Wish You Were Not Here

Shim Changmin

The coffee shop was as same as the last time I left. I went to the coffee shop to take a look and taste the coffee. It had been a while since I stepped in here.

This was the coffee shop that was supposed to be under my management before Seunghyun took over it. Seunghyun was Appa’s cousin and he was appointed as manager when Appa decided to send me overseas for further studies.

It even has a new interior design. It wasn't designed for my liking but it was satisfactory. When I get this shop back, I would change things inside here.

I walked to the counter and there was this boy whose back was against the counter. He was talking to his friend before he turned around. His coloured blonde fringe covered half his eyes and they were red too. I waited for a while before he eventually noticed me there.

He asked me what I liked for a drink. His voice was not as cute as his face but it was sufficient enough to lure me into talking more with him.

I asked him what did the shop have and what would be the tastiest drink. Well, as this is a coffee shop and I actually supposed to manage it, I, in fact knew a lot about the tastiest coffee here.

He scratched the back of his head and I found it so adorable. Well, he was just a boy and he could be at most 18. He said he didn't know because he still didn't have everything yet.

Then I heard the loud voice behind me and immediately I knew the owner. I spun around and pushed him. We fought and I found the kid was gone after Yunho gave up and walked away. I dashed to him and grabbed his wrist when I caught him laughing to his heart's content at a corner.

He was shocked when suddenly I was giving my attention to him. His eyes were doe-like, big and sparkly. He stood up from his squatting position and faced me.

"No one laughed at my enemy except me." I said sternly just to see his reaction.

Wait, did I tell who was my enemy? It's Jung Yunho.

Why? He was, since we were born. We were just not into each other. Our families were close, though and I got to meet him every once in a while but never once I agree with anything with him. It was like we were meant to be in a relationship like this.

He flinched. I mean, the young waiter. He looked at me with questioning eyes before he bowed down and said sorry to me. I was not satisfied. How could someone with those big orbs be shy to show it to someone who was unfamiliar to him?

"What's your name?" I said in a tone that could break a glass. He looked at me for a while before he stuttered out his name.


"Kim Jaejoong, ay? I will remember your name well, as a person who dared to laugh at Jung Yunho." he bit his lower lip looking worried.

"I'm sorry, sir if I offend you," then, the kid with the name Jaejoong turned his back on me. I saw him sighed and his shoulder hunched. He returned to the counter, smiled weakly at his co-worker before he took over. I smirked to myself when I was spun around by a hand.

It was Yunho. His face was beet-red. I grinned at him. Well, a winner's smile to the loser.

"Don't lay a hand on him." he said with a determined face. I scoffed.

"Who?" I could guess who but I wanted him to say it out loud. He gritted his teeth but he turned away. "If you don't tell me, I will never know!"

" off. You don't belong here,"

"Me? I don't belong here? I'm supposed to be the owner of this coffee shop," Yunho didn't say anything. He was pissed off, one because I humiliated him in front of customer. Two, maybe because he was interested too in the boy. Weird, though. Yunho wasn't someone who would be interested in our own gender. "Who is he?"

"Once you lay a hand on him, I'll cut your fingers off,"

"Whoa, whoa, you should be clear about who he is," I laughed, wanting to irritate him more.

"You should be clear that I would be happy to cut them off,"

"Are you serious? Since when?"

". Remember that."

"Do you think I'll do what you want? Give me something..."

" off from him."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I laughed. Not that I wanted us to be close. "Why do you want to act as if you own everything?!"

"I am older than you. I should own everything," he glared at me.

"You're immature." I pushed him away and he pulled me back by the shoulder. I was going to the counter and I saw the kid turned and locked his eyes on me. He then noticed the person behind me and quickly averted his gaze elsewhere.

"Don't...!" Yunho almost shouted. The kid scooted away from us like a frightened rat.

I smiled devilishly.

" want him?" Yunho was taken aback. "Want to win a bet? Whoever won it, the boy would be untouched by the other person," he looked interested. Hmm...he really likes this kid. Shall I play a bit more? Shall I make him anticipate the worst? "You know I never break my promise,"

"What's the deal?"

"I see him as someone who is one tough cookie. Whoever makes him cry first will get to comfort him first," I laughed, reassuring myself that I would compete with my pride for this.

Hello, everyone! i'm sorry for not updating because I haven't been online for a week! it's eid and it's holi-holiday! I was off to my aunt's house and having good times there! it's a short chapter by the way, but at least uri Changmin is in the picture!!! *woohoo!!*

p/s something tells me that i have to make banner for this story, so I guess I'll go find someone who is willing to do it for me, or i can do it by myself if i have the time...but..

p.p/s okay enough talking. for reading this story, i bow down to you and say KAMSAHAMNIDA!!!

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chu-yunjae #1
Chapter 33: Really liked your story, it was creative. Nice work
Chapter 21: what happened to junsu at SBS ?! :-D
HieuBee #3
Chapter 32: I hate jaejoong
Chapter 18: !!!! Yoochun had seen them?

!!! Poor Chunnie!
Chapter 33: Omooooooooooo so nice i love it , you did a great job , thank you
but you didn't mention yoochun in this last chapter anyway it was perfect .
there is only one thing i didn't get very well , is the relationship between jae and yoochun !! who fall in love with the other ? and who reject the other ?
and yeh the best character i found here where minnie and yoochun .. ohhhhhhhhhhh i like them soo much <3
Chapter 33: ahhhh,,,
i like minsu here,,
actually, i'm a yunja shipper,but i really want to punch yunho in this story...aaaaarrrgghh
uw1m4-weema #7
Chapter 33: finished and satisfying reading... great story... ^.^
Chapter 33: i love you author nim XDDDD TnT so the story has end?? boo...well, thanks for make me smile...sad...and angry when read it XDDDDD

see you again in other story author nim ^^
Carla58 #9
Chapter 33: <3 The story was really good!
I'm glad they all had their happy ending, and it wasn't a lame ending btw :)
Thanks for this story it was an interesting read :D
Chapter 33: kyaaaaaa..
i didnt expect that this story will end this soon u_u
hehe even i still craving of lovey-dovey of yunjae but u have a good story, thanks for sharing. will wait ur other osm story authorssi :