A Day With Wooyoung

Just As Friends

I can't believe I'm actually having dinner with Wooyoung. 


Finally something good has happened to me. 

"Uhmm Dara-sshi?"

I blink and look up and saw that he was smiling at me. 

Omo how can he be soOo cute!



He laughs. "I wanted to know if you are doing anything tonight?"

I pause and think for awhile. 

"Mhmmm no not really."

"That's good."


"I wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany me out and view the London night life."

"I would be honored!"

I can't believe that Wooyoung just asked me to accompany him tonight. 

Is this a date?

No it can't be. He is way to famous to want to go out on a date with someone as simple as me. Especially with someone as ed up as I am. 


After we ate the dinner I thanked the inn owners and got ready for the night out with Wooyoung.

I didn't know if I was suppose to dress up nice so I went nice casual. Since I didn't really like to show a lot of skin I just wore skinny jeans, pink long sleeve v neck, black heel boots, grey cardigan, and a grey knit beanie. I looked at myself and was quiet content on how I looked.

Good none of my scars are showing. 

I didn't want Wooyoung to look at me weird. I waited downstairs for him in the living room since he still had to settle down.

"Dear are you excited?"

I turn back and I see his aunt talking to me.

"Oh..yes I am."

"This is the first time Wooyoung has ever taken out a girl while he visited us."

"Oh really?"

I tried not to blush, but it was kind of hard.

"It's true. He doesn't really talk about any girls. My husband and I even tried setting him up with a girl, but he would just refuse."

"Well maybe he has a girlfriend back home?"

"Ani. Wooyoung is a type of guy that if he gets a girlfriend he wouldn't even dare to look at another girl."

"Aunt can you please stop talking about me while I'm not in the same room. Please."

I jump out of my seat as I hear Wooyoung's voice. I look at him and couldn't help, but feel hot.

He looked so good.

And it wasn't anything fancy. He only had a simple striped long sleeve, jeans, black shoes, and a leather jacket on.

"Wooyoung I was only telling Dara the truth. I said nothing wrong right?"

Wooyoung scratches his head and looks down. 

Omo! Is he embaressed?!? 

"Yeah your right, but next time talk about me while I'm in the room."

"Arasso. Go have fun with your date with Dara."

"Gomawo." He looks at me and smiles. Then I see him extend his hand out. "Let's go."

Is this really a date? I mean his aunt did say date. And he didn't deny it. I'm really going on a date with WOOYOUNG! Oh wait till the girls here about this >_< kekeke

"Uhm yeah."

I take his hand and we walk out the door. 

I'm so nervous right now. I hope my palm doesn't become sweaty.

"So...what do you have planned for tonight?"

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't really know. This the first time I've been in London."

"I guess we could go shopping if you want. Or we can just go out on a walk and just enjoy the scenery."

"That sounds great."

"Shopping or scenery?"

"The scenery. Since I'm only here for tonight I want to see as much as I can."

He stops walking and looks at me.

"Only for a night?"


I nod my head as I keep walking on.

But before I could walk any further he grabs me.

"Why do you have to leave after tonight?"

"I have to catch a flight for SF. I'm planning to move there. Start anew."

"Did something happen to you while you were in Korea? Bad break-up?"

I really didn't want to talk to him about this. It was a sore subject. How do I change the subject.

"Mianhae Dara. I didn't mean to make it awkward. You don't have to tell me."

"It's not that. It's just I've been through a lot and I don't want to remember it. I just want to forget it. Especially tonight."

I wink and him and smile. His face turns red and he looks away.

"Well lets keep going there are a lot more things to see."

He grabs my hand again and we walk acrossed the Tower Bridge. 

"Wow it's so beautiful."

"Mhmm yeah."

I blush as he stares at me. I looked away, but he pulled me in closer to him.

"Uhmm Wooyoung.."

"If you don't want to you can say no."

His face comes closer and closer. I close my eyes as I wait for Wooyoung's lips.


I blink my eyes and I stare in horror at Wooyoung.

His fans were here. They recognised him.

He had the same expression as me too, but continued on.

I pull him off and look at him.

"Aren't you afraid of a scandal?"

"No. It doesn't matter to me. JYP doesn't care if 2pm dates anyone."

"Whose that girl with our Wooyoung?!?"

I hear one of his fans threateningly.

I shiver at the words and went closer to Wooyoung.

"You don't have to worry. I'll protect you. They can take all the pictures they want."

Once again he comes in closer and...

kissed my forehead?

"This will just be a preview. We should take it slow."

I blush and was touched by what he said.

"So you're saying we'll still talk after tonight."

"I plan to take you home back with me to Korea."

I pull away from him and stood across from him.

"But I'm not.."

"I know you said you're going to move to SF to start anew, but you can start anew with me in Korea."

