Genie and Master Date

Genie for your Wish


Hyoyeon: "Christmas is coming"
Yoona: "yes! I'm glad that Minho will get to experience winter"
Yoona stretches. They just finished their last class for the morning and Minho is not yet back.
Hyoyeon: "who? Minho?"
It's already too late for Yoona to realize that /she mention to Hyoyeon about what she and Minho talked abou..She should watch . Right now, she should make an excuse.
Yoona: "that's my cousin"
Hyoyeon: "your cousin? I didn't know that"
Yoona: "it's from the father side so you don't know him. He's studying abroad"
Hyoyeon: "is he here?"
Yoona: "yup but I don't know until when he's going to stay here"
Hyoyeon: "can I meet him?"
Yoona: "he's not fond of being with other people especially girls"
Hyoyeon: "is Minho handsome?" 
Yoona: "he has looks"
Hyoyeon "of course he does, he's a human. Even a poop has looks. What I'm asking is, if he's handsome"
Yoona: "uhm....good enough to pass my standards?"
Hyoyeon: "so he's handsome...too bad, I don't like guys that are shy enough"
Yoona: "that's why I'm the only cousin and person that he's a close with"
Hyoyeon: "are you sure he's your cousin?"
Yoona: " think I'm lying?"
Hyoyeon: "you never mentioned him before. Oh well. Maybe that person is too private that he doesn't want to get mention. Who are you going to spend your Christmas with?"
Yoona: "with my family of course. They told me that they'll be coming home 3 days before Christmas Eve"
Hyoyeon: "you're not going to spend it with Donghae?"
Minho suddenly pops out and he is sitting now sitting beside Yoona. 
Yoona: "aigoo" Yoona holds her chest because Minho made another surprising appearance which Hyoyeon thought that she's nervous to answer her question.
Hyoyeon: "it's okay if you don't want to answer"
Minho: "what are the two of you talking about?"
Yoona: "No...let's just let him do what he wants to do. If he wants me to be involved in this, I'm fine with it. If he doesn't want to, I'm fine with it"
Hyoyeon: "is that you Yoona?"
Yoona: "why are you asking that?"
Hyoyeon: "last year, a year before last year and 2 years before last year, you were like you're going to die just to give him a present even though I knew that your guts are lacking to approach him"
Yoona: "okay?"
Minho: "you were like that to him before? Wow. You're one heck of a shy girl"
Yoona elbows him.
Yoona: "that was 3 years ago"
Hyoyeon: "maybe this is your plan"
Yoona: "uhmm....yup?"
Yoona will just go with the flow with Hyoyeon's way of thinking so that they'll stop talking about it.
Hyoyeon: "now that you're much closer to him than before, you're just staying back right now because you have a good feeling that he wants to spend Christmas with you. That's kind of a play safe move and it's too confident but I guess you'll do good"
Yoona: "hmm...yeah..thanks" 
Yoona turns away and sighs. She looks at Minho and smirk at him.
Minho: "hey,I know that look. I'll be back later" 
Yoona grabs his arm and tightens her grip.
Yoona: "you're not going anywhere,genie" 
Yoona seductively whispered in his ear and it thrills Minho.
Minho: "that was.....y. Okay, I won't leave"
Yoona: "don't do it again, okay? Or you'll be dead when you get back" She whispered again to him.
Minho: "can you please let go now? It hurts now"
Yoona: "sorry"
Minho: "you're strong. There are red think lines on my arms now and, there is also a shape of your finger here. If I didn't tell you to let go, my blood might have stopped circulating"
Yoona: "you want a hit?" 
She whispered.
Minho: "I'm going to stop talking now" 
Yoona's teacher has arrived and they start their lesson. Though Minho is really quiet during the class, Yoona feels glad that Minho is beside her right now and it makes her feel satisfied.  
Yoona and Minho are going to the school garden. 2 weeks after, classes are postponed for the Christmas vacation and will proceed after new year. 
Minho: "why are we here?"
Yoona: "to kill time"
Minho: "can't we just go home? You have no classes anymore, right?"
