I'm Not Your Friend

I Met a Guardian Angel


"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" the English teacher read as he waved his hands around dramaticly.

You sighed as you propped your chin on the palm of your hand and looked out the window. Suho heard your sigh and turned his head and found you looking out the window. Your phone screen lit up, recieving a text from your brother. Suho's eyes shifted towards your phone and caught a quick glimpse at the text. 'Noona. Where'd you put the packets of ramen? -Daejung' You took your phone and texted him back.
Suho looked at you. "Shouldn't you turn off your phone? Mr. Ahn is strict about phones," Suho said.
You rolled your eyes. "Like he can do anything about it." You looked at him at the corner of your eye. "Don't get into my business," you snapped.

"Miss Eunbi," a booming voice called from the front of the room. You looked up and saw Mr. Ahn with a stern face. He held his index finger up to his lips and glared at you. You sighed and rolled your eyes, crossed your arms and sat back in your seat.


By lunch period, it started to rain. You sat in the gym bleachers with earbuds plugged in, music playing softly. You sighed as you stared at your phone. A carton of banana milk appeared in your face. You looked up and saw Suho with his usual smile on his face. You sighed and looked elsewhere. "You're probably hungry or thirsty. I got you a sandwich and banana milk," he said. You ignored him, and turned the volume of your mp3 player up higher, blocking Suho's voice. Suho chuckled and set down the banana milk and sandwich on the seat next to you. "I'll leave it here then," he said. Suho looked at you one last time and walked away.

You glanced at the banana milk and sandwich and scoffed. *This guy never gives up does he?* You stood up and walked away, not bothering to look at the food one last time.


Rain still came, but only drizzles, by the end of school. Suho walked into the gymnasium, thinking that he'll find you sitting in the bleachers. That day, he hadn't been with his friends after school. He looked up at the bleachers and didn't find you there. He walked towards the seat that you usually sat in and found the banana milk and sandwich still there. Suho blinked and picked up the banana milk and sandwich. *Does she not eat lunch?* He sighed and headed out of the gym.

You walked down the streets with your hands in your pockets. You looked at your phone. You had received numerous texts from your brother about food. Sighing, you walked into the cafe you worked in.
"Eunbi. You're not working today. What are you doing here?" your manager asked. You showed him your money. He sighed and nodded. "Okay okay, what would you like?"

"One large hot chocolate and a medium ice tea, with 2 slices of apple pie and triple chocolate cake," you said and gave him the money.
The cafe door opened, one of the workers greeted, "Welcome to Jay's cafe." Suho smiled and walked inside. His eyes automatically spotted you once he came in.
Your manager gave you the hot chocolate and ice tea. He turned around to put the 4 slices of desserts in a box and into a bag. He gave you the bag then your change. "See you tomorrow, Eunbi," he said.

You turned around with the bag handel, hanging on your wrist and the ice tea and hot chocolate in your hands. Suho stepped towards you, you looked up and saw him with his angelic smile. "Fancy seeing you here," he said.
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him as you walked away. He followed behind you. "Leave me alone," you muttered.
Suho grabbed your wrist. "You're carrying a lot. Let me help you," he said.
"No thanks. I don't need you to help me with anything. Now leave me alone," you said and yanked your wrist away.

You turned and walked away, but Suho continued to follow you. "I like to help people. And seeing you carry so much, I was thinking I should help," he said.
You turned to face him. "If you want to help me then, stay away from me. Don't talk to me and don't get in my way. That's all I need from you." You walked away. Suho rubbed his neck as he watched you leave.


You kicked the door closed as you entered your apartment. You found your brother playing games on his laptop at the kitchen counter. You set the 2 drinks and desserts on the counter. Daejung looked up and at you. "What's this?" he asked.
You walked over to the sink with a kettle and filled it with water, walking over to the stove and heated it up. "Dessert. and drinks. Hot chocolate's yours." You grabbed 2 packets of ramen and 2 bowls.
"So we're eating ramen and cake?" he asked as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"What else?" you said as you put the ramen into the two bowls. The kettle started to blow out a loud whistle. You turned off the hot stove and took the boiling kettle off the stove, pouring the hot water into the two bowls. "We don't have money for a luxurious meal," you said.
Daejung looked at you. "Umma taught you how to cook before she left. Use those skills and save us from this eating-ramen-everyday."
You stayed silent for a while. You gave him his bowl of ramen and a pair of chopsticks. "Next time," you said. You took your bowl of ramen and chopsticks and started eating it.

The doorbell rang. You ran to the door and opened it. You glared at the smiling stranger in front of you. "What do you want?"
Suho gave you a smile. "You left this at the cafe," he said and held out your phone. 
You glanced at your phone and back at him. You took the phone but didn't say anything. "How'd you find me?" you asked.
He casually shrugged. "D.O told me. He said he used to live next door to you. So I came," he said.
You eyed him. "Fine. You may leave," you said.
He raised a brow. "No thank you?"

You glared at him. "I'm not your friend. Ever. And don't bother coming to my house anymore." You slammed the door in front of his face without saying anything else. Suho chuckled as he walked away.
Daejung looked at you. "Who was that?" he asked.
"A stalker," you replied, throwing your phone on the counter and started eating again. Daejung eyed you suspiciously.

I don't know what I wrote. But Okay. ._.

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[I Met a Guardian Angel] Omg, 300 subbers! Thank you so much for continuing to support! Maybe a sequel coming up? /winkwink.


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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 36: wow.......i've started to falling in love with Suho story..
Chapter 36: So Sweet :D
Chapter 1: New reader here xD but I'm sooo excited to read this!
lenlalink #4
Chapter 36: awwww that's a really sweet ending! Love!
Chapter 36: Ooohh.. I like the kiss part. Lol xD So sweet! :)
I was confused that she and Kyungsoo were close before..I wish you had some explanations about that and I notice that she had little conversations with the rest of EXO, that I wish you had it balanced. I understand you focus on the main characters. And it's a good story by the way. :)
Chapter 35: She's back!!! ;)
Chapter 33: Aww... a man with conviction. I like. ;)
Well, I was hoping she'll end up with Kai, but I think that wouod be impossible. Ofcourse she'll end up with the Guardian Angel. :)
Chapter 32: Aww.. why is Kai so sweet? :">
Chapter 31: Why do ai feel that the interruptions are basically on purpose? Lol xD
Chapter 30: Oh my! You don't let your ex kiss you specially when the girl you like is around! Ugghhh..