Chapter 6

Working for Acknowledgement


**IU POV**

BRINNGGGGGG!! Despite feeling happy of the fact that the bell has rung and that class was now over, I felt quite annoyed instead. Since this morning, I can’t help but to get annoyed at ringing and vibration sounds. Gathering my books, I headed out the door and waited for Jiyeon. I stood there against the lockers, glancing at the clock for the nth time already. My patience was running thin as I shifted my position and blew on my bangs.

“Jieun-ah!” I finally heard running footsteps come to my direction. “You’ll thank me for this. Anyway, gotta run! Bye!” Confused, I watched as she ran away to the opposite direction. I followed her pursuit as I was still dazed after what she has just said.

“Jieun! Wait up!” a deep voice shouted from behind, causing me to turn to its direction. I froze in my position as the sight of Taeyang running caught my breath.

“Ah, Taeyang-ssi…” I mumbled as he became closer.

“I thought we’ve agreed on oppa?” a deep chuckle erupted from his throat.

“Oh yeah… I forgot,” I said slowly.

“It’s alright. Anyway, I’ve been wanting to talk to you but I never had a chance,” he says meeting my gaze.

I was stunned. Taeyang wanted to talk to me? Just as I was about to rejoice from the thought, I frowned immediately remembering that today was the day I chose not to dress up. Unhappy, I tucked my books closer to prevent them from falling and tried my best to groom myself in the last minute.

“Oh, your books must be heavy,” he said as he noticed me re-arranging my hold on them, “I’ll walk you to your locker and maybe you can grab lunch with me and my friends?”

“Huh?” I replied stupidly while my mind slowly processed what he had just said, “Oh! Ah, yes! If that’s what you’ld like.” AISHHH JIEUN PABBOOO, I cursed myself mentally.

“Great!” he gave me a bright smile, “let me carry your books for you.”

“No, it’s ok oppa. I can handle it. Besides, my locker’s just around the corner,”

“Ahni. People might think of me rudely for letting a cute girl carry such heavy load,” he says making me blush madly.

“Deh…” I replied as he gently removed the books from my grasp.

We walked silently and I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. I’ve always dreamt about this but now that I’m actually here alone with Taeyang, my mind seems to have gone blank. I kept my head down, staring at the newly waxed floor beneath my feet. Occasionally, I would look in the corner of my eye just to make sure that I was not alone and that Taeyang was still with me. Finally after what seemed like an hour, we’ve reached my locker. With little talk, I retrieved my books from Taeyang and dropped it off my locker. Then we headed to cafeteria, as we were one of the few remaining who have yet to grab some lunch.

“So Jieun, I wanted to ask you something,” Taeyang started as we headed to the cafeteria.

“What is it, oppa?”

“Have you heard of the dance this coming Friday?” he asks me. OMO! I literally screamed in my head. The blood began pumping furiously in my veins, (if that’s even possible) as my thoughts began to fill with excitement. It’s not the first time I’ve heard of this line and I know for sure that this is an indication that I’m about to be asked out by the only man of my dreams. I couldn’t even help but to express my happiness as I responded to his question.

“Of course!” I respond with my eyes twinkling and my mouth working up to a bright smile.

“Well, I was wondering if you could accompany---” he suddenly stopped, bringing forth an overwhelming load of disappointment to crush all possible hopes from earlier.

“Ah! I’m really sorry to have interrupted you two!” I heard a slightly high-pitched voice say, making me turn to its direction. In front of Taeyang was a boy with his head bowed down as he continued to apologize. Strangely, I found him to be vaguely familiar. He wore slightly fitting black jeans with zipper pockets and black high cuts with white soles. Also, he had on black hooded varsity jacket with yellow sleeves, and had slightly spiked black hair.

 Just then he lifted his head and I was left utterly speechless. It was no one other than Yang Yoseob himself.  He seemed to be oblivious of my presence however, as he continued to look at the piece of paper on his hand. “You see…” he began as he remained his focus on the piece of paper. “I was looking at this map and it said that the gymnasium was over there,” he suddenly turns around quickly and points to a hallway. “But then, when I went there, I got lost,” he chuckles while rubbing his neck as if to show he was embarrassed. “So I was wondering, if you guys could tell me where it is?” he finally says and turns to me, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise. “Jieun-ah! Wow, what a coincidence! You go to this school?!” he shouts.

“Yeah I do. Anyway, what are you up to?” I ask him.

“Awww…  you know, I’d really love to chat but I really have to get to the gym fast. I’m sorry. So umm… will you help me please?” he tells me at first but directs his attention to Taeyang afterwards.

“Oh yeah, sure. Just continue to that hallway you pointed to earlier and then make a left when you see the girls’ washroom,” Taeyang instructed.

“Thanks, man!” he says as he playfully hits shoulders with him. Then with that, he waves after and runs towards the said hallway, leaving me alone with Taeyang yet again.

“He seems familiar,” I heard Taeyang say.

“Him?” I asked, pointing to the disappearing Yoseob. Taeyang nodded in reply.

“Ah! Stupid me, I forgot to introduce you guys again. Sorry oppa. That was Yang Yoseob, he’s a co-worker. Remember the guy at the bus stop?” I reminded him.

“Oh, I remember now! Whenever I meet him, he seems like he’s always in a rush,” he chuckles.

“Ahahaha, that’s true,” I agree. “Not to mention, he always time his appearances poorly,” I said out loud unintentionally.

“Jieun, I was going to ask you earlier about the dance…” he looked at me before continuing. “Would you like to accompany my friend, Daesung?”

BAAMM! I felt as if a heavy weight was dropped upon me and crushed me into pieces. The mountain of joy and happiness that was growing uncontrollably just a while ago is now nothing but shrapnel. That’s what I get for counting the chickens before they’ve hatched, I sighed. Right now, I want nothing but to disappear. If he wasn’t intending on asking me to the dance then I should never have been lead on in the first place. I remained silent, not knowing how to respond. However, I’d have to say something sooner or later. Just then my phone vibrated and I took it as an opportunity to leave. I checked the message briefly.

To: Jieun

From: Yoseob

Jieunn-ahhh, I’m really boreddd. Come visit me at the gym? Oh! Bring your boyfriend! I wanna meet him ;)

I cleared my throat as I put my phone away in my pocket. Just then, an idea popped into my head allowing me to escape from this torturing hole.

“Oppa, my friend just texted me and he said he still hasn’t found his way to the gym. I have to go now because he seems like he’s really late now. Bye oppa!” I waved off after me and sped off carefully as not to hurt myself, preventing him from responding.



Sorry for not uploading for a while now :/ As a sorry gift, I'll upload two chapters :D wait for it, k? It'll be up in a while~!

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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...