Chapter 11

Working for Acknowledgement


 “S-stop!!” she uttered. Then, she bent down and fell onto the passenger seat. I laughed out loud. Mission accomplished.

“Why? What did you think I was about to do Jieun-ah?” I chuckled and closed the car door as soon as her legs were out of the way. Then happily, I skipped to the driver’s seat and settled myself.

“Off to the hospital!” I announced as my buckled myself and locked the doors.

“Aish,” I heard Jieun mumble at my side and I turned to her direction. She was turned to the door handle, trying to open it.

“It’s locked Jieun-ie, you can’t open it. So, buckle up,” I told her while turning on the engine.

“Shirroo!” she whined.

“Put on your seatbelt. We’re wasting gas,” I said with a slight hint of impatience in my tone of voice.



“No! I’m getting off!”

“No you’re not!” I say while unbuckling my seatbelt. If you want to be stubborn, fine. I sighed and moved to her side. I held onto the edge of her seat to support my weight, and my fingers accidentally brushing past her thighs. I slightly moved away then I reached to grab her seatbelt. As I returned to my seat with the buckle on my head, she suddenly pushed me away.

“I’m getting off!” she exclaimed and hit my elbow that was supporting my entire body. As a result, I lost my balance. In my attempt to stop myself from falling, I held onto a soft object which just so happened to be her thigh. I looked to where my hand landed and froze on the spot. “Yah! What are you doing?!” she screamed in my ear and I jolted. I wasn’t exactly sure if she had stopped shouting as a ringing continued in my ear. Finally, I was able to scramble back onto my seat buckle her seatbelt.

“If you weren’t so stubborn, this wouldn’t have happened,” I grumbled at her. Utterly annoyed, I buckled myself yet again and finally stepped on the gas. I remained silent as I drove away from the school grounds. Actually, if I uttered a single word at that moment, it would probably be a series of curses and so I held myself back. As I was speeding down the road, a car suddenly switched to my lane without signalling. Thankfully, I hit the brakes on time in order to slow down my car before I cause damage. However, thanks to him I had missed the left turn and am now left with no other choice but to exit through the highway which leads me to resort to a much longer route. I hissed and let out a curse in annoyance at the irresponsible driver in front of me.

“Yoseob…” I heard Jieun say but I didn’t respond. My mood wasn’t the brightest and it really isn’t time to start an argument. “I’m sorry…” she trailed off, fear clear in her voice. I kept my eyes on the road and prevented myself from saying anything. However there was a small voice inside my head that told me that staying quiet will not make things any better. “I’m sorry for the trouble…” she continued with the same careful tone she used earlier. “And…thanks,” she said in a really quiet voice. 

She had left me reflecting on my previous actions, causing me to feel guilty. I wanted to tell her that she was not the entire cause of my frustrations. She wasn’t any trouble, and that’s honestly what I thought. Really, it’s me who’s the bipolar one. However like any other time, I failed to express my thoughts. In doing so, I’ve developed the complication even further. I opened my mouth, expecting words to flow out, words that might comfort her or at least remove the burden off her shoulders.  Instead, a redundant statement was said instead. “We’re here,” I say to her after clearing my throat.

I killed the engine and quickly unbuckled my seat belt. After grabbing my keys, cellphone and wallet, I stepped out of the car and closed my door shut. I stood before my car idling as she slowly steps out. Then finally, she shuts the door and limps her way to the direction of hospital. Using my remote key, I locked my car and walked a step behind Jieun. I continued to watch as she kept up with her slow pace and I cursed myself mentally for parking far from the entrance. Did I ever mention that I was an impatient person? Finally, after what seemed to felt like years, we’ve reached the entrance of the hospital. Jieun stopped in her tracks and turned to face me.

“Yoseob, thanks again for bringing me although you really didn’t need to. I can go by myself now,” she states simply.

I cleared my throat again and gave thought of what she said. Although she has given me the invitation to leave, I felt that it was wrong to accept especially because I caused her trouble during the car ride and I felt the need to apologize. I also know for myself that I was responsible of her injury and that I should fulfill the responsibility to the end. However, I have brought her to the hospital and that enough should be acceptable right? Besides, the atmosphere between the two of us isn’t the best as it is and staying with her to the end of her visit may not be the most comfortable. I stood there for quite some time which might have looked retarded in my part. When Jieun bowed and turned away, I finally reached a compromise. I walked up to her and spoke.

“I’ll walk you to the emergency room. You might need a guardian,” I said and offered her my arm for support. At first she had on a hesitant look and seemed unwilling to accept. However, she moved towards me and I thought otherwise.

“You really don’t need to. I’m old enough,” she laughed while awkwardly linking arms with me.

“Oh, sorry,” I paused before continuing. “I forgot that you’re an ahjumma,” I joked with her in attempt to lighten up the mood.

“Yah! I’m not an ahjumma,” she chuckled.

“Yeah, that’s right. You’re a grandmother,” I laughed by myself.

“Right, as long as I don’t look like a train. Isn’t that right, Mr. Thomas?” she joked.

“Heyy! Thomas the Train’s cute. If you haven’t noticed girls find it charming,” I replied.

“Thankfully I’m not one of them,” she coughed.

“Of course you’re not one of them. You’re a grandma already, not a girl,” I mumbled quietly.

“Yah!” she exclaimed, causing me to chuckle. 






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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...