
My Online Boyfriend (Fixing chapters)

This chapter seemed blaaah to me /: It seemed boring unlike the other chapters I wrote haha. Maybe because I was in a really good mood back then (x anyways, hope you enjoy ! (:

Minho's POV

I've been remaining quiet for this time being for reasons only intelligent people can figure out, and that means Jonghyun, Key, and Onew hyung, and Taemin will never figure out what I'm up to.

This past week I've noticed many things. First starting of with Key hyung. I've noticed how he's been unusually addicted to the computer lately and the couple weeks before this he's been nagging us about how bad it is to be on the computer for so long because it can burn our brains. He's been on the computer longer than us so I'm guessing his brain is already burnt, pfft karma. I'm starting to get curious to why he's been attached to the computer. I asked Taemin and he said he's been chatting online with this mystery girl on Meebo. Ah, so he has forgotten about his ex girlfriend already, that's good. I thought we'd never take him away from his stacks of picture with him and noona together but anyways that's not what I'm most concerned about.

Onew hyung has been stalking the others as well with me. He's been so nervous about Key, Jonghyun, and Taemin so much that he's been pigging out on our meals laid out for us on set. At least he's making us thinner and slim while he's causing himself to gain some blubber. 

Jonghyun hyung has been acting bipolar this past week. Maybe because of his break up with Shin Se Kyung? I don't know it's been bothering me. It's time for him to get a new girlfriend because for some reason I always thought that their relationship would never last. I want him to feel better about his life; that and because I hate him for bothering me and the others about how his life and how he'll never find love and that the world hates him and Shin Se Kyung only liked taller guys and blah blah things like that. Does anyone care if the world is shunning him at the moment? No. Well, at least I don't..

Taemin is suddenly acting.. what's the word? Bold? Strong? Tough? .. It can't be, he's not described as those.. but recently he's been trying to act like that. He's been bragging to me about how he has this secret plan that will destroy all our lives, but he basically ruined his secret plan by first, telling me it was a secret, and lastly, this certain plan will destroy our lives. So thank you Taemin for making me and the others think ahead of time to stay away from you. I think he's hitting puberty finally.

As for me, I told you earlier, I'm  keeping quiet to carefully watch over everyone else. Just in case everyone gets into a fight or anything like that, I'll be the one to back up anyone because I've been keeping watch of what they have been doing. I'm only doing this to help people, and for the managers to not yell at us anymore for fighting. We fight a lot actually and it should be blamed on our manager because first he yells at us to keep quiet and act mature but he himself as been yelling and complaing around the building about us being loud and he's scolding us to be mature even though he's not being mature for whining and complaining. See, more karma.

I just realized so many things that I can back fire and black mail people for but since I'm a nice guy I'll keep quiet like the usual and not cause drama like the rest.

Anyways, what got me lost in thought of my useless thinking is that we're all here sitting around a long table in this intense room. Our manager is sitting up front with the chairman of the company. Key and Jonghyun hyung, and this other guy whom I have no idea to why he's here are sitting across from me, Onew hyung, and Taemin. We're here to discuss some problems of the company again and it's really boring just being here. It's been quiet for at most half an hour and our manger is just glaring each and everyone of us down. When he looked at me I looked at him back and he looked frightened and looked away. Am I that intimidating?

"So, you all have been called up here for a reason," our manger began to speak,"It's regarding mostly just this group and it's been a bother to our company."

We all looked at each other speaking telepathically to one another.

'What did you do now Minho?'

'I didn't do anything!'

'Taemin, I think it was you who got us in trouble'

'Me? It's you Key hyung! You and your online chatting and harassing with this stranger girl!'

'Harassing!? I'm socializing unlike you! You follower! I found out about you and your new Meebo account!'

'Damn.. I knew my plan failed..'

'Taemin, you know saying that in your head is the same as telling us through our telepathic talk'

'What plan taemin?'

'Why did you point that out Minho hyung!'

'Hi guys!'

'Jonghyun stay out of this fight!'

'You guys keep complaining to each other and I'm bored so I want to join in'

'...You're so useless..'

'You guys have been ignoring me in my time of need! I just got out of a serious relationship all because of mine and Se Kyung's busy schedules! and you guys have done nothing bu-'

'I'm hungry'

'Yeah me too'

'When do we get out of here?'


'Sorry manager hyung...'

We all looked up and the chairman eyed us all suspiciously. We all gulped and tried looking at him without any fear in our eyes. We were all good with the acting except Taemin, he ruined it by constantly trembling in his seat making the table shake as well.


"I'M SORRY MR. CHAIRMAN!," Taemin suddenly stood up and bowed down to him. We all snickered at him trying to hold in our laughs but our manager glared at us so we remained still and silent.

"Taemin, sit down," Chairman commanded. Taemin nodded and sat down. He looked at me and I just rolled my eyes at him. He looked down in shame and started playing with his fingers.

"Anyways, I want to discuss about what troubles have occured in the company," Chairman announced. We all looked at him giving him our full attention.

"All of you have been doing your own personal business and I understand you have your own life instead of just your career here at the company, but it's been affecting us all because we've been reported about the online scandals and rumors about you guys and I personally ask you to cut down your personal life a little bit and focus a lot more in the sake of the company."

"Permission to speak, sir," Key hyung spoke. Chairman nodded.

"Uhm, well, what exactly have we been doing wrong?" We all nodded to the question and the Chairman sighed.

"Well Key, your manager reported to me all of your individual activites that disrupted the company," He started," He told me you started to come obessive over the internet world, Taemin began addicted to the internet as well, and Jonghyun's life has been going downhill because of Shin Se Kyungs facebook status," He stated as they all looked down in shame.

"What about Minho?" Taemin asked. I shot Taemin a glare as his eyes widened as he looked down in shame again.

"Nothing," Chairman replied. Everyone all looked up in surprise as I smirked to myself. Heh, being quiet does nothing but good.

"Minho has been excellent with keeping calm and doing nothing but respect the company and everyone else around him."

Respect? I've been jogging around the company building for excercise and I end up bumping into people a lot so I bow down to them and continue with my jog. Even hyung said that the front desk lady has been yelling at me to stop running around the place but I refuse to listen since jogging is my routine for the day. Plus, about me being calm, it's only because since I jog for a couple hours everyday I get tired and don't feel like talking to anyone. Thus resulted in me being the good kid even though I cause the most trouble in the group. Interesting.

"He's been so well trained and raised that I, myself even thought about making him the leader of SHINee."

"WHAT!?" Onew Hyung shouted and stood up in disbelief. We all looked at him in confusion. Manager hyung signaled him to sit back down. Hyung obeyed and sat down and kept grumbling to himself.

"Yeah, but to clear everything up I decided to ban all internet servers and communicators from the group until the company has settled," Chairman said as everyone gasped. Everyone started to throw a tantrum-- well mostly Key hyung.

"WHAT!? NOO! MANAGER HYUNG! CHAIRMAN! WHY!?" Key broke down into constant complaints as the chairman probably pretended to listen to him and nod his head. 

"Key calm down! It's only a temporary ban!" Manager hyung tried to make him sit down by pushing down his shoulders but Key hyung refused and banged on the table; It made all of us jump.

"NO! IT IS NOT OKAY! I NEED THE INTERNET! HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO TALK TO BU--" Key hyung stopped his sentence as he just realized what he said. He slowly sat back down and stared blankly at the table. "Nevermind.."

"Who?" Chairman asked. We all looked at Key with our mouths hanging open in shock. He almost told the head chairman about his online chatting with possibly a fangirl! If the chairman finds out that Key hyung broke the rule about online dating then the company will be in more of a fuss and our phones and such will probably be taken away forever!

"N-No one.." Key quietly replied. Chairman stood up in complete anger and shot a death glare towards Key. 

"Kim Kibum, please tell me you're not in an intimate relationship with someone online!" He shouted making us flinch from the sudden shouting.

"N-No sir.. I'm not in a relationship with a girl online," Key answered. There was a sudden wave of silent awkwardness until the Chairman sighed and sat down rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Alright, I believe you Key, meeting dismissed."



Key's POV

Perfect, temporary ban from all internet used devices. My iPhone, iPod, other iPhone, other iPod, iPad, iMac, iScream, psp, ps3, wii, xbox, and my new desktop computer were all confiscated from me this morning. I was a wreck this morning! I even begged on my knees for them to not take it away and whined in front of my mother but the only thing they said was "Kim Kibum, this is for your own good." I glared at them for calling me by Kibum and they almost, ALMOST gave in. I would've gotten my babies back if my mother didn't have to interrupt and distract them by saying she baked cookies. Did you know how much that pissed me off!? She said she baked cookies but she added raisins in them. RAISINS! I was forced to eat cookies with raisins in them while people from the company started cleaning out all my computers and stuff from my room.. most tortured thing in my life that I had to watch.. and eat..

