Chapter 5

Working for Acknowledgement


BRIIINNGGGG!! A high-pitched siren rang through the depths of my ears, alerting nearly every single nerve found in my body. Quickly, I jerked myself awake while wincing from the ear-shattering noise. With one eye slightly opened I was able to survey the situation immediately. Annoyed, I stretched out my legs and rolled away from the warmth of my comforters. Then with my arm reaching out to the nearby side table, my fingers searched to find the source of the noise. Once located, I pressed down on the snooze button and tried to get back to sleep only to be disappointed. Recently, I’ve become one of those people that can’t go back to dreamland the moment they’re interrupted. After releasing a yawn, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Since I’m up, I might as well start with the routine.

I was about to stand up and wash up when the blinking of my phone caught my eye. Wondering what the notification might be, I grabbed it only to be startled by the sudden vibration. Not even bothering to look at the caller id, I pressed the answer button and held the phone close to my ear.

“Yobesaeyo?” I asked, my voice coming out groggily.

“HYUUUNNNNNGGG!!!!!! YOU’RE LATEEE!!! WHY WEREN’T YOU PICKING UP??!!! WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME TO MEET UP IF YOU’RE NOT GONNA ANSWER YOUR PHONE IN THE FIRST PLACEE!!!” the shouting continued, causing me to move the phone away in order to protect my ear.

“Err.. who’s this?” I continued to ask in my scratchy voice.

“Wahhh.. cheongmal! Hyung! Now you’re pretending not to know me?! I know you’re embarrassed that you stood me up because you wake up late but really, don’t you think you’re taking this too far Yong Junhyu—“ he then stopped and remained silent. Then faintly, I was able to make out the following words, “Yoseob-ah, who are you talking to and why are you disrespecting my name?” I laughed. Yoseob, well that explains everything. No one else would be dumb enough to commit such a mistake.

“Yobosaeyo?” I managed to say clearly now.

“Oh, umm… I’m sorry. I’ve dialed the wrong number. I’m really sorry for causing you trouble this early in the morning,” he finished in the most mannerly way he could manage.

“This is Yoseob, right?” I asked, wanting to make sure.

“Oh, yes actually… how did you-“ before he could finish what he wanted to say, I cut him off.

“YAHH! YANG YOSEOB! THE NEXT TIME YOU RUIN MY MORNING LIKE THAT I WON’T STOP UNTIL I MAKE SURE THAT YOU’RE DEAD!! YOU HEAR ME?! AISSHH, ISN’T IT ENOUGH THAT YOU ANNOY ME IN THE WEEKENDS?! DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY AND FRIGGIN BURST MY EARDRUMS ON A ING MONDAY MORNING?! ” I took a deep breath as soon as I finished. That should do it, I thought. Satisfied with my revenge, I gave a smug smile and hit the end button. That argument of ours made me feel as awake as ever.

Finally, I stood up from my bed and gave my body a thorough stretch. However the moment I went on my tippy toes, my right foot gave away due to the sudden shift of balance and I felt myself tumble. My face cringed from the inevitable pain that was never ending. On the floor and on the verge of tears, I held onto my right ankle, begging for relief from the excruciating pain. Soon, after what seemed to be an eternity, the pain gradually decreased and I was able to regain composure. Now with a calm demeanour, I examined the injury and found it to be as swollen as the gums of a child who had their first tooth pulled out. Yes, it was pretty bad but, I have no choice but to bear it until school’s finished. I actually planned to have it checked up by the doctor yesterday after I finished work. However, it was already 11:30 p.m. when the bus finally arrived and at that time rest was all that I prioritized.

