Put Up A Fight.

How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

"You're not serious are you?" Minhee gaped at Hana, completely forgetting that her cookie was halfway towards .

Hana leaned in and shoved it in for her, effectively getting rid of the tense mood. "Serious." She picked at her own plate.

Minhee frowned.

"Hana, look," she sighed and stared at her sister. "I know I've always told you to be strong and stand up for yourself, but this time- Listen to me!" She roared, getting her sister's attention. "This time, you should let it go."

Before Hana could rebutt, she went on. "Obviously your ex boyfriend is a psychopath player who just thinks you're toy, so just leave him alone. I know you are friends with Kai but seriously, you're a girl. Kyung Jae's EX girlfriend." She shook her head. "Don't make this messier than it already is."

For a moment, Hana was silent, pondering what her sister had said, but then, she determinedly shook her head and her eye brows set into hard lines. "I lied to Kai sis, I lied to him. I told him just to be his friend and I was paying him. The least I owe him now is the truth."

Minhee shook her head and sighed.

"Hana, you're going to get really hurt doing this. I want to stop you but I know you and you're as thick headed as a mule." She laughed at Hana's expression and picked up her wallet, placing a few bills on the table before getting up. "I have to leave now, but you take care." She kissed her sister on the cheek and flounced off, ignoring the longing gaze a few boys had going after her.

Hana was extremely disturbed. Days had passed with her encounter with Kyung Jae and she had only just started getting pissed off. The break up stage was now over and all she wanted to do now was to give him a good sock in the face.

But he was avoiding her. All her calls, texts and messages never got answered and she gave up. There was no use talking to a dickhead like him.

However, Kai was also getting really busy, and Hana could see that it was mainly because of his girlfriend, Soojung.

At the thought of the other girl, Hana rolled her eyes. 

She had formally met Soojung just yesterday and to say the day was painful was a complete understatement.

A few of Kai's mates had joined her and Hana took Fei as they all made their way to the movies, and Soojung was just plain obnoxious!

There were times where she whined about absolutely everything and she always spoke with a baby-ish voice that was just disgusting to listen to. Once, when Soojung had pushed her way past a few kids in the line of the eaterie, Hana had to poke Fei to get her to stop gawking at the other female.

How Kai could date such a , no one knew.

Baekhyun shook his head lots and didn't even speak to Soojung.

But the couple were seemingly immune to the other people's disdainful looks because even though Soojung's eyes wandered around to other boys occasionally, Kai's never did.

It was funny though, Hana had mused, just how lovesick Kai was. It reminded her of herself, funnily enough, when she and Kyung Jae were still an item.


"I don't understand the point of this." 

Minho rolled his eyes and pushed Kai further into the wall. "You know perfectly well ." He hissed dangerously.

People around them were blissfully unaware of the brawl that was just about to commence as Minho smoothly covered up his rough moves by looking as if he was simply leaning on Kai when really, the younger boy was almost struggling to breathe.

"Stay away from Hana." He accented each word with a tinge of irritation and hate.

Kai frowned. "Why the hell should I? I haven't done anything?"

"Look kid, I know you haven't but things are about to get messy and I swear to god you will be in the middle of it." Kai was getting nervous at Minho's words. Messy? What in the world?

"Just leave Hana alone. Stop taking her money and just get out of her life. Kyung Jae... he..." Minho had trouble getting the words out. Kyung Jae's ual orientation was not something he could just blurt out. "Just watch it alright?"

His eyes darted around nervously for any signs of people watching them and he his lips. 

Finally, he let Kai go, ignoring the sigh he released from all the pressure on his chest. With one more warning glance back at Kai, he hissed a quiet, "Go!" before scurrying off himself.

Kai picked himself up and brushed himself off. His neck was burning and he was furious. What the hell was that guy on about? 

Without hesitation, he dialled Hana's number and tapped his fingers waiting for her reply.


"Get into the cafe, now." He commanded with a low voice. Hana obliged quietly, sensing that something was obivously very wrong.

Ten minutes later, the two sat opposite each other, tensely holding their cups of water.

It was a Sunday, and they would usually meet at around two in the afternoon to catch up, but it was twelve thirty and already they were wishing it was over.

"What happened Kai?" Hana whispered softly, her hair falling in her face.

Kai's stare stiffened and he asked as smoothly as possible, "What's with your friend Minho?"

By the way her eyebrows creased and her lips turned down, Kai knew Hana had nothing to do with what happened today. So, he decided to just keep it to himself. He might as well figure it out before things got out of hand.

But in a way... this had already gone way out of hand. Too much so for him to handle alone.

So, he found himself recounting what happened today at the street malls and asking Hana what was wrong with her friend.

Hana shook her head slowly. "I don't... This isn't like him." She said quietly.

"Yeah well obviously you don't know him." Kai scoffed.

"Hey. Don't judge him as if you know him better than I do." Hana quipped, shutting him up.

"... I'm sorry. Guess I was just shocked after today." He apologised.

They each took a good look at the other before Hana turned away, blushing a little.

"I'll speak with him. Oppa is usually the most even tempered out of all the people I know. Maybe one of his cases was just giving him stress." She nodded. "Never the less, it was out of line for him to have cornered you and I'm sorry for that."

After surprising him with her sudden half bow, Hana stood up and smiled. "I really have to leave. Class starts at one and I finish at four today. Was going to cancel today's meet up cause of the extra tutes with my maths teacher anyway."

And then she left.

Merely seconds later, Kyung Jae slipped into Hana seat just as Kai was going to leave.

Kai stiffened and tried to hide it from the other male.

He never said anything, but the way he saw Kyung Jae treat Hana just made him lower his respect for the guy. "Hey Kai. Didn't see you there." Kyung Jae winked.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Uh. Yeah. Look I gotta go, you know... girlfriend things."

He quickly stood up and bowed, leaving the shop.

Kyung Jae smirked and took his hand from out under the table, waving the wallet in front of his face. 

It was Kai's.

He flipped it open and scanned the list of I.D's. "Never knew your girlfriend was so pretty Kai-ssi."

"Maybe we'll have to pay her a visit and shake her up a lil' just like baby Hana."



So i'm going to have to explain my absence...

1. I was lazy.

2. AFF had maintenance.

3. I was lazy.

4. I was REALLY lazy.


Hahaha see you all next chapter <3

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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!