Because . . . . . ?

Skinny Chicks don't eat salads
Hope you guys enjoy ~!


"Taemin oppa why are you so nice to me ? "

" Because . . . . I believe people shouldn't be bullied because of their looks or the things they do . I used to be bullied because I was too skinny and my hair was too long for a guy . They said I look like a girl and called me gay . " Taemin explained as his eyes became hooded . I stared at him for a while not believing that those people called him gay . I sighed angrily .
I came up to him and and hugged him tightly . Even though we only known each other for a couple days I couldn't help it but comfort him like a close friend would . His head was resting on my shoulder tiredly .

"You are NOT gay Taemin oppa . You're not too skinny and your hair is awesome for a guy . " I reassured him while patting his back gently . I broke the hug and looked straight into his eyes . His eyes were pooling with tears . I wiped them with my thumb . He's so nice and friendly . Who would make fun of him ? He smiled sadly .
I grinned at him and he did the same . I gave him a last pat on the back and went into my apartment .

At Seafood Cove 7:00pm

I walked into the restraunt that I worked part time in . I greeted my partners and the manager . I changed into my uniform which included a small red apron and a white shirt . I'm not talking about the aprons for cooking I'm talking about those plain ones without any style or decorations . I had to wear a plain button up shirt under the apron . I grabbed my order and left the locker room .
Seeing people waiting at the entrance of the restraunt , I greeted them politely and led them to a table that had enough seats for the amount of people .

"May I take your order ? " I got my order pad and pen ready .

"Not right now miss we're waiting for my son . " A middle aged woman postponed . I nodded and went away . The place packed up with people and people waiting to be seated . I led the next customers to a table .

" May I take your order ? " I asked politely to the woman and her family .

"I would like two orders of mayonaise shrimp , one order of seafood combo and two orders of steamed clams . Thank you . " I wrote it all onto my pad quickly and bowed and left . I ripped the paper off the pad and placed on it on the counter for the cooks to see .
As I returned to the lady who was waiting for her son I saw a familiar figure sitting with the lady and her husband . I was shocked when I saw who it was .

"Are you ready to order miss ? " I asked looking directly at the lady avoiding Eunhyuk's gaze .

"Umm we'll have one order of coconut shrimp , two orders of seafood beef stew and one order of the house special soup . Thank you . " Eunhyuk's mom smiled . She doesn't recognize me . I took one quick glance at Eunhyuk and left . He was looking in a different direction . I took a deep breath and let it out slowly . I ripped the orders off the pad and slammed it onto the counter .
Is he feeling guilty or something or is he scared of me ? I giggled at the thought . He shouldn't have thought of me so lightly .
I took the other customers' orders and then took a five minute break . My back was wet from sweat and it was staining my uniform . I drank some water and watched Eunhyuk from afar . I know it's kind of scary doing that but I can't help it . My eyes are just drawn to him . I sighed . To be honest I sort of miss him . I've been ignoring the past week and hung out with Taemin . I wonder who's a better dancer Taemin or Eunhyuk .
I spaced out sitting on the chair behind the cash register . I snapped out of my thoughts when Eunhyuk stepped into my sight .

"How much ? " Eunhyuk asked taking out wallet .

"Well what table are you ? " I searching through the pile of orders on the counter .

"Table 45 " He said said his eyes wandering . I found his order and punched the prices into the register and added them up .

"That'll be 21 . 35 please . " I grabbed the money from his hand . I gave me 30 dollars . I slid the money into my cash register and gave him his change .

"Look Hyoyeon . . . " Eunhyuk started . I raised an eyebrow .

"I'm really - " Eunhyuk got cut off when his mom asked him why was he taking so long . He looked at me once more and then hurried along with his parents . What was he going to say ? He is so weird .
Hmmm . . . Was he going to say sorry ? I don't think so considering the person he has become . I rested my chin on my hand . But he sounded so . . . sincere when he said ' I'm really ' but he got cut off by his mom . Thanks Eunhyuk's mom . I dabbed the sweat beads running down the side of my face . It's really hot in this place .

"Orders up ! " shouted the chef from the kitchen .

I carefully took the plates into my arms and took them to their rightful tables .
After I was done I looked at my watch . It was 9:00 already . Time flys by .
I changed into my clothes again and said goodbye to the workers and left .

At home 9:45pm

I'm soo tired . My body was still sore from the fight especially my stomach . I clutched standing up cautiously and changed into my pajamas . I forgot to shower and fell asleep fast and easy .


NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NI HAO NYAN ~~~ I punched my alarm clock causing it to slip off the table and fall onto the floor . I sat up on my elbow and rubbed my eyes with one hand . I'm still tired and hurting all of over . My cuts were healing at a steady pace . Also my bruises were turning a weird yellow color . I gasped when I realized that I forgot that I had to wash my uniform . I mentally slapped myself . I glanced at my uniform which was hanging off the doorknob of my closet . It was still dirty . I got up and laid the uniform onto my bed . I wetted a paper towel and dabbed the the stains . Some of it came off . I sighed giving up and folded it neatly and placed it in my bag . I brushed my teeth and washed my face not caring if my gashes stung . Changing into my sweats , I grabbed my bag and made my way to Myungsoo Ahjussi .
The sky was still cloudy and was looking drowsy today . It matched my current mood . I don't want do this . My eyes were still heavy . With each step my eyelids got heavier and heavier . I inhaled and exhaled . It was 5:45 . I should hurry to Myungsoo Ahjussi . I started to jog steadily .
I got to him in 10 minutes . He gave me my usual materials : routine map and milk packs . This time I used a cart to carry them .
I lazily put the packs down on the first house's doorstep . Then I moved onto the next .
Finally , I got the last house . Taemin's house . He waiting in front of his house waiting . Taemin started to wave at me when I approached him with his milk pack . I hauled the pack up and gave it to his open arms . He put down .