"Isn't this going fast. I thought you wanted to get to know me first and..."

"Yes I want to get to know you and take it slow, but I can't do that if you live all the way in SF while I live in Seoul."

I shake my head as I walk away from him. Walk away from all of his fans that were constantly taking pictures and recording us.

One fan came up to me and started hitting me.

"Yah! Who do you think you are? Stay away from Wooyoung!"

I try to pull away from her, but she was twice as big as me. Until finally Wooyoung saves me.

"If you were my true fan then you would be happy for me. I don't like fans who hurt the people I care about."

He grabs me and we run back to the inn. Luckily we lost all of his fans and we just sat in the backyard.

"Dara I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine. I've been through worst."

"Dara I'm serious about you coming back to Seoul."

I shake my head again and tried to reason with him.

"You don't know who I am. What I've been through. Once you find out you'll probably want to never see me again."

I look away as I can feel the memories coming back one by one.

"Everyone has a past, but it is their choice to either dwell on it or learn from it."

He gives me a hug and I felt so safe. I haven't felt this warm in someone else's arms in a long while.

But I had to tell him. He had the right to know what I've been through.

I told him the beginning. I told him everything. I know I probably shouldn't have trusted him so easily, but I had to let it out. I won't be able to move on if I just keep it to myself.

I told him about my scars, the , Youngbae, my family, my dad, and the cuts on my arm.

I showed him everything and put my heart out to him.

After I finished my story he just looks at me. I was scared, but it felt good to let it out. He gets up and walks back in the inn.

Ahh I knew it was going to be like this....

Thanks anyways Wooyoung for listening.

I got up from the bench and was going to walk back inside the inn when Wooyoung comes back out.

"I asked my aunt if there was ice-cream. Hope you like vanilla."


"I don't know how it must have felt to gone through that, but I am always here to listen. We may just have met, but I feel a connection to you. From what I heard you still love that Youngbae guy."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. I will help you. Even if you still don't feel the same way after everything. I will help you throw away that past and live for the future. I will help you make memories. Better memories. You have such a long life ahead of you. Don't you ever throw it away. And if you want I can always bring your cousins and friends back from SF. I will do all of that for you. All I ask in return is for you to smile."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because when I was young and starving I met an eleven year old girl who was selling gum in the streets. And even though she didn't have a lot of money and was worst off than me she still gave me the bread she was eating. From that moment on I swore to myself that I would find that bread girl and be her knight. Dara you are that bread girl. I knew it from the first moment I laid my eyes on you. I wouldn't forget the face of the person who saved me."

"You were that little boy?"

"Neh. So let me do this for you."

I hesitated and couldn't believe that the boy I saved 10 years ago is the same guy that is in front of me. I looked into his eyes one more time and saw sincerity. 

It looked so sure. I felt like I could look into those eyes and nothing would be able to touch me. I knew what I had to do.

"Okay Wooyoung. I'll go with you to Seoul."

He jumps up and gives me the tightest hug I've ever had. I laughed at his sillyness, but at the same time felt the warmth I've longed for.

"I'm so happy Dara. Wait here I want to give you something."

I waited for him to come back and felt light again. I felt like my life was going into the right direction for the first time in a long time.

"I've always wanted to give you this. This was the first thing I bought with my paycheck."

He holds out a necklace that had angel wings holding a heart pendant. It was simple, but so beautiful at the same time.

"I want to know if it's okay that I put my picture in the pendant."

I opened it up and I saw the same little boy that I saw ten years ago.

"It's an old picture of you."

"Yeah since I thought that's how you would remember me by."

"Thank you. I love it. And it's really sweet of you."

I get up and give a hug to Wooyoung. 

Then suddenly our faces were only inches apart. I felt him coming closer and closer, but I turned my head.

"I'm sorry Wooyoung. I just think.."

"Don't worry about it Dara. We'll take it slow."

"Thank you for understanding."

He kisses my forehead again and smiles at me.

We stayed there standing hugging each other until we both started to get tired.

"I'll walk you to your room."


I went to my room and thanked Wooyoung for everything he did.

"I really needed this night. I'm forever grateful. Thanks Wooyoung."

"No problem Dara. Goodbam."


Tonight I had a good sleep. It was the first time after for so long.

I dreamt about my future not with Youngbae in it, but with Wooyoung.

Wooyoung will help Dara?!? Is this okay with you readers? I really wanted Wooyoung to be in the story. So if he can't be a love interest he'll be a friend that likes Dara so much that he will look past it and still help her? 

Is that fine? I hope I didn't make you guys mad Dx

Hope you liked this update.

Also I'm planning to have some special chapters where I'll have the POV from Youngbae. It won't be more than two chapters. So it's up to you guys. Thanks to @wgmjoson for the sudden idea ^_^



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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz