Chapter 29~Misunderstanding

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

You let out a little gasp; you knew that voice, and the person it belonged to wasn't someone you especially wanted to see. You stayed exactly where you were, unmoving. He obviously took this as an invitation, as he came around and took a seat in the chair across from you. You refused to look at his face. This is the boy who betrayed you with your best friend. Who told you he would never lie to you and then went back on his word. Looking at him would only bring back the bitter memories that you longed so badly to forget. Without raising your eyes, you asked, "What do you want?" "I just want a chance to talk to you and explain everything." "You know, you could have done that before you dumped me for my best friend. It would have made everything a lot easier. And then maybe I wouldn't hate you so much..." you blurted, tears forming in the corners or your eyes. "I know that, and I realized that after the fact that I had done it... I'm really sorry, but could you please let me explain?" You were silent. "Please... Please look at me," JongHyun pleaded. This was all against what you had just told yourself you wouldn't do, but perhaps what he was going to say could put you at ease. Reluctantly, you raised your head and looked into the face of your former boyfriend. "Shoot, you're crying. Crap, I'm really sorry..." he said. "Please, just talk," you told him, "I have someone else I really want to spend my time with tonight." "Where is JunHyung, anyway?" he questioned. "He's getting drinks. I could ask you the same thing. Where's GyuRi?" "She's uhh... In the bathroom," JongHyun replied. "Anyway, I guess I'll tell you what I wanted to tell you now..." he began.

"When I told you that I had feelings for GyuRi, I wasn't lying. She made me feel happy and seeing her reminded me of when I saw you for the first time. I wanted that feeling again... I don't know why, I still had feelings for you, but for some reason, I had feelings for her too. Being the impulsive person I am, I persued those thoughts and feelings and unthinkingly left you behind without even a single regret. I never wanted any of this to happen, but it seemed like I couldn't control it. I was happy with GyuRi and we had a lot of fun with eachother. However, recently I haven't been able to get you out of my head. I don't know why, but I just can't help thinking about you all the time. What I did to you was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. Now I see that what I thought was better, wasn't anywhere near as good as what I had to start with." You didn't know what to say to all this, so you only sat there amd stared at him. He continued, "____, what I'm trying to say is... I still... I really like you and I still have feelings for you and I want you to take me back." JongHyun took your hands and held them in his. Completely shocked and taken aback, you angrily replied, "You expect me to take you back? After all you put me through? I wanted to just give up on life after what you did to me! Could you not see that? I was miserable and you didn't even care! You were too busy with GyuRi! Speaking of which, does she know about all this?" JongHyun looked surprised and responded, "Yeah... I told her already... We're done." "I can't believe you... You're such a jerk! You know that? You dump me for my bestfriend, then dump her and expect to get me back? You're horrible! You should have thought about all this before you made any of this happen because now you're just out of luck. I found someone who actually cares about me and would never betray me like you did. I love him. And loving him made me realize that I never loved you to begin with... So please, just leave me alone... You're only making things worse. You're not fixing anything," you said, your voice raised. You pulled your hands away from his, but not before you noticed that someone saw you. It was JunHyung. He had been coming back after getting the drinks and seen you talking with JongHyun, but now he was rushing out of the gym, pushing people out of his way. "Oh no... You see, JongHyun? You ruin everything!"
And then you ran from what you wanted to forget to try to catch up with the one person you never wanted to lose.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

JunHyung had been walking through the crowd of people to try to get to the table he had left you at. Getting the drinks had taken longer than expected because there were so many people. It took even longer trying to make his way through all the dancing bodies. As he was making his way back to you, he couldn't help but think what a great day this had been. He had been able to spend it with the most beautiful girl who made him so happy. I'm so glad she's mine, JunHyung thought. Then as he finally emerged from the throng of people, all of his happiness disappeared. There you were talking to JongHyun, your hands in his. He didn't know what you were talking about, but it looked like JongHyun was trying to get you back and by the placement of your hands, it didn't look like you had said no. JunHyung couldn't believe it. Without thinking about anything else, he pushed people out of his way and ran outside. He didn't want to see you back with him. JongHyun was the one who hurt you so badly in the first place. Why would she go back to him? Did she really love him that much? JunHyung was hurt. He couldn't deny it. It upset him that after all he did for you, you could still betray him like this.

After escaping the gym, JunHyung slowed his pace to a fast walk. He didn't know what he should do, so he just kept walking, heading towards the school gates, ready to just leave everything behind. However, your sweet, familiar voice made him stop in his tracks.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

~I know this was short, but I'm hoping to have another chapter up by today as well ^^ If not today, then definitely tomorrow ^o^
Were you all expecting it to be JongHyun?? And do you think 'you' were harsh enough on him??
Keep the comments coming! ^w^ ♥





Poor JongHyun~ :P (question.... I'm kind of thinking this is gonna be a stupid question, but do I have any readers that still like JongHyun after everything that's happened? :O)

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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.