Yoona: "the end of classes are at 3pm so I need to wait for 30 minutes"
Minho: "you want to go out now?"
Yoona: "yup. You're going to use magic?"
Minho: "yeah"
Yoona: "if you're planning of letting me pass through that wall, I can't do that. You can't use powers to humans especially your master"
Minho: "that's not what I'm thinking"
Yoona: "what is it?"
Minho: "I'm going to stop time"
Yoona: "you got to be joking"
Minho: "I'm serious"
Yoona: "is that even allowed? Maybe you're going to do something which is against the rules"
Minho: "am I still going to say this idea if I knew that this is against the rules? I've done it a million times already. As long as no humans are involved and you're an exception for that"
Yoona: "oh.okay. Sounds good to me" 
Minho: "okay, ready?"
Yoona: "yup"
Minho snaps his finger.
Minho: "let's go now"
Yoona: "that's it?"
Minho: "yeah. What are you still doing there? There's a time limit, Yoona. We got to get going" 
Minho grabs her hand and pulls her until they reach the gate. Yoona saw that the school clock isn't moving as well as the other people that they pass by. They run a few meters away from the school so that Yoona won't be caught when the magic is disspelled.
Yoona: "I guess we're a little far now. Can you please continue the time now? It's awkward to see people that aren't moving." 
Minho: "5 4 3 2 1 times up" 
What Minho and Yoona didn't know, Donghae is about to approach Yoona but he's surprised that she was gone easily though he's sure that he saw her sitting at the school garden.
Yoona: "where are we going?"
Minho: "we're going to have some fun"
Yoona: "Minho, it's weird to have some fun with you. You know that they might think I'm crazy if others will see me pulling and pushing someone that they can't see. And, they'll think that I'm a psycho if they'll see a flying food or flying things which you are holding"
Minho: "you want me to be human?"
Yoona: "can you?"
Minho: "but there's a time limit"
Yoona: "Why does everything has a time limit?"
Minho: "I guess that's a no"
Yoona: "I didn't say no"
Minho: "I guess that's a yes" 
Minho snaps his finger.
Yoona: "why do you always snap your finger when you're doing magic?"
Minho: "because that's how easy to do magic" 
Yoona: "are you human now?"
Minho: "yes"
Yoona: "are you playing?"
Minho: "no. You don't believe me again. Soak your hand on that fountain and splash me but not too much. My clothes will be wet"
Yoona: "okay" 
Yoona goes towards the nearby fountain and soak her hand on the water. He goes back to Minho and does what he said.
Minho: "I said not to much" 
Yoona: "you're now human. There's water in your face"
Minho: "and my clothes are wet"
Yoona: "sorry. Just use magic to dry it"
Minho: "no magic in human form"
Yoona: "really? That's rude"
Minho: "yup. I'm not cool anymore"
Yoona: "but you still are. Look at how you dress, girls might think you're a member of a boy group"
Minho: "where should we go?"
Yoona: "anywhere?"
Minho: "I want to go to the amusement park. I want to try the rollercoaster"
Yoona: "you never tried that before?"
Minho: "yes actually I've never been to that place"
Yoona: "we will try it"
Minho: "thanks"
Yoona: "let's go. By the way, I don't have enough money for taxi"
Minho: "what? You're a rich kiddo and you have no money?"
Yoona: "but we can commute. Is it okay?"
Minho: "how?"
Yoona: "we're going to take the subway"
Minho: "what's that?"
Yoona: "it's a train underneath the ground"
Minho: "that's so cool"
Yoona: "great"
Minho grabs her hand and he leads the way as they go to the subway station. When Minho and Yoona are waiting for the train to arrive, people are staring at Minho who keeps on showing how ignorant he is.
Minho: "this is really cool. A public train under the lands of South Korea. Wow."
Yoona: "Minho, please, keep it to your self"
Minho: "why?"
Yoona: "everyone is staring at us. Your ignorance is too obvious"
Minho: "oh...sorry"
Yoona: "that's okay. Here it is" The train stops and in front of them,the door opens
Minho: "magic door"
Yoona: "it's an automatic door. There are people waiting behind us. Let's hurry" 
Yoona drags Minho inside the train. 
