Youngbae's Special Chapter Pt. 1

Just As Friends

His speical chapter will start from the dinner. There will be two chapters maybe MAYBE three if I can't fit everything I want in just two. If I do make it three will you guys be okay with it? >.< 

Well here you go hope you like his special chapters.

Man I didn't really get to talk to Dara today. Even though we had lunch I kept thinking about what happened in the past. I couldn't help it though. Everytime I see her I just keep seeing her bloody body. 

She risked her life for me...

I know it was horrible to just leave her in the hospital like that. I felt disgusting. It was all my fault that she was in that situation. I was so scared that she'll be in that situation again that I left her. I never want to see her like that ever again.

As I walk out of the cafe I suddenly remember what Dara said during the lunch.

"The past is gone. We just have to look towards the future and live for the present. We shouldn't dwell on the past."

She really is a strong one. That's why she is my bestfriend. 

I kept thinking about all the things Dara and I went through when out of nowhere I felt someone pull my sleeve. I look behind me and immediately smile.


"Bae was that Dara? Your precious precious bestfriend. If I didn't know better it would seem like you guys were the couple."

I see her pout and just laugh. She really gets jealous easily. 

"Not this again. I told you many times. Dara is my bestfriend. You are the one I love. And the one I'm going to marry. Remember."

"Hehehe say you love me."

She finally perks up and I forgot what I was thinking before she talked to me.

"You are a dork."

"Say it."

"I love you."

"Hehehe I love you too."

I couldn't help, but stare at her and feel guilty. I didn't know why, but I just shrugged it off. I grab her hand as we walk towards my car.

During the car ride I talked to her about dinner.

"So I invited her for dinner."


I look at her as if she was crazy. "Why are you yelling?"

She turns away and sighs. "I just thought that tonight will be just us two..."

"Well I wanted to introduce you to my friends. That's why I invited her. She isn't the only one that'll be there."

"Ugh fine. Whatever. What time is the dinner?"

"At six."

"Well I'm going to be late."

I can only sigh and be happy that she will at least go. I turn to her and kiss her.

"Thanks for understanding."

I dropped her off at her place since she has more clothes there. Then I drove to my place. First I made sure that I told Seungri to go with Dara. 

Seungri don't forget that after Dara's work you have to go with her. Make sure nothing happens to her.

Aigoo hyung why can't you do it? 

Pabo I have to get ready. And anyways don't you miss your favorite noona?

Fine I'll go meet up with her. But I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for her.

I couldn't help, but laugh at my stupid cousin. I put my phone back into my pocket and went inside my apartment.

Mhmm what should I wear? Simple is best.

It didn't take long for me to decide on what I wanted to wear. I wore my black vest on top of my white longsleeve, a black skinny tie, black slacks, and to top it off my dress shoes. I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe how good I looked.

Damn am I hot. 

Hahaha I couldn't believe I just said that. I checked the time and still had a few minutes till I should head to the restaurant. Well it doesn't hurt to be there early. I took my keys and head to my car. I checked my phone to see if I got any messages. 

Mhmm there is one from Jieun.

I'm going to be and hour late. I'm sorry. Something came up.

Ohh...okay then..

I started my car and felt down. She's always like this when it comes to hanging out with my friends. Why doesn't she like them? I always wonder that. She never got along with the guys especially Top. Ugh I'm racking my brain over nothing. I should just let it go.

I finally reached the restaurant and got the room I reserved. I waited for a few minutes until I saw Top walk through the door. I knew he would be the first one to be here.

"Wassup Top!"

"What the hell is this dinner about?"

I also knew he was going to be like this. 

"Top calm down. The guys and girls are coming."

"What about Jieun?"

I heard the tone in his voice. I really don't get why he holds such hatred towards her.

"Of course Jieun is coming. I'm going to announce to everyone that I'm engaged to her."


I really don't know what is up with Top, but he is getting on my nerves. Whenever it comes to Jieun he flips. 

"I'm gonna introduce my FIANCE to my friends. What is wrong with that?"

"Dara is coming huh.."

"Of course she's coming. She's my bestfriend."

Why did he suddenly bring up Dara? I look at him like he said something stupid. Why wouldn't she be here? 

"You really don't know anything."

I hated when he said that. "What do you mean? You always say that , but never go into depth."

"I won't tell you because it won't make a freaking difference. I'm just going to sit down and wait for everyone else to come."

UGH WTF?!? Why is Top acting like this? Dara and Jieun whenever those two come up in the same conversation Top changes. 

Whatever I'm going to let it go. I don't need to be worrying about that. 

But what does he mean by I don't know. Ugh stop Youngbae. Don't think about it.

As time passed by the other guys came. The only people missing were Seungi and the girls. I invited Jiyoung and Teddy, but they said that they want alone time. Sheesh those two love birds. I look at the time and saw that thrity minutes have already passed.

