Chapter 27~Surprise

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

~Sorry for not updating sooner... I've been kind of at a loss... And I haven't been very motivated... I don't know what's wrong with me O.o Mianhae~ Forgive me ^_^' Anyway, not sure how long this chapter will be, but here it is ^^

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You led JunHyung to one of your favorite clothing stores. You didn't have a lot of money as you only had odd babysitting jobs here and there, so you were only going to buy what you really needed. JunHyung actually helped you pick out a few shirts and some pairs of shorts. His style really isn't that bad... I could get used to this, you thought happily to yourself.

At one point, you were in the dressing room getting ready to try on a cute character t-shirt when all the sudden you saw JunHyung's feet outside the door and something was tossed over the top of it. "You should try this on for me," he said before walking out. You gasped as soon as you saw what it was that he had given to you. It was one of the prettiest dresses you had ever seen, and just looking at it, you thought it suited you perfectly. How does he know me so well? you wondered. The dress was purple with little pick-ups in the skirt that fell about halfway down your thighs, and a black ribbon tied around the waist.









(Imagine this, but purple ^^)

It was simple but so pretty. You slipped it on and immediately fell in love. Overflowing with excitement, you stepped out of the dressing room to show JunHyung and his reaction made you blush. As soon as he looked up and saw you, his jaw literally dropped and he was at a loss for words. You giggled, blushed some more, and then twirled around once, caught up in the moment. You had never owned something this pretty and wanted this feeling to last for as long as possible. Finally, JunHyung came to his senses, stood up, walked over to you, and put his hands on your shoulders. "You look absolutely gorgeous, you know," he said. All you could do was smile at him. Then, it hit you. How much did this dress cost? You quickly felt around for the price tag and your smile fell as soon as you saw that it was way to expensive. "I would buy it... But I can't afford this. Plus, where would I wear it?" you told him, disappointed. "Mmm, that's not a problem," JunHyung replied with a soft smile. "Because I'm buying it. And you'll find out where you're gonna get to wear it tonight." He winked at you before kissing you lightly on the lips. "Now hurry and go get changed," he said. You were so surprised, it took a minute for you to realize you were supposed to be moving. Hurriedly, you went back in to change your clothes so that you could leave. You and JunHyung walked up to the counter to purchase everything and he took the dress and payed for it seperately.

You felt so happy as you walked with JunHyung to Zico's mother's house for lunch. "You know? No one's ever done anything like this for me before," you said. "I mean, unless you count the time my family paid for my apartment..." "Really?" JunHyung seemed honestly shocked. "But you're just so... Amazing. I don't know how anyone wouldn't want to do these things for you," he explained. "I'm glad someone thinks so. Really, I can't thank you enough. Like, this means so much to me," you told him, squeezing his hand. JunHyung chuckled a bit. "Being my girlfriend is thanks enough. And you coming with me to where I'm planning on taking you tonight should make up for everything I've done for you," he teased. "Yah!" you pouted and gently elbowed him the side. "Where are you taking me?" you asked him, pretty curious now. "Can't tell you. It's a secret," he whispered. You pouted some more, hoping you could get him to spill, but with no effect. JunHyung wouldn't budge. He just kept smiling and walking. "Aish... You're so stubborn," you muttered.

Finally, you arrived at Zico's house. Stepping inside, you were surrounded by the smell of homecooked food. JunHyung led you to the dining room and you could see why. There was lots of delicious looking food on the table. Wow! Zico's mother must really enjoy cooking, you though, amazed. Just then, a very pretty woman walked into the room. "Ah, JunHyung, you're here! And this must be ____," she said, shifting her eyes to your face. "Ah, de," you replied, still wondering who this woman was. "I'm Woo SaRi, Zico's and JunHyung's mother, but just call me SaRi," she introduced herself. "Omo! A-a-annyeonghaseyo!" you greeted her, flustered, and bowed. "Mianhae! You just look so young that I didn't realize..." you apologized, a little embarrassed. She laughed a bit and said, "Well JunHyung, I quite like this girl. She's a keeper!" She winked at him. JunHyung replied, a little embarrassed himself, "Well... I wasn't planning on not keeping her." He smiled at you then and your nervousness and embarrassment faded away. Then, SaRi clapped her hands and said, "So, shall we eat then?" You nodded your head and you and JunHyung took a seat next to eachother. Zico came down from his room and sat across from you. "Hey hyung!" he greeted JunHyung. "And, _____, thanks for talking to SoRi for me! I'm taking her out on a date tonight," he said with what was possibly the happiest, biggest smile in the world on his face. You giggled, "You're welcome. I think you would have had just as much success as me if you had talked to her. She obviously likes you alot," you smiled. "I was nervous..." Zico replied shyly. "Anyway! We get to spend tonight together, so I'm excited!" he exclaimed. "I'm happy for you," you told him before you started eating.

Everything tasted so good. You couldn't remember the last time you had homecooked food like this. A lot of the time, you were stuck eating Ramen for dinner. "I think you're the best cook ever," you told SaRi. "Your food is delicious!" "Why, thank you! It's nice to hear a little bit of praise once in a while," she eyed the two boys. "These two never say anything anymore. But, I guess I can't blame them, they lived here with me for too long. They got used to it," she chuckled. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it later," you reassured with a smile and then went back to eating.

It had been kind of a late lunch, so by the time you finished eating, it was almost 3:00. You, Zico, and JunHyung decided to watch a movie. When it was over, you honestly couldn't remember what it was about, because almost the entire time, JunHyung had been drawing circles on the palm of your hand with his finger. It was extremely distracting, so halfway through, you just decided to give up and you layed your head back on the couch. JunHyung made a satisfied sound, seemingly proud of this little stunt. You glared at him, but only succeeded in making him chuckle and peck you on the cheek. You sighed, defeated and just sat there.

Now, it was a little bit before 5:00 and JunHyung wanted you to have time to get ready, so he helped you off the couch and began walking you to the front door. Before you walked out, you made sure to say goodbye to SaRi. "Thank you again for the food! It was great! Annyeonghaseyo!" you bowed and then walked out the door. You turned around to look at JunHyung and said, "You don't have to walk me home, I can take the bus." "Ah, are you sure? I really don't mind walking you home," he replied. "I'm sure. I don't want you to have to walk that much today." "Mmm, ok. Well, then I'll pick you up at around 8:00, ok? And don't forget to wear the dress," he said. "Of course I won't!" He kissed you, and then you turned and walked to the bus stop. You weren't sure what JunHyung had planned for tonight, but you couldn't wait to find out. On the bus ride home, you couldn't stop thinking about this surprise and what JunHyung had done for you today. You just couldn't get him out of your head.
I have the most amazing boyfriend ever, you thought, extremely happy.

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~Ok, so you'll have to wait 'till the next chapter to find out where JunHyung's taking 'you'! I hope you look forward to it ^^ Once again, I'm really sorry for not updating a lot lately. I'll definitely try harder!

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Oh! And it's the best leader, wingless angel, LeeTeuk's birthday today! Make sure you all wish him happy birthday! ^o^ (He's my second overall K-Pop bias ^^) ♥♥♥


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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.