The Meeting

Just As Friends

"Dara unnie when did you and Youngbae oppa meet?"

I hated this question because it would make me remember all of the memories we had. I looked over at Youngbae to see his reaction. If he had a reaction. His face was blank like if he didn't care at all about the subject. 

Sigh guess I'll just tell the story then.

"We met a long long time ago. Our parents said we've known each other since we were babies. They even have pictures."

"Ahhh unnie I want to see that!"

"That would be a funny thing to see. Baby Youngbae and Dara." Top says as he pats Youngbae on the shoulder. 

"We OFFICIALLY met on my fifth birthday."



16 years ago




"Mom come here and play with me."

I pull my mom towards the playground wanting to get pushed on the swings.

"Honey wait I want to introduce you to someone."

"I don't want to!"

I whined tired of being introduced to the endless sea of people that came to my birthday party.

"Dara that isn't very nice. All these people came for you."

"I don't care! I want to play."

I run off from my mom and played with the other kids at the playground.

"Ouch stop it."

I turn around to see a boy getting picked on by other kids. I got so mad that I ran up to the kids and kicked their backs making them fall to the ground.

"What are you guys doing at MY birthday party!" I puffed my chest out daring for them to do something to me.

"Psh whatever Dara were just picking on this nerd." 

I looked at the boy and saw that he was close to tears.

"You guys better stop or I'm going to tell your mommys!"

I stick my tongue out at them and grabbed the boy running towards my mom.


I shouted to my mom to get her attention which made the boy cry next to me.

Maybe I shouldn't have shouted that he got picked on. Dara you are such a pabo! 

Seeing the boy cry made me cry. I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

"Ah I'm sorry. Don't cry. Pabo Dara for making you cry after you got picked on."

My mom looked at the both of us and gave us both ice cream with a smile on her face.

After seeing the ice cream I wiped my tears and snot and happily ate it.

However the boy next to me just looked at his ice cream as it melt.

"You should eat it before it melts. Melted ice cream is not good."


I stopped eating my ice cream as I looked up at the boy smiling me. Not only was he smiling, but his eyes were also smiling at me. I didn't know what was wrong with me so I ran away from him and went to my mom.

"Mommy my stomach feels weird!"

"Dara is it because of the ice cream you ate?"

"Ani! It happened after I saw that boy smiling at me weirdly."

I pointed towards the boy who was standing there not knowing what to say.

"Ah I'm sorry. I won't smile at you anymore..."

My mom smacks my head which makes me tear up. "Dara don't say that. Apologize!"

"Mianhae I didn't mean that. I like your smile."

I smiled at him as he looked up at me and smiled again.

Ah there it goes again. Why does my stomach feels so weird. And it's hard to breathe. Ah whatever Dara let it go.

"Well since your here already why don't I introduce you guys. Dara this is Youngbae. He is one year older than you."

"WHAT?!? But he smaller than me?"

I got another smack on my head from my mom.

"Sorry Youngbae."

"Dara call him oppa!"

"Arasso! Nice to meet you Youngbae oppa."

My face felt hot after I said it. I touched my face not knowing what was wrong with me.

"Omma my face is hot." I pout at my mom looking for help.

"Aigoo Dara you are so cute!"

I didn't know what to say. So I just hugged my mom back. I didn't know why she reacted like that, but oh wells! Kekeke ^.^

"'s nice to meet you too....Dara sshi"





"And ever since that day we've been best childhood friends"

"Ahh that was so cute!"

"Hyung I didn't know you got picked on when you were younger?" Seungri looked at his older brother with worry.

"It was fine Seungrat because I always had Dara to protect me."

Youngbae winked at me and put his arm over my shoulder and gave me the eye smile that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

"Wow unnie I never knew you were so strong back then." Minzy stated as she looked at me with disbelief. 

"Yeah unnie you are so small and thin now." Chaerin said inbetween her laughs.

"YAH! I'm not that weak!" >_< 

I tried to convince them, but failed as I tripped over Jiyoung's leg. 

"HAHAHHAA yeah we totally believe you noona." Daesung said as he helped me back up.

I brushed him off and had pouted. "Whatever." I cursed under my breathe.

"Alright let's not pick on Dara now." 

Youngbae clapped his hands and ushered everyone that it was time to leave.

"It's getting late Dara I think it's time we leave."

"Oh yeah okay then. Have a safe drive home." 

Damn I don't want him to leave, but there is not reason for him to stay. Sigh. I don't even know when I'll see him again.

"Bye NOONA!"

After I walked the guys to their cars I went back up to my apartment to see my beautiful younger cousins already sleeping. I put a blanket over them and quietly left.

I went to the kitchen only to see Bom eating corn. Again.

"Hey Bom."

"Hey Dara." With corn in . "Great party you had."

"I could tell you liked it. Especially...TOP!" I shouted while winking at her.

This caused me to get chased around my apartment for a good minute or two.

"YAH! DARA! Come back here."

"HAHAHA never!!"

After running around we finally stopped and collapsed on the floor.

"So that was the famous Youngbae. He was cute. I'll give you that Dara."

Bom suddenly had a serious tone in her voice as she looked at me.

"It's so obvious that you love him Dara. Anyone can see it."

"Ani.... Not everyone..."

I sighed as I replayed the night over in my head.

"Youngbae would be lucky to have you. And he must be really stupid and dense to not see your feelings."

"Yah! Don't call him stupid!"

I slapped her arm and crossed my arms.

"Arasso. I won't talk bad about your beloved oppa."

I looked at Bom as she just rolled her eyes on the 'beloved oppa' part.

I can't help, but be defensive about him. I hate it when people make fun of him or badmouth him. In my eyes he was perfect....but what was I in his eyes. 

I let out a sigh not even realizing that I was already crying.

Bom looks at me with sad eyes "I'm sorry Dara please don't cry. Let's just go to sleep. Okay?"

She held my face and wiped my tears away. "Yeah I need to sleep since I have work tomorrow....night"


I walked towards my room as I left Bom to go to the guest room by herself. I layed down on my bed trying to get rest. But I failed as I kept thinking about Youngbae. Memories of our past flooded my mind. 

I started to cry quietly hoping that Bom or the other girls wouldn't hear me. I finally start dozing off with tears flowing down my face.

"Oppa I love you..."






I hope this was a better chapter. Poor Youngbae for getting picked. Those bad kids! At least Dara came to his rescue. ^_^ Please subscribed and comment. I would really like feedback. Thank you for reading! 

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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz