Chapter 2~Distracted

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

~Just a quick note... The italicized words are what you (or other characters) are thinking ^^

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The first bell rang signaling 2 minutes until classes started. JongHyun sighed and finally released you. "You better get to class, _____," he told you. He let you compose yourself (You were still a bit breathless from jogging to school and the kiss didn't help anything) and watched you turn to walk away. But not before he brushed your cheek with his fingers. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks and all you could do was stand there. You heard JongHyun chuckle and you snapped back to reality. Class. You had to get to class. You stole one last glance at him before you dashed up to the second floor for your first class of the day.

As you took your seat, you could still feel where his fingers had brushed your face. It was like he left little trails of fire wherever he touched you. I wonder what's gotten into him... He's never usually this touchy... He's usually such a dork and so funny. I guess I never really thought about him as being able to be like this... Though I don't really mind...- "____, do you mind answering question number 4 for us all please?" You were snapped out of your reverie. Obviously your teacher had noticed you were unfocused. He often liked to play on his student's unpreparedness. And today seemed to be a good day to play on yours. Aigo, today is gonna be a long day...

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As JongHyun watched you walk away, he let himself stare a little longer than normal. She's so beautiful... How did I get so lucky? He reluctantly pulled his eyes away from you and started walking in the opposite direction. He noticed another girl rushing to class and recognized her as your best friend. "Hi, GyuRi!" he waved. She blushed and waved back, but continued on to her class. JongHyun had always thought GyuRi was a pretty girl and she was always bubbly. He had known GyuRi almost as long as he had known you and they had come to be good friends. But recently, GyuRi had been acting... differently around JongHyun. He didn't know why, so he just brushed it off. He had a thought as he was leaving however... She IS really pretty... Almost as pretty as you...

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You made it through your next three classes focused enough, but you weren't sure how much more you could handle. You needed to tell someone. GyuRi! You hurried down the hallway suddenly anxious to meet up with your best friend. You found her in your usual meeting place for lunch on the little hill just a little ways away from all the outside lunch tables. You dashed up to meet her and threw your bag down under the one tree that offered a little bit of shade. You could hardly keep anything in and you felt like you were going to explode. You were going to tell GyuRi everything that had happened the night before and what had just recently happened this morning. You never hesitated to tell her anything because she was your best friend. You knew she would listen and she was always there when you needed her to be. She was like the sister you never had and you shared a bond with her that you felt could never be broken. In fact, 2 years ago, when you were both Sophomores, you had made a promise to each other under this very tree that you were sitting under. You had just met GyuRi after transferring from another school and you grew to like eachother right away. That same day, you promised eachother to always be there for the other person and to always be honest. Ever since then, you just knew that no matter what it was, you could tell her anything and you knew she would listen.

You started your story by recounting how he had showed up at your house and taken you to the park. You filled her in on every little detail you could remember. And then you got to the best part. "And then you wouldn't believe what he did, GyuRi!" "What did he do?" GyuRi replied, now engrossed in the story and leaning forward slightly. "He kissed me! JongHyun kissed me!" you exclaimed. GyuRi's face seemed to drain of excitement instantly and she sat back, "Oh... That's great!" You didn't notice her change in expression, so you just kept talking. You started to recall this morning's incident as well. Everything was retold. All the running, the breathlessness, the fire.... "Oh, GyuRi, it was amazing! Better than anything I had ever imagined! JongHyun is great!" "He really is, isn't he?" GyuRi replied quietly. "De! Oh, I'm so glad I have you to talk to! I don't know where I would be if I had to keep everything inside!" You gave GyuRi a giant hug and you both went your seperate ways to your next classes.

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GyuRi thought about the conversation she just had with you and one thing kept replaying in her head. "I don't know where I would be if I had to keep everything inside!" You'd be exactly where I am... she thought.

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So what do you think?? Is it good? There's gonna be more drama ;D Comment your thoughts below! ^^
(Also, another side note... While I was planning this story and coming up with your friend's name, I had no idea that there was an actress/singer name GyuRi! Haha what a coincidence right? xD)

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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.