Minho: "Yoona, it's crowded here" 
Minho whispered to her. The train's number of passengers are getting even larger so Minho is being pushed to Yoona and ends up wrapping his arms around her.
Yoona: "I know" Yoona looks at Minho. Their faces are so close that they will almost kiss.
Minho: "our bodies are not that pinned, are they?" 
Yoona: "yes they aren't"
They giggle.
Minho: "do you feel
Yoona: "no. This is the most confortable ride that I've ever had on the subway"
Minho leans Yoona's head to his chest and her hair. They stay like that on every stop of the train until they reach the station near the amusement park. 
Minho: "I guess we're here?"
Yoona: "Yes. We're here now"
Minho holds Yoona's hand as they make their way out of the train and the station. 
Minho: "that was a tough ride"
Yoona: "there's the amusement park"
Yoona points when they reached the street across the amusement park. Minho is about to cross the street but Yoona pulls him because the green light is still on.
Minho: "why did you pull me?"
Yoona: "are you going to get yourself killed?  
Minho: "did I do something wrong?"
Yoona: "you can't cross the street when that human like thing is not yet glowing and if you did, we're going to pay a penalty" Yoona point at the traffic light.
Minho: "I didn't know that. Sorry"
Yoona: "I will lead the way"
People are already crossing the street so Yoona and Minho go there and they cross on the pedestrian lane. 
Minho sees the different prices of tickets. 
Minho: "you said you don't have money. How can we get inside?"
Yoona: "I have my credit card. We can't pay a cab using it"
Minho: "I understand"
Yoona: "let's get in"
Yoona and Minho goes through the entrance after Yoona paid for 2 all-rides bracelet ticket. 
Yoona: "which ride do you want to start?" Yoona is wearing the bracelet in Minho's wrist.
Minho: "that one with some horses"
Yoona: "merry-go-round?"
Yoona starts laughing.
Minho: "what's funny?"
Yoona: "nothing. I just remembered something. You want to try it?"
Minho: "of course I do"
They go towards the entrance. Yoona is still laughing a little.
Yoona: "enjoy!"
Minho: "you want to come?"
Yoona: "I'm okay. Watching you is already a contentment"
Minho: "okay. I hope you won't regret" 
Minho has no idea that Yoona is fooling around. Yoona leans his body on the fence that surrounds the merry go round as she watches Minho revolving and going up and down the horse. 
Yoona: "I can't believe that I'm doing this right now" 
When the round has finished, Yoona is still giggling while she waits for Minho.
Minho: "I just noticed that most kids rode the horses. YAH! Yoona!"
Yoona: "what?"
Minho: "did you set me up?"
Yoona: "I didn't set you up"
Minho: "oh really? I heard that lady said 'thank you for riding the kids carousel'"
Yoona: "okay. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this will come up. I just go with flow and you look like you really want to try it so I didn't tell you"
Minho: "that's okay. It was fun, though. We should ride the coaster now because we may not know, I'm already back to my genie form"
Yoona: "it's better if you didn't mention that because it sounds better if we just found out that your a genie again"
Minho: "why?"
Yoona: "so that there's nothing to think about while having fun. Understand?"
Minho: "I do"  
All Yoona wants today is to spend a moment with Minho as if he will stay like this forever without being reminded that it will still be over. Even Minho, he wants to spend time with her just like how normal people spend time with their family, friends and love ones.
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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 26: daebakkkk!!!!
xBiisx #2
Love this story very much ^^ Minyoon hwaiting
Chapter 26: I love it story <3 <3 <3
MinYoon <3 !!
fight !!
KhunAFanatics #4
Chapter 26: I really really love your story....its very great and sweet....
This fanfic is great!!
one of my favs<3
good job authornim and maybe could you write another MnYoon^^
finally I finished reading this FF \o/
minho!! be my genie, too ! hehe

I love your FF, minyoon is cute and sweet :))
omg at first i really thought yoona was going to be forced to marry donghae, i shed tears!! but now they got together, i'm happy again!

katiehla #8
this is technically the best minyoon i've ever read. EVER!!!!! love this so much. ^_^