 You may be wondering as to why my parents are still not involved when the injury has already gotten this bad. To tell you the truth, I’m on my own. My mom has passed away when I was 3, or so they say.  But, I actually have no memories of that, whatsoever. How is that possible? Well, my so-called ‘relatives’ claim that I’ve experienced a car crash when I was young. Cliché, I know but it’s all that I hang onto and all that I can hope to be true. Then in the midst of all this confusion, my step-father decided to take action and ‘take me in’. But I wouldn’t necessarily call it that, since he’s not here and is living with another family. Although giving me a monthly allowance and a place by myself is not necessarily the best way of taking care of a 16 year old, I was able to adapt into the lifestyle. Now I’m a self-grown adult at 19 years of age.  I can even say that I’m a little well-off than average teenagers since the allowance my stepdad gives me is quite a large sum of money but I really don’t like to waste it. Instead, I used the money I earn at the café for some pampering. Enough of my life story, let’s get back to the real thing now shall we?

Gritting my teeth, I crawled to the washroom carefully as not to apply pressure to my right ankle. Opening the cabinet below the sink, I searched for a red bin where I recalled to have placed all the first-aid accessories. In the bin, I located an unwrapped package of tensor bandages and began to wrap the injury. Once I’ve secured it with a clip, I stood up and quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed my face.

It was a good thing I was able to wake up early, otherwise I would have to get through my routine hastily and have not been able to give attention to my ankle. I grabbed my face towel nearby and wiped my face dry. Then after giving time to pamper my skin, I applied light make-up that was appropriate for school and did the trick of highlighting the main features of my face.

In my closet, I was given a challenge. I found it difficult to dress myself up in a way that the tensor bandage around my ankle would be hidden. Frowning, I settled into wearing my black Adidas track pants and a fitting white V-neck top. I personally, hate wearing sports clothing. I have a small, petite figure that lacked womanly curves. Sports clothing did nothing but hide the little curves that I had in me. Unsatisfied, I arranged my hair into a messy bun, combed out my fringe in the process and grabbed minimal accessories. 

 By the time I’ve accomplished, I looked at the clock and was surprised to find out that I had only 5 minutes remaining. Rushing to the kitchen, I grabbed a bagel and munched on it while preparing my measly lunch that consisted of a BLT sandwich and a bottle of apple juice. After messily throwing the necessary school materials into my backpack, I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I sighed in relief as I saw I had two minutes spare. Thankfully, there was no need to run and I can freely head to the bus stop without hurting my ankle while running.


I shifted from my position uncomfortably as my mouth opened up wide to let out a yawn. I was gradually regaining consciousness from my sleep when all of a sudden; someone jerked their elbow forcefully at my rib cage. Annoyed, I turned to its direction, my eyes shooting daggers to the unmannerly person who was none other than Jang Hyunseung. He, on the other hand, was not at all bothered by the fact that I was bothered. His face resumed to be calm as he raises his leg and uses it to discreetly step on my left foot with such force. I scoffed, ready to burst in anger. However, he slightly turned as his chin moved to gesture forward. Confused, I turned to face what he was pointing to and I was shocked to see the professor who gave me a stern stare. I panicked in the inside, not knowing how to react as I was caught dozing off in his lecture.

“I know for a fact that I’m popular in this campus for not scolding students. However, I am still a professor. I get annoyed when my students are not paying attention. To those who think that this message is directed to them, I advise you to learn the material that we went over just now. Because I am planning to give a quiz the next time I see all of you,” he said while his eyes never left mine. Feigning innocence, I gave him a bright smile. “If you fail, you’ll have to earn yourself some credits before I can let you in the next lecture. Class dismissed.”

“Oh ,” I muttered in my breath. Students around me began to gather their belongings, readying themselves to leave the lecture hall. Unlike them however, I stayed rooted in my spot. I’ll be having Mr.Kang again today after the spare that I’ll be having right now. Therefore, the quiz about the stuff that I wasn’t paying attention at will be taking place after an hour.

“Good luck Seobiee!” a high and slightly scratched voice sang in my ear. That reminds me, JANG HYUNSENG!!

“Hyunngg!!! HYUNNGGGGG!! Don’t leave, please!! HYUNNGG!!” I cried desperately.

“No, Yoseob. You’re on your own this time. I’m not re-teaching you the material. That’s your fault for dozing off,” he scoffed.

“Hyunnnggg, pleasseee!!”I gave him a pout.

