
Skinny Chicks don't eat salads
Sorry I didn't update this following week . I had tests and studied for them . I think I failed my geometry test though . . well who cares about geometry ! I don't need geometry in my life anyway . . .
Here's chapter 21 Enjoy ~!


No One's POV


Hyoyeon and Taemin were asleep . Hyoyeon was sleeping in Taemin's king sized bed and Taemin was sleeping on a portable bed (like the ones that you can blow up ) . Hyoyeon stirred and tossed . She ended up falling off the bed but luckily Taemin was sleeping right under her . She landed on Taemin's side . Taemin's arm was extended and that's where Hyoyeon landed . Hyoyeon didn't notice and snuggled into the warm object beside her . Taemin felt that there was something next to him . He didn't mind and hug the object next to him thinking it was a teddy bear . He smiled in his sleep .


Hyoyeon's POV


It's so warm . I never felt this warm in the morning . I felt drowsiness overpowering me and planned to go back to a deep sleep but I woke up fully when I heard a piercing scream .

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! " I shot up from the warm bed and searched for the owner of the screaming . I gasped when I saw who was at the door .

"HONEY GET IN HERE !! " Taemin's mother was ice frozen at the door . Then I realized why she was yelling at the top of her lungs . There was an arm around my waist hanging limply . It was Taemin's arm . Then I started screaming .

"AHHHHH ~ !!! " I screamed at the top of my lungs staring at Taemin who was right next to me sleeping soundly . A thousand questions popped up in my head . How did I end up down here . . sleeping with Taemin ? Didn't I sleep in his bed last night ? Where were Taemin's parents last night ? How come Taemin looks like an angel when he sleeps ? WHAT HAPPENED ??? I stopped shouting and stared at Taemin's mom with a shaking head .

"This is not what you think Mrs . Lee . I don't kno- " She silenced me by shooting a death glare . I gulped fearfully . Taemin propped up onto his elbows and rubbed his eyes with one hand . OMG he is too cute . His hair was all disleveled and and messy . I stifled a laugh . Footsteps approached the room . A few seconds later , Mr . Lee came running and panting . Mrs . Lee pointed a shaky finger at me .

"T-They're i-in the s-same b-b-bed !! " She exclaimed . I screwed my eyes closed and expected an explosive response from Mr . Lee but I heard nothing and opened my eyes .

"What's going on ? " Taemin sat up and asked in a quiet voice . Everyone stared at him . Except Mrs . Lee since her eyes were popping out of her eye sockets .

"We would like to ask you that ! " Mrs . Lee threw her hands up in the air . I gave a nervous laugh . It was barely a laugh . Taemin shrugged his shoulders still obviously sleepy . Mr . Lee looked calm . Almost too calm .

"We ? You mean you not me . " Mr . Lee gave Mrs . Lee an absurd gaze . Mrs . Lee turned away angrily from him .

"How come you're not suprised Yoochun ?! " Mrs . Lee shouted loudly enough for Taemin to cover his ears . I cringed .

"Because I checked up on them last night and saw them sleeping separately . But then this morning when I came in to check up on them again they were sleeping together . " Mr . Lee said proudly . He seem so different from the time I saw him in front of his house with Taemin . He's more relaxed and carefree .

"Your point is ? " Mrs . Lee threw a dirty look at me . I quickly kept my eyes down .

"My point is that they're NOT 'sleeping' together Lizzy ah . Look they still have their clothes . How can they have if their clothes are on ? " Mr . Lee laughed childishly as he clutched his stomache . Mrs . Lee slapped his chest . Mr . Lee bit his lip to keep from laughing . Then I realized what he had just said .

"Ehhh !! ?? " I blurted out loud then blushed really hard . I felt like my face was on fire . I didn't even look at Taemin . He was silent though . When I glanced over , my jaw dropped incredulously . He was asleep !!

"Aish this boy . I told him to get a girlfriend and this is what he gives me . " Mrs . Lee muttered furiously as she left the room leaving Mr . Lee .

"Wake up Taemin for me will ya young lady . " Mr . Lee demanded and then playfully ran after his wife . My blushing was going away and I turned to Taemin . His back was facing me and his body was rising up and down from his breathing . I grimaced .

"Taemin wake up . " I shook his bare shoulder . He was wearing a white tank top and white pajamas pants . Taemin didn't move an inch .

"Taemin ? Wake up ~ " I shook him a little hard and raised my voice . Taemin stirred but didn't open his eyes . I sighed .

"Taemin oppa wake up ~~ " I whispered in his ear . His eyes fluttered then opened widely as he yawned . I smiled .

(A/N: This is how Taemin looks when he wakes up , )

"Oh good morning Hyoyeon . How come you're sleeping down here ? " Taemin asked curiously . I slapped my forehead and glanced at Taemin who was tilting his head with a raised eyebrow .

"Didn't you hear your mom screaming ? "

"That's weird . I had a dream about that . "

"I don't think that was a dream Taemin oppa . " I brushed the blankets off of me and stood up .

"So what exactly happened ? "

"I don't know . I thought I was sleeping in your bed but then I woke up and found myself next to you . Taemin thought for a while and shrugged it off . I blushed at the thought of sleeping next to Taemin .




"Hello class ! Wonderful day isn't it ?? " Mr . Mong skipping into class . I stifled my laughter . Taemin was biting his lip to prevent himself from laughing .

"We will be learning - " Someone entered the room . Heads turned toward the door .

"Honey you forgot your lunch again ! " OHMYGOD . My mom was wearing ugg boots , a white mini skirt and a black tank top with a green cardian over it . I gagged and clenched my fist . Her smile even pissed me off even more . ' I don't have a daughter . . . " Her words echoed in my mind . I stared at her coldly . I caught her eyes and she froze for a minute then turned back to Mr . Mong . What was so great about Mr . Mong anyway ? Where was my dad ?

"Oh Kahi ah you are so sweet ! Ooo I always wanted to try carmel flan and custard for desert ! Thank you Kahi ah . " I watched as Mr . Mong planted a kiss on my mother's cheek . She grinned ear to ear . It was too fake and cheesy . I scoffed outloud . Too loud . The whole class spun around and gawked at me . I didn't care . Let the whole world know that I disapprove of this fake relationship . The class turned back and paid attention to Mr . Mong and his ' girlfriend ' . I gritted my teeth at the thought of my mom cheating on my dad . Then I noticed her hand . There was no ring on it . What the heck ? What exactly happened between them ? I pursed my lips determinded to find out .

"Well I gotta run home and feed Bubbles ! Bye ~ " She waved seductively and left . Bubbles ? Was that their dog or something ? I smirked . A light bulb flashed upon my head . I got an idea . It's the only way I can get her to talk to me . I'll follow her .

"Mr . Mong where do you and Mrs . Kahi live ? " I asked pretending to be curious .

"Kahi and I live at the Fresh Waterfalls . Why do you ask ? " Mr . Mong asked .

"You guys are such a cute couple . I was just curious . " I smiled innocently . Mr . Mong nodded and turned back to the board to write something . I turned to Taemin who was staring at me confusingly .

"Taemin . You and I are going to have some fun today . " I whispered mischieviously . Taemin's eyebrows furrowed .

"Fun ? "

"Yes fun . "


After school


"So what do you mean by fun ? "

"I mean we're going to follow someone . My mom . " I confirmed .

"What ?! Do you know that stalking someone is illegal ? " Taemin whispered panicked . I grimaced .

"Who cares ? C'mon I need to find out why my parents left me . I need to find out why my parents aren't together anymore . " I gritted my teeth to prevent from crying . My eyes were already stinging . Taemin caressed my face gently and lifted it up . A tear ran down my cheek .

"Alright Hyoyeon . I'll join you then . I know this is important to you and painful also . But remember I'm right here for you . " Taemin reassured and wiped my tears . My throat had a heavy lump in it . I rested my head onto Taemin's chest . I exhaled relievingly . I lifted my head and faced Taemin .

"Thanks Taemin oppa . " I smiled sadly . My mom is so evil . Making me cry like this . I wonder where my dad is . I haven't seen them for so long . I think I forgot what my dad looks like . But his face is fuzzy in mind . I hooked my arm with Taemin and towards the city .

After walking for a good 20 minutes , we reached the core of Seoul city . Cars zooming up and down the streets . Millions of people crowding the sidewalks .

"Taemin oppa do you know where Fresh Waterfalls is ? " I asked my head leaning on his shoulder while we slowly made our way up the street .

"Sure . My dad owns it . " My head shot up and stared at him .

"Really ? So do the staff there know you ? "

"Yeah . " I grinned and hugged his arm securely .

"Fresh Waterfalls is down this street and on the left . Let's go find your mom . " Taemin smiled excitely . I mirrored his smile .

We rushed there . After 5 minutes , we were there already . The location was huge . Houses lined up across each other and with each other . They looked the same though . I grimaced . There was a big cream colored gate guarding the whole property . I gave a stern nod and ran to the front of the gate .

"Hello how may we help you ? " There was a screen on one of the pillars that was guarding the property . A man in a police uniform popped up .

"I'm looking for a Park Kahi . May I know which house she is in ? " I asked politely .

"I'm sorry miss what's your name ? "

"Kim Hyoyeon . " The man took out a list and scanned it .

"Your name isn't on the list . Sorry . I can't let you know unless your name is on her list of friends . " The man answered . My shoulders slumped but Taemin stepped in .

"It's me Jo Kwon . Mr . Lee's son . " Taemin smiled .

"O-Oh hello master Taemin ! How may I help you ?? " He got up and bowed .

"I just need to know Park Kahi's house number . Thanks . "

"Of course sir ! Her house number is 04289 . " The man bowed before opening the giant gates .

We wandered around for some time looking for the house .

"Where is it ? I don't see it . " I stood on my tip toes . There were like a million houses and gardens and other stuff in Fresh Waterfalls . I panted as we ran down another street . This place is GIANORMOUS !! I sighed giving up .

"This place is too big Taemin oppa . I don't think I can find my mother in this place . " I put my hands on knees and panted heavily .

"What do you - I found it ! " Taemin pointed to a house in front of us . The house was decorated like every other house . Painted blue , two story and and windows outlined with white . There was a garden for a front yard . Polychromatic flowers were growing robustly . I whistled and gave Taemin a little head jerk .

I pressed the doorbell .

"Yes who is it ? " Mom's voice hollered . I cleared my throat .

"It's your pizza delivery . " I said a scratchy and deep tone . Mom was stupid enough to open it .

"But I didn't or- Hyoyeon !? " Mom was about to shut the door but I stuck my foot in between the door and frame . She tried to move my foot but I endured .

"Not this time mom . Oh and by the way you said you didn't have a daughter right ? "

"That's right little girl now shoo . " Mom flicked her wrist at my face . My hand shot out and gripped her arm .

"If you didn't have a daughter then how did you know my name ? " I tilted my head . Mom ripped her arm away and glared maliciously at me .

"Monggie told me about his students . " Mom narrowed her eyes .

"Why don't you let us in mom ? We're guests , you should treat us like it . It's one of the things you taught me . " I smiled innocently . Taemin stepped up .

"My dad is the owner of this propery . Please let us in Mrs . Kim . " Taemin flashed the most innocent smile I ever seen . Even I was hypnotized by it . Mom let me and him in easily . I sighed . Mom slammed the door so hard I thought it was going to break into pieces .

"Thank you Mrs . Kim . " Taemin bowed formally and sat down on the couch . I just sat down on the couch . I bit my lip as Mom slowly sat her down on the chair opposite of us .

"So you do you want Hyoyeon ? "

"First thing first , why did you and dad leave me ? "

"Because we wanted to . You were in the way of things your dad and I wanted to do . " She answered easily . Those words hit me like lightning . I straightened up .

"What things ? "

"None of your business Hyoyeon . What your Dad and I do is none of your business . " She shook her redhead lightly . I was on the verge of tears . Why does she twist everything I say into something mean . Urgh ! I gritted her teeth frustratingly . This lady is NOT my mom .

"Why - "

"You know for a high schooler you ask a lot of questions Hyoyeon . You seem a bit childish for that don't you think so ? " She played with her diamond necklace . I couldn't say anything else . There was no words to describe what I was feeling right now . The world just dropped its weight on my shoulders . I gulped and stared at her coldly .

"Why don't you just admit that I AM your daughter and take responsibility ? " I asked through gritted teeth .

"Fine you are my daughter . So ? What difference does that make ? I still don't want you . Go away already . " Tears ran down my expressionless face . Taemin put his hands on my shoulders comfortingly . I swallowed the lump in my throat and yanked the necklace she was playing with and slammed it into the wall causing it to smash it into millions of pieces . Some of the shards stuck on my hand making me bleed . Taemin rushed to me . Mom gasped .

"That necklace was a gift from Monggie ! It cost like 1000 dollars ! " Mom shouted running her fingers through her hair . I scoffed . Taemin examined my hand . He looked at me with sad eyes . I avoided his eyes and pursed my lips . My insides were churning and my head was heavy as a boulder . I sniffled .

"1000 dollars ? More like 2 dollars . " I smirked and stomped out of the house . Wiping my face , I ran in a random direction .

"HYOYEON ! " Taemin shouted . I heard fast feet behind me . I increased my speed .

"HYO!! " His voice was distant and warped . I started to get dizzy . The ground started move and made me stumble a bit . I still kept on moving . I had to get out of this world I'm in . Suddenly , my feet gave out on me . I tripped on nothingness and landed on someone's grass . I laid there for a minute and got up on my elbow . Everything was still dizzy a bit .

