Final~Worth the Wait

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

You woke up the next morning to JunHyung drawing circles on the back of your hand. You slowly opened your eyes and beheld his face 2 inches from your own. "Oh~" you released a shocked little gasp, your eyes widening at his proximity. "Ah~ You're so cute!" he exclaimed before pecking you on the lips and hurrying out of the room. Someone's in a good mood today, you thought to yourself as you closed your door to get dressed. But because of JunHyung's happy, excited attitude, it made you want to act the same way. It was like it was contagious. So you quickly washed up and got ready and then joined JunHyung in the kitchen where he was making breakfast. You took a seat at the table and he set a plate of food in front of you. You noticed that there was a lot of strawberries on your plate. "Strawberries!!! My favorite!" you exclaimed happily. JunHyung just laughed. "I guess there's another reason for your nickname to be Ttalgi," he reasoned. You just smiled and happily started eating your food.

As soon as you had both finished, you rose from your chair and took both dishes to the sink to wash them. You turned the water on and began rinsing them off when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and a pair of lips press against the side of your neck causing shivers to run up your spine. You dropped the plate into the sink from the instant shock of what just happened. Somewhere in the back of your mind you registered that you were thankful it didn't break. Without even turning off the water, you turned around, still encircled by JunHyung's arms, and pressed your lips against his while moving your hands up and around his neck. Finally, you broke apart and you were able to gasp, "What was that for?" "What do you mean?" JunHyung countered, a devious smirk spreading across his face. "Oh, you know what I mean," you said. "No, I really- Wait. You mean THIS?" he asked, still smirking as he kissed your neck again. "Gah~ YES!" you exclaimed, as it once again sent electricity all through your body. Your arms still around his neck, you kissed him again, unable to help yourself. He was just getting to be too much. "Hajima~" you cutely complained as you pulled away for the second time. "Sorry," he whispered, as his face came closer to yours. "No you're not, pabo~" you softly replied as you locked lips for the third time in what had to have been only 5 minutes. "Ahhh~!" once again, you broke away from him, this time after realizing that the water was still running. You hurriedly turned around and shut it off. "Look what you made me do Junnie~" JunHyung laughed at your nickname for him and simply said "It wasn't MY fault. You're the one who kissed me." "But you made me do it! You make it so hard to not want to kiss you..." you pouted cutely, causing JunHyung to smile and reach out his hand to run his thumb down your cheek. "See?!" you exclaimed as your heart started beating over a mile a minute for what seemed like the thousandth time that morning. "Aish, pabo Junnie-oppa~" you continued to pout. He only smiled and laced his fingers with yours, causing your teasing, annoyed mood to be lifted.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Both of you spent the whole day together, just anxiously waiting for the competition time to arrive. About an hour before it was time to be there, JunHyung went back to his appointment to finish getting ready. You walked to your room and changed into your outfit you had picked out for tonight: a white skirt that hit just above your knees, and a pink top.
It wasn't anything special, it was actually very simple, but you didn't want to be flashy. You wanted everyone to pay attention to the music, not you.

You pulled half of your hair up and clipped it in the back, but left your bangs hanging down. Then, you put in earrings and finished up your makeup and headed out the door. You and JunHyung had decided to just meet up with eachother at the school. The whole way there, you were singing the song in your head, making sure you remembered every single word and note so that you could make this the best performance of your life.

You arrived at the school and made your way behind the amphitheater where all the contestants were supposed to wait before going on stage to perform. Immediately, you spotted JunHyung and hurried over to him, instantly grabbing his hand. "Hey, Jagiya~" he greeted you. You blushed a bit when he called you that. He leaned down and pecked you on the lips before the music department director called for everyone's attention.
"Okay! Here's how it's going to work. Depending on what you have planned for your performance, you will either enter stage left, or stage right. You MUST be in your entering positions right after the number before goes on. Oh, and if you have CD's or iPods that need to be played for your number, make sure you give them to the person running the music and lights if you haven't already. Any questions?" He asked, and when he got no response, he continued with, "Okay then! Just remember to go out there and have fun! Obviously you're doing this because you love it, so make sure everyone in the audience knows it!" And with that, he walked away and everyone started to get their last finishing touches and practicing in.

You looked up at JunHyung, "Did you already give the music guy our CD?" "No worries, all taken care of," he smiled. You found a couple of chairs and decided to go sit down. Since you were the last ones performing, you might as well make yourselves comfortable. Sitting there, you could hear all the people start to fill up the theater. Once the noise started to die down, you could hear the music director welcoming everyone to the talent competition and then he introduced the first performers. There weren't a lot of people performing tonight. Only 12 numbers if you remembered correctly, so you knew your turn would come up fast. You sat there while all the other students were performing and ran the song through your head again and again, trying to calm your nerves.
Soon enough, nukber 11 was being announced on stage and you JunHyung stood up, walking over to your positions. You would enter stage right and he would enter stage left. As you started to part, you suddenly turned around and grasped him tightly in a hug. He gently your hair and said "____, it's going to be okay. You're going to be absolutely amazing out there and you know it. Just remember I'll be up there with you," he smiled and lifted your chin so he could softly kiss you. You couldn't help but smile and you gave him a nod of your head before walking to the other side of the stage.