“Yah! Don’t think you can keep on using aegyo to get your way all of time. I’m immune to that now! Yoseob-ah, let go off my arm! I need to leave!” he said through his teeth but I continued to hug onto him tightly. Mustering all the tears that I could create, I did my best to imitate a sniffle.

“Hyung, you’re the only one I have,” I looked up to him, my eyes teary and big. I continued to look at him and soon enough I saw his eyes soften and his features gentled.

“Seobie-ah, I really want to help you but I have class next. You have a spare,” he says gently as if I was a baby, “Why don’t you take that spare and use it to study, hmm? Here, I’ll give you the notes you missed.” Gently he lowered his hand onto my hand and carefully, he brushed my hair with his fingers in a soothing motherly gesture.

“Really?! Thank you! Hyung, you’re the best!” I grinned.

“I know. Here take this,” he says handing to me a neat spiralled notebook.

“Hyung, saranghae!” I said giving him a tight hug.

“Arraeso, I’ll be leaving. Make sure to give that back, or else,” he says threateningly.

“Yessss hyung,”

“Yoseob, I’m serious. You better study!”

“Yes omma,” I said obediently, pushing him out the lecture hall as I hear him sigh, probably in frustration. He turned around to meet my eyes as he was about to exit the door, giving me a serious look. I flinched away in response.

“Yoseob-ah, I’m not helping you earn those credits. So don’t ask me for help. If you fail, you’re seriously on your own.”

“Yes…I’ll text you, hyung. See you later!” I waved, avoiding his eyes. With my eyes looking down, I saw his feet turn away and move away from me as I heard him sigh. I then shut door, and went back to my seat determined to study for the whole hour. “Fighting!” I said to myself.

 I opened the notebook and my eyes bugged with surprise from all the content. Not only were the ALL the lines filled with text, but the margins were also occupied with diagrams that were EXTREMELY detailed. Oh and let’s not forget the sticky notes that he added onto occasional pages.  Written onto them were “reminding notes” listed with multiples of formulas. I groaned in extreme frustration. How was I to go over these set of notes within an hour?!! If I knew that his notes were as long as book then I never would’ve asked for them in the first place. Utterly annoyed, I tried to read the first paragraph only to be stressed out. It was then that I began to question my intelligence and my abilities. Reaching my limits, I decided to vent out my frustrations via text message.

To: Hyunsungiee <3

From: Seob-ah

Hyung, are you sure we take the same course? I don’t get a single thing T_T

Moments after, my phone vibrated signalling a response.

To: Seobie-ah

From: Hyunseung

Use the textbook to help you understand the notes. Seob-ah, fighting J

I bit my lip at the thought of my textbook. Earlier when I was at my locker, I hesitated whether or not to bring it with me to class. I figured that it would just be extra load and left it there on purpose.  I ruffled my hair, extremely irritated with myself.

To: Hyunseungiee <3

From: Seob-ah

Hyunggg, eottohkee ?!! My textbook’s at my locker, at the other side of the campus T_T

To: Seobie-ah

From: Hyunseung

Aishhhh! How can you be so irresponsible ?! I’m sure the professor has extras at the front. Just use that, but bring it back before class starts!!Oh and don’t bother to reply, I don’t like texting in class.

I smiled, a ray of hope is visible after reading his text. Making sure I was alone, I rushed to the front of the hall where a bookshelf was located. However, to my dismay a copy of my textbook was not a part of them. Sighing, I trudged out the lecture hall and went to retrieve my book at the other side of the campus. I’ll probably get only 30 minutes to take in as much as I can of an hour’s worth of lecture, but at least I tried right? With this thought, I used much of the time remaining to do whatever I can to fill my empty brain.


“Time’s up. Pass your papers to the front,” Mr. Kang announced. However, I didn’t budge from my position. My eyes remained glued to the paper below me and my hands continued to move on its own, scribbling down formulas and calculations which I fooled myself into thinking was right.

