
When will my life begin



Fast forward to Monday, start of Gaewoon’s classes. You woke up early and did your morning routine ten times faster. You grabbed your bag and didn’t forget to wear your glasses. As soon as you walked out the house you saw Kyungsoo. You secretly call him Walking Buddy for when you’re walking to school he happens to walked to his school that same time too.


Gaewoon’s POV

“Good Morning Kyungsoo!” I tried to talk to him but he just gave me that blank expression. Well not totally bank, he gave me this weird O_____O do-i-even-know-you look. I can’t hide my laughter so I walked behind him and started to laugh silently.


Suho’s POV

Is that Gaewoon in front of me? But Gaewoon doesn’t wear glasses right? There’s only one thing to find out.

“Gaewoon!” I approached her. Indeed it was Gaewoon.

“Why do you wear glasses?” I gave a curious look.

“Ah I only wear this at school, bad eye sight that’s why when I first saw you I thought I saw Siwon of Super Junior!” she beamed showing the fangirl side of her.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I replied amusingly.


Kyungsoo’s POV

Seriously, Gaewoon. She’s always tagging behind me when she walks to school. But maybe it’s just accidental that we go to school at the same time. I’m really awkward with girls so I just gave her my O__O look, I know she’s laughing behind me. What’s funny? I glanced behind my back and saw her talking to a guy. I heard “Siwon”. When I think about it, he does resemble Siwon. Oh no, I know what you’re thinking! I am not a gay. I just haven’t seen this guy before. Oh well, never mind. I entered the school then someone tapped my shoulder.

“Holy Siwon” I accidentally cursed and saw Siwon ah, I mean the guy with Gaewoon a while ago.

“Easy, looks like we go to the same school. I’m Suho and I’m new here.” He wants to shake hands.

“I’m Do Kyungsoo, nice to meet you” I shook his hands


Gaewoon’s POV

I’m so nervous, I think I got stomach ache. UGH CAN’T HANDLE MY FEELS.

“WAAAA GAEWOON” Hana and Eunji came and hugged me. My nervousness faded.

“You’re earlier than me, congratulations” I congratulated them, I think it’s the first time they were ahead of me.

“Woonie” haeyoung followed.

“Aish, Woonie your . Don’t call me that.” I said a bit pissed.

“WOONIE” There came Sehun.

“SEHUNNIE” I mocked him.

“Yah!” He shouted.

“Then don’t call me Woonie” I replied.

“Deal” then our homeroom teacher went inside our class. He started to check the attendance.

“Cho Gaewoon” He called my name

“PRESENT!” I raised my hand. I was called already so I pay no attention. Obviously my classmates are still the same from last year. It’s pretty much hard to get to our class since we are the pilot section and our section was always expected to be the best and exhibit exemplary attitudes. Well that’s just teachers’ expectation. We are really hard to handle.

“Okay class here’s the sitting arrangement, find your seats” Our homeroom teacher ordered.

“Kim Jongin, late!” What did I just hear? I didn’t clean my ear, psh I did heard it wrong.

“We’re seatmates again!” Haeyoung happily approached me.

“We’ll be watching your back!” Sehun chirped. I turned to face my back and saw Eunji- Sehun- Hana.

Who’s going to be at my left? And to answer my question someone sat on the desk to my left. Jong-in, Kai for short. I’m doomed. I just hope he won’t throw papers at me and talk to me on classes. Being his neighbor is disturbing, what about being his seatmate. What did I do to deserve all of this?!

So the arrangements was Haeyoung- Me- Jongin. Talk about being the center of the most annoying friends I have, gosh. Yes without thinking I considered Jongin as my friend.


No One’s POV

The first day of school went by so fast as expected. On the second day of school you walked out your house again and you’re instinct was right, you’ll be walking behind Kyungsoo again but Suho’s not around. Kyungsoo noticed you looking for something or someone.

“You’re friend’s class will start in the afternoon” Kyungsoo spoke to you as if knowing what’s on your mind.

“Ah, you know Joonmyun? Suho I mean?” You asked a little confused since you call him Joonmyun but Suho is he;s nickname.

“Yes, we’re schoolmates. Where’s Kai?” He followed up. It’s the first time he talked to you this long, breaking the record of your 10 seconds “Hi and Hello” to each other.

“You know him too?” You asked startled.

“Ah, we became friends when he moved next to your house. And I learned that he is Suho’s dongsaeng”

“I thought your friendless in our neighborhood” You thought.

“He adores sleep too much, in fact he got late yesterday, on the first day of classes.” You stated a fact.

“My school’s here. Nice talking to yah!” You waved goodbye.


Kyungsoo’s POV

Guess I’ll try and make friends with her? Fighting Kyungsoo!

“You’re friend’s class will start in the afternoon” I spoke to her unsurely, since I don’t know what’s on her mind.

“Ah, you know Joonmyun? Suho I mean?” Gaewoon asked a little confused.

“Yes, we’re schoolmates. Where’s Kai?” I tried to make the conversation longer.

“You know him too?” She asked startled.

“Ah, we became friends when he moved next to your house. And I learned that he is Suho’s dongsaeng”

 “He adores sleep too much, in fact he got late yesterday, on the first day of classes.” She stated.

“My school’s here. Nice talking to yah!” Gaewoon waved goodbye.

Good job Kyungsoo, you finally made a move.


DOUBLE UPDATE GUISE! How about a triple update? I might not update tomorrow. I have something to do -_____- By the way, Kyungsoo/ D.O. finally appeared in this chapter!!~ Hope you like it. Keykeke.

O____________O Too lame to think of a title. *shoots anonymous*

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Another UPDATE for When will my life begin. Before I go busy again, here you go~ BONUS: exo derps


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Chapter 41: Suho ah~ you misunderstood gaewoon already ~
RamiNx3 #2
Chapter 41: Whoa hana what happened to you?! O.o

Fighting author nim~ ^^
Chapter 40: Wait, so Hana likes Suho?? Noooo... I ship Gaewoon and Suho together!! But how many guys like her??
RamiNx3 #4
Chapter 39: Aww kyungsoo is cuute here x3 hehe
I love the pix haha lol xD
Good luck on ur exams, ours is this week and next =,=
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 37: lol yay it's EXO-D
jongty #6
Chapter 37: Lol I like your pictures
jongty #7
Chapter 36: Lol..nice excuse..cat stole your dinner.
Chapter 36: whats she gonna do when Suho shows up at her door =_S and YAY Baekhyun Finally made a move 8_D
RamiNx3 #9
Chapter 36: : hahaha a cat stole our dinner!! XD I'm gonna use that excuse from now on xD hahaha. Did she possibly bump into Suho? X3 hhhhh
Author-nim fighting! ^^