
When will my life begin



Suho’s POV

I peeked at the curtains and saw that her windows and curtains are widely open. Easy for me to see her. I don’t see her yet but I heard some song playing. I think that’s some song by SNSD. So I guess she’s a kpop fan.

Finally I saw her but she’s looking at the other way while dancing. Is she going to audition or something? Then I heard Lucifer. Oh I know this, it’s by SHINee. Wow, it’s a guy’s dance but she totally killed it. She sat down. Right away I knew she was tired. Wait, something is playing..

That’s Nagging. I like that song. Don’t think of me as a gay. I just like the song. I have that on my ipod. I heard her start singing.

“neutge daniji jom ma
sureun meolli jom haebwa
yeol saljjari aecheoreom mareul an deutni”

She’s got a good voice to. More practice and she can debut as an idol. “Ehem” I fake a cough. She didn’t hear me?

“jeongmal useumman nawa
nuga nugul bogo aira haneunji
jeongmal useumman nawa”

I can’t help myself but to sing Seulong’s part but crack a bit. She looked at my direction. She noticed me. After all my voice cracked who wouldn’t notice that.


Gaewoon’s POV

After IU’s line I decided to not sing Seulong’s part and inhale exhale for a moment when I hear someone sing and no it’s not from the computer. It’s kinda live or did I played the live version? I looked around, bingo! Some neighbor.

It’s Joonmyun-shi/ Suho sunbae. Wait I don’t know how to call him. And did he watch my whole performance? Goodness! I must have looked somewhat a trying hard retard in front of him. I shrugged it off. Maybe he didn’t see. I awkwardly waved at him and mouthed ‘Annyeong’

“Hi Gaewoon! Nice voice and dancing skills. Are you gonna audition at some entertainment company?” He yelled through the window. Oh what the fish. He witnessed my fangirl behavior. This is embarrassing.

“A-ann-niyo. That’s nothing.You have a nice voice too” I complimented him but stuttered as I hide my face. Oh no the hell. I don’t blush people. I’m proud of that. People won’t mistake me as liking or having crush on them because I can control my blush not like other people who just blush out of simple things. Now out of the blush-ing topic.


Kai’s POV

I’m bored with these shows. I’ve got nothing interesting to watch. I’ll just pester hyung! I opened his room without knocking.

“HYUNG!! I’M HUNGRY. COOK NOW IT’S LUNCH TIME!” I mimicked a cutesy voice and pouted at hyung. He hates it when I do these things.

“Will you ever learn not to recklessly come to my room without my permission?” He rolled his eyes and faced the window. I shifted my head towards that direction and saw the Gaewoon girl.

“Looks like there’s something going on here.” I said sternly.

“Oh, Gaewoon this is Kai. And Kai I supposed you know Gaewoon already.” He introduced us to each other.

“Annyeong Cho Gaewoon-imnida” She bowed and smiled. Now she’s smiling. Last night she was like “Oh I see, some stupid neighbor I have who shouts out of nowhere” and now, ugh. Can’t explain. She’s bipolar.

“HYUNG COME ON. I’M STARVING TO DEATH HERE.” I didn’t mind her and kept bugging hyung. It’s true, I’m really hungry.

“Aish. You better not be faking it. And please learn how to cook for yourself.” Hyung gave up.

“Bye Gaewoon. I’ll be back.” He smiled at that Gaewoon girl and finally sensed that I’m waiting for him. It’s not that hyung only smiles at her. In fact he always wear a smile. Doesn’t his jaw and cheeks ever get tired of smiling. Hey I remember his jaw and cheeks did gets a rest when he frowns at me. Hehe. Anywho. Is hyung interested to her? Psh, not like I care. My stomach grumbled and so break my chain of thoughts.


Gaewoon’s POV

I tried to be good to him and introduced myself but he just kept on talking to his brother. Where’s his manners? Oh I know where! Squeezed in his so it can’t be used. Joonmyun-shi waved goodbye and went out of his room to prepare lunch. Speaking of lunch by stomach just growled good thing they didn’t heard it or Kai-shi might comment another thing.

I went down to find an empty dining table. I peeked to my grandparents’ room and they were sleeping, guess they ate already. I called out Junsu to eat. No response. I won’t wait for that brat. I cooked myself some eggs and hotdog and made fried rice. It’s like breakfast on lunch time. I take my time eating and finally our bratty Junsu came down to eat.

