
After Every Storm, There's Always A Rainbow

For this chapter, there'll be the point of view of each character so don't get confused! 


|Min Jung's P.O.V|

"Unnie, there's someone at the door!" Eun Jung shouted.
I was in the room getting ready for work. Who could it be?


"Unnie, there's an old man outside, he's calling for you." Eun Jung peeked her head in the room.
"Arasso, I'm almost done. Tell him I'm coming." Hmm, maybe it's the delivery guy. 


I walked out of the room while tying my hair into a ponytail. Taemin was already here since he brought us breakfast. He was sitting at the
dining table but from the corner of my eyes I knew he was looking at me intently. We started texting each other again and everything seems 
to be fine, well, almost. He still flinches whenever I talked to him about Sunggyu. Which by now I have learned, not to ever talk about Sunggyu 
to him. But hey, I want to talk to someone about my boyfriend. And I certainly can't talk to Eun Jung about this. She's still too young to talk about 
relationships and stuff. Actually, I just don't feel that she'd like him. Obviously she'd prefer Taemin.


I turned to look at Taemin who actually panicked since I almost caught him staring at me. He quickly looked away and pinched 
Eun Jung's cheeks. "Aigoo, why is our Eun Jung so cute today?" "Oppa, what's wrong with you?" Eun Jung said with a confused expression on her 
face. Taemin cleared his throat and looked up at me, his ears turning a light shade of pink.


"You better hurry to the door, I think it's a delivery." He pointed to the door and quickly turned to his untouched pancakes on the table. 
Haha, silly Taemin, I knew you were staring at me this whole time... I skipped to the door. "Annyeonghaseyo, sorry for making you wai- Oppa?!"
Crap, I forgot about what he said yesterday.. I figured I'd come fetch you to work every morning...Sunggyu himself looked surprised at my expression.
He felt a bit hurt too. "Yah, what's with that expression? Did you forget our promise?" He smiled and pinched my cheeks. 


Yes I did forget...and now you're going to see Taemin eating breakfast in my house, on my dining table! I thought to myself. "A-ani, of course I remember!
U-uh, come on in oppa..
" I moved to make way for him to enter. At the same time I cursed myself in my mind for being such a forgetful person.
How can I forget? And now it's going to be awkward. Just as I was about to shut the door, someone grabbed my arms and stopped me. I turned to 
look and was surprised to see Taemin, by my side. 


He had his jacket on and he had his hands on the straps of his bag. He actually looks as though he was rushing for something. "Yah, where are you 
going? You haven't finished your panca-
" Before I could finish he gave me a small hug. "I'm sorry Min Jung ah, but I uh...remembered I have somewhere I must go. See you uh..when I see you." And with that he just left. He didn't even look back


|Taemin's P.O.V|

She just gets beautiful day by day....
I'm at her house again just like every other morning to have breakfast together with her and Eun Jung.
But somehow I'm not that hungry. Actually, I just came so I could see her. Since she's expelled from school, I barely see her and school's been 
a bore. Even though I only go to school for a few hours every week since that's what the company that recruited me requires me to do.


She was still in her room though. Getting ready for work. Or what I'd like to say, "Getting ready to meet that old man.
I hate him. What does she see in him anyway? He's old, has small eyes, and I doubt he can dance as well as me. But why? Why did she choose him instead of me? I've been there for her ever since middle school. and when her parents left her, I was the first one who comforted her. Not him. So then why?
What did that old man do to get her heart? And every time me and Min Jung talk on the phone, she'll always mention him. Saying he bought her flowers,
piggybacked her...I don't know why every time I hear his name, I feel like punching him.


There was a knock on the door. Who could it be early this morning? 
"Coming!" Eun jung got out from her seat and went to the door. I couldn't see who it was but I heard a man's voice asking for Min Jung. 
Is it the delivery guy? "Unnie! There's someone at the door!" No response. She must be busy picking out what to wear to work. Or meet that old guy. Hmph.
"Yah, go to her room and call her. Maybe she didn't hear you." I told Eun Jung. 