"Good morning Hyoyeon ! " Taemin chirped . I smiled weakly . His smile faded .

"What's wrong ? "

"I'm tired that's all . " I said practically falling asleep on the spot . I felt weak but normal at the same time .

"Okay Let's go . " Taemin put one hand my back and one hand on my shoulder to balance since I was walking like a zombie , stumbly and unstable . 7:30 said my watch . I groaned tiredly . Taemin had a questioning expression on his cute face .

"We should run now . " I suggested .

"But aren't you tired ? "

"Nevermind about that . Let's start . " I started to run with Taemin on my tail . My legs felt like jello and felt like their were going to give out any minute .
When we got to Myungsoo Ahjussi's , I changed into my semi dirty uniform , grabbed my bag and rushed off with Taemin . It felt longer than usual . My eyes still felt heavy .


We had 5 minutes left to get to class . It was better then yesterday when we only 3 minutes . We rushed into the classroom and sat down . I drop dead onto my desk finally getting to rest . I rested my head onto my cool smooth desk . I panted from all the running .
I felt drowsy and closed my eyes for a bit . It was good until someone tapped my shoulder . I lifted my head grumpily . I had bags under my eyes . I could feel weighing my eyes down .
It was Taemin .

"What? " I responded .

"Mr . Mong is here . " He whispered . My head shot up and paid attention to Mr . Mong , who was already scribbling the lesson down . I didn't even bother taking notes . I didn't care . I stared into space .
Mr . Mong started his lecture and that bored me to death . I just want to sleep . Unconciously , my eyes closed and I placed my head onto my desk once again .
I don't know how long I slept like that but before I knew it the bell rung for lunch break . I sat up and yawned . That was a good rest but I was still sleepy . I smacked my lips .
I noticed that everyone was rushing out like they did a few days to watch the dance battle between Eunhyuk and Taemin . My eyebrows furrowed in confusion . I saw Taemin and Eunhyuk talking . Eunhyuk nodded uneasily and Taemin returned to his seat next to me .

"What were you guys talking about ? " I asked curiously .

"I decided not to do the dance battle today . "

"Why ? "

"Because I have to take care of you first . " Taemin eyes glittered with happiness .

"Take care of me ? I don't need to be taken care of . " I insisted . Taemin shook his head .

"I know you are still hurting from the fight with Yoona and her friends . Plus you have bags growing out of your eyes . Also I need to feed you too . Yesterday you fainted from exhaustion and hunger . " Taemin fished out a container of kimbap . I stared as if he was crazy .

"How did you know that I was still sore from the fight ? " He's kind of creeping me out now .

"I told you I want to be a doctor . I read a book on human bodies . They said that if you get hurt , you need a few days to heal . You've been injured only for a day . " Taemin informed me like a real doctor . I sat up and was speechless . He knows so much . Taemin knows more about my body than I do . I scratched my head since it was sort of awkward .

"Ummmm I don't know what to say . . . " This boy had kimbap to feed me . We barely know each other and he's already feeding me food .

"Here . " He handed me two pieces that look delicious . I put one in my mouth .

Deliciousness exploded in my mouth as I chewed . I tasted egg , ham and pineapple .

"It's really good Taemin . Did you make this ? "

"Yeah I did . "

"Mmmhmmm ! " I squealed as I put the other one in my mouth . I haven't tasted food this good since my parents left me . I gulped it down . I sighed blissfully .

"I'll make more for tomorrow if you want . " Taemin suggested nicely . I shook my head .

"No it's alright . Today was already too much . Thank you Taemin oppa . " I said a giddy feeling building up inside me . I wasn't sleepy anymore . It's really cool what food can do to you .

"Your welcome Hyoyeon . Hmm . . Can I call you Hyo ? "

"Yeah sure . " I agreed immediately since he's so nice to me and he's not like those other guys .

I realized that it was kind of quiet in the classroom . Taemin must of noticed it too , he was looking around too .
People were gawking at us and Taemin's fangirls were glaring with murderous eyes . I cringed a little bit . Even Mr . Mong was . . . filming us ?!
He had a video camera recording us grinning like a maniac . My eyes widen as he stopped recording and said , "That was so sweet Taemin . I like it . They should make you two star in a romantic movie . Ohh~ I love the tension between you two !~ " I never knew Mr . Mong had this side to him . I was scared but not because of Mr . Mong because of those girls that were wanting to kill me with their bare hands . Yoona and her gang were already curling their hands up in clenched fists until their were white . I gulped .
People awkwardly turned away from us and we did the same .

This day is so weird !!!~


Hope you guys enjoyed it ! :D

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))