One Big Happy Family.

After Every Storm, There's Always A Rainbow

| Min Jung's P.O.V |


Since we still have time, I decided to go back home and change my clothes since it was wet from the rain. Sunggyu insisted that I should just stay at home and rest since I had fever but I still wanted to spend the rest of the day with the others, especially him. This time, I was sure to never lose sight of him again. Who knows he might run away again. 


Sunggyu accompanied me home and we were walking side by side, holding hands with our fingers intertwined. "Oppa, you know I love you right?" I asked out of the blue. "Hmm? Of course I do. Why?" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his. "I just feel like I should tell you." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry Min Jung ah, I won't run away again, ever. Running away before was the most stupid decision I have ever made in my life." I smiled and nodded in agreement. 


After a few minutes of walking, we could already see the house. "I wonder if Eun Jung is back from school yet. Maybe we could ask her to join us. She loves pizza!" I said and smiled to myself. Sunggyu stop walking and pulled me back. His face looks scared for some reason. "Oppa, what's wrong? Did you forget something?


"Min Jung ah, there's something, I need to tell you." I raised my eyebrow. He pulled me to a bench at the side and asked me to sit down. He then took a seat beside me. "What is it?" I asked him, at the same time taking his hands in mine. I never want to let him go. He searched my eyes for a while and took a deep breath. 


"Actually, there was something Eun Jung said to me the night I came over that's been bugging me. That actually caused me to, disappear. But, don't get me wrong! It's not really her fault." He looked at me warily. "What did she say?" He put his other hand on top of mine and shifted himself so he was fully facing me. "Promise me you won't get mad at her." He told me. What could Eun Jung have said to him? The night when he came over? Those two looked comfortable with each other. They were talking a lot while I was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. I looked at him and nodded, "I promise. So what did she say to you?"


"She asked me whether, you know, if I thought I was too old to be dating you?" Sunggyu said softly. "So she's trying to say, our is big? Is that what she meant?" I raised my eyebrow. Sunggyu started waving his hands around looking panicky. "Don't be mad at her okay? It was my fault! I was being too sensitive about it and overreacted!" So that was the reason he left so suddenly that night. I knew it. I knew Eun Jung said something to him. "Oppa, age doesn't matter as long as we love each other. Like what people said, it's just a number." I assured him.  Looks like someone is going to get in trouble when I get back. I furrowed my eyebrows. 


Sunggyu seemed to know what I was thinking and he cupped his hands on my face, "Min Jung ah, please don't be mad at her. She meant well. She's just saying her opinion. " He looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and nodded. "Arasso, anything you say. But I'll just have a small talk with her." He sighed and nodded his head too, "Arasso. Just talk okay?" After that, we continued our way to the house. 


Sure enough when I got there, Min Jung was in the room, studying. I told Sunggyu to wait outside while I go get changed. "Oh Unnie, what happened? Why are your clothes wet?" I shot a look at her. She had a confused look. I stopped what I was doing and slowly approached her. I was so close to her that she had to lean back on her seat so our faces were only inches apart. "U-unnie, what's w-wrong?


I squinted my eyes at her and cocked my head to the side. "Eun Jung ah, what did you say to him?" She looked confused at first but I shot her another look. After a while she seemed to know what I was referring to and gulped. "Don't you dare lie to me. I know what you said." I warned her. She sighed and looked down. "I-I just didn't like the idea of you two being together." She said as she played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed and bent down so I could meet her eyes. 


"And why is that?" She tried looking away but I put my hand under her chin and turned her head to face me. "B-because...I-i want you to be with T-taemin oppa." Tears were forming in her eyes and she starts to sniff. I sighed and patted her shoulder. "Eun Jung ah, I know you love Taemin oppa. I do too. But he's just my best friend. And he'll always be. I love Sunggyu oppa too. And I hope you can accept the both of us. He really is a nice person. Try and get to know him better neh? I'm sure you'll come to love him too." I smiled at her. 


She nodded and slowly lifted her head. I pinched her cheeks and pulled her into a hug. "I'll try for you Unnie." She said softly. I nodded and let go of her so I could change my clothes. "Oh just so you know, there is a possibility that Taemin oppa will have a girlfriend soon." I smirked. Eun Jung got out from her seat, "WHAT?! WHO?!" I laughed and turned to her when I was done buttoning my jeans. "Come to the studio with me and Sunggyu oppa to find out. Everyone will be there.


She shot out from her seat and went to the bathroom, "Give me ten minutes to get ready! No, make it five minutes!" She shouted. I laughed, took my stuff and went outside where Sunggyu was waiting. He was sitting on the steps and his back was facing me. I slowly crept up to him and lightly pushed him making him yelp. "Saved you!" I said and started laughing. He pouted and pulled me just so he could tickle me. And the both of us laughed out loud. 


"What took you so long? Is your sister coming?" I was just about to answer when we heard the door behind us slammed shut. "Unnie, let's go." Eun Jung was really dressed up. that eye liner? I laughed and cleared my throat. She looked at me and I nodded towards Sunggyu. He was standing there, feeling awkward and was trying to avoid eye contact with her. At first Eun Jung looked hesitant but when I glared at her she sighed and started walking towards Sunggyu. 


"Um, Sunggyu oppa..." She said, looking at the ground. She felt guilty. And this time Sunggyu had no other choice but to finally make eye contact with her. "O-ouh mini Min-" I nudged his ribs. He cleared his throat and rubbed his sides. Eun Jung noticed and giggled. "O-ouh Eun Jung.." She then had the courage to look at him in the eyes. "Oppa, I'm really sorry for what I said that night. I-i should have been more careful and watched what I said." Sunggyu smiled and bent down towards her. He pinched her cheeks and winked at her. She blushed. "It's okay Eun Jung ah."


I smiled, seeing that the both of them are on good terms. Eun Jung looked up and smiled. She then wrapped her hands around Sunggyu. Sunggyu was surprised at first at the sudden move but then awkwardly hugged her back. Even I was shocked but just laughed it off. "Kaja!" I said, holding Eun Jung's hand. She was in the middle, Sunggyu by her right and I by her left. All of us held each other's hand and walked towards the studio with smiles on our faces. 




"We're here! And we brought Eun Jung along!" The studio was already decorated with streamers and balloons. Wow, all this decorations are seriously unneccessary... I thought to myself. "Min Jung ah! How do you like the decorations? It was my idea." Jiyeon hopped next to me on the couch, looking so proud of her work. That explains it. I just smiled at her and nodded, "I-it's nice Jiyeon ah. Good job!" I showed her a thumbs up sign. She smiled and puffed her cheeks. Aish, she's just like a child sometimes. I shook my head. Suddenly Jiyeon's attention was shifted to Eun Jung who was sitting quietly beside me. Oh right, this is their first time meeting. 


I cleared my throat and introduced them. "Jiyeon ah, meet Eun Jung my sister. Eun Jung ah, this is my friend, Jiyeon." "Omo, kyeopta! She looks just like you Min Jung ah! Mini-Min Jung!" Jiyeon said and pinched her cheeks. I sighed, great..not her too...Eun Jung just smiled when Jiyeon pinched her cheek but she was actually secretly tugging on my sleeve desperately. I knew what she meant so I told Jiyeon to help set up the mini coffee table. Once Jiyeon left Eun Jung looked relieved. I smiled and whispered to her, "That would most probably be Taemin oppa's new girlfriend." I . Her eyes widen and she looked at me. I laughed and ruffled her hair. Before she could say anything else and went beside Sunggyu who was busy cleaning up Junhyung's desk.


I peeked over his shoulders. "What are you doing?" I saw him holding on to some music scores and took it from him. He wanted to snatch it away from me but I managed to dodge him. He finally gave up and just stood beside me. I looked over at the title of the song. "Only Tears." Oh. That was why he didn't want me to see it. I just smiled and gave it back to him. "I'm sorry Min Jung ah." "Ani, it's okay. I didn't know you could compose. And sing. You have a beautiful voice Oppa." I said and put my arms around his shoulders. He smiled and kissed my forehead, "I'll make another song for you someday and sing it for you." I nodded and pecked his lips. 