A few minutes later, Min Jung went out from her room, her hands tying her hair into a ponytail.
Wow, she looked, beautiful as ever. She was just in a plain green sweater and skinny jeans but she still looked so beautiful. Right then, she turned her head
to look at me. And the next thing I knew, I was pinching Eun Jung, "Aigoo, why is our Eun Jung so cute today?" That was close. I hoped she didn't notice me staring at her. "Oppa, what's wrong with you?" I quickly released my hands and cleared my throat. I just gave her a smile and I swear I felt Min Jung, still looking at me. And my cheeks became hot. I looked towards her and pointed towards the door, " You better hurry to the door, I thinks it's a delivery." And I pretended to eat my breakfast that hasn't been touched for the last 10 minutes.


That was so embarrassing! She went to the door and that's when I heard her say, "Oppa?!"
What? What is he doing here? Doesn't he know that I'm here every morning to spend breakfast with her? 
"Did you forget our promise?" I heard that old man say. Promise? Oh, don't tell me he's gonna fetch her to work every morning! I can barely have Min Jung 
all to myself and right when I can finally spend time with her, he just have to ruin it? That's it, I'm out of here. I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag. When I stood up from my seat and was about to make a move toward the door, guess who I just had to bump into, old man Kim Sunggyu.


"Woah, what's the rush?" I almost fell backwards but his hands were on my shoulders supporting me. I didn't like that one bit. I shrugged his hands off my shoulders. "I'm sorry but I'm late for school, nice seeing you hyung.
"Yea, nice seeing you here too." Sunggyu said and he patted my back. I can't stand it anymore, I have to leave. I went towards the door and managed to
stop Min Jung from closing it. I gave her a small hug and lied that I had somewhere to go.

I'm sorry for just leaving like that Min Jung, but I can't stand to see you and Sunggyu together.

|Sunggyu's P.O.V|


He should be there right now, having breakfast with her. Sigh, I don't really hate that kid but I know he hates me, a lot. Since I'm the one with Min Jung.
And I know he likes her too. I keep telling myself to relax whenever he's in front of me but every time he is, my whole body starts to get tense. It's like I'm
afraid he'll just snatch away Min Jung from me. And I don't want that to happen. That's why I decided to fetch her every morning so we can go to work together.

I was surprised when I saw him yesterday in her house. At work she told me that he comes by every morning to have breakfast together cause he wants to 
meet Eun Jung, her little sister. But I know that's not his real intention. He's just using that as an excuse to see her. And believe me, I don't really mind 
if he wants to spend more time with her since they're best friends and all but, now that I'm sure he has feelings for her, I just can't leave the both of them 
together. Not after what happened that day. I saw them, kissing in his room. No, he forced that kiss on her.


His mother asked if we would like to have dinner together so I wanted to ask Min Jung. When I opened the door, I saw it. I was lucky that they didn't notice me.
Right after I closed the door, it flew open again and Min Jung fell in my arms. She looked shocked. And I knew why. And after that incident, she never really look me in the eyes anymore. Cause she felt guilty. Well, at least until I met her after my usual jog and she confessed. Actually, I already forgave her even before
she confessed. Cause I didn't want her to feel guilty anymore. And now, everything's okay between us again.


"Annyeong, is Min Jung here?" A little girl that looked slightly similar to Min Jung answered the door. She must be Eun Jung. She looks just like her, only 
small and a little skinnier. I doubt Min Jung told her about me because she looked surprised to see me. She then disappeared and I heard her calling for
Min Jung. Right after that I heard a familiar voice. Must be Taemin's. "Annyeonghaseyo, sorry to keep you wai-Oppa?!" Well, someone else seemed surprised
to see me this morning. Did she forget about promise? Or was she busy having breakfast with Taemin that she forgot all about it? No, no, I shouldn't
be thinking about that. She would never forget right?


"Yah, what's with that expression? Did you forget our promise?" I managed a smile. "A-ani, of course I remember!
Sigh, she did forget after all. She invited me in. And that's when I saw him, all ready to leave the house. But he bumped into me and almost fell. 
Someone's seem to be in a rush. "Woah, what's the rush?" I managed to catch him by his shoulder and steadied him. He didn't seem to like it though 
because he sort of shrugged his shoulders to get my hands off him. He said he was going to be late for school and excused himself. We didn't even make 
any eye contact. 