"Hyoyeon ! " Taemin knelt beside me and supported my back . I shook my head . He pulled my head against his chest . I sobbed into his chest . He picked me up with my face still in his chest and carried me to home .


Taemin's house


I stopped crying by the time we reached his house . I sniffled and used his chest as a pillow . We were still in our school uniforms , I wet his shirt . I lifted my head .

"I wet your shirt . " I randomly blurted out . Taemin smiled sadly .

"It's okay Hyo . It'll dry up in the morning . " Taemin kicked off his shoes and continued to carry me upstairs . Where was his parents ?

"Where are your parents ? " I whispered breathless .

"Work . They come home kind of late . You should wash up and go to sleep . Want me to help you wash up ? " Taemin offered . It sounded WRONG . If you get what I mean . I started to laugh at my dirty mind . Then it advance to a giggle . I covered my mouth as I giggled . Taemin stared at me like I was crazy which made me laugh even harder . He set me on his bed .

"I see you're cheering up . Mind telling me what's so funny ? " Taemin approached me and knelt down beside me and tilted his head .

"It's just that what you said sounded wrong and erted . " I said as my laughter faded . I still had a smile on my tear stained face . This guy always has me smiling . He chuckled lightly and leaned in . That's when I fully stopped laughing . He leaned in closer and closer as I back away farther and farther . My heart raced and my cheeks were burning . As he leaned in , I noticed that his eyes were gray not brown and their were really . . beautiful . I stared dazingly at his eyes while his eyes were focusing on something else . He continue to lean in but I stopped moving . Taemin lifted a hand and brushed some hair out of my eyes . Taemin took out something from my hair .

"You had some grass in your hair . Go wash up now . Wash that dirty mind of yours . " That made me blush and giggle like a little girl . Taemin left the room and I dragged my bag to the restroom .


10 minutes later


"Ahhh ~ so fresh and clean ~ " I sighed blissfully . I came out wearing black baggy shorts and a big t-shirt .

"Are you done washing ? " Taemin's head popped out from the doorway . I had a towel on my head .

"Yeah I'm done Taemin oppa . I'll go out so you can bathe . " Taemin nodded and stepped aside so I can go downstairs .

"Why don't you sleep ? " Taemin's voice stopped me . I spun around and Taemin had his head out the door but not his whole body .

"Sleep ? Why Taemin oppa ? "

"You seem tired from today's event . Sleep helps you think more . " Taemin smiled approvingly . I nodded .

"After I dry my hair , I'll go to sleep . Now Taemin oppa you can wash up now . " Taemin flashed a sweet smile . There was something about that smile that made me have a fluttering and churning feeling in my heart . I shook that thought out and went downstairs .

"Hello Hyoyeon ! " Mr . Lee greeted me brightly . I grinned .

"Hello Mr . Lee . " I bowed formally and went into the kitchen with him .

"How was your day today ? "

"Ummmm . . it was fine . " I lied gloomingly . Depression rained over me quickly . I plopped down on a chair rubbing my hair with the towel .

"It doesn't sound so great to me . Is there something going on ? Did you and Taemin get do something together ? " Mr . Lee grinned like the grinch from christmas . I shook my head .

"Oh really ? Then is there something bothering you ? " Mr . Lee sat down across from me . I shook my head again and used the towel to dry my head .

"Alright then . It's okay if you don't wanna tell me . Just know that Taemin is always there for you . " He said sincerely . I paused and took the towel off my head .

"Thank you . Mr . Lee . I'll be going to sleep now . Good night . " I bowed and went upstairs .

"Taemin oppa ? " I knocked on the door .

"Come in ! " Taemin yelled .

"Hey Tae- OHMYGOD! " I squealed as I entered . I SAW HIM SHIRTLESS ! I covered my eyes and turned around .

"Oh sorry Hyoyeon . " Taemin said .

"Oh no it's okay . . " I said dreamingly as I closed the door . My back pressed against the wall as I just replayed what happened . Mmm . . I went in . . saw Taemin's chest which had abs forming . . . Taemin's hair was wet . . . and let me see . . . he was HOT . I gasped . Did I just think about Taemin in that way ?? Ohmygod I can't believe I'm like that !! My face burned with embarrassment . I gripped the doorknob but I couldn't get my blushing to simmer down . Let's just act like it never happened .

"Are you done Taemin oppa ? " I peeked in and then Taemin was right in front of me . I stumbled backward a little .

