I say an annoying hot boyfriend was saying something again.

"Your hair looks great naturally down." I finally had enough as I stood up and faced him.

"What is the point of dressing up then?"

"You are dressed up. You have a beautiful dress and heels on." 

I just stared at him dumbfounded at his reply. I slumped back down on the chair and just started cleaning up since I obviously wasn't going to use any of it.

"If it was going to be like this then why tell the gang to dress formal." 

"I told them to dress up formal because this is the special time we tell everyone about us being together." I gave out a defeated sigh accepting his reason.

"Don't you think they already know we are together?"

"I just want to make it official to everyone. Is it that bad that I just want to see you in a beautiful dress?" I smiled as he said those words and hid my the blush that krept its way to my cheeks.

"Fine it's okay, but next time can it just be casual?" I looked over at him and saw him just nodding like a little kid.

"Yes babe."

"Alright enough talking. Let's go down."

Bae and I walked out of the room only to run into Rui. He seemed to be in a rush and I didn't know why. Before he could run off I grabbed him by the arm and made him face our way.

"Rui what's going on?" One look at him one could tell he was out of breath and his once calm face turned worried with sweat dripping down from it.

"Someone had left the back door open and some raccoons came in eating all the food that had been prepared."

I ran with Rui and Youngbae as we went to the kitchen only to see a mess all over the kitchen and dinning area. My knees gave out as I saw all the hard work we put in all go to waste. The only thing that was left were some bread. I picked up the fallen corn off the ground and felt horrible since all of the food we had cooked were favorites from everyone.

The grilled buttered corn for Bom were all over the ground half eaten, Chaerin's Japanese ramen got mixed with Minzy's DenJangGook, Seunghyun's ice cream had also been taken out of the freezer. I just couldn't handle looking at the scene as I walked away. I felt Bae rubbing my shoulders so I turned my head at him giving him a small smile.

"Hey don't worry about it. Everything will be fine. They already started cleaning up so before the gang even comes it'll be spotless."

"That's not what I'm sad about. We took our time making everything only to have it to waste. And now we don't have any food to give them."

"We can always order food? And isn't there like three kitchens in this whole house? Maybe Rui and others can cook while we entertain?"

I looked at Bae happy to see that he was so calm and thought of such great ideas. I would have never thought to use the other kitchens we have or even ask the many great cooks that are at my command.

"Your right. I'll go tell Rui about the whole plan. You go to the front to wait for the girls and guys. Also can you call them to see where they are at so we can estimate how much time we got."

I didn't wait for him to reply back as I ran back into the kitchen and saw Rui picking up everything. With one look you can really tell that Rui had many things that was going through his head. As I got closer I could hear him whispering things in english. 

"Crap. Who the hell left the door open? All the hard work Dara and Youngbae did is now gone to waste. Once I find the person I'll punish them severly." His eyebrows were knitted together. I went over to him and made him stop cleaning so he can look at my face.

"Rui it's fine. There are two other kitchens that can be used. So right now instead of looking for whose at fault can you please tell all the chefs to make all the food that has been ruined."

He smiles at me, but it didn't reach to his eyes. I can see that he blames himself as he walks away with his shoulder slumped. I called out to him reaching his arm.

"It isn't your fault. This was all an accident. Don't beat yourself up about this. Smile for me okay? Also can you go change into something nicer because I want you to meet someone very important to me."

Before Rui could say anything back to me, I pushed him out of the kitchen and laughed as he reluctantly walked away. I pulled out my phone calling the person I wanted him to meet. I really hope Rui will like the person because I want to see him and her happy. Plus I think they would make a great couple. But before I could start making their wedding plans I first have to make them meet. After two rings the other person picked up the phone.

"Hello? Dara?"

"Ah unnie! Where are you right now?" 

I could hear her chuckle that instantly makes me smile.

"I'm at my house since today is my day off. What do you have planned my dear?"

"You should come hang out with me and the rest of the gang!" 

"Do you mean Bom, Minzy, Chaerin, Jiyoung, and those other people?" I nodded my head like a little kid only to feel stupid since she wouldn't be able to see me nodding my head.

"Yeah you should totally hang out with us! I'll send you the address. And also unnie you have to dress up! Arasso? Bye."

I hung up before she could reject the offer. I sent her the address and went back out to the living room to meet up with Youngbae.

"So tell me where are they?" 

Youngbae looks over at me and starts laughing out of nowhere. I looked around me to see what he could be laughing at, but saw nothing funny. So I started checking if there was anything wrong with me, but there was also nothing wrong. I waited patiently for him to stop laughing, but it took awhile so I just got fed up and smacked him behind his head.

"YAH! Can you tell me what is so funny?" He wipes a tear from laughing so much and regained his breath.

"They aren't here yet because they got lost on the way. So it'll take another ten minutes."

