What To Do...

How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

Hana fell into a bottomless sleep after that night.

The next day, she woke up with a sense of purposefulness. She knew what she had done wrong, she knew what had happened and she was going to find a way to fix it before it got even worse.

So. If Kyung Jae told Kai that Hana was moving out, then obviously he was already planning to make a move on Kai.

She couldn't let that happen.

Kai was a great guy, and her ex-boyfriend just turned out to be not-so-great. There was no way she was letting Kyung Jae tangle someone like Kai into this mess.

[Meet me at Cho's in 10. Can you do that?]

She texted him. Pretty quickly she got a reply. 

[Yeah sure <3.]

Hana found it pathetic that he could still send her love hearts and smiley faces when all the pain in their relationship was caused by him.


Cho's was a diner they used to love coming to. They had the most amazing patbingsu ever and it was one of Hana's favourite treats. She wasn't ever one of those girls who liked sweet things, but patbingsu just held special memories from the times when she was younger.

This time though, even with two patbingsu's sitting in front of her, Hana couldn't bring herself to eat it.

Just the sight of the shaved ice and red bean made her queasy. How long had it been since she and Kyung Jae had been out to eat this? Too long. And this time, they weren't even together.

Kyung Jae arrived soon after and he slipped into the chair opposite her.

She was stumped for a moment, just looking at him; the way he dazzled and shined while she had fizzled out already. Hana felt dim next to him, literally.

He went all out to show that he was single apparently; he had gotten a new piercing on his left ear, bought new clothes and even had his hair dyed.

He didn't look gay. He looked ing fabulous.

Hana suddenly felt a huge bought of resentment almost choke her. She despised the fact that she was the only one still hurting over their lost relationship; what they had together for years.

"So, Hana, how are you?" he asked, cheerfully ordering a latte and not even bothering to ask Hana if she wanted one.

She almost scoffed. How could she not have seen just how pampered Kyung Jae was? *Of course* she thought and rolled her eys *I was the one who pampered him and made him a girl*

Kyung Jae waved his hand in front of her jaded face. "Yo Hana."

Stiffly, she smiled. "I'm fine." that was her short answer. 

"But, with all courtesy's out of the way, I want to talk to you Kyung Jae." Hana went straight to the topic. "About Kai."

She hated the way his eyes gleamed at the mention of Kai then dulled. "What do you want with him?" he asked suspiciously.

Hana straightened up. She was full of resolve but it wavered when she saw the genuine feelings in his eyes. *I'm the one that screwed things up. I'm sorry baby.* "I want you to stay away from him." that was the only way she could put it.

The two were silent for a moment, both in deep thought. 

Kyung Jae wasn't at all shocked at her proposal. *she's finally come out.* he thought, smirking. "No." he deadpanned.

But Hana was brave and plowed on. "You have to. He's not gay like you." she snapped.

"Poor Hana. Poor poor Hana." Kyung Jae cooed, his ex girlfriend's face. She flinched at his touch.

"You think I don't know about your plan?" her eyes widened at his question. Kyung Jae laughed at her face. "You think I don't know that you wanted Kai just to get me out of your way? I'm not that dumb Hana." he explained. "I dated you after all."

Her eyes flashed. Was that supposed to be an insult?

"So you put me through all this  just to have a ing laugh?" her voice was hoarse from anger. She had trouble holding it in.

Kyung Jae put his hands behind his head and grinned. "Well, I couldn't let you go without having a little fun with you." 

"What's wrong?" he pouted. "You always laughed at my jokes."

Hana bit her lip and then hissed, "But you ing played with my feelings Kyung Jae! I really sincerely loved you!"

His eyes fell and he reached over to grab her hand, ignoring the way she tried to avoid it. "And I loved you Hana." Again, he didn't mind her scoff. "But I'm over you now, and I want Jong In." 

Coldly, his fingers gripped her hand harder to the point where she stared at his hand, shocked at the way he was treating her. 

"And I want Jong In Hana. When I want someone they're going to be mine." His voice did not waver at all; something she was jealous of.

And then, after throwing his bright red scarf over his shoulder and kissing Hana in an act of affection but also warning, Kyung Jae left the diner, leaving a shaken and torn Hana.


