Chapter 4~Confrontation

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

JunHyung was so tensed up all throughout music that he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders the second the bell rang. He was out of that classroom in less than a second. "Yah! Wait up!" He heard Zico shout. JunHyung stopped and turned around to wait for his friend. "What was that all about?" "Nothing," JunHyung replied evasively. "Ok, I was just gonna let it go, but there's something serious going on between you and ____." "Trust me, there's nothing going on. Why?" "Because you're acting really weird all the sudden! And everytime she's around, it's like you just stop... functioning. And you get really... harsh and cold. I'm just really curious. And I want a serious answer, man." "I can't give you one, because there's nothing wrong! You're just looking too deeply into things. It has nothing to do with ____, ok?" "Yeah right. You know there's something, you just don't wanna tell me what it is. I see how it is... I'm your best friend but apparently you still think I'm too young and naive to tell me anything!" Zico yelled, his anger really getting the best of him now. "Fine! I'm jealous of her ok? She can sing! She's the best singer in the whole school and I'm jealous! Are you happy now?" JunHyung replied, just as angry. "Sure... But you know what? I shouldn't have to remind you that I'm your best friend just to get you to tell me things that you shouldn't even have to keep to yourself. You should have just told me what was going on to begin with... I'm gonna be late to class. See you later, dude." JunHyung could only stand there and watch him walk away. He hated when the two of them got into fights. Zico was JunHyung's only family. He considered Zico his brother even though they weren't related in any way. JunHyung always felt like he needed to protect Zico because he was younger and he didn't want him to get hurt. Obviously, his former way of keeping everything from him wasn't going to work anymore. He was gonna have to start telling him things sooner or later. He didn't want to lose him. I just don't know if I can tell him the truth about something that I don't even know myself... he thought, and he made his way to his last class of the day.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Your relief that it was the last class of the day couldn't even be described. Today had been... different. It had it's ups and downs, but you were just excited to finally get out of there for the day. You wanted to meet up with your boyfriend and just talk. About everything. You wanted to tell him about what had happened in music class most of all. It had really been bothering you... And you just wanted someone to reassure you that it was nothing. No big deal. As you were anxiously waiting out the last 10 minutes of class, you noticed that GyuRi wasn't in her normal bubbly spirits today. You leaned over and tapped her on the shoulder. "What's wrong?" you inquired. "Nothing. Why?" she forced herself to smile. "Oh, come on GyuRi. You're my best friend. You're like my sister. I know when something's not right." "Well... It's really nothing big, I swear." "Even if it's not very important, I still want to know what's keeping you from smiling." "Ok..." she finally gave in. "If you really want to know, I got a bad grade on a test this morning and all I've been able to think about is how my parents are gonna react..." "Oh, GyuRi! Is that really all? I wouldn't worry about it too much," you said reassuringly. "You're a really good student and I'm sure they'll understand. You have plenty of time to make up for one bad test! I can help you study next time if you want!" you offered. "Thanks, ____. You always know how to make me feel better. I knew I kept you for a reason," she teased. You stuck your tongue out at her, "Mehrong!" You both laughed and were interrupted by the bell signaling that school was finally out for the day. "Well thanks for listening to me, ____. I know it's not your problem, so I appreciate it." "No problem! And you know I'm always here to talk to, right? You can tell me anything!" GyuRi smiled and nodded at you before waving, "I'll see you tomorrow, ____," and started on her way. If only I could tell her what was really wrong...

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Feeling accomplished by your helpfulness with GyuRi, you were in high spirits as you walked to retrieve your things from your locker. As you got closer, you noticed a figure standing next to it. You approached a little more slowly and warily because you didn't recognize who it was. Finally, when you reached it, you were confronted by the boy from music. JunHyung. What in the world is he doing at my locker? Did he make a mistake? And if not... What does he want from me? All these questions were running through your head when he turned around and saw you standing there behind him. "Why are you here?" you asked before he could say anything. "Well, are your greetings always this rude?" He said, smirking. You're glare wasn't exactly the warmest welcome either, you wanted to say, but you restrained yourself and instead replied with "Sorry, I've just had kind of a rough day..." Mostly because of you... you mentally added. "I see. I'm not exactly sure if I'm gonna make it any better then." What in the world is he trying to say? you wondered, now curious. "I suppose I should introduce myself," he said, seemingly catching himself being rude. Not that he probably cares, you thought. "I'm JunHyung. You probably already knew that though. I mean, I am kind of the best composer and rapper at the school," he added. You nodded, wondering what this conceited boy was trying to get at. You really wanted to get yourself out of this awkward situation so you mustered up all the politeness in your body (you needed it all around JunHyung) and said "Sorry... But I kind of have somewhere to be..." you trailed off. "My appologies. I just wanted to make sure that you knew something... I don't want to come off as a jerk, but would you mind just staying away from me? We have the same music class, but that doesn't mean we have to interact with eachother. I just don't want my reputation as a rapper ruined by being seen with a singer. Thanks." And with that, he walked off.

You were shocked. completely shocked. "What the heck? What a jerk..." you muttered, hoping he was still close enough to hear you. While you were angrily retrieving your things from your locker, you felt a pair of arms slip around your waist and a pair of lips close to your ear. "Hey baby. How was your day," JongHyun whispered, his breath warm against the side of your face. You let yourself relax a little bit in his strong embrace, but then you remembered your anger. You rested your head back on his shoulder and explained to him what had just happened with JunHyung. "I just don't understand. Am I really that bad of a singer? And what did I ever do to make him treat me like this?" You were becoming really worked up and you could feel tears start to sting the backs of your eyes. "____, look at me," JongHyun said your name and you couldn't help but turn around and do as he said. You brought your eyes up to his face and were caught in the gentle gaze he was returning back to you. He must have seen the tears in your eyes because he tightened his arms around you, pulling you tighter against him. "You know you're the best singer at school this year. How could you even begin to doubt yourself. Now, I don't know what this guy has against you, but don't ever let him make you doubt yourself, because you're absolutely amazing. Do you understand?" All you could do was nod before you felt his lips on yours. Your heart fluttered. You were so happy you had this boy and that he was all yours. This kiss was so light and gentle, but still, it made your forget about everything else. He pulled away and looked at you. "Come on ____. Let's get out of here," he said, pulling on your wrist. You had no reason to object, so you followed, not exactly sure where he would take you, but just happy that he had made you forget about all your worries. I wonder if this is what it's like to be in love... you thought as you let yourself be pulled away from everything.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

This isn't me... JunHyung thought as he was walking away. I have no idea what to do... Or what exactly I am doing... But I definitely know this isn't how I want to act... But for some reason, he didn't know what else to do. He was so confused about everything. He was about to turn the corner when he caught sight of you and another guy talking to eachother. The guy had his arms wrapped around you and he was kissing you. JunHyung felt a tiny pang in his chest. What the...? he thought. He had no idea what just happened so he just decided to act like he had imagined it and continued down the hallway, leaving you and your boyfriend behind him.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

~I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Can you feel the drama coming on? ;D

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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.