I slapped my forehead not believing that they had gotten lost. Especially with Chaerin in the car because she hates being lost. I can only picture the rest of the guys getting a mouth full from Chaerin mostly Seungri since he's probably driving.

"Well I invited one more special person. You know her, but it'll be a surprise to Rui." Youngbae looks at me thinking of who else can the other girl be.

"Who is it?"

"Don't worry about it you'll see later. Anyways she isn't for you, but for Rui." I gave him a playful wink and turned around to see Rui dressed up quite handsomely. If I wasn't taken by Youngbae I would gladly go out with Rui. Probably sensing something wrong Youngbae covers my eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa don't you go looking at other guys while I'm here." I glared at Youngbae slapping his hands away.

"I'm not checking him out. I just never knew how handsome Rui can be all dressed up."

"Thank you Dara." We both smiled at each other, but Rui's face got blocked from my view when I suddenly see a scowling Bae.

"Seriously Bae you know I only love you so can you not be jealous over Rui." 

Bae lets out an okay while giving the cutest pout ever. I giggled at his child like actions. It's funny since he has such big muslces. After talking to Rui about the current status of the dinner he told me that everything has been cleaned and that most of the food that has been ruined has been remade by our chefs. I let out a sigh of relief happy to hear that we are back on track. 

Rui went to the kitchen to get some snacks and drinks to lay out on the coffee table ready for the girls and guys. While Youngbae helped Rui carrying the stuff I hear the doorbell and very loud knocking. I walked over to the door and looked through the intercom to see the gang. Before I could open the door I can hear Bom and Chaerin screaming.


"Seungri this is all your fault for us being late. AND WHY DIDN'T YOU DRIVE THE CAR ALL THE WAY UP HERE. Walking in these heels are such a pain!"

"Sorry noona. I didn't know we had to walk an extra more from the gate."

"Really?!? You didn't see the rest of the road extending after the gate! Gosh I could just kill you right now!"

Taking that as my cue I opened up the door greeting them with my biggest smile hoping it will lighten up the mood. As soon as I opened up the door I was tackled by Bom, Minzy, and Chaerin all screaming at me.

"UNNIE!!! DARA!!" I didn't even know who was screaming what, but I do know that I was happy to see them. I hugged them back. 

"Awe once again everyone is super dressed up with their makeup and hair done while YOUNGBAE only made sure I wore a dress." I made sure I emphasized Youngbae's name. In the distance I hear him laugh at me. After saying hi to the girls I went and gave a hug to all the guys.

"You guys look very handsome. And Ji might I ask where are your pants? Did Teddy forget to give them back to you?"

"Aish DARA! I'm wearing a kilt it's called fashion!" I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Teddy asking if he's really serious.

"Ji I don't know what you're talking about, but that is a skirt. Anyways you look good in whatever you wear plus you have very y legs." Instead of winking at Jiyoung I winked at Teddy and laughed when he nodded his head while his lips.

"Yah stop that you two Minzy is here!" Teddy and I laughed at Ji's face turning red.

"Whatever Ji. Anyways let's go sit down have some tea and bread since our chefs are still doing some finishing touches."

"Unnie is the.." Minzy was stuttering and I found it very cute.

"If your wondering if the emperor and crown prince is here then I'll tell you that they aren't. They left a long time ago back to Japan for something serious."

We reached the living room and was happy to just enjoy talking with everyone, but I look to my side to see Rui somewhat uncomfortable. Well I don't really blame him since he is the only one that doesn't have a partner. I looked down at my phone waiting for the special person to text me that they are here. After a few more conversations a chef came out and told us to go to the dinning room. 

Once we went inside the dinning room I could see everyone astonished with the decor. We all looked at the table and saw all the different types of food. I knew I wasn't the only one wiping the drool from my mouth as we smelled the food. On one side there was Daesung, Minzy, Chaerin, Seungri, and Rui. At my side was Teddy, Jiyoung, Youngbae, me, Bom, and Seunghyun. We were about to dig in when I felt a vibration. I looked down at my phone and smiled seeing the text that said that the person I have been waiting for was finally here.

I excused myself to everyone explaining that our last guest has arrived. I looked over at Rui and gave him a wink. Everyone looked at me confused thinking that everyone was already here. I just shrugged everyone's questions away as I pretty much ran to the front door.

It was a really long way from the dinning room. I thought to myself as I finally reached the front door panting since I ran too hard. I took a big breath in calming my breathing down to a normal pace. Finally calming myself down and wiping the sweat away I opened the door to be greeted by a drop dead gorgeous woman in front of me.

"Dara I didn't know how much I was suppose to be dressed up, but seeing you now I feel like I dressed up too much."

"Ani you are dressed perfectly. I'm only dressed liked this because my boyfriend didn't want me to look super fancy." She chuckled and patted my head as I let her in.

"Dara I never knew you lived in such a big mansion." It hit me that I hadn't told her about me being the hidden princess of Japan.