"Are you alright Hyo ? You're really red . Do you have a fever ? " He opened the door and felt my forehead . I admit there was a electric zap when he touched my head but I stood still and just smiled .

"I'm okay . I'm just to go sleep . Goodnight oppa . " I brushed passed him and went to his bed and laid down . I shut my eyes tightly and pulled the blanket over me . Taemin's footsteps approached the bed . I screw my eyes even tighter .

"Hey your hair is still wet . You should dry it first . Sit up . " Taemin got a towel and I sat up . Taemin sat behind me and dried my hair for me . I felt so . . . well .


Taemin's POV


I sat behind her and started to dry her hair . She has long hair too . Did she dye it dirty blonde ?

"Sleeping with a wet head isn't good for your brain . It will give you headaches in the future . " I informed .

" Oh really . . ? I never knew that . " Hyoyeon said with a small laugh .

I smiled . This felt so right . I sighed silently . I wish we could stay like this forever . I'm so happy when I'm with her . I can't imagine myself with anyone else right now . . . Life is great . I begin to massage her scalp . I noticed Hyoyeon even smaller today . She doesn't look as big before . I stared at her neck . For some reason , I suddenly had a weird impulse to touch her neck . I stopped myself before I could . I cleared my throat . I tenderly divided her hair in half revealing the back of her neck even more . I paused and unexpectly wrapped my arms around her pulling her against me .

"I know you're worried about your mom Hyoyeon . I know you'll get your mom back and your dad also . I will help you through this . Plus I'll never go away . " I reassured as I rested my chin on her shoulder comfortably . I sensed her depressed smile and embraed her closer to me . Her body felt so warm and cozy , I was sleepy just with her warmness . I smiled and turned her around to face me . Her hair was dry . She had a tiredsome expression . I patted the space beside me . She crawled over . My bed was big so it could fit us sitting . I laid down and gestured Hyoyeon to lay down too . She easily obliged .

"Just sleep Hyoyeon . "


Yoona's POV


Ooooo ! This girl thinks she can steal Taemin from me ??!! I grabbed a pillow and threw it across my room . I panted heavily from my rant . I WILL get Taemin even if it means killing someone . I gritted my teeth . Yuri told me about them moving in together . Seriously , moving in together is too far . Hyoyeon is taking it WAY too far . How should I get her to stay away from him . . . ? I bit my nail .

I should call Yuri and talk to her about my plan . I know she has a plan too .


Morning 6:45am , Taemin's POV


BEEP BEEP BEEP ~! I groaned and shut off my alarm with one arm . My other arm was weighed down by something . I peeked through one eye and saw Hyoyeon sleeping soundly next to me . I moved a bit , she snuggled more into my chest . I smiled adoringly . I shook her shoulder lightly . She groaned and mumbled something . I did it again .

"Mom 5 more minutes . . . " Hyoyeon muttered a little lucid .

I laughed quietly .

"Hyo it's not mom , it's Taemin oppa ~ " I whispered playfully in her ear . She giggled in her sleep . She's so cute .

"Hehehe Taemin oppa I love you ~ "

Do my ears deceive me ? Did she say that she loves me ?? I pinched myself to make sure I'm awake . Ouch I am awake . My heart started to race . Her sleeping face just inches from my own face . I caressed her soft face . She has nice skin and complexion . I traced her nose and cheekbones in a benign manner . Wow she is really pretty . I realized what I'm doing and I took my hand away . I was pretty suprised that I did that . . . Do I like her ? I stared at her questioningly as if asking her 'Do I like you ? '

"Hyoyeon wake up ~ " I said tapping her head . This time her eyes fluttered . Oh Hyoyeon had long eyelashes too . Then she opened her eyes .

"Mmmm . . Taemin oppa ? What are you doing up here ? " She asked clearly not remembering that I fell asleep on my bed with her .

"I fell asleep here . Wake up or We'll be late for school . " I got out and went to the bathroom .


Hyoyeon's POV


Why was he in bed with me ? Did we fall asleep together ? I should pack my stuff and go back to my apartment . I stayed here for two days already . Is that considered a sleepover ? Maybe maybe not . I blushed thinking that I was in the same bed as Taemin . I inhaled and exhaled relaxingly . I got my bag and put my clothes and brushes inside . Taemin came out .

"Good morning oppa . " I greeted happily . Taemin returned the smile but there was something weird about his smile . It wasn't like the one I'd seen . I brushed it off and continue to put my belongings in my bag .

"Good morning Hyoyeon . " He greeted distractedly . My eyes followed him as he made his way around the room looking for his uniform .

Is there something wrong with him ?

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time ~

I promise to update more often ~


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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))