Where the heck are they? Finally the door opens and I see Seungri and the girls. I smiled as I saw them one by one. They looked beautiful. Then Dara comes through the door. Why is she just wearing casual clothes? Didn't Seungri tell her that it'll be formal? Well it doesn't matter she still looks beautiful as ever. That's what I love about her. She can be natural and still be so beautiful.

Wait what am I thinking about....

I caught myself staring at Dara and blushed. What the heck is wrong with me? I must be going crazy. Dara is my bestfriend. Jieun is my fiance the girl I'm going to marry the girl I love. I smile to myself as I think about Dara and Jieun.

We started eating our food and I couldn't help, but stare at my phone. Until I finally saw the message from Jieun.

Bae I'm outside. Where are you guys?

I'll come and get you.

"Alright so I'll tell you guys the real reason why I wanted to have this dinner. Well before I tell you guys let me do something real quick."

I left the room and went to where Jieun was. I found her and was stunned. She looked breath taking. She wore a beautiful white dress that hugged every curve of her body. Damn...I grabbed her hand and kissed her on the cheeks.

I came into the room first and introduced her.

"Everyone this is my fiance Jieun."

After I said that it felt awkward. I got worried and could feel Jieun tensing up next to me. I was going to say something else when I heard a small whisper. It wasn't that loud, but I heard it. 

"Congratulations Bae." Dara said barely over a whisper. I think I was the only one who heard her.

I went to her and gave her a hug. "I knew my bestfriend would be the first one to congratulate us."

"Haha of course."

"I should introduce you two. Jieun this is my bestfriend Dara."

"It's nice to meet you Dara-sshi."

I couldn't help, but feel so happy inside when I saw them shaking hands.


Is it just me or was Dara kind of hesistant. But I shurgged it off as everyone else started to congratulate us. I was gonna go to Dara to ask her about what she thought of Jieun when she suddenly said that she had to go to the bathroom. I saw her walk out and wanted to chase after her to see if anything was wrong. But then Jieun grabbed onto me. I looked at her confused at her actions, but stayed with her. That's when I saw Top look at me and shake his head.

He gets up and goes after Dara. Why did he shake his head at me?

"I wonder what happened.." I said to myself, but loud enough for Jieun to hear and get mad. She lets go of my hand and also excused herself.

I talked to everyone else as we waited for them to come back.

"How long have you guys been together?"

I smiled at Minzy and told her. "We've been going out for a year now."

"Hyung tell them how you propsed to her."

"Haha okay Seungri. I did it really simple. I made a video of me dancing and at the end of it I popped out and asked her to marry me."

"HAHAHAHA that is so lame Hyung."

I glared at Seungri at him laughing at me. I didn't think it was lame, but Seungri wasn't the only one who thought it was lame. Jieun thought it was lame also. Sigh..I'm just not good in those type of things.

"Haha it's okay oppa. Simple can also be very beautiful."

"I know what you mean Chae. Just look at Dara."

I stopped talking as I realised what I said. I felt everyone look at me. 

Why did I say that?

I try thinking of what else to say, but I kept getting stuck on my words.

"Uhmm you are right oppa she is beautiful."

I can hear Seungri and Daesung's laugh in the back. But I don't get why the girls are looking at me like that. Great I bet they'll tell Dara. Dara will probably just laugh at me. I should change the subject.

"So do you guys want to know when and where I met her?"

"Haha trying to change the subject I see. Fine hyung tell us."

I rolled my eyes at Daesung and just went on with my story.

"I met her at YG cafe a few years back. We became great friends easily and I fell in love with her after one meeting."

As soon as I said that Dara comes in the room. I notice that something was off about her. I've seen that face before. She has that look whenever she just finished crying. But why was she crying? What is going on? I want to ask her, but when I looked at her I got scared. Scared of her answer. So instead I just went on with the story. 

I told them all about me and Jieun, but I can tell they didn't care. They weren't really listening. I saw that they were having their own little conversation. I kept on going hoping and easing my mind that everything is okay. I was on the part about when I finally confessed my feelings to Jieun when suddenly Chaerin gets up from her seat.

"Ah sorry oppa, but we got to go. We'll hear all about how you met Jieun some other time. Mianhae."

And then Minzy gets up also. "Mianhae oppa."

Then it felt like they planned it when Bom also got up. "Yeah. Bye. Come on Dara."

Wait what? Dara is also going to leave?

"Uhmm. We'll just talk more about it later. Bye...Youngbae."

I flinched. She never calls me Youngbae unless she is mad, sad, or disappointed at me. And her tone it felt so cold. Why did she call me that? What is wrong Dara? Tell me. I look at her pleading not to go.

Then I heard all the guys saying that they were going to leave also. And Seungri calling Chaerin baby, but I didn't really care about that. All I'm thinking about right now is that they are leaving. I can't believe they are leaving right now.