I just smiled at him and patted his back. Then I saw him going towards Min Jung who was about to close the door and gave her a light hug. And 
at that moment, I didn't know why but my heart ached a little. I turned to look away. Well, it's not wrong for best friends to hug each other right? I told myself. I sat on the dining table and I didn't realize that 'mini Min jung' was staring straight at me while chewing on pancakes.


|Min Jung's P.O.V|

Hmm, I wonder why Taemin's suddenly in a rush. I shrugged and shut the door. 
Right, Sunggyu is here with me, and Eun Jung. Eun Jung! Crap, I didn't tell her about Sunggyu. I wonder what she's doing right now.

And sure enough, when I turned I saw her eyes, focused on Sunggyu at the dining table. She was sitting right across him. 
And Sunggyu looked really uncomfortable too. Oh boy, I better do something about this. "Unnie, why is the delivery man in the house?" I stopped in my tracks. Delivery man? Ouch. Sunggyu turned to face me, "D-Delivery man?" He pointed to himself and a confused expression was on his face. I let out an awkward laugh. "E-Eun Jung ah, this isn't the delivery man. This is Sunggyu oppa. He works at the studio with me." That should solve everything right? 


"But why is he here?" Crap, why is she being such a busy body today? Hmm, maybe I can shoo her out just like how I did the other day.
"Omo, look at the time! You're gonna be late for sch-" "I'm here to fetch your Unnie to work." Sunggyu smiled and looked at me. "Why would you do that?I swear I wish Eun Jung was somewhere far away right now. But then, I felt like a bomb dropped on me when Sunggyu suddenly said, 
"I'm her boyfriend."


Eun Jung's eyes widened and she stopped chewing on her pancakes. "WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" she turned to look at me hoping that Sunggyu
was just playing a trick on her but all I could do was look at her apologetically. "UNNIE, WHY DIDN'T YOU TE-" "Will you look at the time, you're gonna be late for school Eun Jung ah!" I immediately started to push her outside the house and managed to close the door. Once I confirmed that she already left for school, which took about 5 minutes of yelling and cursing from outside, I let go of the door knob and let out a huge sigh. "Finally."


And then I heard someone laughing right behind me. "Yah, why didn't you tell her about us?" Sunggyu was holding on to his stomach and was laughing hard.
I crossed my arms and pouted. "Why should I tell her? She's too young!" Well, actually, I'm just scared she won't accept me and Sunggyu being together. Sunggyu stood up and pinched my cheeks. "She's not that young you know. I think it's best that you tell her. I don't want to be called the delivery man again." "Arasso oppa. Let's go to work right after I clean up okay?' I smiled at him and pinched his cheeks. Well, I guess I should tell her, now that she knows who he is.


"I'll help you." Sunggyu said and he followed right behind me as I walked in to the kitchen with plates of half eaten pancakes. 
I really hope Eun Jung would be calmer tonight when I tell her everything. 


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Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! > Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! >
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
heehee sequel~ xD u could make sungjong come back to life... haha juz kidding! ^^ looking forward to the sequel and ur new fanfic( praying tat its a myungsoo fic >.<)
I love the ending ^^ I will definately read the sequel =)
Haha, like I said, the idea just popped in my head. And I thought of Sungjong to play the character lolol.
OMO. FINALLY, SUNGGY MAKE A RIGHT MOVE. GOOD JOB, SUNGGYU. AND LIKE WHAT TAEMIN SAID, I SHOULD BE THANKING HIM TO MAKE SUNGGYU COME BACK TO MINJUNG. HOHOHO. and.....WHY IS IT TO BE SUNGJONG?? T_T I should've been better if it's fictional character.. hahaha. cant wait waiting for the update~~~~~~~~~
No problem! Idk why I had Sungjong die actually. The idea just popped in my head lol.
omggg sunggyu is coming back!!! ^^ but why did sungjong have to die :'( thanks for updating xD
Update soon, author-nim~~~ :) I want Sunggyu to be back. T_T Poor Minjung. :(