Neighbor trouble

When will my life begin



Gaewoon’s POV

I saw umma standing in front of me after I opened the door. Wow. What a good way to welcome me. It’s like 10 in the evening with no lights. I should be scared right now.

“What took you so long?” Umma spoke.

Gaewoon think of a clever excuse or she’ll skin you alive and finally you’re dead.. think.. think.. AHA!

“Umma the nearest store is closed..” which is actually true. “And the umm.. I also bought these” I said as I showed her snacks.

“Where is it?” Umma demanded. With the it I knew it was the stupid gooodamn napkin which caused all these troubles. I gave it to her and made my way to the kitchen to eat.. again. You can’t blame me if my stomach still has space you know.

I quietly moved my feet upstairs and peeked through my mother’s door. Guess what she’s doing? Busy watching dramas she missed using the computer. What a techie mom right? Ha, I knew she’s not angry at me anymore.

I finally went to my room and went to bed. “What a weird guy. To think he’s my neighbor. Ugh, what I did was embarrassing!!!” I squealed and buried the pillow onto my face. “It’ll be awkward to see him again” I muttered.

I changed the topic in my head and started with school. I better study advance now. So I could sleep during class discussions.. Wait that’s a no no. That’ll be bad for my school record. “What day is tomorrow?” I talked to myself.

“IT’S MONDAY TOMORROW!” some guy’s voice shouted. Uh oh. Where did that came from? Do I have a third eye please!

“Uhm.. Hello?” I shouted back to no one in particular but there was no reply.

“…. I guess I’m hallucinating then” I talked to myself again.

“PWAHAHAHAHAHA” Someone laugh horrendously. Am I insane? Did I mistaken hell as home? God help you’re angel! Wait, I need to act tough. Be brave Gaewoon. Heaven loves you..

“Yah who’s that?!” I asked irritated hiding my scared self.

“Look at your window dude” the voice said. You better not be ghost or worst a hideous alien. Gosh I read too much fanfics these days..

I decided to follow my instinct and shoved the curtain away from the window. And there he was.. the retarded devil, oh I mean guy who called my attention. “Oh I see, some stupid neighbor I have who shouts out of nowhere” I grumpily said.

“Do you need something?” I asked pissed.


Kai’s POV

Hyung’s taking so long. Guess he can’t do it all along.

“What a weird guy. To think he’s my neighbor. Ugh, what I did was embarrassing!!!” I heard some girl squealed. I found out it was from our neighbor. Sheesh girls these days. I tried to listen again. She muttered something.. arg to low to be heard..

“What day is tomorrow?” Is she with somebody? My curiosity is killing me that I had to peek on the window. Right! There’s a curtain but I can see a shadow. Well then she’s been talking to herself? Hahaha, this is fun.

 “IT’S MONDAY TOMORROW!” I shouted to creep her out.

“Uhm.. Hello?” Oh so she heard me.. I didn’t answer to kept her thinking. Bwahahahaha hyung should watch this.

“…. I guess I’m hallucinating then” She talked to herself again.

“PWAHAHAHAHAHA” I can’t keep it. She’s so clueless. I think she’s scared enough now.

“Yah who’s that?!” Oh she is fighting back. I thought she’ll be running out of her house hahaha.

“Look at your window dude” I commanded. Guess what? She followed me.

“Oh I see, some stupid neighbor I have who shouts out of nowhere” she grumpily said. “Huh, being sarcastic aren’t you” I thought to myself.

“Do you need something?” she continued. Look at that, I can read a P-I-S-S-E-D written on her face.


No One’s POV

Kai just looked at her thinking of an answer when suddenly the door opened and showed Suho.

“Hey Kai why are you shouting and laughing by yourself? You need me to accompany you to the nearest mental hospital?” Suho mocked Kai.

“Oh hyung you’re back! Have you bought it. HAHAHA I guess not. And I’m not talking and laughing by myself. I was being friendly to our new neighbor over there” Kai pointed towards you’re direction but you have already turned the curtains down and shut the lights so it looks like Kai was lying.

You were astonished to see the guy in hoodie, that’s what you want to call him instead of the stalker, who live’s next to your house and across you’re room. “What a luck” You said in your head.

“Well?” Suho looked at Kai waiting an explanation. “She’s pretending to be asleep.” Kai thought. “Nevermind hyung. Change topic! You have it??” Kai teased Suho.

“I risked my humanity for that.” Suho scoffed. “Wow hyung. HAHAHAHAHA. You know I was just kidding. It’s okay if you don’t do the dare. But what’s done is done.” Kai laughed once again.

Pissed, Suho pushed Kai for he is staying in his supposed to be room. “Great, just great. Now get out!” Suho hissed. Kai, understanding his hyung is pissed, followed him and went back to his own room.


Suho’s POV

Who’s Kai talking to? It’s maybe the neighbor who’s across this room. He better not barged in my room again. I look at my surrounding. “I still have to unpack and fix my things eh. I’ll just do it tomorrow..” I said while yawning.

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Another UPDATE for When will my life begin. Before I go busy again, here you go~ BONUS: exo derps


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Chapter 41: Suho ah~ you misunderstood gaewoon already ~
RamiNx3 #2
Chapter 41: Whoa hana what happened to you?! O.o

Fighting author nim~ ^^
Chapter 40: Wait, so Hana likes Suho?? Noooo... I ship Gaewoon and Suho together!! But how many guys like her??
RamiNx3 #4
Chapter 39: Aww kyungsoo is cuute here x3 hehe
I love the pix haha lol xD
Good luck on ur exams, ours is this week and next =,=
Fighting! ^^
Chapter 37: lol yay it's EXO-D
jongty #6
Chapter 37: Lol I like your pictures
jongty #7
Chapter 36: Lol..nice stole your dinner.
Chapter 36: whats she gonna do when Suho shows up at her door =_S and YAY Baekhyun Finally made a move 8_D
RamiNx3 #9
Chapter 36: : hahaha a cat stole our dinner!! XD I'm gonna use that excuse from now on xD hahaha. Did she possibly bump into Suho? X3 hhhhh
Author-nim fighting! ^^