Chapter 18

Working for Acknowledgement

 **IU POV**

I stand in front of the hospital building while drawing invisible circles with my foot. Yoseob called me a while ago saying he would soon come to pick me up.  I had planned to object, knowing that he was busy and everything, but unfortunately I left my money in his car.  Therefore the clumsy side of me left me with no choice but to wait for him to arrive. I sighed and then my phone began to buzz uncontrollably, signalling a call. I expected it to be Yoseob calling so it surprised me to see Dongwoon-oppa’s name flash in the screen instead.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Jieun-ah!” Dongwoon-oppa greets me in a happy and stuffy voice.

“Oppa! Why are you calling?”

“Why not? I missed you, my favorite dongsaeng,  that’s why!” he tells me.

“Hahaha. Right,” I chuckle.

“Hey, I really did miss you though! Anyway, I see you already at the front of the hospital, so I guess I’ll meet you there?”

“Huh? You’re here oppa? What? How? Why?” I was so confused.

“I have your purse.I’m almost there, though. I’m hanging up now.” He chuckles.

“Ok...” I say reluctantly and take the phone away from my ear.

I retreat back to my crouched position and I waited for Dongwoon-oppa to show. As I stared at the concrete ground below me, I thought about our conversation. He had mentioned earlier that he has with him my wristlet. Contrary to that, Yoseob called me earlier mentioning the same thing. As far as I can recall, he promised to bring it with him and yet here is Dongwoon-oppa claiming otherwise. I gave it another thought but it still didn’t make any sense.

“Jieun-ah!” Dongwoon-oppa calls and I looked up to see a sleek silver car pulling up in the empty spot in the parking lot before me. I took a closer look at the vehicle once again and recalled it to be the same car I rode earlier in the day.

“Oppa!” I quickly got up and hobbled towards the car.

“Hey, it’s true! You are crippled!” he jabs a finger towards my ankle and I glared at him for the comment.

“Thanks,” I grumble at him sarcastically and he laughs instead of apologizing.

“At least I can park in the handicapped section!” he says brightly as I pull the handle of the car door. I try to yank it open and realized it was locked from the inside. “Wait! Jieun-ah~ before you go in, can you please come with me to get a prescription?” he bats his eyes at me.

“Fine, but I’m going to need my money. I still haven’t paid for my check-up,” I sighed.

“Yeyy!” he exclaims loudly and kills the engine. He rolls up the windows and I started heading back to the hospital knowing that I’ll need a head start.

“Jieun-ah, wait up!” I heard Dongwoon-oppa call after me while the beeping of the car sounded.

“Just catch up to me oppa,” I stated and soon enough he was already at my side.

“You want me to help you?” he offers me.

“No thanks,” I said trying to be polite, though I could use an extra hand.

“Alrighty!” he replies brightly, not noticing that I was actually having difficulties. I sighed heavily and he soon got the hint. He takes my arm and snakes it around his shoulder. However due to our height differences, he ended up having to lean on one side as he took a hold around my waist. “Jieun-ah don’t we look kinda funny?”

“Yeah, just a little,” I chuckle as we reach the automatic doors of the hospital. Feeling indifferent from the stares we seem to be receiving, I immediately freed myself from his support. I guess I’ll have to drag myself along.  

“Hey, how ‘bout you just wait for me here so you don’t have to go through the trouble of following me?” Dongwoon-oppa suggests as he eyes my casted ankle. I felt slightly self-conscious and turned my body so that I was blocking his line of sight on my cast.

“Ok, oppa. I’ll meet you here then. I just have to pay for the hospital costs first since I won’t have anything to do anyway.”

“Alright, I’ll be quick I promise,” he finally says, averting his gaze from my cast and looks at me in the eyes. “Get crutches while you’re at it Jieun-ah, you walk too slowly!” he exclaims quickly and backs away hurriedly. I gave him a nasty glare and headed for the receptionist, ignoring the continuous apologies coming from behind me.


