
When will my life begin



No One’s POV

Sunday morning

*knock knock*

“Get up Woonie, we’ll be going out today!” Your umma chirped happily and waked you up. You went down half asleep.

“Can I not come umma? I’m going to study.” You asked.

“You can study later.”

“But Sehun asked me to tutor him today, can’t say no.” I explained.

“Just let her be.” Haraboji interrupted.

“It’s okay we can go without her.” Halmoni added.

“They really don’t care about me.” I thought,

“You’ll miss family time~” Junsu tried to persuade me.

I only sighed. It’s rare that my dongsaeng try to persuade me.

“I’ll kill Sehun hyung when I see him” Junsu mumbled but I heard it.

“Way to go!” I motivated Junsu with his plan.

They are going out because it’s my grandparents’ anniversary but yeah I’m stuck at home and I need to teach two guys, like a boss!

I lazily did my morning routine. I’m not really lazy but this is my effing rest day! Urgh. I carried down books we’ll use to the living room. I looked at my surrounding.. they left already. I don’t want Sehun and Jongin in my room for goodness sake, I don’t want a typhoon to visit my room. I tapped my pen impatiently and looked at the clock. Just then..

*Ding Dong*

“I’m here!” Sehun spread his arms out wide expecting a hug, while me.. I’m expecting breakfast.

“Food!” I got excited and got the plastic bags he’s carrying.

“Why do you have many foods? We’re having study session not a picnic!” I said while rummaging the plastic bags.

“You’re such a pig so umma forced me to bring that.” He mocked me, at least I don’t get fat.

*Ding Dong*

“I lost my mind” My phone started ringing. I picked it up while walking towards our front door.

“Gaewoon! Open the door or I’ll kick it in.” It’s Jongin. I opened the door and ended the call.

“Then you’ll have to pay.” I smiled.

“Why’s he here?” Sehun’s eyes grew wide.

“He threatened me to tutor him.” I fake a frown.

“I didn’t!” Kai defended.

“I’m going to eat first.” I excused

“Who said it’s only you?” Sehun yelled to me.

“I’m eating too,” Kai beamed.

Our study session half indoor picnic finished at the afternoon. It won’t really end if I didn’t kick them out f the house.

Monday after classes Sehun and Kai begged for another study session but I insisted it to be in the library so I won’t have to carry home books. Tuesday was a holiday so luckily I can study. Sehun can’t come because he is accompanying his mom with her shopping. He really wanted to study with me but I shoved him away so I can study alone. Junsu was not bothered by the exams since no one is expecting form him but me on the other side is pressured. Umma have holiday work while our grandparents went out to visit some people, more like avoiding me. I’m really thankful I can spend this day for myself. Almost..

“Oh hell.” I muttered.

“Can’t you study alone?” I raised a brow at Kai who’s at our doorstep.


“Well I can so get out!”

“Come one!”


“Pretty please.” He batted eye lashed.

“Ew, are you gay? And what part of NO can’t you understand?”

“Suho hyung already kicked me out for pestering him to teach me..” he sulked.

“And I’m doing that also.” I hissed.

“I don’t want to be alone with this moron.” I muttered.

“What was that?” He slowly walked in.

“Who said you can come in?” He walks closer so I step backwards.

“Yah!” I throw him some pillow I manage to grab on the sofa as I sit.

“Noona can you teach me math?” Junsu came down at the right timing. Because you saved me from this beast..

“Yes!” I said triumphantly.

“I’ll be teaching my dongsaeng so can’t teach you, bye!” I started to shoo Kai.

“But Kai-hyung can study with us right?” Junsu innocently asked.

“Huh?” Was all I can say. Kai smirked. WTF!

I decided we study in Junsu’s room since it’s more spacious than mine. I’ll be teaching them different topics so I ordered Kai to read a book first as I teach Junsu. What the did this kid ate and wanted me to teach him. Ugh, now I’m going to teach Kai too. I feel so lucky.

“Got it?” I flicked Junsu’s forehead, he’s not listening again, teaching him is no use.

I turned to Kai. He’s staring at me, more like glaring for me. I snapped my finger. “Hey you done?”

“Ah, yes so long ago.”

“Oh really? Let’s see” I said challenging. I asked him questions about something he read.

“Wow you got it all right!” I was amazed, he’s not lying.

“Noona, I’m going to the bathroom. Teach hyung first.” Said Junsu.

“Be back soon!” Kai yelled. Aigoo that kid, you’re leaving your sister with this.. aish never mind.

“Let’s do math now” he ordered.

“I’m not really good at explaining math” I warned him.

“It’s okay” as I explained the equations I pointed at the book so he could follow. I look at him if he’s attention is on the topic but when I tried to glance at him I met his eyes. Staring contest huh? I’m on it!


Kai’s POV

She’s teaching me math, honestly I don’t need to be tutored in this subject I just wanted to stare at her. Slowly she tilted her head and soon her eyes met mine. She looks pretty with or without her glasses.

“Yay I won!” She clapped.

“What won?” I’m confused.

“We’re like having a staring contest and you blinked so I won.” She innocently replied.

“Haha.” I laughed awkwardly and rubbed my neck of embarrassment. Good thing she’s so oblivious.


YAY! Finally updated. I thank my teachers for doing such a wonderful job= no assignments. And OMYGOTH. I feel like rolling like a buffalo in one of my classes because the teacher have speech predicament like Thehunnie. But Thehunnie has the cutest lisp :3 We’ll also be learning Japanese, I hope we’ll/ I’ll learn Korean ^o^

The rising action will be … secret mwahaha. There’s a hint in this chapter. Until my next update. Kamsahamnida subscribers, comments, viewers, silent readers. Saranghae <3

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Another UPDATE for When will my life begin. Before I go busy again, here you go~ BONUS: exo derps


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Chapter 41: Suho ah~ you misunderstood gaewoon already ~
RamiNx3 #2
Chapter 41: Whoa hana what happened to you?! O.o

Fighting author nim~ ^^
Chapter 40: Wait, so Hana likes Suho?? Noooo... I ship Gaewoon and Suho together!! But how many guys like her??
RamiNx3 #4
Chapter 39: Aww kyungsoo is cuute here x3 hehe
I love the pix haha lol xD
Good luck on ur exams, ours is this week and next =,=
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 37: lol yay it's EXO-D
jongty #6
Chapter 37: Lol I like your pictures
jongty #7
Chapter 36: Lol..nice excuse..cat stole your dinner.
Chapter 36: whats she gonna do when Suho shows up at her door =_S and YAY Baekhyun Finally made a move 8_D
RamiNx3 #9
Chapter 36: : hahaha a cat stole our dinner!! XD I'm gonna use that excuse from now on xD hahaha. Did she possibly bump into Suho? X3 hhhhh
Author-nim fighting! ^^