The Date

Just As Friends

I looked around the cafe only to notice that there weren't that many people around.

"Slow day today huh?"

Minho comes from behind which scares me enough that I let out a small scream.

"Oh sorry Dara I didn't mean to scare you."

I look at Minho who was now looking towards the floor. I felt bad that I screamed. I'm such a scaredy cat.

"Minho it's fine. I get scared easily so it's not your fault."

I assuringly smile at him as he looks back at me with a smile on his face. Before I could talk to him more a customer came in.

"Alright Minho time to shine. Enough observing and get into action." 

Since this morning the only thing Minho did was clean the tables or clean up and spills. He also watched me very closely trying to learn as much as possible.

"Ah you sure I can do this?"

"Of course! You were learning from the best." I winked at him trying to soothe his nerves. I gave him a pat on the shoulder telling him that he'll do great.

"You're right. Thanks Dara..."

Before Minho walked away from me I saw that he straightened up his tie and vest. He walked away with so much confidence in his skill that I knew he'd be fine. I took my eyes of Minho and looked at who his first customer could be. When I saw the customer I could feel my heart drop.

Youngbae oppa...

I was going to stop Minho and take the his order instead when I already saw Minho at the table ready to take the his order.

"Hello sir. My name is Lee Minho how may I help you today?" I was taken aback when I heard Minho's voice. He sounded so sophisticated. Too sophisticated for a little cafe like this, but it was refreshing to hear.

"Ah uhm yes. I would like a mocha frap please." Seeing Youngbae flustered at Minho's choice of greeting made me laugh.

"Would that be all sir?"

"Yes thank you."

After taking his order Minho walks back to me with the biggest smile I've ever seen him have.

"How did I do?"

"You did great. A little to fancy, but it was awesome to see." I busted out laughing in front of him which made him pout.

"Well here's the order." Minho shoves the order at me a little embaressed about his first time taking an order.

I stopped laughing at him as I showed him how to prepare and make the drink. Since it was a mocha frap it wasn't that hard to make. After the mocha frap was done I put it on a tray and was about to give it to him when he suddenly asked me a question.

"Dara can you please take the drink to the customer for me please. I REALLY need to go to the bathroom."

I stared at him not knowing what to say. I was about to say no because I really didn't want to face Youngbae in this kind of outfit, but then I saw Minho looking at me with puppy dog eyes. What the?! Is he really going to try that trick on me. Aigoo~

"Fine. Go to the bathroom I'll handle this." I can't believe it actually worked on me.

"You are lucky you are cute." I winked at him and pinched his cheek. 

He step back. Wait no he jumped back when I pinched his cheek. I noticed that he was blushing which made me blush. Omo what the?! Why is he blushing?!? o.o

"Oh uh yeah. Thanks.." Before I could say 'No problem' he already ran off to the bathroom. I don't know if it was because of his bladder or because he was embaressed. Either way I had a bigger problem.

I tried walking towards Youngbae as much confidence as Minho had, but failed miserably when I tripped on the leg of a chair. I had saved the drink but was free falling to my doom when suddenly someone caught me. I got up quickly and was about to thank the person for the save when I realised who my knight and shinning armor was.

"Dara?" Out off all the people who I had to fall on it was Youngbae oppa.

"Hey oppa. Thanks for..uhm..catching me..."

Damn I'm so embaressed. First I'm in this kind of outfit and now I fall on him.

Yet it did feel good to be in his arms. Omo what am I thinking right now. This is not the time to think like that >_<

"Oh and here's your drink." While I gave his drink our hands slightly brushed with each other which made me blush. I hope he doesn't notice me blushing. Aigoo~~

"Haha thanks. Clumsy as always, but I didn't know you worked here." I was happy to hear his laugh. That made me loosen up and I took the chance to hit him on the arm.

"Yah! I'm not always clumsy. Sheesh! And I never told you because you never asked." I checked the time and it was an hour before our meet up. "Anyways why are you here?" I regretted asking when I saw his face drop even if it was for a short moment. 

"I was here..because of.." My breath hitched as I saw him looking for someone. And when he couldn't find that certain person his eyes became sad."nevermind." 

I wanted to forget what I saw. I wanted to leave it like that, but I wanted to know. Who and why was he really here this early.