"Soojung-ah!" Kai called. His girlfriend didn't reply, as usual.

Kai sighed and grunted at the effort of having to get up from the bean bag and then knocked on her door. "Soojung, are you ready?" he asked for the umpteenth time.

Her reply was muffled, but he knew it was something along the lines of 'two minutes'. It had already been twenty three.

It was a good day today; Kai had earned enough from Hana to take Soojung out to the movies to see something she had been raving about for weeks. Well, more like she forced him to but he didn't care anyway.

A pitter pattering of footsteps made him look up and the moment he saw Soojung dressed in a beautiful hot pink summer sleevless dress he smiled. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Soojung." he whispered and kissed her under her ear. She giggled and poked him in the chest. "You look stunning." she pulled away and checked him out. "For once, you look good too. Thank god you're not wearing that hidious green jacket you got last time."

Kai almost winced. Almost. That was a gift from his grandmother who indeed had a terrible fashion sense but was dear to him anyway.

It almost killed him to hear Soojung throw ugly and hateful comments at it.

"Let's go." she smooched towards the mirror, took her phone and wallet and then linked her arms in his. Together, they locked the door and made way to her Mercedes Benz parked in the driveway. "You drive." she commanded and he obliged.

The drive was smooth and quiet, something Kai was not about to interrupt. The last time he did Soojung had thrown a fit and told him that he didn't respect her quiet time, so now he never spoke in the car.

He parked neatly and the two walked into the theatres, hand in hand. 

There were a few boys that looked at Soojung, and Kai was just about to hold her closer when she ripped her hand from his and strutted off in front of him, flaunting her locks and her legs. All he could do was scowl at the boys who ogled.

After they had reached the line, he growled and held her hand. "Stop doing that." he said.  She fluttered her eyelashes at him and purred, "What? Those boys? Oh, don't worry about them, I want you." His heart rested a bit at her words even though he knew they were empty and quite meaningless.

She said that to him every single time he saw her with another boy. It was at those times Kai praised his looks, because if he wasn't so eye catching, she would've left for sure.

"I want gold class." She eyed the girls next to her enviously.

Kai nodded and stepped forwards to pay.

"Come on, theatre four." he checked the tickets. She dragged him off.


"That was a fabulous movie." Soojung gushed. Kai just beamed and watched her, admiring the way her eyes twinkled when she laughed.

He hated it really; it was basically some soppy story with a few predictable twists thrown in, but if she adored it then so did he. 

Soojung turned to him with a massive smile on her face. "Thank you for taking meeee." she cooed and planted a long kiss on his lips. 

Kai opened his mouth and accepted her and the two made out in front of another twenty people next to the seats of the exit. Things were just getting heated when a security gaurd stopped them with an amused smile on his face. "Take it somewhere else kiddo's."

Soojung blushed and linked her fingers with Kai's. He grinned, proud of the fact that Soojung finally was able to show affection with him in public and floated with her on cloud nine.

He was completely unaware of Kyung Jae who had just exited Cho's diner and who stared after the two giggling teenagers, unamused and plotting.




Please check out my other stories (in order of age):

I’m Kim Jae Joong’s Sister In Law... || Bringing Back the Gods of the East || My Little Heartbreaker || Intoxicated by Jae || Lessons in Heartbreak || The Blind Side || Breaking Bad || Intense Attraction || Forbidden Fruit || At Long Last || War of Words: Unravel Me || The Way You Tease Me || How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay || The Porcelain Club || It’s A Long Story (Request Shop)

Or, in order of bias:


I’m Kim Jae Joong’s Sister In Law... || Bringing Back the Gods of the East || My Little Heartbreaker || Intoxicated by Jae || Lessons in Heartbreak || Breaking Bad ||It’s A Long Story (Request Shop)


Teen Top -

The Blind Side || It’s A Long Story (Request Shop)

B.A.P -

Intense Attraction || It’s A Long Story (Request Shop)

EXO - 

Forbidden Fruit || At Long Last || War of Words: Unravel Me || The Way You Tease Me || How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay || The Porcelain Club || It’s A Long Story (Request Shop)

Thank you.

Double update!

Thank you to new subbers! I hope you like it, please comment :)


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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!