
When will my life begin


Chapter 26


Gaewoon’s POV

-In the bathroom-

Wait. I was sick last night right? OH GOSH OH GOSH. WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME?! I have this habit of talking like I was drunk if I’m sick and like a drunk, I’ll forget what happened when I was sick. Okay, is should calm down.. but I must have told Sehun something!!! I’m getting paranoid. What did I tell him? And I know it’s too late to react but let me ask myself a question. Why is he in my freaking bed?

“Hey noona you’re taking up too long. I can smell your poo poo already!” I heard Junsu mocking me. Yes, I’m still in the freaking bathroom because I’m freaking stressed of thinking what happened and I still don’t want to face Sehun.

“Get your own bathroom. This is my property!” I shouted, pissed.

“Will you pretty please go out now. Sehun hyung went home already. It’s your fault I don’t have a playmate now!” He whined. Jinja? Sehun’s gone?

I quickly opened the door and guess what?

“BOO!” Someone with a very scary face appeared. And suddenly everything was black..


Sehun’s POV

“Doue~” My phone ringed and I quickly pressed the answer button after looking at the caller ID.

“Oh umma” I sanged.

“Deh umma. I’m still here at Auntie Cho’s house but she isn’t here yet. Okay, I’m coming home now.” Umma said I need to go home now and as a good son I should follow her requests. I got up from the living room and found Junsu rummaging food at the kitchen.

“Hyung you’re going already?” He pouted.

“Please stay for a little longer. I have a prank for noona!!” He begged.

“Minhae Junsu, mom’s order. And don’t prank your noona too much or else she’ll get back on you.” I teased.

“I’m much better in pranking compared to her. Okay stay here some other time and let’s play video games!”

“Arraso. You sure inherited Gaewoon’s pranking ideas.”


Junsu’s POV

“Hey noona. Stop acting. I get it already. Hey stand up.” I kneeled and checked noona.

“OMO!!! Noona wake up!!! I was just pranking you. Don’t take it seriously please. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. Noona wake up. I know I’m such a bad dongsaeng but please wake up.” I shook noona’s shoulders.

EOTTOKE? I carried noona to the sofa in our living room since she’s not heavy but what do I do? No one’s in the house besides us. I hurriedly went out and ringed our neighbors house as if there’s no tomorrow.

“Just what the f—oh it’s Gaewoon’s dongsaeng.” Kai hyung was irritated at first but calmed down knowing it was just me. And some other guy walked appeared behind him.

“Gaewoon’s dongsaeng?” That guy said. If I’m not mistaking his name is Joonmyun. My noona and him are close, I guess so?

“Joonmyun sunbae-nim I need you to help me.” I bowed.

“Um, what’s the matter?” He nicely asked.

“My noona fainted and I don’t know what to do.” I began to cry.


Suho’s POV

Did I heard it right? I dashed off to Gaewoon’s house leaving Gaewoon’s dongsaeng under the care of Kai. I found her laying on the sofa. I carried piggy back her and took the car keys. I rarely drive but this is an emergency! I drove to the nearest hospital and again carried her until some assistants helped me.

Gaewoon was now being observed and I have to wait outside her room. I got my phone and texted Kai if Junsu was fine and told the location of the hospital. After several minutes the two came panting heavily and Junsu was still crying.

“Don’t cry. Be strong for your noona.” I patted his head. But even I was also worried as her brother. Finally the doctor came out and I stood up motioning that we were with the patient.

“You can come in now. She is already awake.” She informed us and left.

“Noona, I’m so sorry.” Junsu immediately apologized to his noona. What happened exactly?

“No. It’s not your fault. The doctor said it was because my fever came back but I’m fine now so stop crying.” Gaewoon calmly said and then noticed Kai and I.

“Joonmyun oppa, Kai, kamsahamnida.” She was about to stand up and bow but I didn’t let her.

“How do you feel?” I worriedly asked and held her hand.


Gaewoon’s POV

I adjusted my eyes from the light and found a doctor. I am in the hospital but why?

“Oh you’re already awake. I see you had a fever, am I right? Your injury in the head made it worse and suddenly went back but now it’s fine. You can go home anytime once you feel okay. Don’t forget to drink these medicines.” She kindly said and went out.

Junsu ran and hugged me and gave me his apology. It wasn’t really his fault so I won’t blame him. Curse my immune system for this. Then I saw Joonmyun oppa and Kai standing beside the bed.

“Joonmyun oppa, Kai, kamsahamnida.” I was going to stand up and bow properly but Joonmyun oppa prevented me to.

“How do you feel?” He asked holding my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

“A-alright oppa.” I stuttered. But then my stomach just growled out of nowhere.