"You sure about that? It looks like you came here to find someone." My voice was shakey, but I wanted to know. No I NEEDED to know. 

Younbae looks up at me questioningly and looks back down. He sighs and finally says. "I wasn't here to see anyone. I thought that I should come here early for our meeting. Didn't know you actually worked here. Heh." 

He's lying. Why did he lie and why is there so much sadness in his voice. I immdiately thought of the worse possible things. 

Crap Dara why did you have to go and ask those stupid questions. You saw this coming. I could feel my eyes starting to water up, but I held it in.

"Ah you are so considerate oppa. You are the best. Well I'll go now and leave you be. Still have work. Hahaha." I tried smiling at him, but my hands were shaking. Before I walked away I saw him smile at me like nothing was wrong. But if only he knew that my heart was breaking into pieces at that very moment.

While I had my head down I didn't notice that Minho was right in front of me until...

"Omfhp." I looked up only to have headbutted Minho right in his stomach. "Ow Dara that..."

Before he finished his sentence he grabbed me into an embrace smothering my face into his chest. It was then that tears had already excaped from my eyes and were falling onto Minho's shirt.

He dragged me towards the back only for employees and kept hugging me.


"Shh. It's okay Dara. I won't ask. Just let it out."

After he said that I kept on crying until I had no more tears left to cry out.

Why do I keep on crying? I'm such a crybaby. 

"I'm sorry Minho. I showed you such an ugly side of me."

"Dara its fine. I don't know what happened, but I do know that you are a great person. Don't let the small stuff get to you."

I looked up at Minho who was smiling down at me. I felt like a whole load was taken off my shoulders. 

"You're right thanks Min.."

Before I could finish I felt Minho's lips colliding with my lips. I pushed him away and looked at him confused. I didn't know what to say. I could feel my face getting hotter, but is it because I'm having feelings for him? I put my hand over my chest and sadly felt no change. 

Why was I sad? Do I want to like him?

I already know the answer.

And yes I do want to like him so I can finally forget about my one-sided love to Youngbae. But my heart knows what it wants and it wants Youngbae. No matter how much I want to forget and move on he always stays there. I could feel new tears forming as I realise that even if there is someone like Minho I only think about Youngbae.

"Minho..I'm sorry, but.." 

Minho suddenly pulls me close again and says "No it's fine. Don't say anymore. I acted to rashely. I'll wait. But for now why don't we become friends."

"Thank you."

And after that he left me in the employee's room to think everything out. Before I got back out I fixed my makeup and blew my nose. When I got out I noticed that there was only five more minutes until it was tweleve. I looked around the cafe and saw that it was more empty than before.

Suddenly Yang Hyunsuk came out. "Alright since today is really slow and no one is coming I'll let you start your break five minutes early. I'll handle any customers that come."

"Thank you Yang Hyunsuk nim!" Both me and Minho bow at YG.

I was walking towards Youngbae when Minho suddenly grabs me by the arm.

"Uhm want to grab lunch with me?" I could hear the nervousness in Minho's voice and it hurt that I had to decline.

"Mianhae Minho...I actually already have plans with someone else." I pointed towards Youngbae who was now reading a newspaper all by himself.

"Ah I get it. Lunch date with your boyfriend..."

"ANI!" Minho was taken aback as I shouted at him with a voice I didn't even know I had. My face was red and I blushed when I heard him mention Youngbae as my boyfriend. I wish that was true, but it was far from it.

"I see.." Minho walked away with his head low. I wanted to ask what he meant by 'I see', but quickly threw the thought away.

While walking towards Youngbae I fixed my skirt and hair. I wanted to look good for our first date. Even if he doesn't count it as a date, but as a meeting and I'm wearing my work uniform. 

Thinking of it as a meeting makes me feel like were only buisness partners. We are WAY more than buisness partners. I just wish we were also more just friends.

I sat across from Youngbae waiting for him to notice me. I finally smiled when he looked up at me with the same eye smile that I fell in love with.

"Wow Dara you actually look good in your uniform." 

I didn't know If I should be happy or mad at him. So I did what I always did and just hit him on the arm as hard as I could.

"Yah! I'm always pretty!" I said as I pouted and looked away.

"Hahaha you know I'm just kidding. You're always beautiful."

