Meeting 2pm

Just As Friends

Throughout the whole car ride I can tell that Wooyoung was still pissed about me seeing Youngbae again.

I sighed as I looked out the window and saw everything go by me in a flash. It was blurry and I only saw snippets of the things passing by me. 

I couldn't take the silence anymore and turned back to Wooyoung.

"Woo can you stop sulking about what happened.."

"I'm not sulking, I'm mad. There is a difference."

"Why are you even mad?"

We stop at a stoplight and he looks directly at me. 

"Uhmm I don't know Dara. Maybe it's because that BASTARD is your neighbor and I'm the one who picked that apartment."

I flinched at his words and felt myself heating up. I wasn't going to say anything, but my heart felt like it was on fire. I couldn't stop myself from saying what I was going to say next.


I covered my mouth as soon as I said it. 

"Obviously someone still feels strongly about someone else."

I was going to say sorry, but something in me told me that it was better to stay quiet. The rest of the way we didn't say anything to each other.

Great job Dara you just made Woo mad at you. He must be really sad right now..

I hit myself on the leg as I regretted saying anything. I felt the tension in the air. We finally got to the place and as soon as we parked he got out of the car.

He couldn't wait to get out. He really must be mad.

I slowly got out of the car and followed him inside the building. I looked up at noticed that it was the JYP building. I felt weird walking in so I just stopped in my tracks. I didn't want to go further in I felt like I was intruding. 

Wooyoung must have noticed that I was behind me when he came back for me. He was still irritated, but he grabbed my hand. Before we went inside the practice room he sighed and looked at me.

"Dara I know what you are thinking of right now and no I'm not mad at you. I'm just irritated that you stood up for him after all he has done to you. And...I was jealous. You know how I feel about you and I know that I said I was fine with it, but I'll admit. It hurts. A lot. I just wish you could get over him faster.."

And with that he lets go of my hand and walks inside the practice room. I couldn't really think of anything to say. All I hear inside the practice room was the rest of the band members shouting at Wooyoung. 

I've hurt Woo...I'm so inconsiderate...I'll stop talking about Bae while Woo is around. He is my greatest friend I can't make him hurt like this...He has done so much for me..I should just forget about Bae and focus purely on Woo

I was suddenly cut off from my thoughts when I see Wooyoung right in front of me. I look at him and saw that he had a sad expression on, but quickly hid it with a smile. I grabbed him before we could go in.

"Woo I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I will try my best to get over Bae. I promise."

With that said Wooyoung smiles his genuine smile and grabs my hand again. I could feel myself sweating as I became more nervous on meeting 2pm.

Omomomomo I'm going to meet 2pm...I hope I don't make a fool out of myself... >___<

As soon as I stepped in I saw everyone from 2pm standing right in front of me. They were very handsome.

"Annyeonghasseyo 2pm imnida!"

"I'm Junsu the hansome one."

"I'm Junho the funny one."

"I'm Changsung the one who eats a lot."

"I'm Taecyeon the one who rips his shirts all the time."

"I'm Nichkhun the winking machine."

"And I'm Wooyoung the flower boy."

I laughed out loud at their funny introductions. When I finally stopped laughing I gave a bow and introduced myself.

"Annyeonghasseyo Sandara imnida but you can just call me Dara."

"So Dara how did you steal the heart of our Wooyoung?"

I looked at Nichkhun and tried to think of an appropriate answer to tell him. I didn't even say anything when suddenly Wooyoung answered it for me.

"She stole my heart a long time ago. When we were just kids."

The boys just stared at Wooyoung and then suddenly attacked him.

"Aigoo this guy."

"Sheesh corney much."

I smiled at the sight thinking that it was really nice to see how close they are. I didn't realise that they were looking at me. I only notice when Wooyoung suddenly covered my head.

"No you guys can't have her!"

I brushed him off and just kept talking to the guys.

"It's really nice to see how close you guys are."

I waited for them to answer. When they didn't say anything I kept on smiling even though I felt really awkward. I didn't know why they just kept staring at me. And then it hit me. They must be wondering about the scars on my body.

I beat myself up in my head for listening to Wooyoung and wearing the dress.

I was going to apologise about the scars when finally Changsung said something.

"Uhmm Dara has anyone told you how beautiful you are?"

I blushed at what he said and looked down. Then Junho was the next person to say something.

"Seriously especially when you smile. No wonder Wooyoung wanted to keep you to himself."

"Uhm thank you Changsung and Junho."

I looked up and smiled at the both of them. When I did that the guys went crazy. They really do know how to make a girl laugh.

"Aisht! Dara you can't fall for them!"

Wooyoung runs to me and hugs me tight in front of the guys.

"Hahaha w.e Woo. Anyways I don't think their fans would like it if any of you guys went out with someone as ordinary as me."

They all shook their heads and told me that I was perfect for any of them.

"Well you can have any of us if you want except for Taecyeon and Nichkhun."

After Junho said that he got attacked by both Taecyeon and Nichkhun. It was great hanging out and talking to the guys. They really are the beast idols. 

"So Dara I wanted to ask you about something."

"What is it Junso?"

"About the mark behind your ear."

"Oh yeah I saw that too! It's pretty cool."

"You must mean the mark behind my right ear."

The boys each took a turn to look at it. Even till now I don't really know how I got it. My mom said that it wasn't a birthmark. So I don't know how I ended up getting a pretty cool mark like that. But I don't mind since it kind of gives me an edge.