"Why are you guys leaving now? Jieun just got here." I try to convince them to stay. But I mostly looked at Dara. Out of all people I didn't want her to leave.

"I don't care that she just got here. I want to go." When I heard Bom talk like that I got mad. Why does she have the same tone as Top? Why do they hate Jieun so much? I'm at my tipping point.

"Bom that's really mean. If you want to go then go. I don't want your bad attitude near Jieun." I calm myself down before I keep going. "What about you Dara? Surely my bestfriend will stay."

I really wanted her to stay. I want her to like Jieun as much as I like her. I love Dara and I love Jieun. If the two girls I love don't get along I don't know what I'll do.

I look over to her and see that Bom mumbled something. I knew it must have been something bad when I heard what Dara said.

"Mianhae Youngbae. I'm their ride so I have to go also. Just have fun with Jieun."

My heart sank. She is leaving me. She does't want to be here. Why? What did I do? What did Jieun do? Once they left I sat down and covered my face. I can't believe that this dinner that I planned to be joyous turned for the worst.

I felt like . And then I heard faint screaming. But I didn't really pay much attention to it. I took out my phone and looked at the pictures in it. There is a secret folder that I keep locked. It was under the name of "Sun." There was many pictures in that folder of the same person. I named it "Sun" because this person was my light. When everything was dark my life would brighten up whenever she was around.

I stared at the picture as tears started to fall. 

I can't be doing this right now.

I wiped my tears away as I wait for Jieun to come back from the bathroom. I have to be strong. She can't see me cry. She'll start asking questions and I don't need that right now.

"Bae I really don't like your friends."

I couldn't believe my ears. "Bwoh?"

"They left and when they passed me they just started yelling at me."

"No that can't be true. They would never do that."

"It's either me or your friends. They obviously don't like me. So what's your choice?"

I covered my ears when I heard her last sentence. "Don't make me choose. You know I can never choose."

"Fine I'll let you have some time, but I'm going to my apartment. This was such a waste of time."

And just like that Jieun also left me alone. Why is this happening right now? Why is she making me choose? She should know that I love her, but why? My friends or her...I can never make that choice. I stayed in the room for at least an hour until I get a message on my phone. I jumped up hoping it was Jieun or Dara. But I frowned. 

Bae can you help me with Dara? I finally got to see her, but she ran away from me. Please.

Yeah I'll help you. Where is she at right now?

She ran away from me, but I found her going to an ice-cream shop and met up with a group of people. The only people I recognise are Bom, Chaerin, and Minzy.

Okay I'll be there shortly.

I sighed as I got up and paid for everything. I knew where they went. It wasn't that far from here. It was only twenty minutes away. Ten if you speed down. And that is exactly what I did.

I got to the ice cream place and see Dara and everyone else. They left the dinner and went to get ice cream. I feel kind of betrayed.

I see a guy looking at them from afar and went to him.

"Hello Mr. Park."

"Good Bae you're here."

"Alright let's go see if you can talk to Dara."

We walked towards them and I couldn't help, but feel heavy. I got scared and walked slower as we got closer. I was about to back out, but I suddenly see Top look at me and said in a serious tone.

"Youngbae what are you doing here? And whos that?"

I blinked mutiple times as I see everyone turn around. As soon as I see Dara turn around I saw the anger in her eyes. She froze, but her eyes burned as soon as she saw who I was with.

"This is Dara's father. He asked me to help look for Dara." I went over to her and grabbed her hand unsubconsciously. I didn't know why I did that, but I just kept it held. "Dara why did you run away from your father?" Her hand became cold and I feel her slowly pulling away. She must have went back to her senses when she quickly pulls and tries to walk away. But I'm faster.

I grab her again not really careing that the others are there witnessing this. "You should learn to forgive and forget. You have waited for your dad to come back and when he's finally back you run away."

Then that's when I saw it. Her eyes filled with sadness. I know what she's thinking right now. I closed my eyes as I felt her hand slap me. 

"You should be the one to speak. Forgive and forget. You should follow what you preach."

My heart broke when I saw the tears going down her cheeks. Not again. I made her cry. I hate myself.

"You don't know anything Bae. Nothing."

I wanted to say something, but I saw her grab the girls and pretty much ran to her car. I stared at her back and knew that she'll be crying herself to sleep. I felt horrible. I knew better. Dara would have never wanted to see her Dad, but I'm just selfish. I just want everyone to go back to how it was before.

I left the guys and Dara's dad as I drove to my apartment. I had so much emotions coming to me. I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew I saw the picture of me and Dara on the floor. The frame was broken into pieces. I took out the picture and just looked at it.

"Mianhae Dara. Mianhae..."



So how did you guys like the first part of the story. Maybe just maybe I can do this in two chapters. But if you guys want do you want three chapters? Or is that to much?


This was pretty fun writing. Hahaha. 

Don't forget to subscribe and comment.

Love you guys! <333


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz