Chapter 26~I Love You/Breathtaking

A Rapper's Rhyme And Rhythm

Aish... ____, why do you do this to me? What were you about to say? JunHyung could only sit there and wonder as he watched you peacefully sleep. He couldn't help but feel a sense of complete elation at the situation at the moment though, so it made up for what you hadn't been able to say. JunHyung knew that he shouldn't stay here and that he should go home, but he couldn't bring himself to wake you up. So instead of disturbing your rest, he placed a kiss on your forehead, leaned back to rest his head on the back of the couch and gradually became more and more tired.
"I love you..." he whispered before he finally drifted off to sleep.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

You woke up the next morning feeling the most rested you had in quite a long time. Mmmm, maybe it was because JunHyung came over last night. you thought happily. Wait... I don't remember him leaving... Did I fall asleep?!?! you wondered, completely embarrassed and horrified. You couldn't believe you had fallen asleep on him! And then you suddenly remembered that you had literally fallen asleep on him. Your head had been in JunHyung's lap last night. "Omo!" you quietly exclaimed. You quickly sat up and that's when you realized that he was still there in the exact same spot he had been the night before. He never went home! I hope he got enough sleep... "Aigooo, this is all my fault!" you scolded yourself, keeping your voice quiet as to not wake JunHyung. However, as soon as you moved to get off the couch, he must have felt it because he started to stir.

"Oh no!" You sat back down, not knowing what to do. All the sudden you heard, "____?" in a deep voice still heavy with sleep. You looked over to see JunHyung rub his eyes and then look at you, his eyes only open a few centimeters. Your breath caught in your chest as you took him in. How could someone be so perfectly beautiful after just waking up? You were completely amazed and you didn't know how to respond, so you just lifted your hand and rested it on his cheek. "Sorry for waking you up..." "Hmmm," he sighed and his eyes closed at your touch. "Don't be sorry. It's better you wake me up than waking up on my own and not seeing your beautiful face," he replied. "I'm glad I got to wake you up then. You're so cute when you're still half asleep!" you squeeled. JunHyung grunted and tried his best to act like he was angry and displeased. "You know when you do that, it just makes you even cuter?" you pointed out, sliding over and looking up at him like a puppy. JunHyung simply gave up his act and chuckled. His lips were a little puffy, from sleeping you assumed, and you just couldn't help yourself. You leaned in and kissed him softly.

What you had planned to only be a short, sweet kiss, didn't end up turning out that way. JunHyung pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his strong arms around you, prolonging the kiss, and causing you to get butterflies in your stomach. Finally he stopped kissing you and just rested his forehead against yours. "So, we have the rest of the week off from school... What do you wanna do today?" he asked you. "Hmmmm..." You thought for a minute. "Well, I've kinda wanted to go shopping for new clothes for a while now... But you probably wouldn't want to go with me, right? So, I'll think of-" "Ani! Let's go! I wanna take you," he exclaimed with a sweet smile on his face. "Really?" "Of course! I wanna be able to buy my beautiful girlfriend pretty things. Not that you need them..." You blushed then and ducked your head. "Well, if we wanna go, we better get ready, right?" You grabbed JunHyung's hand and stood up, showing him where the bathroom was and where everything he would need was located. Luckily he had extra clothes in his bag, as he had been planning on going to Zico's mother's yesterday, so that was taken care of.

"Ok. You go shower and wash up, while I make breakfast," you said, pushing him towards the bathroom. JunHyung thought it would be funny to lean back and try to crush you though, making this task a lot harder. "Yah! Yong JunHyung! Go!" you tried to say while laughing. He laughed and then let up and walked into the bathroom. Still giggling, you made your way into the kitchen and started making eggs. You were just putting them on plates and getting the orange juice out of the fridge to put on the table when JunHyung walked out. You seriously thought your heart stopped. He was absolutely gorgeous. His hair was damp, he had on a white T-shirt and dark jeans; it was a very simple look. Yet somehow, he looked even better than ever before. JunHyung noticed you were staring, so he just looked at you curiously. "You know... You're kind of..." you paused looking for the right word, "Perfect." you told him. He smiled cutely and pulled on the back of his neck a bit like he does when he's being shy or embarrassed. "How do you achieve such perfection?" you teased. "Ummmm, not sure," he replied. "Maybe it's because you're half of my perfection, which would mean you're perfect too," he winked. You smiled and then sat down to eat. After finishing, you got up and grabbed some clothes from your room, then went to shower. "15 minutes!" you shouted to JunHyung. You didn't want to make him wait.

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

JunHyung patiently sat there waiting for you to finish getting ready. He wasn't ready for what he saw when the door opened and you stepped out. You were wearing a simple purple stretchy t-shirt with white shorts and a pair of black flats. Your hair was straight and you had simple make-up on; eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. You were so breathtaking to him at that moment though that JunHyung was speechless. You broke the silence and said, "So, should we go?" You smiled brightly. "Yeah," he replied. As JunHyung took your hand and you walked out of the apartment side-by-side, he had a thought run through his head;
If I'm perfect, then she must be 1,000,000,000 times that... My princess...

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

~Ok, so I totally would've had this chapter done sooner, except that I kept getting distracted by GACKT... Do any of you listen to GACKT?? Please tell if you do ^^ Haha he's like my ULTIMATE love. I seriously have him sitting on a throne/pedestal in my head xD
Anyway!! Haha I hope you guys liked this chapter. I love being able to portray JunHyung as a sweet, caring guy ^^ ♥ Don't be silent readers ;D

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This beautiful man... Just a GORGEOUS reminder of why it took me so long to update this chapter... xD ♥


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Chapter 40: Simply beautiful! ❤ Wish this story never ended. The way Junhyung was portrayed in here made me think of my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing.
What a good story!!!
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #3
Chapter 40: Awww it's over but I loved it, wonderful ending. I'm so happy.
K-poprocker #4
Chapter 40: Can't believe it's over but it was so much fun to read!
I loved the ending, it was just perfect.
Im so happy I ran into this story because it was really great! :D

And it had so many cute scenes that I loved a lot I will probably keep coming back to the story just to read my favorite parts! cx
Wow! *Applauds* That was an honor reading you're story! Thank you for sharing it! The ending was perfect and I didn't feel like it left ANYTHING out!
Wow. Just.... WOW!
And yes, music is an amazing source for inspiration!
Okay, I just finished reading it all, and OMG. I am dying right now
As for all you AN's in previous chapters (since I didn't feel like posting a comment every chapter from 10) I like GACKT! Mainly visltip though...

Minty fighting!
aww it's ending? :( I'm gonna miss Zico! and junhyung. lol.
K-poprocker #9
Post a link at the end author-nim.
K-poprocker #10
This is such a great story I don't want it to end!~ But I guess it has to.
I'm going to miss it when it ends.