"It's a crown with cherry blossoms. I feel like I've heard something like that before.."

"Well I don't know. It's not a birthmark. My mom said I got it when I was young for some reason. Don't really know. But I think it gives me a pretty cool edge."

Wooyoung looked at it one more time and stared at it for a good moment until JYP came in.

"Alright why don't I hear... oh I'm sorry..uhmm...who are you?"

"Hyung this is Dara."

"Ohh you are the girl that has the scandel with Wooyoung. I wondered how you looked like in person."

"So what do you think of her?"

"Well she is beautiful, but I don't know her that well to really give my opinon of her."

I felt very tense, but at the same time happy that JYP thinks I'm pretty.

"Well anyways. Dara I don't mind you staying, but the guys have to practice for their concert coming up."

"I will just sit in the corner then."

"Alright guys get to practicing!"

After JYP left the guys got ready to practice. They started dancing to their song Beautiful. I silently watched them and couldn't believe that they could dance so soft. 

I mostly paid attention to Wooyoung and couldn't help, but smile as he performed. I closed my eyes and just listened to their singing. Song after song I listened to them.

I was enjoying it when suddenly my phone rang. I looked at it and saw that it was a call from Jiyoung. I stepped out of the room and answered him.

"Wassup Jiyoung!"

"Dara where are you?"

"I'm at JYP with Wooyoung. Why?"

"I missed you. I wanted to see you."

"Awe Ji you are so adorable. I miss you and Teddy also."

"Dara I really need to talk to you also."

When I heard his voice suddenly becoming serious I got nervous.

"What is it?"

"I heard from Bae that you are his neighbor now."

I stayed silent thinking of a way to answer.

"Dara I really should tell you.."

Before Ji could finish the line got cut off. I called him back.

"Ji what happened? What were you going to tell me?"

"Nothing. Nevermind. I'm sorry."

I felt something off about his tone. Something tells me that he really did have something to tell me. I wonder what it is.

"Ji what is it? What were you going to tell me? It must have been something important."

"Dara I promised not to say anything."

"Promised who and what?"

"It's better if I talk to you in person."

"Okay then let's meet up."

"Alright meet me up at the park where you tried to run off at before."

"Fine see you later."

I hung up the phone and went back inside the room. I went up to Wooyoung and told him where I was going to go.

"Woo I'm going to meet up with Jiyoung at Ssantoki Park. I'll be at the apartment later if you want to see me."

After saying goodbye to Wooyoung and the rest of 2pm I rushed out to meet up with Jiyoung.

When I reached the park I saw Jiyoung from afar with someone else. I slowly approached them hearing what they were talking about. I didn't know who the other person was, but all I heard was Jiyoung saying..

"Dara has a right to know who her heart donor is!"

I took that as a sign and made myself known.

"Ji is that person the one who donated their heart to me?"

I was about to turn the person around when he just ran off. I called out to him, but got held back by Jiyoung.

"Ji was that him? The one who gave me his heart?"

Jiyoung just looked down and didn't want to answer me. I shook him and made him look me in the eye.

"JI! Please I want to know."

"Yes that is your heart donor."

"Then that means.."

"Yes he has your heart."

"Who is he?"

" heart donor is..."

Before he could answer he got a call on his cellphone.

I was nervous to hear who my heart donor was, but there was something inside me that felt like I shouldn't know. I waited and waited and finally Jiyoung ends the phone call.

"Mianhae Dara."

I stare at Jiyoung confused.

"Ji why?"

"He doesn't want you to know. Sorry for calling you out here. Let's just go get something to eat."

Ji walks away and all I could do was follow him. I wanted to hear more. I wanted answers, but I knew better. Once Jiyoung has made a promise he won't break it. Now I guess I will never know who my heart donor is.

As I walked with Jiyoung to the ramen shop owned by Gummy I felt someone following us.

"Hey Ji do you feel like someone is following us?"

And if right on cue some guys pull up in a black car in black suits.

"Are you Sandara Park?"

"Who are you guys?"

Jiyoung pulls me behind me as he stands in front.

"Sir move away before we hurt you."

I got scared. What do they want with me?

"You won't have her. You'll have to fight me to get to her."

"Okay fine."

Jiyoung pulls me back and starts fighting with the guys. While he fought with the guys two other men grabbed me.


I was pushed into the car and was taken away. I sat in the seat trying to open the door, but found it locked. I screamed out loud hoping someone can hear me.


"Princess please calm down. We are just taking you to the emperor."

Princess? Who are they calling princess? They must have mistaken me as the hidden Japanese princess.

"I'm not a princess! You got the wrong one!"

I shouted and shouted, but got tired.

It was a few minutes later when finally the car stopped. They told me to get out. When I got out I looked at the mansion before me. It was HUGE! I was escorted by two men. As soon as I got inside I was amazed at how everything was top class.

We reached the living room and right there sitting down was the emperor of Japan.

"Hello Sandara."


Hello everyone! Hoped you liked the update. I had a hard time writing this because I was distracted and I was watching my nephew at the same time.

But Dara finally met the emperor how will this turn out? Dundundun

Also I finally made a sequel to my story Goodbye. It's called Forever Hello check it out when you have time. I will be putting up the first chapter hopefully by tonight.

Please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and comment on what you think about the story.

Love you guys <333

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz