Chapter 1

Working for Acknowledgement


Ah! A warm and tingling sensation had awoken my senses bringing me to reality where I had carelessly placed my exposed hand onto the burner. My finger throbbed with pain as its flesh turned to a bright pink shade, instantly telling me that it is need of attention. However instead of running my hand under cold water, I turned to the frying pan before me. Just recently, I have learned my lesson to never leave the burger patties cooking for a second more than it is required as its golden brown tone can change into an unappetizing shade of black almost instantly. Therefore working quickly, I shut off the burner and moved the frying pan away from the threatening heat.

Now with my attention undivided, I the tap and set it to its coldest temperature while allowing my hand to bathe in the cool and refreshing water. Though it had only been a few seconds that I have devoted my time to myself, an incredibly long line of customers has already formed before the cash register. Alarmed, I shut off the water, pulled down my sleeve and returned to the stove. Seconds after, my boss, in his tall white chef hat, came suspecting me of doing foolish actions. Thankfully, I waved off his accusations by appearing concentrated on frying the remaining burgers.

I looked up and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of sautéing onions and the aroma of mixed spices. Being indoors the entire day while exposed to the heat of the stove has definitely taken a toll on me. My hair has gone loose from the tight pony I had arranged earlier and my previously matte face has now turned into an unrecognizable greasy and make-up smeared face. In the bright side, looking pretty was never really appreciated in the cafe. I have gotten over the appearance barrier months ago when I was first hired.

Without me realizing it, my busy shift has now ended and I am now freed from this hell of a place they like to call a cafe. I could have been wiser. I’m more than capable of making a good decision and I know well enough that applying for a job in Cube Cafe driven by the motivation that my all-time crush orders a cup of half & half coffee every Saturday morning was not the smartest choice I’ve made in my eighteen years of living. I keep on thinking to myself, wondering why I had downgraded myself by applying for such a lowly job that is hardly acknowledged by him or my peers. In fact this has continued for three years. I had never left the status of a one-sided relationship that was established ever since ninth grade and yet my years of faithfulness remain undiminished despite his obnoxious acts towards me. Still, I doubt the fact that he even knows that I exist.

On my way to the bus stop with heavy footsteps and my shoulders dropped, I saw a familiar figure. From a mile away, the sight of the slender tall built and a faux-hawk styled hair can easily be determined as Taeyang. Caught off guard, I stumbled as  my heels got stuck in the pavement drain cover. Great, if I don’t get myself unstuck on time I’ll miss the bus and more importantly miss my chance to talk to Taeyang. I really don’t count on being lucky because as far as I know, the odds have never been in my favor. Sighing, I bent on my knees and removed my shoes. I was reaching out for my heels when a pair of hands touched it before I had a chance to. Looking up, I braced myself as I saw features that belong to no one other than Taeyang. 





Hi there again :) It's me the author haha :P Sorry if the beginning was boring but dont worry yang yoseob will be making his appearance in the next chapter so stay tuned ! :D please drop a comment or subscribe, either one will make me happy ;)

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Djaney #1
Chapter 25: 2017 and i wish you would update this ?❤️ I need to know what happens to jieun and yoseob
Haeysoo #2
Please update s0000nnn..
Musiclover1995 #4
Chapter 25: I really want to know where Yoseob ran off to. Did he run off to talk to Hyuna or Jieun? I'm hoping that it's Jieun and I hope he confesses his love for her. I just want to know what's gonna happen next. It's killing me!! So please update the next chapter as soon as possible ^_^
xxw00uxx #5
Chapter 25: I think jieun will be shock now, I hope she will be okey also to yoseob ..
Chapter 25: wait... so you changed this chapter?
does that mean nothing happened after they kissed?
Musiclover1995 #7
Can you pleaassseeee update this soon? I really want to read it. This is a great fanfic and I LOVE it soooooo much!! Pleaseeee I beg of you.
Chapter 25: I hope Seobie's not using Jieun...
I feel bad for Jieun...and a little for Seobie...
Chapter 25: I feel awkward with Yoseob confession.. I hope he doesn't use IU to forget Hyuna..
Chapter 24: omg unnie... they kissed!!
It's Hyuna isn't?
I hope Jieun wouldn't be angry...