Skinny Chicks don't eat salads
Recap : "I like you." Eunhyuk confessed sincerely/


Still at Eunhyuk's birthday party
In the middle of confessing


"I like you." Eunhyuk confessed sincerely. I froze. I gulped .

"......" I just stood there letting his words sink in. I pursed my lips and took a breath then let it out slowly.

"I like you too. Ever since we were children." My lips curved into a smile at the words that came out of my mouth.
I can't believe I said it.He now knows that I like him.I giggled softly.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!" Laughter surrounded me and Eunhyuk.What the heck? Then I noticed our audience to my right. My eyes widen as I realized that they heard my
confession to Eunhyuk. That was only for his ears!
"This was a prank Hyoyeon!~" Donghae exclaimed going up to me and putting his finger under my chin. He lifted up my chin and winked at me. This made the crowd laugh even harder then before. Even Eunhyuk was laughing.
My expression was blank and stiff. I can't believe that they are doing this to me. Just because I'm bigger than everyone else.I started to laugh bitterly and incredulously. It started as a soft sound but then it advanced to a loud wail. Laughter faded as my laugh advanced. It was soon silent but I kept laughing. I just couldn't believe that Eunhyuk's 'confession' was part of this prank. They're so evil.....
I began tearing up but not because of my laughing it was because sadness and humiliation. I wiped my tears with one finger and let my laugh fade out. I sighed as everyone was gawking at me.

"You know I never expected this and especially not from Eunhyuk." I said in a matter of fact tone. Everyone continue to stare at me with a unreadable expression on their face.

" Are you stupid? This was prank! You know as in a joke?" Yuri , Yoona's best friend , asked me with still open when she finished speaking.

"Yeah are you seriously retarded or something? This was a joke! Why are you laughing ? " Sunny asked angrily.

I silently stood up and threw Eunhyuk's gift at him. It almost fell out of his hands but he caught it in time. Eunhyuk's face was taken back. My eyes were swelling up with tears so I turn away blinking my tears away hastily. I left Eunhyuk and his friends silent with confusion.
Once I stepped out of the metal gate I ran like my life depended on it.I ran and sobbed at the same time. I had no idea where I was running to but at least it was away from those people.
I must've ran at least two miles before stopping at a park panting like crazy.
I sadly sat down at a bench near me and just thought things over. I began crying uncontrollably.
I heard a loud thunder strike and then it started to rain hard. But I just kept crying.
I cried because of my parents. I cried because I was fat. I cried because of Eunhyuk and his friends prank. I cried because of the humiliation and teasing I put through for 3 years. Lastly I cried because of my love for Eunhyuk. I cried because I was sad.
Rain hit me like bullets. The sky wasn't clear anymore it was filled with dark gray clouds that matched my mood. The moon was covered by the clouds. Everywhere I looked was dark. My eyes were dried and stinging because of my sad tears. I blinked hoping the stinging would go away but it didn't. I was soaking wet from head to toe. My once curled hair was now stringy , wet and flat. It still raining. I don't know how long I sat there with a expressionless face but long enough for someone to notice me.

"Excuse miss, are you alright?" A light male voice asked with concern. Huh. I bet you it's one of Eunhyuk's friends coming back to make fun of me again.

"Why do you care?" I answered coldly without looking at him. I continued to stare at the ground.

"Why do I care? You're a woman sitting in the rain with nothing warm on yourself." The guy answered back calmly.

Now I looked up to him. WOW. This guy was really handsome.
He had a big black eyes that looked like a puppy's eyes. He was really skinny too. Also the guy had straight shoulder length hair. His hair was a light orange and brownish color. The guy was wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans and was holding an umbrella.
I was speechless. Usually if someone asks ' why do you care' the other person will awkwardly walk away. But not this dude, he was weird.
I was shivering. For some reason I was getting cold now when the rain has ceased to a sprinkle. I stood up with my legs shaking and turned away from then walked away from him.

"Wait where are you going?" The stranger asked curiously.

I didn't answer him and continue walking away from him. I couldn't run because my legs were numb. Why did it get cold all of a sudden? My lips quivered and my legs were shaking as I was getting away from him.

" You know it's not good to walk in the rain alone at night." He informed me sounding like my mom. I didn't care. I just wanted to go home. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I just shrugged it off and ignored him. Wait a minute. Maybe he is a ert?! Maybe he is a serial killer?!
Having these scary thoughts ,I ran away from the guy as fast as I can. Ignoring the numbing feeling in my lower body, I kept sprinting in the direction I came from.
I stopped when I recognized Eunhyuk's house. I gulped and I let out a depressed sigh. Music was still playing loudly and people still talking and singing karaoke. It sounded everyone was still having fun. These people are really cruel. Having fun after killing someone with their tricks and jokes. I thought about their prank on me. I am so stupid! I can't believe I fell for it... I gritted my teeth as tears spilled from my eyes. I cried softly in front of Eunhyuk's house. But I was feeling morea angry then depressed now. I glared furiously at the metal gate that separated me and those people. I laughed evilly out loud. It was a short unfamiliar sound to me. Thinking about the incident made me more mad then before. It finally stopped raining. My whole body was still wet with salty rain water. I didn't give a damn anymore. I HATE THEM. I don't know why they do this to me. What did I ever do to them? I sighed.
I was just glaring maliciously at Eunhyuk's house when Eunhyuk came out with a black trash bag in his hand. He threw the bag into the trash can. I stared at him angrily. He was about to go in but then he stopped when he saw me standing there staring at him. Eunhyuk's black eyes widen in suprise. I could tell that he was embarrassed and guilty just by looking at him.

"Eunhyuk I get it now." I said calmly controlling my angry inner self.


"I get why you avoid me and treat me like trash." There was no feeling in my voice. It was just cold and icy.

"What do you mean?" Eunhyuk's voice quavered as I continue to glare at him.

"You ignored me because I was fat and ugly right?" I couldn't help but sound sad. Eunhyuk's face was hidden in the shadows. He had turned away from me and was silent. I smiled in victory. I got him in my palm.

" Eunhyuk I will show you. Trust me. When summer starts you won't see me anymore. But when school starts you will see a lot of me. I will show you that I am not fat. Plus you won't recognized me so be sure to keep an eye out."

With the last sentence he quickly returned to his party. I was satisfied. I walked home happy as ever. I am going to get revenge on Eunhyuk.


At home after taking a shower 12:45am in the morning


I laid on my bed and relaxed. I sat up and dried my hair with a towel. Starting tomorrow I'm going to focus on getting skinny and getting pretty. HEHE. I am going to suprise everyone. I smiled.
I sighed and went to sleep with a grin on my face.
I sat up quickly. But how am I going to lose weight?!~


I hoped you guys liked this chapter!

So who is the new handsome stranger?? HMMM..... GUESS WHO IT IS!

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))