I've never felt so empty and bored in my life. It's like technology was my other half and since the company took half of my life away I've been feeling so ... dead.

They think this is for my own good? Really, you think this will benefit from anything? The chairman must be going crazy thinking I'll try my hardest and will make SHINee on top again without my technology. SHINee will be dead lonely at the company everyday because we all are deviceless. We're always on our cellphones every morning doing our own thing and now that they're all gone they think we'll be much happier and work harder? That's just so silly.

.. Silly my , dammit I'm bored.

I started walking step by step up the stairs with a blank expression on my face. What was weird was that I was dragging my Prada bag along the floor and I'm the least concerned about it getting dirty and scratched up. Pfft, I don't even care if I didn't style my hair today. People at our private school oddly looked at me and I still didn't care. My style has lost it's touch. See, we all need our technology back or else everyone will start looking down on us.

I was halfway up the stairs and heard a door slam. I looked up and saw my mom walking down the stairs reading a book. She's reading a book while walking down the stairs? She could fall! She could just break her--.. you know what I'm too tired to care I just want to go upstairs and scream in my pillow.

"Hi Key," She said with a smile as she noticed me walking up.

"Hi.." I replied not glancing in her direction. 

Wait.. what if I act depressed in front of her? Will she feel bad for me then give me back my ipod and phone!? 

I glanced up and saw her almost walking past me. Here's my chance.

"Sigh..." I let out a sorrowful and depressing sigh and looked up at her with sad eyes.

What... What!? She didn't do anything!? .. Hmm, maybe she didn't hear me? 


Nothing.. what a loving mother I have.


... she walked past me and did nothing. Fine, I'll use body motions as well.

"SSSIIIIGGGGHHHHH!!! SIIIGGGH!" I said while throwing my arms around my mothers shoulders and sighing in front of her face. She stopped walking and looked up at me with a curious look upon her face. This is working.. it's working!

"Key, sweetie, save your breath... dont you usually use that to blow up your dates?"

"OMMA!" I shouted in disbelief. I quickly let go of her and pushed her away. "How dare you say that to your one and only child!? How.. How immature of you to say that to me! Where did you learn that!?" I exhaled in annoyance and placed my hand over my heart. Flames were shooting out of my eyes as I looked at her. She raised a brow and started walking down the stairs again.

"Hmm, your red shirt goes well with your eyes," She replied with a smile.

I looked down at my shirt then looked up at her. "Awwh, thanks mo--... YAH! TAKE THAT BAC-- AISH!"

I ruffled my hair in frustration and continued walking up the stairs again. My day is NOT going well at all. Plus, I thought I could vent to my mother again but it seems like the only replies I will get are insults. Where'd she learn those insults anyways? Ugh, now I have to go insult Jonghyun on the phone again to let my frustrations out.

Oh wait.. I have no phone... great...

As I walked into my bedroom, I kicked the door behind me close and proceeded to my bed. I let my sidebag slide down my shoulder and onto the floor. Then I jumped onto my bed making me flop up for awhile until the jumping started to decrease. I let out a long sigh and placed my arm over my eyes to block the sunlight that beamed through the window.

"How come whenever I start to have a little freedom, it's instantly taken away from me?" I said to myself as I rolled over on my stomach and breathed into the pillow. There really is nothing to do now.. what am I supposed to do? What do people do when they're at home besides going on the computer all day? Is there such a thing as living a life without technology? I don't think so or else how can you live?

Then again maybe that's why books were created. So when people are bored with the internet they read a book. Is this their way of telling me to read!? I read stories online with my ipad! I have to actually pick up a real book with real pages? Aigoo..

"I'm so lonely~ lonely~ lonely~ lonely~ Lonelaaaay!~" I sang into the pillow.

"I'm your boyfriend~ I'm your boyfriend~ you're my girlfriend~ you're my--uhuhuh!! I need a girlfriend!!" I whined and continuously smacked the pillow on both sides of me. After awhile of crying into my pillow realization struck me.