"We're back! Hyung help me with this." Taemin and Junhyung was struggling at the door. Both of them were carrying boxes of pizzas and chicken. "Yah, why didn't you guys just call for delivery?" Sunggyu said as he went to help. "The roads near their area were flooded so we had to take the train there and get it.


"Ouh Eun Jung ah!" Taemin said and when Eun jung noticed he was there, she jumped up form the couch and ran straight to him. "Oppa! Where have you been?" Aish, she's putting on her aegyo again...I smiled and rolled my eyes. At the same time, I saw Jiyeon standing in he corner, eyeing my sister. So I decided to have some fun. I slowly went up beside and whispered, "I think you might have some competition." Jiyeon looked at me with shaped like an 'o'. She furrowed her eyebrows and her lips. "Don't worry about me Chingu ah, I don't plan on losing." she said. ....Silly Jiyeon..I smiled and shook my head.


Dinner went by fast and soon it was time to go home. Jiyeon and Eun jung kept clinging on to Taemin the whole night and there were times when I caught them glaring at each other. Taemin would often look at me and ask for help but I just laughed and wished him good luck. "Let's take a picture!" Junhyung suggested, and we all gathered on the couch. I was sitting in between Sunggyu and Junhyung. And since there wasn't much space left, the rest had to stand at the back of course. With Taemin in the middle, both girls grabbed his arms and he let out a sigh. I just giggled. 


Junhyung set the timer on the camera to 10 seconds and quickly ran back to his place beside me. Sunggyu put his arms over my shoulder while Junhyung pinched my left cheek. The other three were still bickering at the back. I smiled to myself as the timer started the countdown.


This is a moment I'll never forget. All of us being here together, with smiles on our faces...well most of us are smiling. It really feels like being in a family again. There's no doubt about it. Being with the people you love is the best feeling in the world. And nothing could ever replace them. 


And right when the flash of the camera went off, I felt as though the storm had gone away and now, a rainbow is shining above us...


The End



 Alright! I am finally done! Do you guys like the poster? Lol, made it myself. Not a pro in photoshop though. I'm still learning heh.  And I have decided to do a sequel and a new fic featuring (not gonna tell you guys yet lol)! 
So how was my new fic? Any advice? Please tell me how I can improve!

I already have some ideas on what's going to happen in the sequel but I'm not sure how to write it yet. Most probably putting in new characters. Any suggestions for that? hehe...


Anyway, for all those who have been reading this fic 'till the end, 정말 감사합니다 ^^
Eventhough the subscribers weren't as much since it's my first, you guys mean a lot to me. 


And I hope you guys can stay with me for the sequel and my next fic^^
Please please please! Here's some bbuing bbuing Tao for you guys,


ᄏᄏᄏᄏ....okay last one....


안녕!! See you guys in my next fic!

~미라  <3 (Lol, funny how my name means mummy in Korean.)



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Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! > Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! >
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
heehee sequel~ xD u could make sungjong come back to life... haha juz kidding! ^^ looking forward to the sequel and ur new fanfic( praying tat its a myungsoo fic >.<)
I love the ending ^^ I will definately read the sequel =)
Haha, like I said, the idea just popped in my head. And I thought of Sungjong to play the character lolol.
OMO. FINALLY, SUNGGY MAKE A RIGHT MOVE. GOOD JOB, SUNGGYU. AND LIKE WHAT TAEMIN SAID, I SHOULD BE THANKING HIM TO MAKE SUNGGYU COME BACK TO MINJUNG. HOHOHO. and.....WHY IS IT TO BE SUNGJONG?? T_T I should've been better if it's fictional character.. hahaha. cant wait waiting for the update~~~~~~~~~
No problem! Idk why I had Sungjong die actually. The idea just popped in my head lol.
omggg sunggyu is coming back!!! ^^ but why did sungjong have to die :'( thanks for updating xD
Update soon, author-nim~~~ :) I want Sunggyu to be back. T_T Poor Minjung. :(