“Student Yang Yoseob, your papers?” I heard him say and unwillingly, I dropped my pen and straightened out my papers. I scanned through what I wrote for the final time, and sighed.

“Yes songsaengnim,” I obliged, standing up from my seat and taking my papers to his desk. I didn’t even realize that I had on a pout until I heard girls giggle around me and Hyunseung’s loud sigh.

“I’m dead Hyunseungie,” I muttered to my friend as I slouched back on my seat. He must’ve felt sincerely sorry for me as I felt his caressing hand pat me on the back and I heard his voice mutter nonsense encouragements to my ear. For the rest of the class, I zoned out completely. There was really no point of listening since I won’t be allowed back into the lectures until I’ve accomplished my credits. I just watched the professor as he scribbles on the board, and I at least pretended to look as if I understood the lesson. Finally, he places down his marker and ends of with a usual summary of his lecture. I was about to move along like the rest of my colleagues when I heard my name being said by Mr. Kang.

“Yang Yoseob, please see me for a moment,” I turned around, waving goodbye to Hyunseung while giving him a panicked look that only he can determine. He then patted my back and nudged my side, hard. Therefore, indicating that there’s no escape and I have to face the professor. He’s right; I thought to myself and walked to the front of the hall.

“As you know, I’ve marked your papers,” Mr. Kang informed me, “yours was the first.” I didn’t know how to respond and so I remained quiet. “I have two set of news to say to you, good and bad. Which one do you want to hear first?”

“Both,” I mumbled, looking away from him.

“Well,” he exhaled before continuing. “Good news is you passed… sort of,” he says hesitatingly, “you somehow managed to get legitimate answers to half of questions but you lacked format and failed to show proper procedures.” I laughed to myself as he said that.

 Using what I recalled from Hyunseung’s notes, I was able to record onto my paper some nerdy comments and probably scored some extra points. For the rest of the quiz, I just randomly chucked onto the page random diagrams and formulas that I remember seeing in the margins from Hyunseung’s notebook. I didn’t actually know if what I was writing was right, I chuckled.

“Bad news is I can’t let you off that easy since your paper’s lacking in many aspects,” Mr. Kang continued, “and so, instead of earning credits, I’ll give you a different task.” I then met his gaze and nodded to his offer. “Later in the day, after lunch, you have no more classes I believe?” he asked me.

“Oh, umm… well I have two more, but I’m sure I can take it on a different day if I have permission to,” I said, giving him a small smile.

“Ok, so here’s what I’ll do. I’ll give you the consent and later during the day, you’ll have to do promotions for the University. As you know, high school’s nearing an end and we have to attract some students. So, your job is to go to the high school given to you and answer the student’s questions and do all that advertising stuff,” he instructed.

“That seems simple, but the thing is I hardly know ‘bout the university myself,” I said, ashamed.

“Ahaha. No problem, Yoseob-ssi. Just go to the office at the front and tell them I sent you as my promoter. They’ll provide you with all that you need to know,” he laughed lightly, assuring me that I’ll be alright. “Now here’s the consent and I’ll be seeing you in my next class,” he said dismissing me while handing me a sheet of paper.

I was given specific instructions by a strict middle-aged woman to be at the gymnasium of Seoul Arts High School exactly by 12:00 p.m. Along with two other students, I was supposed to answer all questions accordingly from the information provided in the booklet. She instructed me of much more, but I failed to take it all in and I figured that I can ask the other two representatives who were with me anyway.

But, I’m obviously wrong. So now, here I am standing in the middle of the halls of a high school I’ve never been in before, completely lost. If I can’t find the gym in 10 minutes, I’ll have to face the wrath of my professor and let’s not forget that middle-aged registrar who I met back at the office. Panicking, I looked around to search for any person I can find. Just then, my eyes caught two figures that were most noticeably a couple, a male and a female of obvious height differences. I ran up to them as politely as possible to ask for directions.



Hello :D I posted a super long chapter because I felt that I needed to since there's hardly any IUSEOB moments here :P But I hope you still enjoyed it :) Comment and subscribe :D

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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...