I instantly shot up in bed and quickly turned my head to the right and looked at my bag on the floor. 

"MY LAPTOPS IN MY BAG!" I shouted with an immense amount of overwhelming happiness.

I forgot that I brought my laptop to the company building today because I wanted to chat with butterfly over there! I'm such a genius! I'm such a future thinker! Being smart makes me look more good looking! I have no regrets now! The company wasn't smart enough to scan through my personal belongings! I love myself!

I hurriedly sat up on the edge of the bed and grabbed my bruised up Prada bag from the floor. I opened it and to my surprise my laptop was resting within the creme colored folds, along with the wire and my emergency phone.

"LIFE IS AWESOME!" I started to spazz out about this amazing unfortunate of events! My phone and my laptop are in my bag and life is awesome again.

Not wanting to waste time, I pulled out my laptop and laid down on my bed with the laptop in front of my face. I opened it up and pressed the power button and waited for it to turn on; and it did.

"Hehehe," I giggled to myself.

The password login page loaded and I merrily typed in my password. 

"Welcome," my laptop spoke to me.

"Hi my lovely laptop! Thanks for letting me in I loooove youuu! I'll treat you with a nice polish cleaning after this, neh!?" I held my laptop in the air as I spoke to it. Then I hugged it tightly to my chest while rocking side to side.

I placed it back down on my stomach as I prepared to go online. I saw the internet icon, and before I clicked on it I took a deep breath and smiled. 

"Today is the day I will confess to her before it's too late," I said to myself. We've been talking for quite awhile and I think she has interest in me. I want a girl I can speak to comfortably everyday and vent to on my worst days. When I tried speaking with my ex about how horrible my day was... that girl.. she would never listen. Gosh, just calling her as my ex sends shivers down my spine. What was I thinking when I even asked her out?

You could do this Key, you can accomplish this goal. Log on to Meebo, and ask her. The mouse cursor is right next to the internet icon. You're there. You. Are. Here. You. Are. The. MAN. YOU COULD DO THIS. 

I rolled my mouse cursor over the internet icon. This is it, just click it and it will all be over with.


This is it. 




I clicked on the internet icon and this is what happened during my five minutes of blacking out.

Internet server is not connected. Please call help services or reload this page in five minutes.

After five minutes my conscience came back to life. I hovered my hand over the touch key pad of my laptop and pressed the reload button.

Internet server is not connected. Please call help services or reload this page in five minutes.

I passed out again.







Key's Mom's POV

I finally finished Key's favorite food! It's the least I can do since I insulted him before.. I felt so bad.. but Key's friend Jonghyun made me do it! Aish, I need to teach Jonghyun a lesson one day. 


"MOM! STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND THE FREAKIN' HOUSE!" Key shouted at his dumfounded mother who just stood there silent. Whenever Key would come home his mother would always follow him around the house to see if he needed anything.

"But sweetie, what if you need so--"

"I'LL COME DOWNSTAIRS AND TELL YOU, UGH!" He shouted again and stomped loudly up the stairs and slammed the door close. If you can't tell already, Key was having a very rough day and didn't feel like talking to anyone.

Key's mom stood in front of the stair steps and looked at nothing in particular. Probably lost in thought and completely frozen after the scene of her own son yelling at her about her motherly concerns.

"You know I can give you some advice on how to make key stay quiet after he yells at you," Jonghyun said to Key's mother making her curious.

"How?" She asks.


The others around him started to chuckle about Jonghyun's plan. His insults always offended Key and Jonghyun would only insult him if Key ever made him feel upset or he'd never respect him.

"I can't insult my own son! Jonghyun, I think you and the rest should go home," She said and started to guide them to the front door but Jonghyun abruptly stopped. 

Everyone stopped walking and stared at him. Jonghyun was staring at Minho.

Awkward silence..

Finally Minho gave up with the uncomfortable stares given by his hyung and decided  to speak. 

"What..? Why are you stari--"

"I'm trying to imagine you with a personality."

''WHAT! JONGHYUN HY--" Onew and Taemin were holding Minho back by his arms and head to prevent him from smacking the hell out of Jonghyun. He just shrugged and walked over to Key's mom.