“I see you’re hungry. I’ll buy you food.” He was about to let go of my hand but I hold it tighter, not letting him go.

“I can go home now. I’ll just eat at home.” I said.

“Noona um about that. We have no more food at home.” Junsu shyly said.

“Let’s buy food outside then?” Kai finally spoke.

“Are you really fine to leave the hospital?” Joonmyun oppa asked.

“Deh.” I gave him my usual smile. I was still holding his hand.

We walked out of the building and rode on Joonmyun oppa’s car. I didn’t know he has one.

“Where do we eat?” Kai asked.

“Ah, Gaewoon you choose.” Kai turned his head to me. He was sitting on the front seat while me and Junsu at the back.

“Anywhere is fine.” I shrugged. I feel shy, they are treating us. It’s us, not only me but also Junsu. I’m going to push my brother off a cliff if he ever tries to act all delirious at the food later.. ugh this pig really.

“Noona.” Junsu tugged at me.

“Wae?” I softly asked. I don’t want him to blame himself for what happened.

“Mianhae.” He murmured.

“Aish. I said it’s alright. I’ll tickle you mercilessly if you ever don’t stop apologizing.” He then gave puppy eyes and pouted.

“I mean it.” I acted cold.

“Yehey! I’m forgiven.” Junsu shouted and I need to keep him quiet. This is so embarrassing, Joonmyun oppa and Kai witnessed how my brother acts as if he is a five year old.

Finally we reached a store. Hey it’s the bubble tea store.

“Oh you came back~” The ajumma greeted us.

“Where’s the brown haired guy?” Ah, she’s talking about Sehun. I just shrugged, I don’t know.

“He’s not with us today. Um, are you offering anything aside from bubble tea?” Kai politely asked the ajumma.

“Oh yes here’s the menu. I suggest you the pasta with garlic bread, my husband makes them and I’m sure you’ll like it.” She smiled.

“We’ll have that.” Junsu thick facedly answered. And again I need to cover his mouth. He’s back to being annoying.

“Sorry for his behavior.” I bowed and dragged Junsu to a table near the window.

“If you’re going to act like that all day I’m telling umma what you did to me.” I scared him but I won’t really tell. I’m just back to threatening my dongsaeng.

“NO! I’ll be your slave if I need to.” He begged. And Kai just appeared witnessing the scene.

“You’ll follow my orders?” I asked to test him.

“Yes.” He firmly said.

“No taking back. Mehrong. Hahaha.” I smirked and laughed at my brother. He’s so easy to trick.

Joonmyun was back with food in his hands.

“Itadaikimasu.” I spoke in Japanese and suddenly heads turned to me.

“What?” is it wrong to give thanks to the food?

“I didn’t know you can speak Japanese.” Joonmyun stated in awe.

“Me neither.” Kai spoke up.

“She learned that from all the Japanese songs she listen to. She even sings in Japanese to annoy me.” Junsu looked at me.

“Palli eat your food or I’ll finish it.” I threatened and soon everyone was eating happily.


Kekeke. Short update. The Suho chapter doesn’t end here :) Try to update on Tuesday? Wait for it arraso? :3

Our dearest greasy Bacon will appear soon, don’t lose hope haha. When will Joonmyun tell Gaewoon that he’s leaving? Where? When? Will Gaewoon finally choose? Nope not yet, Bacon hasn’t comeback still ;~; I’ll work on that. For now wish me luck on some exams this Monday and Tuesday. FIGHTING!!!


Check out Lulu~ Big mouth gege. Haha your image is stained.. Rlab.

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Another UPDATE for When will my life begin. Before I go busy again, here you go~ BONUS: exo derps


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Chapter 41: Suho ah~ you misunderstood gaewoon already ~
RamiNx3 #2
Chapter 41: Whoa hana what happened to you?! O.o

Fighting author nim~ ^^
Chapter 40: Wait, so Hana likes Suho?? Noooo... I ship Gaewoon and Suho together!! But how many guys like her??
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Chapter 39: Aww kyungsoo is cuute here x3 hehe
I love the pix haha lol xD
Good luck on ur exams, ours is this week and next =,=
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 37: lol yay it's EXO-D
jongty #6
Chapter 37: Lol I like your pictures
jongty #7
Chapter 36: Lol..nice stole your dinner.
Chapter 36: whats she gonna do when Suho shows up at her door =_S and YAY Baekhyun Finally made a move 8_D
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Chapter 36: : hahaha a cat stole our dinner!! XD I'm gonna use that excuse from now on xD hahaha. Did she possibly bump into Suho? X3 hhhhh
Author-nim fighting! ^^