“Self service here. Cook for yourself.” I motioned him. He just gave me a glare. Mehrong. You can’t do anything boy.

After he cooked scrambled eggs which seem to be fast the he sat down beside me. And me? I was still eating. Told yah I’m taking my time. Suddenly..

“Argh. This is raw. It’ cold.” Junsu complained talking about the eggs.

“You cooked that. It’s your problem” I cooed. He spit it out and about to cook another one which I predict will fail too when I called his attention.

“Here, take these.” I pointed to the hotdogs and half eaten omelet. “I’m full. Be thankful I pity you.” I joked. He just stared.

“There’s no poison dude, just eat. Or you don’t want to? Fine, guess there’s still space in my stomach.” I said as I was about to take back the food.

“No you gave it already. No taking back.” He hissed and stucked his tongue out. Yuck. He and his appetite.

I’m taking back what I said before about him. The one I said about he should cook breakfast for us. I changed my mind. That’s a big NO. If he’s the one preparing our food I think I should be dead by now. Wait not only me, the whole family. And poor Junsu, he’ll be accused to have poisoned us. Bwahahaha. Me and my evil mind.

I washed my dishes and brushed my teeth. I feel sleepy after all I woke up earlier than usual today. Better get a nap. Before I drift to dreamland I put down the curtains so that I can sleep. I can’t sleep if it’s too bright you know. I even can’t sleep with any lights on. Yes I know I’m weird, others will usually be afraid of dark. I lay down and slowly closed my eyes..

“Listen! Enjoy the mayo~” My phone started ringing. Ugh, where is it this time? Come out now! I don’t want to get up yet..

“Aish!” I hissed and got up. Found it! Why are you under the bed? What am I talking to, you won’t answer..

“Yoboseyo?” I tiredly answered while my eyes are closed.

“Woonie. I’m coming home early.” Ah it’s umma. Great she’ll cook dinner!

“Neh.” I shortly replied.

“And my bestfriend, your Auntie Oh, is visiting us on Friday so clean the house arraso?” I was half listening really.

“Neh. It’s still Monday, plenty of time to prepare..” I replied again.

“Sehun is coming too!” Umma beamed at me. I get it now will you please hung up. Wait what?

“Huh?” I tried to clear, I may heard it wrong.

“Sehunnie’s coming to!” Okay I heard it right.

“Maah! Don’t call him Sehunnie. It sounds girly.” I said.

“But he likes it when I call him that..”

“He just never complain.” I mumbled.

“I’m going to sleep bye! Keep safe!” And I ended the call before she makes the call longer.

Yay! I’m gonna see my true best friend not the laptop. But I’m too tired to celebrate. Let me nap first.


That’s right. Gaewoon and Sehun have been friends since diaper days. That was just a simile. Anyway, they are friends since birth to simplify. Their moms have been best friends and they are in the same situation. They both lost their appa just that with different reasons though. Sehun’s appa died while Gaewoon’s appa left them. So they are pretty much getting along with each other.

Complement means umm.. what you call that? Aha something that completes a thing together and since Gaewoon’s/ Your voice complement Suho’s. >w<

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Another UPDATE for When will my life begin. Before I go busy again, here you go~ BONUS: exo derps


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Chapter 41: Suho ah~ you misunderstood gaewoon already ~
RamiNx3 #2
Chapter 41: Whoa hana what happened to you?! O.o

Fighting author nim~ ^^
Chapter 40: Wait, so Hana likes Suho?? Noooo... I ship Gaewoon and Suho together!! But how many guys like her??
RamiNx3 #4
Chapter 39: Aww kyungsoo is cuute here x3 hehe
I love the pix haha lol xD
Good luck on ur exams, ours is this week and next =,=
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 37: lol yay it's EXO-D
jongty #6
Chapter 37: Lol I like your pictures
jongty #7
Chapter 36: Lol..nice stole your dinner.
Chapter 36: whats she gonna do when Suho shows up at her door =_S and YAY Baekhyun Finally made a move 8_D
RamiNx3 #9
Chapter 36: : hahaha a cat stole our dinner!! XD I'm gonna use that excuse from now on xD hahaha. Did she possibly bump into Suho? X3 hhhhh
Author-nim fighting! ^^