The 11th number ended and finally yours and JunHyung's names were called out. "And here's ____ and Yong JunHyung singing Waiting!" The music started and you took a deep breath before stepping up onto the stage and beginning your part. You looked to your left and met eyes with JunHyung and instantly your nerves disappeared. You felt so happy and you started singing your part with more emotion than before. Soon, it was JunHyung's time to rap.

You felt like you were drowning
Just waiting, waiting, waiting
For someone to pull you
up, up, up.
Never thought I'd be
that one
to save you,
the damsel in distress.
But now,
Saranghae, saranghae, saranghae, saranghae,
I will
Always be there~

You had to fight to hold back the tears that started to form in your eyes because you stil had to finish the rest of the song. Even though, the whole audience could probably see your eyes glistening, you put a smile on your face and finished the song.

Mianhae, I kept you waiting.
Mianhae, I hurt you.
Mainhae, I was blind.
But now I see
You are
the only one for me.
And I just want to say...

You couldn't help yourself... You just had to change this very last word of the song.


You let a tear escape then, as the song came to an end. You and JunHyung had come together in the conter of the stage and joined hands. The crowd erupted in thunderous applause and you both couldn't help but smile and laugh. You had actually done it!!
You both stayed on stage while they brought everyone else out to announce the winner. You were expecting this to be the most nervewracking  part of the night, but it actually wasn't. In fact, you were very calm. You were just glad that you had been able to come out here and perform like you did in front of all these people.

After what seemed like hours, the judges had finally chosen a winner. The music director brought the microphone up to his mouth and began. "So the results of tonight's talent competition are as follows. In third place.... is HyeJoon! She did a fantastic job on her violin. It was truly beautiful." She received applause and her 3rd place trophy. "Next... In second place is.... Zico and Zelo! Their rapping skills brought the most energy to a competition like this that I've seen in a long time!" They walked up and accepted their 2nd place trophy. Zico and JunHyung exchanged high-fives on the way back to their spot. You smiled and squeezed JunHyung's hand, knowing that they would be announcing first place next. He squeezed back, reassuringly.
"And for the last award of the night. This was a performance that I think is safe to say touched every single person in this theater. The chemistry of these two students was unreal and added so much emotion to their performance. This was by far, one of the most amazing performances I have seen in my lifetime. With that, I present this 1st place trophy to.... Yong JunHyung and ____!!!!!!!" Once again, the crowd burst into applause. You couldn't help but squeel. You ran up to accept it and then made your way back towards JunHyung. "We did it!" you exclaimed as you threw your arms around him. And then you were being lifted off the ground. He spun you around while kissing you. You blushed madly as you were in front of practically your entire school. However, at that moment you didn't care. This was the happiest you had been in your entire life and you weren't going to let anything get in the way of that. JunHyung released you and you both had big grins plastered on your face. You heard someone calling your names and looked up to see Zico and SoRi coming towards you holding hands. You couldn't help but smile at the fact that everything had worked out between the two.
"Chukhahae~!!" the two of them congratulated you. "Thank you so much!" you replied.

There was lots of activity going on around you, but you and JunHyung just stood there and took it all in. The fact that you had just won this competition. The fact that you were together after everything that had happened in the past few weeks. And the fact that nothing could change the fact that you would never leave the other's side. You needed him and he needed you and you were beyond happy to keep it like that.
You looked up at him, still smiling and he leaned down and kissed you.
And this was your paradise.
You finally felt like everything was

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

(By the way... The last words of that song were supposed to be "I need you" ^^)

~Waahhh~!!! Guise, I can't believe that this just ended!!! My very first fan fiction is over~ And I have to say.... I think overall, I liked the way it turned out ^^ I'm definitely going to miss writing this though... :'( But that just means I'll have to try to come up with even better fanfics for all you amazing subbies in the future!! ^o^ Thank you so much everyone who has stuck with me through this fanfic! You all deserve gold medals because you guise are just absolutely AMAZING! I love you all :') ♥♥♥

I also just want to list a few of the groups that helped me through writing this...
SHINee, Super Junior, DB5K, B.A.P, EXO, GACKT, 2AM, HanGeng, Big Bang, MBLAQ, Infinite, U-KISS, Shugo Tokumaru, and many more. All of these people helped me write this story by helping me with inspiration! It might not seem like a legit inspiration, but seriously, music is amazing~ I listened to all of these groups and more while writing every chapter to this story, so I have to give them credit for it. They're amazing♥

Oh, I also promised everyone that I would post the lost chapter 35 at the end of the story... However, I somehow feel like it would take away from the ending of my story... So I'm gonna put it in a blog post okay? ^^ So everyone who wants to read it, go check out my blog!! ^o^

Once again, thank you everyone who read my fanfic. You have no idea how much it means to me :') I love you all so much~ GOMAWO!!!!! -bows- ♥♥♥♥♥

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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.