I resumed the line that formed before the receptionist’s desk. It seems to be rush hour here at the hospital as the meandering stream of patients appeared almost out of nowhere. I sighed, thinking that it will most definitely take quite some time before it reaches my turn. Since I’ll be up after a while, I might as well tell Dongwoon-oppa. I reach for the phone in my pocket and searched for his contact.

To: Dongwoon-oppa

From: Jieun

Oppa, the line’s so long TT_TT It might take a while. Sorry.

I took my time in sending the message as I figured he most likely won’t be replying the moment he receives it anyway. With my phone in my hand, I took another glimpse at the line before me. Another 5 more patients to go, I sighed. I leaned back at the wall, to give myself the much needed support. However, as I was doing so, the sudden vibration on my hands gave me jolt. A new message. I guess he replies quick after all. I unlocked my phone only to find that the message was not from the person that I was anticipating it to be. 1 New Message From Yoseob, it flashes in small black print. Surprised, I quickly looked at my inbox.

I forgot to tell you Dongwoon’s picking you up instead. Sorry, I couldn’t make it. -.-


Huh, figures. He sent the message a little too late, but at least he bothered to apologize. I sighed. The more I stared at the message, the more I contemplated whether or not to type up a reply. Should I say that it’s fine and that I didn't mind? Is it awkward if I reply? Is it rude if I don’t reply? Honestly, I hate text messages like these and I shouldn’t have to overthink them. It’s usually a second nature if you are to reply or not to reply. For example, when someone had sent you an “LOL”, it is a great indication that a conversation stops or “Bye” for that matter. In contrast to that, you are usually to respond to a “Sorry or thank you” text with a “no problem.” Now since the text does fall into the apologizing category, I should reply. However, I feel that it calls for feigning ignorance.

“Excuse me?” I heard a deep voice ask. Immediately I put away my phone, an instinct I’ve developed in school. Then, I turned to the direction of the voice and met an angry pair of eyes that bore holes as they gazed onto mine. Shrinking back, I took measly steps away from him to close the gap that has been forming in front of me in the line. “Sorry,” I had managed to mumble.

Either I had been too occupied with my phone or the receptionists are working extremely fast that I am now at the front of the line. I’m guessing the second option is more legitimate. Besides, I’m not the type to shut off the rest of the world once engaged on an electronic device. I enjoy my company as I have enough time by myself at home anyway.

“Next, please.”

Feeling apologetic for having to go before the man behind me, I took a glance at him before dragging myself to the front desk. However, I soon regretted it as I was faced with his irritable attitude. So much for being sympathetic.

“Hi, what can I do for you?” the lady asks with a foreign accent I wasn’t exactly familiar with.

“Just paying for the hospital charges please,” I say politely with a smile.

“Alright, can I get your name please?” she asks while typing away in the keyboard before her.

“Lee Ji Eun,” I spelled out.

“Huh, that’s a pretty common name. Can I get your birthdate too please?”

“May 16, 1993.” I say and she pauses to scan through all the Lee Ji Eun’s that are in the hospital’s records.

“Say, you’re not perhaps the one who came to get a check-up for a broken ankle or were you?” she speaks with her eyebrows knitted together.

“Umm yes,” I say hesitantly. “Born on May 16, 1993?” I repeated to make sure.

“That’s what it says here. Hmm… that’s funny. You say that you came to pay for hospital charges right?” she looks back at me from the computer screen.

“Yes…” I trail off confused.

“Well it seems that you’ve already done so. It also says a guardian has done it for you?” she ends it off questioningly.

“I’m not exactly sure.”

“Well love, you’ve got two options. We can always issue a refund to the person who paid for your bill and you can pay it instead. But, we would need of course that person’s information. The other is you settle it with the guardian and come back here if you choose to do the first option. Really, I suggest that you just let it go. It’s not every day that you can get a freebie, right?” she winks at me.

“Hahaha, alright I’ll take your advice then. Thank you,” I chuckle.

“No problem sweetie. Have a safe trip home!” 


Long chapter :D Don't worry, IUSEOB moments are coming soon~ ;) Remember to comment/subscribe. Thanks :)

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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...