"Oh sorry unnie I forgot to tell you something very important. Can you keep a secret for me?"

"Of course I can." I smiled at her and walked slower trying to figure out how I was going to tell her.

"Well you see I'm actually the hidden princess of Japan." She stopped walking and had open surprised.

"Are you joking right now?"


"Wow I always knew you were special." I looked up and saw her smiling at me. "Don't worry your secret will be safe with me. What are friends for anyways." 

I jumped at her giving her a bear hug. Our hug was cut short when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and smiled wider when I saw who it was.

"Uhm Dara everyone is wondering where you went. And they are getting hungry." 

I can see him looking at the girl next to me. Everything is falling right in it's place.

"Good thing you are here Rui. I want you to meet my very special friend that I told you about." I look at the girl next to me and also see her being shy in front of Rui. I giggled to myself and kept going on with the introductions.

"As I was saying. Rui this is Gummy. Gummy this is Rui my bodygaurd and newly found friend." 

They both bowed and shook hands. I can see them turning red. I wanted to jump up and down, but held myself since I couldn't show them that I had planned all of this. I just really wanted to see Rui happy with someone that'll treat him right. And I owed a lot to Gummy so why not give her a hot, caring, gentleman by the name of Rui.

"It's really nice to meet you miss Gummy." Gummy turned red and waved her hands in front of her face.

"You don't have to call me miss. Just call me by Gummy no need to add all of that."

"Oh okay. Well you look very nice tonight Gummy." I felt like I was watching a cute romantic scene from one of my favorite dramas. Gummy was flustered when she saw Rui smiling at her.

"Uhm you look very hansome tonight too." Now it was Rui's turn to be flustered. I could pretty much taste the sweetness around the air. However it was cut short when my stomach grumbled. I looked at both them embaressed.

"It seems someone is hungry. Why don't we join the rest and eat."

I sheepishly smiled at Rui while following from behind as I watch Rui and Gummy's interaction with each other. I was proud to see them hitting it off instantly. Once we reached the dinning room everyone bursted out.

"Wahh Gummy unnie!"

"Gummy noona you look very nice!" 

"Yah she always looks nice! Stupid rat. Hey unnie!"

Everyone laughed at the childish argument between Chaerin and Seungri. We all are finally seated and now instead of Rui being alone he had a beautiful girl next to him. The dinner went great as everyone laughed at Bom hitting Seunghyun for taking her corn to Rui accidenlty drinking from the same glass that Gummy drank from. Before we left the dinning room Youngbae asked for everyone's attention.

"I know everyone probably already has guessed, but I just want to officially say it to everyone. Before I was scared to admit to my feelings for Dara that it actually ruined our friendship. Dara and I have gone through a lot and I know I have made many mistakes. That's why I just want to correct them all now. I've planned this since we were young and I wanted to wait till everyone was here to witness this. Dara I don't know when I'll go, but during the time I still have I want you to be mine."

My eyes were filled with tears as I looked at Youngbae doing his speech. I thought he was just going to tell everyone we were finally together, I never knew he was going to say such a sweet speech. My heart ached when he reminded me about his weakness. I thought he was done, but he kept on going.

"Dara you are my light at the end of the dark tunnel I was in. You never failed to make me laugh and smile. You even risked your life for me twice. My love for you has been there the moment you stood up for me at your fifth birthday. You were the reason for me to keep on fighting for my life. Everyday I would look at your picture before I went to sleep having only positive thoughts. You think I gave you my heart just recently, but you actually had it long way before the accident. My heart was never mines because it's forever yours. So Dara I only have one question."

I waited for him to ask, but the next thing I know was seeing Youngbae kneeling down in front of me. I got up from my seat surprised by what he is doing. Everyone else has also got up from their seat anticipating on what Youngbae was going to do next. He pulled out a black velvet box and stared up at me. I held my breath as he opened it up and in the box was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"



I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY! I should have said something about me being gone for awhile. This was long overdue and I apologise profoundly! I was focusing on my school for this whole time, but now I'm all done. I'm on summer break so you'll see more of my updates. I really really am sorry. 

I just want to thank everyone that has stuck with my story and also thank you to everyone that has newly subscribed to it. I also want to make a correction that was pointed out. In the other chapter I made it seem as if Dara was a , but I forgot that I had written that she was so that was my fault. Thank you anonymousmysterious for pointing that out. 

If this chapter wasn't that great I'm sorry. I really wanted to put this chapter out so you could have something to read. I'm sorry if I'm disappointing all of you guys/girls. T_T please forgive me. OTL Once again thank you to everyone who is supporting this story. Please comment on what you think and I won't bad mad if you yell at me. I love you! <333

Here's a really cute picture of Dara and Youngbae. Aren't they just the cutest! >//< Hope this can also make up for it. Haha Darayang <3 ftw! OTP!



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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz