Chapter 13

Working for Acknowledgement


I continued to watch him as he walked away. For a particular reason, his retreating figure left butterflies in my stomach. Let’s get this straight. I am still a girl and I’m not lying when I say that what he did to me just now made my heart skip a beat. Face it; every girl would feel the same way when a guy treats them so kindly. Yoseob’s pretty cool, I heard myself saying in my head. He can probably make anyone feel safe with just that smile of his. I guess that’s why he has such a hot girlfriend.

He was talking to the lady in the desk and from the looks of it; the girl’s not minding having him around either. From the waiting area, I could only make out Yoseob’s back but whatever he’s doing, it must be good. The girl had a sparkle in her eye and was flashing a bright smile. I became too engrossed in the scene that I literally gasped out loud when Yoseob turned around. I fixed myself and turned around. With best efforts, I tried to make myself look occupied and oblivious to what happened earlier.

“Jieun-ah! I’m back!” he appears from behind me with a bright smile. I gave him an unimpressed look.

“Oh sorry, did I take too long?” he asked curiously.

“Ahniyo,” I sighed and looked away from him. “So, what did the girl say?”

“Hmm… well she asked a bunch of stuff, but pretty much she said that you might have to wait for a long time. It’s pretty hectic right now but she said she’ll try her best to squeeze you in.” he says while I nodded. I was quiet for some time but then, a continuous buzzing erupted from his side.

“Your phone?” I nudged him. He then frantically began to search in his pockets as the buzzing continued. After a while, he pulled out a sleek, white touchscreen and took a look at the device.

“Aish, it was from Hyuna too,” he muttered to himself and began pressing buttons. “I’ll be right back, Jieun-ah,” he looked at me then walked to a nearby empty area. While he was away, I was able to make out a few words.

“Your class is done already?” he said, his tone raising a pitch higher. “I thought it finishes at 5? Oh… I’m busy right now though. How ‘bout 7? Oh wait, I have to go with the guys… I’m sorry ‘Hun. You can’t go tomorrow either? It’s ok…I’ll see you at Friday though, right?” his voice has now dropped and I guess that goes for his mood as well. “Alright, well I guess Friday? Alright, then I’ll see you then. Take care, baby. I love you too, bye.” He sighed at the end. Seconds after, he appeared again at my side.

I fiddled with my fingers. I felt guilty for having to have taken his time and I felt the need to take responsibility. Besides, I’ve been left behind a number of times before. It shouldn’t be a big of deal if Yoseob leaves me, right? I inhaled deeply and finally found the words to say.

“Yoseob, you’re busy?” I cleared my throat and I felt his eyes on me. “I can go by myself you know,” I met his eyes and I tried to smile.

“Oh…” he trailed off and frantically began to look around. “But… I promised to stay with you… didn’t I?” he sighed and met my gaze again with but now with newly profound sad eyes.

“It’s fine. I don’t mind. You stayed with me this far didn’t you?” I said in the gentlest way possible.

“Arrasso,” he sighed. “Text me then if you need a ride after,”

“Hahaha, no. I’d rather not. I might interrupt something,” I coughed and I heard a small chuckle erupt from his throat.

“I’m serious though. Listen to the doctor, ok? I’m leaving,” he walked away with his back facing me.

“Thanks Yoseob!” I called after and he turned to wave at me. With that, he jogged to the automatic doors with his phone close to his ear.

End of Flashback ^^

Right, I was the one who shooed him away, I thought to myself. That was the right thing to do though. I can’t keep him to myself when he clearly wishes to be someplace else. Not knowing what to do next, I pulled out my phone and checked to see 4 unread text messages and 3 missed calls. Surprised, I immediately checked my call log first. All three were from Jiyeon. She was probably wondering where I was since I was pulled away from school. Then I checked my messages.

To: Jieun

From: Jiyeon


Sent at 3:00 p.m.

Another message wast sent by Jiyeon, with similar content.

To: Jieun

From: Jiyeon


Sent at 3:03

I sighed and quickly typed up a reply.


From: Jieun

Jiyeon-ah sorry, I forgot to tell you L I’m at the hospital right now. Remember my ankle? Yeah, I think I broke it. :/ I’ll call you after, alright? <3

I was about to put my phone away but I quickly remember the two other messages.

To: Jieun

From: Sohyun

Unnie, where did you and Yoseob-oppa go? Is everything ok? Anyway whatever it is, I told our gym teacher you had to leave. I did good right? :D Unnie, you owe me lunch now ^^

I smiled at her text message and whipped up a reply. I made a mental note to myself to treat her to lunch tomorrow. Then finally, I took a look at the last text message.

To: Jieun

From: Yoseob

How’s the ankle? I’m really sorry for leaving all of a sudden. I owe you again now. If there’s a problem, text me. Oh, and don’t forget to give me a call after, ok? Bye ^^

I stared at the screen for some time with mixed feelings. I was confused and happy at the same time. If not, I felt somewhat anxious as well. Yoseob is a great guy, don’t get me wrong. However, whenever he treats me so nicely, I can’t help but to feel anxious. As if his kind approach is something that I should brace before a tragic turn of events. I shivered at the thought and put away my phone. Soon, the lady returned to prep me for the upcoming x-rays.



I feel like the story's getting boring T_T . Sorry guys -.- You'll still read it though right? Besides, you don't know when I'll throw a surprise there for ya ;)

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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...