I immediately turned red as I heard his words. I turned around expecting him to look at me, but my smile vanished as I saw that he was looking at something else. More specifically at a beautiful girl that just walked in.

My heart sank as I saw him look at her with eyes that held a secret. I know those eyes. He only has that look when he likes a girl. He looks at them with desire to have them in his arms a beast waiting to be unleashed with passion, but at the same time soft as if he would never hurt the girl. I've been waiting for 11 years for him to look at me like that, but not once have I seen him stare at me like that. 

My stomach churned and tears was about to fall again when I heard his voice.

"Dara are you okay? You don't look so good." I couldn't speak afraid that he would hear the hurt in my voice. The sadness and longing I've had for him. But I knew that if I kept quiet he'll keep on trying to figure me out.

"I'm fine.." There goes my voice. Filled with uncertainty and hurt. 

"Dara.." I can tell he didn't buy it and was about to say more when I suddenly smiled at him hoping he'll let it go.

"Oppa don't worry I'm fine. Sheesh you worry to much." I gave him my best fake smile I can give without making it obvious that something is seriously wrong.

He lets out a big sigh and just smiles at me. "Alright if you say so."

I stared at him blankly knowing that he didn't believe me, but will just let it go. Or he just doesn't really care because the girl he likes or maybe in love with is only a few tables away from us.

My mind goes blank as I catch him stealing glances at her. I stayed quiet and played with my hands until he grabbed my left hand.

"Uh...uhm...what are you doing?!" I fidget in place not knowing how to react to his sudden actions.

"Shh. I just want to see if you still have that...scar.." Ouch..way to get your hopes us Dara. Pabo..

"Oh..well if your talking about the scar I think your talking about then you have the wrong hand." 

I pulled away my hand and showed him my right arm. Lifting up my sleeve I show him the bullet wound that I've had for the past five years. Once I showed my scar I saw the sudden change in his eyes. This always happens when we talk about it.

"'s all my fault you have this." He glides his fingers over the scar lightly as if he was afraid that it would still hurt. After touching it he slammned his fist to the table. I was so scared that I jumped and quickly covered my scar. But I knew I shouldn't be scared.

I reached over to his tightly fisted hands. "Bae.." I call him by the nickname I gave him when we were young.

"Hah. You haven't called me by that name since that incident..."

"Bae stop..look at me.." I grabbed his face so we can make eye contact. "It wasn't your fault. I made the decision. You have no fault what so ever. Let's just move on. Ok.."

I looked into his eyes noticing nothing. He didn't flinch. Not even a reaction. He just looked at me with dead eyes. At that moment I knew that whatever I had to say didn't get through to him. Why would it? As long as this scar is on my body neither of us can forget the scariest night of our lives.

The night we almost died...







I guess the date didn't go as Dara planned. >_< there were some Minho moments, but should I really make him a rival? Mhmmm I think so. Next chapter will talk about their ~DARK~ past. OMO. They almost died. Well thanks for reading and don't forget to leave comments to tell me what I should do better. Please subscribe too. Thanks again for reading my first ever fanfic! <333


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I want to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated. I have major writers block and can't seem to continue on until I get over it. Thanks for being so patient.


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andsyv97 #1
Chapter 27: Where is update?!
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 27: Authornim please continue this story. This is one of my most loved Darayang fic till now. Please update!
anonymousmysterious #3
Where r u? U have not updated this for long time. Hope everythings fine. N I hope u will update soon.
Chapter 27: will you be making a part 2 to the story?
Chapter 27: OH....MY...GOSH SO CUTE!
anonymousmysterious #6
Chapter 27: thank u so much for updating this story. i have been waiting for so long for this story to be updated. n u have not disappointed with the update. hope to see more updates again. thank u.
ILuvTaeyang99 #7
Chapter 27: Yayy!! An update! ^_^ I've missed this story! Haha OMG! YOUNGBAE PROPOSED!! :O YESSSS!! DARAYANG <333
bb2ne1fanjj #8
Chapter 27: I miss your updates authornim! pls update more often, kekeke.
Chapter 27: Finally you update!!!!
Ahhhhh the sweetest youngbae ;___;
anonymousmysterious #10
Its been so long time u have updated. Plz update it soon. Plz