"Well, it obviously wouldn't work on Minho because he has anger issues but try it on Key sometime! Here I'll write down funny comebacks to tell him when he yells at you again," Jonghyun said and handed a piece of paper to her once he finished writing down his thoughts.

"Red shirt.. eyes.. blows on dates..? What does this mean Jonghyun?" Key's mother asked not knowing what any of the sentences he wrote down meant.

"Just trust me eomeoni!" He said and hugged her. Jonghyun always comes over to Key's house practically everyday so Key's mother was fine with him calling her 'eomeoni'.


(End of Flashback)


I knocked on the door and waited for Key's reply but there was nothing but silence.

"Key~ I made your favorite foods! Pasta and Italian salad dressing!~"


Hmm, that boy. What could he be doing? The company took away all his devices, right?

I gripped onto the door handle and twisted it. Once I opened it wide enough for me to see I saw Key in a very .. strange position.

"Key honey, what are you doing?" I asked.

He was kneeling on his bed while holding his laptop in his hands and he was holding it above his head. I think he was about to throw his laptop against the wall..? WAIT, Why does he have his laptop!?!

He gently placed his laptop back on his bed and sat in a normal position on the edge of the bed while quietly staring at me.

"Thanks for the food, just place it on my table," He said calmly. I did as he asked and placed it on the table next to his bed. Before I left the room I heard Key say something behind me.

"Mom, I think I have problems.."


On the other side.

"Miss, we have been informed that SME has banned all devices from SHINee."

She tapped her fingers along the surface of the table and smirked evily.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, miss."

She started to chuckle and spun her chair around as she faced her assistant. She stood up and started to walk around the room looking at all the frames hung on the wall of her and Key.

"My plan will work this time right?" She sighed and ran her fingers across Key's smiley face next to hers. Her assistant looked at the photo she was looking at placed on the wall and sighed.

"We'll see..."

WOOOOOOWWW! -_____- Guess what? I updated this like  last night. I was curious cuz there were no new views. I check my story again and it was saved on DRAFT! _._ I . am.a. lame.person. ahahahhah. 

SORRY SORRY SORRY~ (referring to SuJu's song)

I haven't updated in sooooo long ! ! It was probably only a week or something but still it felt LOONG! and as you read before in the beginning of the chapter, Yes, I wasn't confident about this chapter. Idk why xD oh well.

ALSO, THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE GET WELL WISHES! :D It made me feel much better ^^

ANOTHER THING, HOW AWESOME IS THE STORY POSTER & BANNER!? O: *Spaaazz* hahaha. I LOVE it <3 Key looks so cute haha.

Hello new readers! I'm glad you liked and subscribed and commented on my story! :D Hope it won't get boring in the future hahaha. I'll try and update frequently! (:

Is your summer going well?! I hope soo! (: ~ Jayleee

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YEEES. Computer validation bumped up every Saturday now. I CAN TOTES DO THIS.


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carla23 #1
Chapter 34: it's okay,long or not it's okay for me,just update again sooner,ok ;)
Chapter 34: The length of the chapter depends on how often you update. If the updates are rare, I forget the story...

Nice update!^^
Chapter 35: It's VERY understandable... But WELCOME BACK!:D
Chapter 35: I'm your new subby omg I really love this story <3 I need an upadate~ :D
Chapter 33: Okay, I ship her with Jiwook.
LuvSHINee123 #6
Chapter 32: Temporary....temporary .... I dun wan it to end like these! -sobs :'(
Jayleee when r you updating the next chapter ??? (I know I know you're lack of time)
And I love it when Key scold the *Fdhjdusksh part to their manager~ahha (dun mind me if I'm acting rebel ^*^) :P
I still waiting for your updates !~ Huaiting !
jlwildchild #7
Chapter 32: Kya I'm ur new subbie and I'm loving ur story sooooooooooo much! Plz update ASAP!
LuvSHINee123 #8
Ummm ...Helo! I'm your new subscriber here ~! Hahah so...just greeting around and ... I LUV YOUR STORY!!! XD XD :-P Please Update soon ~~~Pretty PLEASE ~! Thanks. ;-)
Chapter 5: Oh my god I was reading and then I saw words with a mix of symbols and stuff and I died laughing when I found out what they meant LMAOOO
marmvp #10
Chapter 32: this is officially one of the best fanfics ive EVER stumbled upon. update soon \(^-^)/